
#bb_read v 1.0
bb_read<-function(file, survey_year=NA, survey_season=NA, SciNames=FALSE){
    #get a field data
    datacore <- read.csv(file=file, skip=6, stringsAsFactors=F)
    #get field metadata
    datameta <- read.csv(file=file, nrows=6,stringsAsFactors=F)
    #cleaning metadata
    if(!is.character(datameta[,1]) & !is.character(datameta[,2])) {
        stop(cat(file,': First two columns of metadata are not strings. They really should be.', sep=''))
    # Testing for presences of valid 'Sampling Unit' info
    if(!str_detect(tolower(str_trim(datameta[1,1])), '^samp')){
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing header 'Sampling unit' "))
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing sampling unit name."))
    # Testing for presences of valid 'Date' info
    if(!str_detect(tolower(str_trim(datameta[2,1])), '^date')){
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing header 'Date' "))
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing date."))
    # Testing for presences of valid 'Assessor' info
    if(!str_detect(tolower(str_trim(datameta[3,1])), '^ass')){
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing header 'Assessor'."))
        stop(cat(file,": Metadata missing sampling assessor name."))
    #gettting the notes
    if(str_detect(tolower(str_trim(datameta[1,3])), '^note')){
        notes<- datameta[1,4]
        notes <- "NA"
        # First two columns need to be strings (should be species names!)
        if(!is.character(datacore[,1]) & !is.character(datacore[,2])) {
            stop(cat(file,': First two columns of data are not strings. They really need to be species names.', sep=''))
        #checking that presence column has data
        bp<- length(datacore[,3])
            stop(cat(file,": The presence column is blank, you are missing some key data.", sep=''))
        #and checking that if presence=1, then there is abundance data
            stop(cat(file,": Blank rows. May be missing presence or abundance data?", sep=''))
        #dropping rowing with no species names
        if(any(datacore[,c(1,2)]=='')) {
            stop(cat(file,': There are blanks in the first two columns. May be missing species names?', sep=''))
            stop(cat(file,": Blank rows. May be missing species names?", sep=''))
        br<-which(datacore[,1]==''| datacore[,3]=='')
        #checking that dropped rows didn't contain data
            stop(cat(file,": Data exist without a species name or presence tick", sep=''))
        data_nb <- datacore[pres,]
        #finding the columns with no data
        data_spp <- data_nb[,4:5]
            stop(cat(file,": Either (or both) abundance or condition column is blank, you are missing some key data.", sep=''))
        #index out only non-blank rows and columns
        dat <- cbind(data_nb[,1:2], data_spp[,nbc], data_nb[,8])
        ##This is without SciNames
        if(!is.character(datacore[,1])) {
            stop(cat(file,': First column of data are not strings. They really need to be species names.', sep=''))
        #checking that presence column has data
        bp<- length(datacore[,2])
            stop(cat(file,": The presence column is blank, you are missing some key data.", sep=''))
        #and checking that if presence=1, then there is abundance data
            stop(cat(file,": Blank rows. May be missing presence or abundance data?", sep=''))
        #dropping rowing with no species names 
        if(any(datacore[,1]=='')) {
            stop(cat(file,': There are blanks in the first column. May be missing species names?', sep=''))
            stop(cat(file,": Blank rows. May be missing species names?", sep=''))
        br<-which(datacore[,1]==''| datacore[,2]=='' )
        #checking that dropped rows didn't contain data
            stop(cat(file,": Data exist without a species name or presence tick", sep=''))
        data_nb <- datacore[pres,]
        #finding the columns with no data
