
Defines functions dpeakRead .matchPeakRead

Documented in dpeakRead

# read bin-level data & process it

dpeakRead <- function( peakfile=NULL, readfile=NULL,
    fileFormat="eland_result", PET=FALSE, fragLen=200, 
    parallel=FALSE, nCore=8, tempDir=NULL, perl="perl" )
    # process aligned read file
    if ( PET ) {
        message( "Info: Paired-end tag (PET) is assumed (PET=TRUE)." )
    } else {
        message( "Info: Single-end tag (SET) is assumed (PET=FALSE)." )
        message( "Info: Average fragment length is set as ",fragLen," (fragLen=",fragLen,")." )
    #print( Sys.time() )
    message( "Info: Reading and processing aligned read file..." )
    if ( is.null(tempDir) ) {
        tempfileName <- tempfile( c("output","summary") )
    } else {
        tempfileName <- c( paste(tempDir,"output.txt",sep=""),
            paste(tempDir,"summary.txt",sep="") )
        # intermediate file name
    .constructExtRead( infile=readfile, outfile=tempfileName[1],
        summaryfile=tempfileName[2], fileFormat=fileFormat, 
        PET=PET, fragLen=fragLen, perl=perl )            
    # read summary file (chrID, # lines)
    summaryInfo <- read.table( tempfileName[2], header=FALSE,
        stringsAsFactors=FALSE, comment.char="", check.names=FALSE )
    colnames(summaryInfo) <- c("chrID","nline")   
    readChr <- summaryInfo[,1] 
    #print( Sys.time() )
    # process peak set & reads (assume BED file format)
    # - peak set: assume that first 3 columns of both files are chr, start, end
    message( "Info: Reading peak list..." )
    peakSet <- read.table( peakfile, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
    nPeak <- nrow(peakSet)
    #print( Sys.time() )
    # match chromosomes between peak list and reads
    peakByChr <- split( peakSet[ , 2:3, drop=FALSE ], peakSet[,1] )
    peakChr <- names(peakByChr)
    chrCommon <- Reduce( intersect, list( peakChr, readChr ) )
    chrCommon <- sort(chrCommon)
    # match reads to each peak region
    # (using parallel computing, if parallel exists)
    message( "Info: Processing and combining peak list and reads..." )    
    if ( parallel == TRUE ) {        
        out <- mclapply( chrCommon, 
            function(x) .matchPeakRead( chr=x, peakCur=peakByChr[[x]],
                nRow=summaryInfo[ summaryInfo[,1]==x, 2 ], PET=PET ), 
            mc.cores = nCore )
    } else {        
        out <- lapply( chrCommon, 
            function(x) .matchPeakRead( chr=x, peakCur=peakByChr[[x]],
                nRow=summaryInfo[ summaryInfo[,1]==x, 2 ], PET=PET )
    fragSet <- vector( "list", nPeak )
    peakChr <- peakStart <- peakEnd <- rep( NA, nPeak )
    nameVec <- rep( NA, nPeak )
    nEmpty <- 0
    emptyList <- c()
    cur <- 1
    if ( PET == FALSE ) {
        nF <- nAll <- rep( NA, length(chrCommon) ) 
    for ( chr in 1:length(chrCommon) ) {
        nPeakCur <- length( out[[chr]]$nameVecCur )
        for ( j in 1:nPeakCur ) {
            if ( !is.na(out[[chr]]$fragSetCur[[j]][1,1]) ) {
                fragSet[[cur]] <- out[[chr]]$fragSetCur[[j]]
            } else {
                fragSet[[cur]] <- matrix( NA )
                nEmpty <- nEmpty + 1
                emptyList <- c( emptyList, out[[chr]]$nameVecCur[j] )
            peakChr[cur] <- out[[chr]]$peakChrCur[j]
            peakStart[cur] <- out[[chr]]$peakStartCur[j]
            peakEnd[cur] <- out[[chr]]$peakEndCur[j]
            nameVec[cur] <- out[[chr]]$nameVecCur[j]            
            cur <- cur + 1
        if ( PET == FALSE ) {
            nF[chr] <- out[[chr]]$nFCur
            nAll[chr] <- out[[chr]]$nAllCur
    names(fragSet) <- nameVec
    if ( PET == TRUE ) {    
        fragLen <- c()        
        for ( chr in 1:length(chrCommon) ) {
            fragLen <- c( fragLen, out[[chr]]$fragLenCur )
    if ( nEmpty == 0 ) {
        emptyList <- ""
    rm( out )
    #print( Sys.time() )
    # check proportion of forward reads for SET data
    if ( PET == TRUE ) {
        Fratio <- 0.5
    } else {
        Fratio <- sum(nF) / sum(nAll)
    # stack fragment (projection to coordinates)
    if ( parallel == TRUE ) {        
        stackedFragment <- mclapply( fragSet, .stackFragment, mc.cores = nCore )
    } else {        
        stackedFragment <- lapply( fragSet, .stackFragment )
    names(stackedFragment) <- nameVec
    #print( Sys.time() )
    # if PET, calculate distribution of fragment length
    if ( PET ) {
        message( "Info: Calculating distribution of fragment length..." )
        fragLenTable <- table( fragLen )
        aveFragLen <- median( fragLen )
    } else {    
        fragLenTable <- table( fragLen )
        aveFragLen <- fragLen
    message( "Info: Done!\n" )
    #print( Sys.time() )
    # remove temporary files after use
    unlink( tempfileName[1] )
    unlink( tempfileName[2] )
    # info about preprocessing
    nFrag <- unlist( lapply( fragSet, 
        function(x) ifelse( !is.null(x), nrow(x), 0 )
     ) )
    sumRead <- sum(nFrag)
    medNumRead <- median(nFrag)
    cat( "------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
    cat( "Info: Preprocessing summary\n" )
    cat( "------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
    cat( "Tag type: ",ifelse(PET,"PET","SET"),"\n", sep="" )
    cat( "Number of chromosomes: ",length(chrCommon),"\n", sep="" )
    cat( "Number of peaks: ",nPeak,"\n", sep="" )
    cat( "Number of peaks without reads: ",nEmpty,"\n", sep="" )
    cat( "[Note] Use 'printEmpty' method to check the list.\n" )
    cat( "Number of utilized reads: ",sumRead,"\n", sep="" )
    cat( "Median number of reads in each peak: ",medNumRead,"\n", sep="" )
    if ( PET == TRUE ) {
        cat( "Median fragment length: ",aveFragLen,"\n", sep="" )    
    } else {
        cat( "Fragment length (provided by user): ",aveFragLen,"\n", sep="" )  
        Fper <- round( 100 * Fratio )
        Rper <- 100 - Fper 
        cat( "Percentage of forward strand reads: ",Fper," %\n", sep="" ) 
        cat( "Percentage of reverse strand reads: ",Rper," %\n", sep="" )    
    cat( "------------------------------------------------------------\n" )
    new( "DpeakData", fragSet=fragSet, PET=PET, fragLenTable=fragLenTable,
        aveFragLen=aveFragLen, Fratio=Fratio, stackedFragment=stackedFragment,
        peakChr=peakChr, peakStart=peakStart, peakEnd=peakEnd,
        emptyList=emptyList )

