options(mc.cores = 4)
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
data("pbc2", package = "JM")
data("", package = "JM")
source(file.path(getwd(), "R/jm.R"))
source(file.path(getwd(), "R/help_functions.R"))
source(file.path(getwd(), "Development/jm/R_to_Cpp.R"))
source(file.path(getwd(), "Development/jm/PBC_data.R"))
source(file.path(getwd(), "Development/MCMC/D/sampling_D_Funs.R"))
source(file.path(getwd(), "Development/MCMC/D/D_examples.R"))
# Select D matrix from D_examples.R
D <- D3
p <- ncol(D)
K <- as.integer(round(p * (p - 1) / 2))
sds <- sqrt(diag(D))
R <- cov2cor(D)
L <- chol(R)
Ip <- diag(p)
upper_tri_ind <- upper.tri(L)
upper_tri_ind2 <- upper.tri(L, TRUE)
colmn_ind <- col(upper_tri_ind)[upper_tri_ind]
diags <- cbind(1:p, 1:p)
diags2 <- cbind(2:p, 2:p)
b <- MASS::mvrnorm(if (K == 1) 100 else K * 10, rep(0, p), D)
M <- 15000L
acceptance_sds <- res_sds <- matrix(0.0, M, p)
scale_sds <- rep(0.1, p)
acceptance_L <- matrix(0.0, M, K)
res_L <- matrix(0.0, M, K + p)
scale_L <- rep(0.1, K)
current_sds <- sds
current_L <- L
for (m in seq_len(M)) {
# update the sds
t_inv_current_L <- backsolve(r = current_L, x = Ip, transpose = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(p)) {
current_sds_i <- current_sds[i]
scale_sds_i <- scale_sds[i]
log_mu_current_i <- log(current_sds_i) - 0.5 * scale_sds_i^2
proposed_sds_i <- rlnorm(1L, log_mu_current_i, scale_sds_i)
pr_sds <- current_sds
pr_sds[i] <- proposed_sds_i
numerator_sds_i <- logPC_D_sds(pr_sds, t_inv_current_L,
half_t_sigma = 10 * sds)
if (i == 1) {
denominator_sds_i <- logPC_D_sds(current_sds, t_inv_current_L,
half_t_sigma = 10 * sds)
log_mu_proposed_i <- log(proposed_sds_i) - 0.5 * scale_sds_i^2
log_ratio_i <- numerator_sds_i - denominator_sds_i +
dlnorm(current_sds_i, log_mu_proposed_i, scale_sds_i, log = TRUE) -
dlnorm(proposed_sds_i, log_mu_current_i, scale_sds_i, log = TRUE)
if (min(1, exp(log_ratio_i)) > runif(1)) {
current_sds <- pr_sds
denominator_sds_i <- numerator_sds_i
acceptance_sds[m, i] <- 1
res_sds[m, i] <- current_sds[i]
if (m > 20) {
scale_sds[i] <- robbins_monro_univ(scale = scale_sds_i,
acceptance_it = acceptance_sds[m, i],
it = m)
# update the off-diagonal elements of the L matrix
for (i in seq_len(K)) {
if (i == 1) denominator_L_i <- logPC_D_L(current_L, current_sds)
current_L_i <- current_L[upper_tri_ind][i]
scale_L_i <- scale_L[i]
if (MALA) {
mm_current_i <- current_L_i + 0.5 * scale_L_i *
deriv_L(current_L, i, current_sds, denominator_L_i)
proposed_L_i <- rnorm(1L, mm_current_i, sqrt(scale_L_i))
} else {
proposed_L_i <- runif(1L, min = current_L_i - 0.5 * scale_L_i * sqrt(12),
max = current_L_i + 0.5 * scale_L_i * sqrt(12))
pr_L <- current_L
pr_L[upper_tri_ind][i] <- proposed_L_i
# to ensure that L is the Cholesky factor of the correlation matrix R
# we need that the diagonal elements are positive, and that the columns
# have a unit Euclidean length. That is, if x are the elements of one
# column, then sqrt(sum(x * x)) should be 1. Below we define the diagonal
# elements as such. But it can happen that the proposed_L_i does not satisfy
# this constraint, i.e., that sum(x * x) > 1. In this case, we should not
# accept this L matrix
ll <- pr_L[seq(1, colmn_ind[i] - 1), colmn_ind[i]]
ss <- sum(ll * ll)
if (ss > 1) {
numerator_L_i <- -1e15
} else {
pr_L[colmn_ind[i], colmn_ind[i]] <- sqrt(1 - ss)
numerator_L_i <- logPC_D_L(pr_L, current_sds)
log_ratio_i <- if (MALA) {
mm_proposed_i <- proposed_L_i + 0.5 * scale_L_i *
deriv_L(pr_L, i, current_sds, numerator_L_i)
numerator_L_i - denominator_L_i +
dnorm(current_L_i, mm_proposed_i, sqrt(scale_L_i), log = TRUE) -
dnorm(proposed_L_i, mm_current_i, sqrt(scale_L_i), log = TRUE)
} else {
numerator_L_i - denominator_L_i
if (is.finite(log_ratio_i) && min(1, exp(log_ratio_i)) > runif(1)) {
current_L <- pr_L
denominator_L_i <- numerator_L_i
acceptance_L[m, i] <- 1
if (m > 20) {
scale_L[i] <- robbins_monro_univ(scale = scale_L_i,
acceptance_it = acceptance_L[m, i],
it = m,
target_acceptance = if (MALA) 0.57 else 0.45)
res_L[m, ] <- current_L[upper_tri_ind2]
ar_sds <- colMeans(acceptance_sds[-seq_len(1000L), ])
ar_L <- colMeans(acceptance_L[-seq_len(1000L), , drop = FALSE])
res_sds <- res_sds[-seq_len(1000L), ]
res_L <- res_L[-seq_len(1000L), , drop = FALSE]
res_D <- mapply(reconstr_D, L = split(res_L, row(res_L)),
sds = split(res_sds, row(res_sds)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
for (k in seq_len(K + p)) {
v <- sapply(res_D, function (m) m[upper_tri_ind2][k])
plot(v, type = "l",
ylab = paste0("D[", paste(which(upper_tri_ind2, arr.ind = TRUE)[k, ],
collapse = ", "), "]"))
# check posterior mean
mean_D <- Reduce("+", res_D) / length(res_D)
round(cbind(mean_D[upper.tri(mean_D, TRUE)], D[upper.tri(D, TRUE)]), 3)
# Sample with STAN
Data <- list(n = nrow(b), p = p, b = b, lkj_shape = 2, scale_diag_D = 10,
mu_b = 0 * b)
out <- rstan::stan(file = file.path(getwd(), "Development/MCMC/D/sample_D.stan"),
data = Data, pars = "D", save_dso = FALSE)
stan_trace(out, pars = "D[10, 10]")
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