
Defines functions notification_info notification_success notification_warning notification_failure confirmation_window btn_delete col_def_delete btn_update col_def_update get_variables_default get_variables_labels rename_edit format_edit_data update_table table_display edit_input_form edit_modal

#' @title Edit modal
#' @description The `edit_modal` function generates a modal window with the variables to edit
#' @return a modal window with the variables to edit
#' @param default row on which to operate a modification or a deletion, otherwise empty list for an addition
#' @param id_validate inputId of the actionButton()
#' @param title title of the modalDialog()
#' @param data `data.frame` to use
#' @param colnames `data.frame` column names
#' @param var_edit vector of `character` which allows to choose the editable columns
#' @param var_mandatory vector of `character` which allows to choose obligatory fields to fill
#' @param modal_size `character` which allows to choose the size of the modalDialog. One of "s" for small, "m" (the default) for medium, "l" for large, or "xl" for extra large.
#' @param modal_easy_close `boolean` If TRUE, modalDialog can be dismissed by clicking outside the dialog box, or be pressing the Escape key. If FALSE (the default), modalDialog can't be dismissed in those ways; instead it must be dismissed by clicking on a modalButton(), or from a call to removeModal() on the server.
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to shinyServer
#' @importFrom shiny showModal modalDialog actionButton
#' @importFrom phosphoricons ph
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList tags css
#' @noRd
edit_modal <- function(default = list(),
                       id_validate = "add_row",
                       title = i18n("Add a row"),
                       var_edit = NULL,
                       var_mandatory = NULL,
                       var_labels = colnames(data),
                       modal_size = "m",
                       modal_easy_close = FALSE,
                       n_column = 1,
                       session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  ns <- session$ns

  if (length(var_edit) > 0) {
    data <- data[, ..var_edit]

    title = tagList(
        phosphoricons::ph("x", title = i18n("Close"), height = "2em"),
        class = "btn btn-link",
        style = css(border = "0 none", position = "absolute", top = "5px", right = "5px"),
        `data-bs-dismiss` = "modal",
        `data-dismiss` = "modal",
        `aria-label` = "Close"
    footer = NULL,
    size = modal_size,
    easyClose = modal_easy_close,
      default = default,
      data = data,
      var_mandatory = var_mandatory,
      var_labels = var_labels,
      n_column = n_column,
      session = session
      inputId = ns(id_validate),
      label = tagList(
        ph("floppy-disk"), i18n("Save")
      class = "btn-outline-primary float-end"

#' @title Edit input form
#' @description The `edit_input_form` function allows to correctly generate the variables to be edited in the modal window according to their respective class
#' @param default default row on which to operate a modification or a deletion, otherwise empty list for an addition
#' @param data `data.frame` to use
#' @param colnames `data.frame` column names
#' @param var_mandatory vector of `character` which allows to choose obligatory fields to fill
#' @param position_var_edit position of editable columns in order to retrieve their name
#' @param session The `session` object passed to function given to shinyServer
#' @importFrom shiny numericInput textInput
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets virtualSelectInput prettyCheckbox airDatepickerInput
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList tags
#' @importFrom rlang is_vector is_named
#' @return different shiny widgets with edited columns according to their respective class
#' @noRd
edit_input_form <- function(default = list(),
                            var_mandatory = NULL,
                            var_labels = colnames(data),
                            n_column = 1,
                            session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {

  ns <- session$ns

  if (is_vector(var_labels) & !is_named(var_labels)) {
    var_labels <- setNames(var_labels, unlist(var_labels))

  widgets <- lapply(
    X = seq_len(ncol(data)),
    FUN = function(i) {
      variable_id <- colnames(data)[i]
      variable_label <- var_labels[which(names(var_labels) == variable_id)]
      if (length(variable_label) < 1)
        variable_label <- variable_id
      variable <- data[[i]]

      suffix <- if (isTRUE((inherits(variable, "logical")))) "" else " : "
      if (variable_id %in% var_mandatory) {
        label <- tagList(
          tags$span(HTML("&#42;"), class = "asterisk", style = "color: red;"), suffix
      } else {
        label <- paste0(variable_label, suffix)