        data_spp <- data_nb[,3:4]
            stop(cat(file,": Either (or both) abundance or condition column is blank, you are missing some key data.", sep=''))
        #index out only non-blank rows and columns
        dat <- cbind(data_nb[,1], data_spp[,nbc], data_nb[,7])
    ## All datachecks done. Now construct output
    out = NULL
    datout = NULL
    metadatout = NULL
    outsamp_year <- survey_year
    outsamp_season <- survey_season
    outmeth <- 'BB'
    outmsu <- str_trim(datameta[1,2])
    outmdate <- str_trim(datameta[2,2])
    outmass <- str_trim(datameta[3,2])
    outnotes <- str_trim(notes)
    metadataout <- data.frame('Year' = outsamp_year, 'Season' = outsamp_season,'Method Code' = outmeth, 'Sampling Unit ID' = outmsu, 'Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)' = outmdate, 'Assessor'= outmass,'Notes' = outnotes, stringsAsFactors=F)
        outnrow <- nrow(dat)
        outsamp_year <- rep(survey_year, times=outnrow)
        outsamp_season <-rep(survey_season, times=outnrow)
        outmeth <- rep('BB', times=outnrow)
        outsu <- rep(outmsu, times=outnrow)
        outdate <- rep(outmdate, times=outnrow)
        outass <- rep(outmass, times=outnrow)
        outoldspp <- dat[,1]
        outscispp <- dat[,2]
        outabund <- dat[,3]
        outcond <- dat[,4]
        outnote <- dat[,5]
        datout <- data.frame('Year' = outsamp_year,'Season' = outsamp_season,  'Method Code' = outmeth, 'Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)' = outdate, 'Sampling Unit ID' = outsu, 'Assessors' = outass,'Field Name' = outoldspp, 'Scientific Name' = outscispp , 'Modified Braun-Blanquet Cover/Abundance Score (1-7)' = outabund,  'Condition Score (1-5)' = outcond,'Comments'= outnote, stringsAsFactors=F)
        outnrow <- nrow(dat)
        outsamp_year <- rep(survey_year, times=outnrow)
        outsamp_season <-rep(survey_season, times=outnrow)
        outmeth <- rep('BB', times=outnrow)
        outsu <- rep(outmsu, times=outnrow)
        outdate <- rep(outmdate, times=outnrow)
        outass <- rep(outmass, times=outnrow)
        outoldspp <- dat[,1]
        outabund <- dat[,2]
        outcond <- dat[,3]
        outnote <- dat[,4]
        datout <- data.frame('Year' = outsamp_year,'Season' = outsamp_season,  'Method Code' = outmeth, 'Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY)' = outdate, 'Sampling Unit ID' = outsu, 'Assessors' = outass,'Field Name' = outoldspp, 'Modified Braun-Blanquet Cover/Abundance Score (1-7)' = outabund,  'Condition Score (1-5)' = outcond,'Comments'= outnote, stringsAsFactors=F)   
    out <- list('metadata' = metadataout, 'data' = datout)

# bb_parse v 1.2
bb_parse <- function(raw_bb, verbose=TRUE, log=FALSE) {
    ## Check all required columns are present
    # NB: If you change this, remeber to change the name reassignment below!
    req_cols<-c('Year', 'Season', 'Start.Date..YYYY.MM.DD.', 'Sampling.Unit.ID', 'Scientific.Name', 'Modified.Braun.Blanquet.Cover.Abundance.Score..1.7.', 'Condition.Score..1.5.')
    #Check all required columns are present
    for (a in 1:length(req_cols)) {
        if (is.na(match(req_cols[a], names(raw_bb)))) {
            stop(paste("The supplied data does not have a column named '", req_cols[a], "'.", sep=''))
    # Subset to only keep required columns
    raw_bb_sub <- raw_bb[,req_cols]
    # Sorting out column names
    names(raw_bb_sub)[c(3,4,5,6,7)]<-c('Date', 'SampUnit', 'Species','Abund', 'Cond')
    # Sorintg out dates
    raw_bb_sub$RDate<-as.POSIXct(strptime(raw_bb_sub$Date, '%d/%m/%Y'))
    if (verbose) {
        message("The parsing function assumes that 'Date' column is in Month/Day/Year format (this is pretty American though, don't ya think?)")
    # The following line is a manual re-code of season order, check order using 'levels'
    if (length(levels(raw_bb_sub$Season))>4) {
        stop("You have more than four seasons? I don't think so. Check your data and try again.") 
