
#' Run the Time Series Simulation script.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{timeseriessim()}
  ##' @author Omar Chavez
  getvalidinput <- function(prompt, error, validinput = NULL, low=0, high=0)
    if(is.null(validinput) && low == high) stop("Must either input validinput or both low and high!")
      input <- readline(prompt)
      if(input %in% validinput)
        if(low < high && low < high && low <= as.numeric(input) && as.numeric(input) <= high)

  options(warn=-1) # make this 0 for testing, -1 for production
  options(scipen=4) #Don't give numbers like 1e-4, instead do .0001

  cat("Are you ready for some nice graphics to help illustrate stability in time plots?\n")
  cat("At each step, type your response and press \"Enter\"\n\n")

    cat("\nHow many data points would you like to simulate?\n")
    # getvalidinput is a function that does exactly what it sounds like. See documentation above.
    data.size <- getvalidinput("Enter a number between 1 and 10000 or 'q'to Quit: ", "Invalid selection! Choose a number from 1 to 10000!\n",
                               validinput = 'q', low = 1, high = 1e4);
    if(data.size == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    data.size <- as.numeric(data.size)
    stable.unstable <- getvalidinput("\nWould you like to generate stable or unstable plots?\n1) stable plots\n2) unstable plots \nPlease enter your selection or q to quit: ", "Invalid selection! enter1, 2 or q \n", validinput = c('1', '2', 'q'))
    if(stable.unstable == 'q') { cat("\nQuitting!\n"); break() }
    stable.unstable <- as.numeric(stable.unstable)

    #if unstable plot selected get info about mean and variance
    if(stable.unstable == 2){

      mean = 0
      variance = 1
      mean.and.variance = getvalidinput("\nWould you like to have \n1) changing mean only? \n2) changing variance only? \n3) both changing mean AND changing variance? \nPlease enter your selection or q to quit: ",   "Invalid selection! enter 1, 2, 3 or q.\n",
                                        validinput = c('1', '2', '3', 'q'))
      if( mean.and.variance == 'q') { cat("\nQuitting!\n"); break() }
      mean.and.variance <- as.numeric(mean.and.variance)

      #changing mean
      if(mean.and.variance == 1 | mean.and.variance == 3){

        mean.selection <- getvalidinput("\nWould you like the mean to \n1) Increase?\n2) Decrease?\n3) Oscillate (fluctuate)? \nPlease enter your selection or q to quit: ", "Invalid selection! enter 1,2,3 or q \n", validinput = c('1', '2', '3', 'q'))
        if(mean.selection == 'q') { cat("\nQuitting!\n"); break() }
        mean.selection <- as.numeric(mean.selection)
        #increasing mean
        if(mean.selection == 1){

          mean = c(1:data.size)* (3/data.size)
          if(mean.and.variance == 1){
            description = "increasing mean, constant variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = "increasing mean"

        #decreasing mean
        if(mean.selection == 2){

          mean = c(data.size:1)* (3/data.size)
          if(mean.and.variance == 1){
            description = "decreasing mean, constant variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = "decreasing mean"

        #oscillating mean
        if(mean.selection == 3){

          mean = 2 * cos( c(1:data.size)*4*pi/data.size )
          if(mean.and.variance == 1){
            description = "oscillating (fluctuating) mean, constant variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = "oscillating (fluctuating) mean"


      #changing variance
      if(mean.and.variance == 2 | mean.and.variance == 3){

        variance.selection <- getvalidinput("\nWould you like the variance to \n1) Increase?\n2) Decrease?\n3) Oscillate (fluctuate)? \nPlease enter your selection or q to quit: ", "Invalid selection! enter 1,2,3 or q \n", validinput = c('1', '2', '3', 'q'))
        if(variance.selection == 'q') { cat("\nQuitting!\n"); break() }
        variance.selection <- as.numeric(variance.selection)