      if (isTRUE(inherits(variable, c("numeric", "integer")))) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.numeric", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            value = default[[variable_id]] %||% NA_real_,
            width = "100%"
        do.call(numericInput, opts)
      } else if (inherits(variable, "factor")) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.factor", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            choices = sort(unique(c(as.character(variable), levels(variable)))),
            selected = default[[variable_id]] %||% "",
            width = "100%",
            allowNewOption = TRUE,
            autoSelectFirstOption = FALSE,
            placeholder = i18n("Select"),
            zIndex = 999
        do.call(virtualSelectInput, opts)
      } else if (inherits(variable, "character")) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.character", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            value = default[[variable_id]] %||% "",
            width = "100%"
        do.call(textInput, opts)
      } else if (inherits(variable, "logical")) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.logical", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            value = default[[variable_id]] %||% FALSE,
            icon = icon("check"),
            status = "primary",
            width = "100%"
        do.call(prettyCheckbox, opts)
      } else if (inherits(variable, "Date")) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.Date", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            value = default[[variable_id]] %||% Sys.Date(),
            width = "100%"
        do.call(airDatepickerInput, opts)
      } else if (inherits(variable, c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))) {
        opts <- getOption("datamods.edit.input.POSIXt", list())
        opts <- modifyList(
          x = opts,
          val = list(
            inputId = ns(variable_id),
            label = label,
            value = default[[variable_id]] %||% Sys.time(),
            timepicker = TRUE,
            width = "100%"
        do.call(airDatepickerInput, opts)
      } else {
      X = split(
        x = seq_along(widgets),
        f = rep(seq_len(n_column), each = ceiling(length(widgets)/n_column))[seq_along(widgets)]
      FUN = function(i) {
          width = 12 / n_column,

#' @title Table display
#' @description The `table_display` function allows you to display the table in reactable format with columns to edit and delete rows
#' @param data `data.frame` to use
#' @param colnames `data.frame` column names
#' @param reactable_options `list` allowing you to add reactable options
#' @return the `data.frame` in reactable format
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom reactable reactable colDef
#' @importFrom data.table copy setnames
table_display <- function(data, colnames = NULL, reactable_options = NULL) {

  data <- copy(data)
  if (!is.null(colnames)) {
    setnames(data, old = seq_along(colnames), new = colnames)

  cols <- reactable_options$columns %||% list()
  if (all(is.na(data$.datamods_edit_update))) {
    cols$.datamods_edit_update <- colDef(show = FALSE)
  } else {
    cols$.datamods_edit_update <- col_def_update()

  if (all(is.na(data$.datamods_edit_delete))) {
    cols$.datamods_edit_delete <- colDef(show = FALSE)
  } else {
    cols$.datamods_edit_delete <- col_def_delete()

  cols$.datamods_id <- colDef(show = FALSE)

  if (is.null(reactable_options))
    reactable_options <- list()
  reactable_options <- reactable_options
  reactable_options$data <- data
  reactable_options$columns <- cols

  rlang::exec(reactable::reactable, !!!reactable_options)

#' @importFrom reactable updateReactable getReactableState
#' @importFrom data.table copy setnames
update_table <- function(data, colnames) {
  data <- copy(data)
  setnames(data, old = seq_along(colnames), new = colnames)
  page <- getReactableState(outputId = "table", name = "page")
  updateReactable("table", data = data, page = page)

format_edit_data <- function(data, colnames, internal_colnames = NULL) {
  data <- as.data.table(data)
  vars_datamods_edit <- intersect(c(".datamods_id", ".datamods_edit_update", ".datamods_edit_delete"), names(data))
  data <- data[, -..vars_datamods_edit]
  if (is.null(internal_colnames))
    internal_colnames <- seq_along(colnames)
  setnames(data, old = internal_colnames, new = colnames, skip_absent = TRUE)

rename_edit <- function(data, var_labels) {
  for(i in seq_along(names(var_labels))) {
    names(data)[names(data) == names(var_labels)[i]] <- var_labels[[i]]