    raw_bb_sub$Season<-factor(raw_bb_sub$Season, levels(raw_bb_sub$Season)[c(3,1,4,2)])
    # Creating the 'season year' column
    ## Needed for the 'species richness' plots
    raw_bb_sub$SeasonYear <- paste(raw_bb_sub$Season, raw_bb_sub$Year, sep=' ')
    ## Data checks ##
    # TODO:
    # Check for blank species names
    # List more specifics for completly missing condition scores (currently we return the numbers that are missing only)
    # Print info about WHICH cond and abundances are to high 
    # Logging to file 	
    # Find entries with nonzero condition and abundance scores
    raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroCond <- raw_bb_sub$Cond>0
    raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroCond[is.na(raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroCond)] <- FALSE
    raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroAbund <- raw_bb_sub$Abund>0
    raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroAbund[is.na(raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroAbund)] <- FALSE
    # Get some info about the condition and abundance scores (formally 'drop unused species scores').
    len_all_Cond <- length(raw_bb_sub$Cond)
    len_na_Cond <- sum(is.na(raw_bb_sub$Cond))
    len_has_Cond <- sum(raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroCond)
    len_Cond_too_high <- sum(raw_bb_sub$Cond>5, na.rm=T)
    which_Cond_too_high <- which(raw_bb_sub$Cond>5) # Not used, yet!
    len_all_Abund <- length(raw_bb_sub$Abund)
    len_na_Abund <- sum(is.na(raw_bb_sub$Abund))
    len_has_Abund <- sum(raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroAbund)
    len_Abund_too_high <- sum(raw_bb_sub$Abund>7, na.rm=T)
    which_Abund_too_high <- which(raw_bb_sub$Abund>7) # Not used, yet!
    cond_abund_info <- matrix(data=c(
        len_all_Cond, len_na_Cond, len_all_Cond-len_na_Cond, len_has_Cond, len_Cond_too_high, NA,
        len_all_Abund, len_na_Abund, len_all_Abund-len_na_Abund, len_has_Abund, NA, len_Abund_too_high), 
                              nrow=2, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE,
                              dimnames=list(c('Condition', 'Abundance'), c('Total', 'NAs', 'Values', 'NonZeroValues', 'NumberCond>5', 'NumberAbunds>7')))
    # Check for multiple condition scores per species / date / samp.unit combo.
    raw_bb_cond_sub <- raw_bb_sub[raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroCond,]
    cond_xtab <- xtabs(~Date+Species+SampUnit, data=raw_bb_cond_sub)
    cond_errors <- as.data.frame(which(cond_xtab>1, arr.ind=T), row.names=NA)
    if (dim(cond_errors)[1]>0) {
        names(cond_errors) <- names(dimnames(cond_xtab))
        error_dates <- dimnames(cond_xtab)$Date[cond_errors$Date]
        error_species <- dimnames(cond_xtab)$Species[cond_errors$Species]
        error_sampunit <- dimnames(cond_xtab)$SampUnit[cond_errors$SampUnit]
        multiple_condition <- data.frame('Date'=error_dates, 'Species'=error_species, 'SampUnit'=error_sampunit)
        has_multiple_condition <- TRUE
    } else {
        multiple_condition <- NA
        has_multiple_condition <- FALSE
    # Check that all species that have a condition score have an abundance score.
    has_cond_but_no_abund <- which(!raw_bb_cond_sub$HasNonzeroAbund)
    if (length(has_cond_but_no_abund)>0) {
        missing_abund <- with(raw_bb_cond_sub[has_cond_but_no_abund,], data.frame('Date'=Date, 'Species'=Species, 'SampUnit'=SampUnit))
        has_missing_abund <- TRUE
    } else {
        missing_abund <- NA
        has_missing_abund <- FALSE
    #For the species richeness data, check if a species exisits multiple times per sampling unit (within each year / season).
