# Perform permutations of the linkage mapping model and return the maximum LOD (or minimum
# p-value) in each permutation on the autosomes and the X chromosome.
# Daniel Gatti
# dan.gatti@jax.org
scanone.perm = function(pheno, pheno.col = 1, probs, addcovar, intcovar, snps,
model = c("additive", "full"), path = ".", nperm = 1000,
return.val = c("lod", "p")) {
return.val = match.arg(return.val)
if(!missing(intcovar)) {
stop("Interactive covariates not yet implemented")
} # if(!missing(intcovar))
if(missing(addcovar)) {
stop(paste("'addcovar' is required and must contain a variable called 'sex' in",
"order to map correctly on the X chromosome. This is required even if all",
"of your samples have the same sex."))
} # if(missing(addcovar))
if(length(grep("sex", colnames(addcovar), ignore.case = TRUE)) == 0) {
stop(paste("'addcovar' is required and must contain a variable called 'sex' in",
"order to map correctly on the X chromosome. This is required even if all",
"of your samples have the same sex."))
} # if(length(grep("sex", ...
if(is.null(rownames(addcovar))) {
stop("rownames(addcovar) is null. The sample IDs must be in rownames(pheno).")
} # if(is.null(rownames(addcovar)))
if(is.null(rownames(pheno))) {
stop("rownames(pheno) is null. The sample IDs must be in rownames(pheno).")
} # if(is.null(rownames(pheno)))
if(is.character(pheno.col)) {
pheno.col = match(pheno.col, colnames(pheno))
} # if(is.character(pheno.col))
if(!file.exists(path)) {
stop(paste("The path", path, "does not exist."))
} # if(!file.exists(path))
probs = filter.geno.probs(probs)
snps = snps[snps[,1] %in% dimnames(probs)[[3]],]
probs = probs[,,match(snps[,1], dimnames(probs)[[3]])]
# Intersect common samples.
samples = intersect(intersect(rownames(pheno), rownames(addcovar)), rownames(probs))
pheno = pheno[samples,,drop = FALSE]
addcovar = as.matrix(addcovar)
addcovar = addcovar[samples,,drop = FALSE]
probs = probs[samples,,,drop = FALSE]
# Remove rows with NA, NaN or Inf.
keep = which(rowMeans(is.na(addcovar) | is.nan(addcovar) | is.infinite(addcovar)) == 0 &
(is.na(pheno[,pheno.col]) |
is.nan(pheno[,pheno.col]) |
is.infinite(pheno[,pheno.col])) == 0)
if(length(keep) == 0) {
stop(paste("There are no matching samples in pheno, addcovar and probs.",
"Please verify that the sample IDs are in rownames(pheno),",
"rownames(addcovar) and rownames(probs) and that they all match."))
} # if(any(dim(probs) == 0))
# Match up the sample names in phenotype, addcovar and probs.
pheno = pheno[keep,,drop = FALSE]
probs = probs[keep,,,drop = FALSE]
addcovar = addcovar[keep,, drop = FALSE]
print(paste("Mapping with", nrow(pheno),"samples."))
if(is.null(colnames(addcovar))) {
colnames(addcovar) = paste("addcovar", 1:ncol(addcovar), sep = ".")
} # if(is.null(colnames(addcovar)))
# Get the autosomal and X chromosome markers to get separate thresholds on
# each chromosome.
num.auto = get.num.auto(snps)
auto.snps = which(snps[,2] %in% 1:num.auto)
X.snps = which(snps[,2] == "X")
# Create a separate set of probs for the females and males on Chr X.
if(length(X.snps) > 0) {
xprobs = array(0, c(nrow(probs), 2 * ncol(probs), length(X.snps)),
dimnames = list(rownames(probs), paste(rep(c("F", "M"), each = 8),
LETTERS[1:8], sep = "."), snps[X.snps,1]))
# Get the sex of the samples and place the probs in the correct columns.
sex.col = grep("^sex$", colnames(addcovar), ignore.case = TRUE)
sex = as.numeric(factor(addcovar[,sex.col])) - 1
females = which(sex == 0)
males = which(sex == 1)
xprobs[females,1:8,] = probs[females,,X.snps]
xprobs[males,9:16,] = probs[males,,X.snps]
} # if(length(X.snps) > 0)
# Perms is for one phenotype.
perms = array(0, dim = c(nperm, length(pheno.col), 1), dimnames =
list(1:nperm, colnames(pheno)[pheno.col], 1))
if(length(X.snps) > 0) {
perms = array(0, c(nperm, length(pheno.col), 2), dimnames =
list(1:nperm, colnames(pheno)[pheno.col], c("A", "X")))
} # if(length(X.snps) > 0)
# Loop through each phenotype column.
index = 1 # Index into the perms array.
for(i in pheno.col) {
p = pheno[,i]
names(p) = rownames(pheno)
keep = which(!is.na(p) & !is.nan(p) & !is.infinite(p))
auto.perms = permutations.qtl.LRS(pheno = p[keep], probs = probs[keep,,auto.snps],
snps = snps[auto.snps,], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
nperm = nperm, return.val = return.val)
X.perms = 0
if(length(X.snps) > 0) {
X.perms = permutations.qtl.LRS(pheno = p[keep], probs = xprobs[keep,,],
snps = snps[X.snps,], addcovar = addcovar[keep,,drop = FALSE],
nperm = nperm, return.val = return.val)
} # if(length(X.snps) > 0)
if(return.val == "lod" ) {
auto.perms = auto.perms / (2 * log(10))
if(length(X.snps) > 0) {
X.perms = X.perms / (2 * log(10))
} # if(length(X.snps) > 0)
} # if(return.val == "lod" )
if(length(X.snps) > 0) {
perms[,index,] = cbind(auto.perms, X.perms)
} else {
perms[,index,1] = auto.perms
} # if(length(X.snps) > 0)
write.table(perms[,,index], file = paste(path, "/", colnames(pheno)[i], ".perms.txt",
sep = ""), sep = "\t")
index = index + 1
} # for(i)
} # scanone.perm()
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