#' @importFrom rlang set_names is_null is_list is_named
get_variables_labels <- function(labels, column_names, internal_names) {
  if (is_null(labels)) {
    labels <- column_names
  } else {
    if (!is_list(labels)) {
        "If `var_labels` is an unnamed vector, it must have same length as `colnames(data)`" = length(labels) == length(column_names)
      labels <- set_names(as.list(labels), column_names)
      "`var_labels` must be a named list" = is_named(labels)
    names(labels) <- internal_names[match(names(labels), column_names)]
    labels <- modifyList(
      x = set_names(as.list(column_names), internal_names),
      val = labels

get_variables_default <- function(default, column_names, internal_names) {
  default <- default[column_names]
  idx <- match(names(default), column_names, nomatch = 0L)
  names(default)[idx > 0] <- internal_names[idx]

#' @title The update column definition
#' @return A column definition object that can be used to customize the update column in reactable().
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom reactable colDef
col_def_update <- function() {
    name = i18n("Update"),
    width = 82,
    sortable = FALSE,
    html = TRUE,
    filterable = FALSE

#' The update button
#' @param inputId ID
#' @return the update button
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom htmltools tags css doRenderTags
#' @importFrom phosphoricons ph
btn_update <- function(inputId) {
  function(value) {
        class = "btn btn-outline-primary rounded-circle",
        style = htmltools::css(
          height = "40px",
          width = "40px",
          padding = 0
        onClick = sprintf(
          "Shiny.setInputValue(\'%s\', %s,  {priority: \'event\'})",
        title = i18n("Click to edit"),
        ph("pencil-simple-line", height = "1.2em")


#' @title The delete column definition
#' @return A column definition object that can be used to customize the delete column in reactable().
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom reactable colDef
col_def_delete <- function() {
    name = i18n("Delete"),
    width = 96,
    sortable = FALSE,
    html = TRUE,
    filterable = FALSE

#' The delete button
#' @param inputId ID
#' @return the delete button
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom htmltools tags css doRenderTags
#' @importFrom phosphoricons ph
btn_delete <- function(inputId) {
  function(value) {
        class = "btn btn-outline-danger rounded-circle",
        style = htmltools::css(
          height = "40px",
          width = "40px",
          padding = 0
        onClick = sprintf(
          "Shiny.setInputValue(\'%s\', %s,  {priority: \'event\'})",
        title = i18n("Click to delete"),
        ph("x", height = "1.2em")

#' Confirmation window
#' @param inputId ID
#' @param ... optional additional elements to add in the ui
#' @param title title of the confirmation window
#' @return a confirmation window
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny modalDialog actionButton
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList tags css
#' @importFrom phosphoricons ph
confirmation_window <- function(inputId, ..., title = NULL) {
    title = tagList(
        phosphoricons::ph("x", title = i18n("Close"), height = "2em"),
        class = "btn btn-link",
        style = css(border = "0 none", position = "absolute", top = "5px", right = "5px"),
        `data-bs-dismiss` = "modal",
        `aria-label` = "Fermer"
    size = "m",
    footer = tagList(
        class = "btn btn-outline-secondary",
        `data-bs-dismiss` = "modal"
        inputId = paste0(inputId, "_no"),
        label = i18n("No"),
        class = "btn-outline-danger",
        `data-bs-dismiss` = "modal"
        inputId = paste0(inputId, "_yes"),
        label = i18n("Yes"),
        class = "btn-outline-primary"

#' @importFrom shinybusy notify_failure notify_success notify_info notify_warning
notification_failure <- function(title, text, use_notify = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(use_notify)) {
      title = title,
      text = text,
      position = "center-top",
      clickToClose = TRUE
notification_warning <- function(title, text, use_notify = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(use_notify)) {
      title = title,
      text = text,
      position = "center-top",
      clickToClose = TRUE
notification_success <- function(title, text, use_notify = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(use_notify)) {
      title = title,
      text = text,
      position = "center-top",
      clickToClose = TRUE
notification_info <- function(title, text, use_notify = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(use_notify)) {
      title = title,
      text = text,
      position = "center-top",
      clickToClose = TRUE
dreamRs/datamods documentation built on June 28, 2024, 8:34 p.m.