    # 'Species richness' == Species with non-zero abundances
    raw_bb_abund_sub <- raw_bb_sub[raw_bb_sub$HasNonzeroAbund,]
    abund_xtab <- xtabs(~Date+Species+SampUnit, data=raw_bb_abund_sub)
    abund_errors <- as.data.frame(which(abund_xtab>1, arr.ind=T), row.names=NA)
    if (dim(abund_errors)[1]>0) {
        names(abund_errors) <- names(dimnames(abund_xtab))
        error_dates <- dimnames(abund_xtab)$Date[abund_errors$Date]
        error_species <- dimnames(abund_xtab)$Species[abund_errors$Species]
        error_sampunit <- dimnames(abund_xtab)$SampUnit[abund_errors$SampUnit]
        multiple_abundance <- data.frame('Date'=error_dates, 'Species'=error_species, 'SampUnit'=error_sampunit)
        has_multiple_abundance <- TRUE
    } else {
        multiple_abundance <- NA
        has_multiple_abundance <- FALSE
    ## Collect output
    class(raw_bb_sub) <- c(class(raw_bb_sub), 'parsed.bb')
    out <- list('parsed_bb'=raw_bb_sub, 'cond_abund_info'=cond_abund_info, 'has_multiple_condition'=has_multiple_condition, 'multiple_condition'=multiple_condition, 'has_missing_abund'=has_missing_abund, 'missing_abund'=missing_abund, 'has_multiple_abundance'=has_multiple_abundance, 'multiple_abundance'=multiple_abundance)
    if (log) {
        dt <- strptime(date(), '%c')
        today_date <- format(dt, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M')
        n_samp_units <- length_unique(out$parsed_bb$SampUnit, verbose=FALSE)$lenuni
        samp_units <- paste(as.character(unique(out$parsed_bb$SampUnit)), collapse='-')
        if(n_samp_units > 6) {
            su_names <- paste(n_samp_units, 'Sampling', 'Units', sep='-')
            many_names = TRUE
        } else {
            su_names <- samp_units
            many_names = FALSE
        fname <- paste(today_date, '_', su_names, '.txt', sep='')
        if(many_names) {
            message(paste("NB: There were more than 6 sampling units. The logfile name has been concatendated to ", fname, ".", sep=''))
        sink(file = fname, append=FALSE)
        cat(paste(rep('-', times=70), collapse=''))
        cat(paste('Log file created by bb_parse.R on ', format(dt, '%d/%m/%Y'), ' at ', format(dt, '%H:%M'),'\n\n', sep=''))
        cat('Sampling units processed: ')
        cat(paste(as.character(unique(out$parsed_bb$SampUnit)), collapse=', '))
        cat(paste(rep('-', times=70), collapse=''))
        sink(file = fname, append=TRUE)
        cat('\nGeneral Info\n')
        if (out$has_multiple_condition) {
            cat('Data entires with multiple condition scores:\n')
        } else {
            cat('There were no entires with multiple condition scores!\n')
        if (out$has_missing_abund) {
            cat('Data entries with condition scores, but no abundance scores:\n')
        } else {
            cat('There were no entries with condition scores that are missing abundance scores!\n')
        if (out$has_multiple_abundance) {
            cat('Data entires with multiple abundance scores:\n')
        } else {
            cat('There were no entires with multiple abundance scores!\n')
    if (verbose) {
        message("Here is some info about your data:")
        if (out$has_multiple_condition) {
            message("Some species have more than 1 condition score per sampling date / sampling unit. This will likely give you ugly / meaningless plots. The problem entries are:")
        if (out$has_missing_abund) {
            message("Some species which have condition scores do not have an abundance score. This is probably an error. The problem entries are:")
        if (out$has_multiple_abundance) {
            message("Some species have more than 1 abundance score per sampling date / sampling unit. This will likely give you ugly / meaningless plots (especially in 'species richness' plots). The problem entries are:")

# bb_plot_ca v. 1.4
bb_plot_ca <- function(parsed_bb, samp_unit=NA, plot_to='screen', verbose=TRUE, disturbance=FALSE, DistDates=NULL){
    ## Check to see if data are parsed or not.
    # Parse if needed.
    if (!inherits(parsed_bb,"parsed.bb")) {
        if (verbose) {
            message("You provided raw data. It will be automatically parsed by bb_parse().  It is HIGHLY recomended that you run bb_parse() first with either the 'verbose' or 'log' functions enabled.")
        parsed_bb_out <- bb_parse(parsed_bb, verbose=FALSE, log=FALSE)
        parsed_bb <- parsed_bb_out$parsed_bb
    ## Check sampling unit
    if (any(is.na(samp_unit))) {
        samp_unit <- as.character(unique(parsed_bb$SampUnit))
        if (length(samp_unit) != 1) {
            stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) not supplied and a single unique sampling unit could not be derived from the data.')      
    } else {
        if (!is.character(samp_unit)) {
            stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) must be a charater string')
        if (length(samp_unit) != 1) {
            stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) for bb_plot_ca() must be a single character string.  See ?bb_plot_ca for details.')
        if (is.na(match(samp_unit, unique(parsed_bb$SampUnit)))) { 
            stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) was supplied but is not actually in the data!')
