# A faster impelmentation of the QTLRel algorithm for additive covariates with
# a kinship matrix. For interactive covariates, use the main QTLRel function.
# This is only about twice as fast as QTLRel.
# Code adapted from Riyan Cheng's QTLRel package on CRAN.
# NOTE: No NAs are allowed anywhere! Filter your data before calling this.
# Daniel Gatti
# Dan.Gatti@jax.org
# Aug, 2, 2013
# Arguments: pheno: numeric vector with no NAs containing the phenotype.
# probs: 3D numeric array of haplotype probabilities.
# K: numeric matrix.
fast.qtlrel = function(pheno, probs, K, addcovar, snps) {
# If the SNPs are in bp, rescale them to Mb.
if(max(snps[,3], na.rm = TRUE) > 200) {
snps[,3] = snps[,3] * 1e-6
} # if(max(snps[,3]) < 200)
err.cov = NULL
if(!missing(K)) {
K = as.matrix(K)
mod = NULL
# Force the variance component estimates to be positive.
if(missing(addcovar)) {
mod = regress(pheno ~ 1, ~K, pos = c(TRUE, TRUE))
} else {
mod = regress(pheno ~ addcovar, ~K, pos = c(TRUE, TRUE))
} # else
err.cov = mod$sigma[1] * K + mod$sigma[2] * diag(length(pheno))
# Invert the covariance matrix.
eW = eigen(err.cov, symmetric = TRUE)
if (min(eW$values) < 0 && abs(min(eW$values)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) {
stop("fast.qtlrel: W is not positive definite")
} else {
eW$values[eW$values <= 0] = Inf
} # else
err.cov = eW$vector %*% diag(eW$values^-0.5) %*% t(eW$vector)
} # if(!missing(K))
# Add the intercept.
if(missing(addcovar)) {
addcovar = matrix(1, nrow = length(pheno), ncol = 1, dimnames =
list(rownames(pheno), "Intercept"))
} else {
addcovar = as.matrix(cbind(rep(1, length(pheno)), addcovar))
colnames(addcovar)[1] = "Intercept"
} # else
# Remove strain A as the basis.
probs = probs[,-1,]
# Null model.
ss.null = 0
if(!is.null(err.cov)) {
ytmp = err.cov %*% pheno
xtmp = err.cov %*% addcovar
qr.null = qr(xtmp)
ss.null = sum(qr.resid(qr.null, ytmp)^2)
} else {
qr.null = qr(addcovar)
ss.null = sum(qr.resid(qr.null, pheno)^2)
} # else
# Additive model for all SNPs.
addx = cbind(addcovar, probs[,,1])
ss = rep(0, nrow(snps))
coef = matrix(0, nrow(snps), ncol(addx), dimnames = list(snps[,1],
rng = (ncol(addcovar)+1):ncol(addx)
perc.var = 0
lrs = 0
lod = 0
# Find the SNPs with low MAF.
maf = apply(apply(probs, 2, colSums), 1, min)
run.pseudo = which(maf < 0.5)
run.qr = which(maf >= 0.5)
if(!is.null(err.cov)) {
# First run the SNPs where we can use the QR decomposition.
for(s in run.qr) {
addx[,rng] = probs[,,s]
xtmp = err.cov %*% addx
qr.add = qr(xtmp)
ss[s] = sum(qr.resid(qr.add, ytmp)^2)
coef[s,] = qr.coef(qr.add, ytmp)
} # for(s)
# Then run the SNPs where one of the allele frequencies is too low and
# we need to use the pseudo-inverse to solve the regression.
for(s in run.pseudo) {
addx[,rng] = probs[,,s]
xtmp = err.cov %*% addx
beta = pseudoinverse(t(xtmp) %*% xtmp) %*% t(xtmp) %*% ytmp
ss[s] = colSums((ytmp - xtmp %*% beta)^2)
coef[s,] = beta
} # for(s)
} else {
# First run the SNPs where we can use the QR decomposition.
for(s in run.qr) {
addx[,rng] = probs[,,s]
qr.add = qr(addx)
ss[s] = sum(qr.resid(qr.add, pheno)^2)
coef[s,] = qr.coef(qr.add, pheno)
} # for(s)
# Then run the SNPs where one of the allele frequencies is too low and
# we need to use the pseudo-inverse to solve the regression.
for(s in run.pseudo) {
addx[,rng] = probs[,,s]
beta = pseudoinverse(t(addx) %*% addx) %*% t(addx) %*% pheno
ss[s] = colSums((pheno - addx %*% beta)^2)
coef[s,] = beta
} # for(s)
} # else
perc.var = 100 * (1.0 - (ss / ss.null))
lrs = -length(pheno) * log(ss / ss.null)
lod = lrs / (2 * log(10))
# Get the p-value from the LRS.
p = pchisq(q = -length(pheno) * log(ss / ss.null),
df = ncol(addx) - ncol(addcovar), lower.tail = FALSE)
return(list(lod = cbind(snps[,1:4], perc.var = perc.var, lrs = lrs,
lod = lod, p = p, neg.log10.p = -log(p, 10)), coef = coef))
} # fast.qtlrel()
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