# Arguments: founders: list with theta, rho, sex and codes for the founders.
# Should also include the states for the current chr.
# chr: character containing the current chromosome.
estimate.cluster.params = function(founders, data, chr, clust = c("mclust", "pamk")) {
clust = match.arg(clust)
min.prop = 0.02
# First verify that we have all of the founders and F1s.
if(!is.na(as.numeric(chr))) {
if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code))
} else if(chr == "X") {
if(all(founders$sex == "F")) {
if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code))
} else if(all(founders$sex == "M")) {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} else {
stop("estimate.cluster.params: Mixed sex on Chr X not allowed.")
} # else
} else if(chr == "Y") {
if(any(founders$sex == "F")) {
stop("estimate.cluster.params: Females not allowed on Chr Y.")
} else {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} # else
} else if(chr == "M") {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} else {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: Unknown chr", chr))
} # else
r.t.means = array(0, c(length(founders$states), 2, ncol(founders$rho)),
dimnames = list(founders$states, c("theta", "rho"),
r.t.covars = array(0, dim(r.t.means), dimnames = dimnames(r.t.means))
# Get the parental means for all SNPs.
print("Calulating founder mean intensities at each marker...")
theta.means = aggregate(founders$theta, list(founders$code), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
rho.means = aggregate(founders$rho, list(founders$code), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
founder.means = array(0, c(nrow(theta.means), ncol(founders$rho), 2),
dimnames = list(theta.means[,1], colnames(founders$rho),
c("theta", "rho")))
founder.means[,,1] = as.matrix(theta.means[,-1])
founder.means[,,2] = as.matrix(rho.means[,-1])
# Loop through each SNP and cluster the samples.
print("Estimating intensity clusters at each marker...")
for(s in 1:ncol(data$rho)) {
if(s %% 10 == 0) {
print(paste("Marker", s, "of", ncol(founders$rho)))
} # if(s %% 10 == 0)
# Cluster the data.
rt = cbind(c(founders$theta[,s], data$theta[,s]), c(founders$rho[,s], data$rho[,s]))
rt = rt[(rowSums(is.na(rt)) + rowSums(is.nan(rt)) + rowSums(is.infinite(rt))) == 0,]
old.warn = options("warn")$warn
options(warn = -1)
if(clust == "mclust") {
mc = Mclust(rt, modelNames = "VVI", prior = priorControl())
options("warn" = old.warn)
# The temporary classification vector for each state. We will populate
# this with cluster numbers and then copy the cluster means and variances
# over.
cls = rep(1, length(founders$states))
names(cls) = founders$states
# If we have one cluster, then every sample is in it.
if(mc$G > 1) {
# Assign founders/F1s to the nearest cluster.
cl.dist = outer(mc$parameters$mean[1,], founder.means[,s,1], "-")^2 +
outer(mc$parameters$mean[2,], founder.means[,s,2], "-")^2
cls = apply(cl.dist, 2, which.min)
if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1") {
# We need this for the DO/F1 code to work. It reduces the genotypes
# classes down to the only possible ones.
cls = cls[names(cls) %in% founders$states]
} # if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1")
} # else
# Now, with the cls vector populated, fill in the state means.
r.t.means[,1,s] = mc$parameters$mean[1,cls]
r.t.means[,2,s] = mc$parameters$mean[2,cls]
# Save the variances.
r.t.covars[,1,s] = mc$parameters$variance$sigma[1,1,cls]
r.t.covars[,2,s] = mc$parameters$variance$sigma[2,2,cls]
} else {
mc = pamk(data = rt, krange = 2:9, criterion = "multiasw", usepam = FALSE)
# The temporary classification vector for each state. We will populate
# this with cluster numbers and then copy the cluster means and variances
# over.
cls = rep(1, length(founders$states))
names(cls) = founders$states
tmp = split(data.frame(rt), mc$pamobject$clustering)
tmp = lapply(tmp, as.matrix)
clmeans = sapply(tmp, colMeans, na.rm = TRUE)
clcov = sapply(tmp, cov, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
clcov = array(clcov, c(2, 2, ncol(clcov)))
# If we have one cluster, then every sample is in it.
if(mc$nc > 1) {
# Assign founders/F1s to the nearest cluster.
cl.dist = outer(clmeans[1,], founder.means[,s,1], "-")^2 +
outer(clmeans[2,], founder.means[,s,2], "-")^2
cls = apply(cl.dist, 2, which.min)
if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1") {
# We need this for the DO/F1 code to work. It reduces the genotypes
# classes down to the only possible ones.
cls = cls[names(cls) %in% founders$states]
} # if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1")
} # else
# Now, with the cls vector populated, fill in the state means.
r.t.means[,1,s] = clmeans[1,cls]
r.t.means[,2,s] = clmeans[2,cls]