    # Assuming that is all OK, subset by sampling unit
    parsed_bb_sampunit <- parsed_bb[parsed_bb$SampUnit==samp_unit,]
    ## -- ##
        # There be no conditions! These aren't the data your looking for... Move along... Move along...
        warning(paste0(samp_unit, ' has no condition data... We are going to ignore this site entierly and move on.'))
    ## Subset data for plotting ##
    ## Get data that are in the required sampling unit and have non-NA condition scores:
    ## -- ##
    ## NB: Data should be OK to plot (though it might still be bullshit, but that's OK)
    ## Get summary stats:
    # Melt data (using reshape package)
    parsed_bb_subM<-melt(parsed_bb_sub[,c('Year','Season','RDate','Abund','Cond')], id=c('Year','Season','RDate'))
    # Cast data with median
    parsed_bb_subC<-cast(parsed_bb_subM, RDate~variable, fun.aggregate=median, na.rm=T)
    ## -- ##
    ## Labels for both plots
    dat_lab_loc <- paste(rep('00:00 01-07-', length(unique(parsed_bb_sub$Year))),unique(parsed_bb_sub$Year),sep='')
    dat_lab_loc <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dat_lab_loc, '%H:%M %d-%m-%Y'))
    dat_lab_ticks <- paste(rep('00:00 01-01-', length(unique(parsed_bb_sub$Year))),unique(parsed_bb_sub$Year),sep='')
    dat_lab_ticks <- as.POSIXct(strptime(dat_lab_ticks, '%H:%M %d-%m-%Y'))
    seas_labs <- unique(parsed_bb_subM[,c('Season', 'RDate')])
    seas_labs$RDate <- as.POSIXct(seas_labs$RDate, '%Y-%m-%d') 
    ## -- ##
    ## xlim for both plots.
    xminimum <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste('01-01-', min(parsed_bb_sub$Year), sep=''), '%d-%m-%Y'))
    xmaximum <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste('31-12-', max(parsed_bb_sub$Year), sep=''), '%d-%m-%Y'))
    xlimits <- c(xminimum,xmaximum)
    ## Plot Setup  
    if (plot_to=='png'){
        fname = paste(format(Sys.Date(), '%Y-%m-%d'), '_', samp_unit, '_ca.png', sep='')
        png(filename=fname, units='cm', height=(29.7/2)*1.3, width=21*1.5, res=72*2)
        layout(matrix(c(1,2), ncol=1))
        par(mai=c(1.2, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1)) 
    } else if (plot_to=='screen') {
        layout(matrix(c(1,2), ncol=1))
        par(mai=c(1.5, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1)) 
    } else {
        stop("The plot destination (plot_to) must be either 'png' or 'screen'")
    ## -- ##
    ## Plot Condition
    with(parsed_bb_sub, plot(RDate, Cond, type='n', ylim=c(0,5.05), xlim=xlimits, yaxs='i', xaxs='i', axes=F, ann=F))
    with(seas_labs, axis(1, labels=Season, at=RDate, las=2, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1))
    mtext(side=1, text=format(dat_lab_loc, '%Y'), at=dat_lab_loc, line=4)
    axis(1, at=dat_lab_ticks, labels=NA, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1, tcl=5, line=5)
    axis(2, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1)
    mtext(text='Condition', side=2, line=2)
    #Add disturbance line/box i.e. mine de-water or undermining dates
    if(disturbance && is.null(DistDates)){
        cat("\nSampling unit: ", samp_unit, "\n", sep='')
        cat("Enter total number of disturbances (both mine and water-discharge).  Enter 0 if none:\n")
        DisNumber<-scan(n=1, what=integer())
        # Check if DisNumber exisits
        if(DisNumber==0) {
            disturbance = FALSE
    if(disturbance && is.null(DistDates)){
            cat("\n Enter a disturbance start date (yyyy-mm-dd):\n")
            Sdate<-scan(n=DisNumber, what=character())
            cat("\n Enter a disturbance end date (yyyy-mm-dd):\n")
            Edate<-scan(n=DisNumber, what=character())
        if(DisNumber>1) {
            cat("\n Enter ",DisNumber," disturbance start dates (yyyy-mm-dd):\n", sep='')
            Sdate<-scan(n=DisNumber, what=character())