# match peak & reads

.matchPeakRead <- function( chr, peakCur, outfileName, nRow, PET ) {
    # read processed read file
    # - PET read: chr, start, end
    # - SET read: chr, position, strand, read length
    if ( PET == TRUE ) {
        # if PET, (chrID, start, end)
        readCur <- read.table( outfileName, sep='\t', nrows=nRow,
            header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, comment.char="",
            colClasses=c("character","numeric","numeric"), check.names=FALSE )
        colnames(readCur) <- c("chrID","start","end")
    } else {    
        # if SET, (chrID, start, end, strand)
        readCur <- read.table( outfileName, sep='\t', nrows=nRow,
            header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, comment.char="",
            check.names=FALSE )
        colnames(readCur) <- c("chrID","start","end","str")
    # match reads for each peak region
    peakRange <- IRanges( start=peakCur[,1], end=peakCur[,2] )
    midpt <- ( readCur[,2] + readCur[,3] ) / 2
    readRange <- IRanges( start=midpt, end=midpt )        
    readMatch <- as.matrix( findOverlaps( peakRange, readRange ) )   
    matchList <- split( readMatch[,2], readMatch[,1] )
    # check whether there is any peak region without reads
    existInd <- rep( 0, nrow(peakCur) )
    existInd[ unique(readMatch[,1]) ] <- 1
    # update results
    fragSetCur <- vector( "list", length(existInd) )    
    cur <- 1    
    for ( j in 1:length(existInd) ) {
        if ( existInd[j] == 1 ) {
            fragSetCur[[cur]] <- 
                readCur[ matchList[[ as.character(j) ]], -1, drop=FALSE ]
        } else {
            fragSetCur[[cur]] <- matrix( NA )
        cur <- cur + 1
    # update name vector
    nameVecCur <- 
        paste( rep(chr,nrow(peakCur)), peakCur[,1], peakCur[,2], sep="_" )
    # check proportion of forward reads for SET data
    if ( PET == FALSE ) {
        nFCur <- length(which( readCur[,4]=="F" ))
        nAllCur <- nrow(readCur)
    } else {
        nFCur <- nAllCur <- NA
    # calculate fragment length for PET data
    if ( PET == TRUE ) {
        fragLenCur <- readCur[,3] - readCur[,2] + 1
    } else {
        fragLenCur <- NA
    return( list( fragSetCur=fragSetCur, nameVecCur=nameVecCur, 
        peakStartCur=peakCur[,1], peakEndCur=peakCur[,2],
        nFCur=nFCur, nAllCur=nAllCur, fragLenCur=fragLenCur ) )
dongjunchung/dpeak documentation built on March 1, 2020, 3:44 a.m.