# Save the variances.
r.t.covars[,1,s] = clcov[1,1,cls]
r.t.covars[,2,s] = clcov[2,2,cls]
} # else
} # for(s)
r.t.covars[r.t.covars < 1e-8] = 1e-8
return(list(r.t.means = r.t.means, r.t.covars = r.t.covars))
} # estimate.cluster.params()
# Helper function to keep only the homozygote founders.
keep.homozygotes = function(founders) {
code = matrix(unlist(strsplit(founders$code, split = "")), nrow = 2)
keep = which(code[1,] == code[2,])
for(i in 1:length(founders)) {
if(names(founders)[i] != "states") {
if(is.matrix(founders[[i]])) {
founders[[i]] = founders[[i]][keep,]
} else {
founders[[i]] = founders[[i]][keep]
} # else
} # if(names(founders)[i] != "states")
} # for(i)
} # keep.homozygotes()
estimate.cluster.params2 = function(founders, data, chr) {
min.prop = 0.02
# First verify that we have all of the founders and F1s.
if(!is.na(as.numeric(chr))) {
if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code))
} else if(chr == "X") {
if(all(founders$sex == "F")) {
if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% founders$code))
} else if(all(founders$sex == "M")) {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} else {
stop("estimate.cluster.params: Mixed sex on Chr X not allowed.")
} # else
} else if(chr == "Y") {
if(any(founders$sex == "F")) {
stop("estimate.cluster.params: Females not allowed on Chr Y.")
} else {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} # else
} else if(chr == "M") {
states = paste(founders$states, founders$states, sep = "")
if(!all(states %in% founders$code)) {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: All founders and F1s not found",
"in founder data. Please verify that you have one example from",
"each sex for all founders and F1s."))
} # if(!all(founders$states %in% codes))
} else {
stop(paste("estimate.cluster.params: Unknown chr", chr))
} # else
x.y.means = array(0, c(length(founders$states), 2, ncol(founders$x)),
dimnames = list(founders$states, c("x", "y"),
x.y.covars = array(0, c(nrow(x.y.means), 3, dim(x.y.means)[[3]]),
dimnames = list(rownames(x.y.means), c("x", "y", "cov"),
# Get the parental means for all SNPs.
print("Calulating founder mean intensities at each marker...")
x.means = aggregate(founders$x, list(founders$code), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
y.means = aggregate(founders$y, list(founders$code), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
founder.means = array(0, c(nrow(x.means), ncol(founders$y), 2),
dimnames = list(x.means[,1], colnames(founders$y),
c("x", "y")))
founder.means[,,1] = as.matrix(x.means[,-1])
founder.means[,,2] = as.matrix(y.means[,-1])
# Loop through each SNP and cluster the samples.
print("Estimating intensity clusters at each marker...")
for(s in 1:ncol(data$y)) {
if(s %% 10 == 0) {
print(paste("Marker", s, "of", ncol(founders$y)))
} # if(s %% 10 == 0)
# Cluster the data.
xy = cbind(c(founders$x[,s], data$x[,s]), c(founders$y[,s], data$y[,s]))
xy = xy[(rowSums(is.na(xy)) + rowSums(is.nan(xy)) + rowSums(is.infinite(xy))) == 0,]
old.warn = options("warn")$warn
options(warn = -1)
pk = pamk(data = xy, krange = 2:9, criterion = "multiasw", usepam = FALSE)
options("warn" = old.warn)
# The temporary classification vector for each state. We will populate
# this with cluster numbers and then copy the cluster means and variances
# over.
cls = rep(1, length(founders$states))
names(cls) = founders$states
# Calculate the mean and covariance matrix for each cluster.
tmp = split(data.frame(xy), pk$pamobject$clustering)
tmp = lapply(tmp, as.matrix)
clmeans = sapply(tmp, colMeans, na.rm = TRUE)
clcov = sapply(tmp, cov, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
# If we have more than one cluster, then assign founders to clusters.
if(pk$nc > 1) {
# Assign founders/F1s to the nearest cluster.
cl.dist = outer(clmeans[1,], founder.means[,s,1], "-")^2 +
outer(clmeans[2,], founder.means[,s,2], "-")^2
cls = apply(cl.dist, 2, which.min)
if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1") {
# We need this for the DO/F1 code to work. It reduces the genotypes
# classes down to the only possible ones.
cls = cls[names(cls) %in% founders$states]
} # if(attr(data, "sampletype") == "DOF1")
} # else
# Now, with the cls vector populated, fill in the state means.
x.y.means[,1,s] = clmeans[1,cls]
x.y.means[,2,s] = clmeans[2,cls]
# Save the covariances.
x.y.covars[,1,s] = clcov[1,cls] # X variance in row 1
x.y.covars[,2,s] = clcov[4,cls] # Y variance in row 4
x.y.covars[,3,s] = clcov[2,cls] # covariance in row 2 (& 3)
} # for(s)
return(list(x.y.means = x.y.means, x.y.covars = x.y.covars))
} # estimate.cluster.params2()
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