            cat("\n Enter ",DisNumber," disturbance end dates (yyyy-mm-dd):\n", sep='')
            Edate<-scan(n=DisNumber, what=character())
        dateS<-as.POSIXct(strptime(Sdate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
        dateE<-as.POSIXct(strptime(Edate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
        for(a in c(1:DisNumber)) {
            date <- c(date, dateS[a], dateS[a], dateE[a], dateE[a], NA)
        y<-rep(c(0,5,5,0,NA), times=DisNumber)
        polygon(date,y, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2),border=NA, xpd=FALSE)
    if(disturbance && !is.null(DistDates)){
        cat("\nSampling unit: ", samp_unit, "\n", sep='')
        cat("Will now look up number of disturbances (both mine and water-discharge).\n")
        dd_sampunit <- DistDates[DistDates$Plot==samp_unit,]
        # Check if DisNumber exisits
        if(DisNumber==0) {
            disturbance = FALSE
    if(disturbance && !is.null(DistDates)){
            Sdate <- dd_sampunit[1,4]
            Edate <- dd_sampunit[1,7]
        if(DisNumber>1) {
            ds <- DisNumber+3
            de <- DisNumber+6
            Sdate <- as.matrix(dd_sampunit[1,4:ds])
            Edate <- as.matrix(dd_sampunit[1,7:de])
        dateS<-as.POSIXct(strptime(Sdate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
        dateE<-as.POSIXct(strptime(Edate, '%Y-%m-%d'))
        for(a in c(1:DisNumber)) {
            date <- c(date, dateS[a], dateS[a], dateE[a], dateE[a], NA)
        y<-rep(c(0,5,5,0,NA), times=DisNumber)
        polygon(date,y, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2),border=NA, xpd=FALSE)
    # Add data
    plt_spp <- as.character(unique(parsed_bb_sub$Species))
    for(a in 1:length(plt_spp)){
        #cat('a is equal to ',a,' and the species is ', plt_spp[a], '\n', sep='')
        plot_dat_ord <- plot_dat[with(plot_dat, order(RDate)),]
        with(plot_dat_ord, lines(RDate, Cond,col=rgb(0,0,0,0.3)))
        #dfg <- scan() 
    parsed_bb_subC_ord <- parsed_bb_subC[with(parsed_bb_subC, order(RDate)),]
    with(parsed_bb_subC_ord, lines(RDate, Cond, col='red', lwd=2))
    ## Plot Abundance
    # Setup
    with(parsed_bb_sub, plot(RDate, Abund, type='n', ylim=c(0,7.07), xlim=xlimits, yaxs='i', xaxs='i', axes=F, ann=F))
    with(seas_labs, axis(1, labels=Season, at=RDate, las=2, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1))
    mtext(side=1, text=format(dat_lab_loc, '%Y'), at=dat_lab_loc, line=4)
    axis(1, at=dat_lab_ticks, labels=NA, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1, tcl=5, line=5)
    axis(2, lwd=0, lwd.ticks=1)
    mtext(text='Abundance', side=2, line=2)
    #for adding a disturbance to abundance plot
        y<-rep(c(0,7,7,0,NA), times=DisNumber)
        polygon(date,y, col=rgb(0,0,0,0.2), border=NA, xpd=FALSE)
    # Add data
    plt_spp <- as.character(unique(parsed_bb_sub$Species))
    for(a in 1:length(plt_spp)){
        #cat('a is equal to ',a,' and the species is ', plt_spp[a], '\n', sep='')
        plot_dat_ord <- plot_dat[with(plot_dat, order(RDate)),]
        with(plot_dat_ord, lines(RDate, Abund,col=rgb(0,0,0,0.5))) 
    parsed_bb_subC_ord <- parsed_bb_subC[with(parsed_bb_subC, order(RDate)),]
    with(parsed_bb_subC_ord, lines(RDate, Abund,col='red', lwd=2))
    if (plot_to=='png'){
        items_off <- dev.off() 

# bb_plot_spp_rich v. 1.1
bb_plot_spp_rich <- function(parsed_bb, samp_unit=NA, samp_year=NA, plot_to='screen', verbose=TRUE){
    ## Check to see if data are parsed or not.
    # Parse if needed.
    if (!inherits(parsed_bb,"parsed.bb")) {
        if (verbose) {
            message("You provided raw data. It will be automatically parsed by bb_parse().  It is HIGHLY recomended that you run bb_parse() first with either the 'verbose' or 'log' functions enabled.")
