
#' Carry around your data
#' @section Initialization:
#' `satchel <- Satchel$new("<namespace>", "<path/to/satchel>")`
#' * The namespace will be the name of the folder/namespace that will be used to store
#' the data elements
#' * the path must already exist, this is to protect random satchel directories from
#' being created in the case that the wrong directory path is set
#' @section Methods:
#' methods:
#'  * save(data, data_name) - save data
#'  * use(data_name, namespace) - use data saved from a different location
#'  * use_batch(data_names) - a vector of data objects to use
#'  * report() - show information about all data saved in current session
#'  * details() - list all data in the satchel cache directory
#'  * preview(data_name, namespace) - shows the (approximate) head of a dataset stored in the output metadata
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # create a new satchel stored as namespace f1 in the dir data/derived
#' satchel <- Satchel$new("f1", "../data/derived/satchel")
#' satchel$save(Theoph)
#' # new file at ../data/derived/satchel/f1/Theoph.rds
#' # we can also give the files other names
#' satchel$save(Theoph, data_name = "other")
#' satchel$save(Theoph, data_name = "another")
#' # to see all objects saved during the session can check the report
#' satchel$report()
#' # can see data from any satchel dir by checking what is available
#' satchel$available()
#' # lets say in another file I had saved a file nca_summaries in an nca_analysis namespace
#' # satchel is smart enough to scan all folders for that file
#' nca_summaries <- satchel$use("nca_summaries")
#' # if it finds a conflict, you must explicitly specify which namespace it was saved under
#' nca_summaries <- satchel$use("nca_summaries", "nca_analysis")
#' }
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom jsonlite serializeJSON unserializeJSON toJSON fromJSON
#' @docType class
#' @name Satchel
#' @export
Satchel <- R6::R6Class(
    public =
            verbose = NULL,
            track = NULL,
            refresh = NULL,
            initialize = function(cache_name,
                                  dir = NULL,
                                  track = FALSE,
                                  verbose = TRUE,
                                  strict = TRUE,
                                  refresh = TRUE) {
                self$verbose <<- verbose
                self$track <<- track
                self$refresh <<- refresh
                if (is.null(dir)) {
                    if (strict) {
                        stop("strict mode on - must explicitly declare the directory to store the cache")
                    dir <- getwd()
                dir <-
                    normalizePath(dir, mustWork = FALSE)
                if (strict) {
                    # if they are 'manually' setting a modeling dir, make sure it exists
                    if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
                                "no directory detected at: ",
                                "please correct the path or create the folder"
                } else {
                    if (!dir.exists(dir)) {
                        dir.create(dir, recursive = TRUE)
                        if (self$verbose) {
                            message(paste("parent directory created at", dir))
                private$dir <<- dir

                # cache may not be created yet
                cache_folder <-
                    normalizePath(file.path(dir, cache_name), mustWork = FALSE)
                if (!dir.exists(cache_folder)) {
                    dir.create(cache_folder, recursive = TRUE)

                private$cache_location <<- cache_folder

                if (self$verbose) {
                    message("global data dir located at: ", private$dir)
                    message("cache location named: ",
                if (self$track) {
                    stop("automatic gitignore management not yet implemented, sorry!")
            save = function(data,
                            data_name = NULL,
                            metadata = TRUE) {
                if (is.null(data_name)) {
                    data_name <- deparse(substitute(data))
                save_rds(data, file.path(private$cache_location,
                                         paste0(data_name, ".rds")))
                size_mb <- tryCatch({
                    # try to use pryr if possible, however some types like ggplot
                    # do not work so can fall back to object.size if this errors
                    as.numeric(pryr::object_size(data)) / 1000000
                error = function(e) {
                    as.numeric(object.size(data)) / 1000000
                info <- tibble::data_frame(
                    name = data_name,
                    classes = paste0(class(data), collapse = ", "),
                    size_mb = size_mb,
                    type = "object"
                private$data[[data_name]] <<- info
                if (metadata) {
         # don't need memory address as won't convey any additional information
                    data_classes <- c("tbl_df",
                    is_likely_data <-
                        any(class(data) %in% data_classes) ||
                       (is.vector(data) && !is.list(data))