        #increasing variance
        if(variance.selection == 1){

          variance = c(1:data.size)* (3/data.size)
          if(mean.and.variance == 2){
            description = "constant mean, increasing variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = paste(description, ", increasing variance")

        #decreasing variance
        if(variance.selection == 2){

          variance = c(data.size:1)* (3/data.size)
          if(mean.and.variance == 2){
            description = "constant mean, decreasing variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = paste(description, ", decreasing variance")

        #oscillating variance
        if(variance.selection == 3){

          variance = 2 * cos( c(1:data.size)*4*pi/data.size )
          if(mean.and.variance == 2){
            description = "constant mean, oscillating (fluctuating) variance"
          if(mean.and.variance == 3){
            description = paste(description, ", oscillating (fluctuating) variance")



             #stable plots
             series1 = rnorm(data.size)
             series2 = rnorm(data.size)
             series3 = rnorm(data.size)
             series4 = rnorm(data.size)
    #unstable plots
    series1 = variance * rnorm(data.size) + mean
    series2 = variance * rnorm(data.size) + mean
    series3 = variance * rnorm(data.size) + mean
    series4 = variance * rnorm(data.size) + mean
  }) # end switch

    par(mfrow = c(2,2), omi = c(0,0, .5,0), mar = c(4,4, 9,1))
    if(stable.unstable == 1){
      plot(series1, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 1")
      plot(series2, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 2")
      plot(series3, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 3")
      plot(series4, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 4")
      mtext(paste("Stable Plots"), side = 3, line = -1, cex = 2, outer = TRUE)
      mtext("constant mean, constant variance", side = 3, line = -3, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)
    if(stable.unstable == 2){
      plot(series1, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 1")
      plot(series2, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 2")
      plot(series3, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 3")
      plot(series4, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 4")
      mtext(paste("Unstable Plots"), side = 3, line = -1, cex = 2, outer = TRUE)
      mtext(paste(description), side = 3, line = -3, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)
    #                                              #
    #           option to save plots here          #
    #                                              #
    saveplots <- getvalidinput("Do you want to save your plot to the desktop? y/n: ", "Enter (y)es or (n)o!\n", validinput=c('y','n', 'q'))
    if(saveplots == 'q') { cat("Quitting!\n"); break() }
    if(saveplots == 'y')
      titlename <- readline("Please enter your name for the plot: ")
        if(nchar(titlename) > 0) break()
        titlename <- readline("Must enter a name! Enter your name: ")
      os <- .Platform$OS
      td <- gsub(":", ".", as.character(Sys.time()))
      td <- gsub(" ", "_", td)
      if(os == 'unix') #unix == linux or mac
        name <- paste("~/Desktop/time_series_Rplot_", td, sep="")
      if(os == 'windows')
        name <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.getenv('HOME')), 'Documents')
        name <- paste(name, "Desktop\\time_series_Rplot_", td, sep="")
      name <- paste(name, ".jpg", sep="")

      #generate plots to save
      if(stable.unstable == 1){
        par(mfrow = c(2,2), omi = c( 0,0, .25,0), mar = c(4,4, 9,1))
        plot(series1, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 1",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series2, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 2",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series3, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 3",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series4, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 4",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        mtext(paste("Stable Plots - ", "constant mean, constant variance"), side = 3, line = -1, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)
        mtext(paste("by ",titlename), side = 3, line = -3, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)
      if(stable.unstable == 2){
        par(mfrow = c(2,2), omi = c(0,0, .25,0), mar = c(4,4, 9,1))
        plot(series1, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 1",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series2, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 2",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series3, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 3",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        plot(series4, type = 'l', main = "Simulation 4",xlab = "index", ylab = "time series value")
        mtext(paste("Unstable Plots - ", description), side = 3, line = -1, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)
        mtext(paste("by ", titlename), side = 3, line = -3, cex = 1, outer = TRUE)



  } # end while loop
dswalter/stats250 documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:51 p.m.