        parsed_bb_data <- bb_parse(parsed_bb, verbose=FALSE, log=FALSE)
        parsed_bb <- parsed_bb_data$parsed_bb
    ## Check sampling unit
    if (any(is.na(samp_unit))) {
        samp_unit <- as.character(unique(parsed_bb$SampUnit))
    } else{
        if (!is.character(samp_unit)) {
            stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) must be a charater string or a charater vector')
        if (any((is.na(match(samp_unit, unique(parsed_bb$SampUnit)))))) { 
                stop('Sampling units (samp_unit) were supplied but at least one is not actually in the data!')       
            } else {
                stop('Sampling unit (samp_unit) was supplied but is not actually in the data!')        
    ## Check sampling year
    if (is.na(samp_year)) {
        samp_year <- as.character(unique(parsed_bb$SeasonYear))
        if (length(samp_year) != 1) {
            stop('Sampling year (samp_year) not supplied and a single unique sampling year could not be derived from the data.')      
    } else {
        if (!is.character(samp_year)) {
            stop('Sampling year (samp_year) must be a charater string of format "Season Year"')
        if (length(samp_year) != 1) {
            stop('Sampling year (samp_year) for bb_plot_spp_rich() must be a single character string of format "Season Year".  See ?bb_plot_spp_rich for details.')
        if (is.na(match(samp_year, unique(parsed_bb$SeasonYear)))) { 
            stop('Sampling year (samp_year) was supplied but is not actually in the data!')
    bb_spp_rich_year <- parsed_bb[parsed_bb$SeasonYear==samp_year,]
    which_bb_units<- which(bb_spp_rich_year$SampUnit %in% samp_unit)
    bb_spp_rich <- bb_spp_rich_year[which_bb_units,]
    site_rich_info<-tapply(bb_spp_rich$Species,as.character(bb_spp_rich$SampUnit), length_unique, verbose=FALSE)
    pos_doubles <- NULL
    site_riches <- NULL
    site_names <- NULL
    for(a in c(1:length(site_rich_info))) {
        pos_doubles <- c(pos_doubles, site_rich_info[[a]]$pos_double)
        site_riches <- c(site_riches, site_rich_info[[a]]$lenuni)
        site_names <- c(site_names, names(site_rich_info[a]))
    site_rich <- matrix(site_riches, nrow=1)
    colnames(site_rich) <- site_names
    if (any(pos_doubles)) {
        message('There were double-ups on species at the selected timepoint for one or more sites.  This makes it impossible to calculate species richness accurately.  The problem entries are:')
        which_doubles <- which(pos_doubles==TRUE)
        for (a in c(1:length(which_doubles))) {
            cat(names(site_rich_info[a]), ': ', paste(site_rich_info[[a]]$pos_double_names, collapse=', '), '.\n', sep='') 
        stop('Impossible to calculate species richness accurately!\n')
    ## Plot Setup  
    if (plot_to=='png'){
        fname = paste(format(Sys.Date(), '%Y-%m-%d'), '_', paste(samp_unit, collapse='_'), '_spp_rich.png', sep='')
        png(filename=fname, units='cm', height=(29.7/2)*1.3, width=5+(3.5*length(samp_unit)), res=72*2)
        layout(matrix(c(1), ncol=1))
        par(mai=c(1.0, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1)) 
    } else if (plot_to=='screen') {
        layout(matrix(c(1), ncol=1))
        par(mai=c(1.5, 0.8, 0.1, 0.1)) 
    } else {
        stop("The plot destination (plot_to) must be either 'png' or 'screen'")
    ## -- ##
    barplot(site_rich, axes=F, ann=F, xpd=FALSE, ylim= c(0,max(site_rich)*1.5))
    axis(2, lwd=1, lwd.ticks=1, las=1)
    mtext(text='Species Richness', side=2, line=2.5)
    if (plot_to=='png'){
        items_off <- dev.off() 
dpritchard/dgmisc documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:50 p.m.