
##' Train Binary Tree Classifier 
##' This function takes a \code{data.frame} created by \code{mkTrainingSet}
##' and trains a classifier using the binary recursive partioning algorithm in
##' the \code{partykit::ctree} function.
##' In order to train the classifier, the sectionNames are reduced to a canonical set
##' using the function \code{reduceSects}. Sections not recognized by \code{reduceSects}
##' is assigned the label 'misc'
##' @title Train Binary Classifier
##' @param trainSet a \code{data.frame} created by \code{mkTrainingSet}. This data
##'     must have a logical column named "correct" 
##' @return a training model object of class 'party'
##' @author Matt Espe
##' @examples
##' if(FALSE){
##' trainSet = mkTrainingSet()
##' mod = trainTreeClassifier(trainSet)
##' }
trainTreeClassifier = function(trainSet)
    trainSet$sectionName = reduceSects(trainSet$sectionName, trainSet$pdf) 
    ctree(as.integer(correct) ~ sectionName + pdfFreq + sectFreq, data = trainSet)

##' Uses a trained classification model to assign a score/probability
##' of being 'correct' to each term.
##' \code{scoreExtractResults} takes a \code{data.frame} of extracted results
##' created by \code{mkTestSet} and a model trained by \code{trainTreeClassifier}
##' (or some other classification algorithm), and assigns a score/probability to each
##' term in the \code{data.frame}.
##' @title Score Extracted Terms 
##' @param testSet a \code{data.frame} created by \code{mkTestSet}
##' @param mod a classification model which with method defined for \code{predict}
##' @param threshold optional, a numeric value. Terms scored lower than this value
##'     will be excluded in the returned object.
##' @return a \code{data.frame} with the term, the average score/probability,
##'     and the sections which that term occurred in the text.
##' @author Matt Espe
scoreExtractResults = function(testSet, mod, threshold = numeric())
    testSet = testSet[complete.cases(testSet),]
    testSet$sectionName = reduceSects(testSet$sectionName, testSet$pdf)
    testSet$score = predict(mod, newdata = testSet[,c("sectionName","pdfFreq", "sectFreq")])
    if(length(threshold) > 0)
        testSet = testSet[testSet$score >= threshold,]

collapseResults = function(testSet)
    tmp = split(testSet, paste(testSet$var, testSet$pdf))
    ans = lapply(tmp, function(x) {
        data.frame(var = unique(x$var),
                   sections = paste(unique(x$sectionName), collapse = ";"),
                   pdf = unique(x$pdf),
                   avg_score = round(mean(x$score, na.rm = TRUE), 3),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ans = do.call(rbind, ans)
    row.names(ans) = NULL

resultsByPDF = function(resultsList, pdfNames, saveDir = character(),
                        outfiles = file.path(saveDir,
                                             gsub("\\.pdf$|\\.xml$", "_extract.json",

    ans = lapply(seq(along = pdfNames), function(i){
        ans = getExtractByPDF(resultsList, pdfNames[i])
        # browser()
        ans = lapply(ans, function(x) x[order(x$probs, decreasing = TRUE),c("values", "sections", "probs")])
        if( length(saveDir) != 0 ){
            saveResultsJSON(ans, outfiles[i])

getMetaInfo = function(extractResults, saveDir = character(),
                       outfiles = file.path(saveDir,
                                 gsub("\\.pdf$|\\.xml$", "_meta.json",
    lapply(seq(along = extractResults), function(i, ee, saveDir, outfiles) { 

        res = data.frame(title = NA,
                   abstract = NA,
                   pdf = basename(names(ee)[i]),
                   year = as.integer(gsub(".*([0-9]{4}).*", "\\1", names(ee)[i])),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)       
        if(!is(ee[[i]]$title, "try-error"))
            res$title = ee[[i]]$title$txt

        if(!is(ee[[i]]$abstract, "try-error"))
            res$abstract = ee[[i]]$abstract$txt

        if(length(saveDir) != 0){
            saveResultsJSON(res, outfiles[i])

        }, ee = extractResults, saveDir = saveDir, outfiles = outfiles)

getExtractByPDF = function(resultsList, pdfName)
    lapply(resultsList, function(x) {
        x[x$pdf == pdfName,]

saveResultsJSON = function(ans, outfile)
    write(toJSON(ans), file = outfile)
cullDates = function(dateDF)
    tmp = sapply(dateDF$var, getYears)
    i = sapply(tmp, length) != 0
    ans = dateDF[i,]
    ans$var = do.call(c, tmp[i])

getYears = function(dates,
                    pattern = "20[01][0-9]|1[789][0-9]{2}",
                    m = regexpr(pattern, dates))
    regmatches(dates, m)
dsidavis/SpilloverDA documentation built on June 1, 2019, 2:55 p.m.