                    if (is_likely_data) {
                        output <- tryCatch({
                                    "info" = info,
                                    "json_preview" = head(data),
                                    "r_preview" = serializeJSON(head(data)),
                                    "time" = Sys.time()
                                pretty = T
                        }, error = function(e) {
                                    "info" = info,
                                    "json_preview" = e$message,
                                    "r_preview" = serializeJSON(e$message),
                                    "time" = Sys.time()
                                pretty = T
                    } else {
                        output <- tryCatch({
                "info" = info,
                "json_preview" = "data type likely unsuitable for preview",
                "r_preview" = serializeJSON("data type likely unsuitable for preview"),
                "time" = Sys.time()
            pretty = T
        )}, error = function(e) {
                                    "info" = info,
                                    "json_preview" = e$message,
                                    "r_preview" = serializeJSON(e$message),
                                    "time" = Sys.time()
                                pretty = T
                                   paste0(data_name, "_meta.json")

            use = function(data_name, namespace = NULL) {
                if (self$refresh) {
                if (is.numeric(data_name)) {
                        "be careful referencing models by index as",
                        " changes could result in subtle bugs,",
                        " suggest referring to datasets by name"

                if (!is.null(namespace)) {
                    # check if namespace exists as will error otherwise
                    if (!namespace %in% names(private$references)) {
                        stop("no `namespace` location detected in available data locations")
                } else {
                    # the point of this message is to make this potentially annoying enough
                    # that people can use it, especially quickly, but should
                    # know that its better to be explicit
                    message("no namespace specified, attempting to find the object by name only")

                if (is.null(namespace)) {
                    references <- private$references
                } else {
                    references <- private$references[[namespace]]

                all_objects <- lapply(references, function(.n) {
                    gsub("\\.rds", "", basename(.n))
                obj_matches <-
                    which(data_name == unlist(all_objects))
                if (!length(obj_matches)) {
                    stop("could not find any matching objects")
                if (length(obj_matches) > 1 && is.null(namespace)) {
                    stop("multiple matches found, please specify where the data was specified as well")
                data <- readRDS(unlist(references)[obj_matches])
            use_batch = function(data_names, namespace = NULL) {
                if (self$refresh) {
                    self$refresh <- FALSE
                    on.exit(self$refresh <- TRUE, add = TRUE)
                results <- lapply(data_names, self$use, namespace)
            report = function(details = TRUE) {
                if (details) {
                    lapply(private$data, tibble::glimpse)
                } else {
                    lapply(names(private$data), print)

            available = function() {
                dirs <- list.dirs(private$dir, recursive = F)
                # drop system folders that start with . and normalize paths
                dirs <- unlist(lapply(dirs, function(.d) {
                    if (grepl("^\\.", basename(.d))) {
                references <- lapply(dirs, function(.d) {
                    normalizePath(file.path(.d, list.files(.d, pattern = "*.rds")))
                private$references <<-
                    setNames(references, basename(dirs))
                return(lapply(private$references, function(.n) {
                    gsub("\\.rds", "", basename(.n))
            auto_refresh = function(.refresh) {
                if (!missing(.refresh)) {
                    self$refresh <<- .refresh
            preview = function(data_name, namespace = NULL) {
                ## this is currently copied and pasted namespace use() this should be refactored!
                if (self$refresh) {
                if (is.numeric(data_name)) {
                        "be careful referencing models by index as changes could result in subtle bugs,
                        suggest referring to datasets by name"
                if (!is.null(namespace)) {
                    # check if namespace exists as will error otherwise
                    if (!namespace %in% names(private$references)) {
                        stop("no `namespace` location detected in available data locations")

                if (is.null(namespace)) {
                    references <- private$references
                } else {
                    references <- private$references[[namespace]]

                all_objects <- lapply(references, function(.n) {
                    gsub("\\.rds", "", basename(.n))
                obj_matches <-
                    which(data_name == unlist(all_objects))
                if (!length(obj_matches)) {
                    stop("could not find any matching objects")
                if (length(obj_matches) > 1 && is.null(namespace)) {
                    stop("multiple matches found, please specify where the data was specified as well")
                meta_data_file <-
                    gsub("\\.rds", "_meta.json", unlist(references)[obj_matches])
                if (!file.exists(meta_data_file)) {
                    warning("could not find a metadata file at: ", meta_data_file)
                data <- fromJSON(readr::read_file(meta_data_file))
    private = list(
        dir = NULL,
        cache_location = NULL,
        data = list(),
        references = list()
dpastoor/satchel documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:23 p.m.