
## This file contains methods for finishing the tab-completion and searching
## the web service for available resources.

.pathToLocalPath <- function(path) {
    if (.Platform$file.sep != "/")
        path <- gsub("/", .Platform$file.sep, path)

.dirCreate <- function(dirPath) {
    if (!file.exists(dirPath))
        if (!dir.create(dirPath, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)) {
            warning(gettextf("unable to create %s", sQuote(dirPath)),
                    domain = NA)
    else if (!file.info(dirPath)$isdir)
        stop("path exists but is not a directory: ", sQuote(dirPath))

## helper for downloading files
.downloadFile <- function(x, path) {
    message("Retrieving ", sQuote(path))
    url <- hubResource(x, path, cached=FALSE)
    destfile <- hubResource(x, path, cached=TRUE)
    if (getOption("AnnotationHub.debug", FALSE))
        print(paste("Downloading", url))
    download.file(url=url, destfile=destfile, quiet=TRUE)

## Helper for getting rda files.
.getRda <- function(x, path) {
    obj <- local({
        rsrc <- hubResource(x, path)
        if (grepl("^http:", rsrc, TRUE)) {
            message("Retrieving ", sQuote(path))
            rsrc <- url(rsrc)
        if (getOption("AnnotationHub.debug", FALSE))
            print(paste("Downloading", hubResource(x, path)))

        .objName <- load(rsrc)

    if (!.isCached(hubCache(x), path)) {
        localPath <- hubResource(x, path, cached=TRUE)
        save(obj, file=localPath)

    if (isS4(obj)) {
        pkg <- getClassDef(class(obj))@package
            require(pkg, quietly=TRUE, character.only=TRUE)
        }, warning=function(w) {
            msg <- sprintf("%s is from package %s,
                             but \"require('%s')\" said: %s",
                           sQuote(path), sQuote(pkg), pkg,
            warning(paste(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n"), call.=FALSE)

    if (is(obj,"GRanges") || is(obj,"GRangesList")){
        len <- length(metadata(obj))
        meta <- ahinfo(x, names(path))
        ## its expected that usually this will be put into spot 1, but
        ## just in case...
        metadata(obj)[[len+1]] <- as.list(meta[[1]]) ## always just 1st one 

## Gets fasta Files downloaded and then makes a FaFile handle for them
.getFasta <- function(x, path){
    require(Rsamtools)  ## only needed here

    ## download, if needed
    if (!.isCached(hubCache(x), path)) {
        indexPath <- paste(path, ".fai", sep="")
        .downloadFile(x, indexPath)    # index
        .downloadFile(x, path)         # file

    ## get
    localPath <- hubResource(x, path, cached=TRUE)

## Downloads tabix files and makes a TabixFile handle
.getTabix <- function(x, path){

    if (!.isCached(hubCache(x), path)) {
        indexPath <- paste(path, ".tbi", sep="")
        .downloadFile(x, indexPath)    # index
        .downloadFile(x, path)         # file

    localPath <- hubResource(x, path, cached=TRUE)

## $ is called on enter; this gets the data
.getResource <- function(x, name) {
    path <- snapshotPaths(x)[name]   
    if (is.na(path)) {
        warning("incomplete path")
        return(grep(name, names(x), value=TRUE))

    ## Get the metadata
    m <- as.character(unlist(.metadata(snapshotUrl(x),

    ## Call correct function based on the results of the metadata
    FUN <- switch(m, FaFile=.getFasta, TabixFile=.getTabix, .getRda)
    FUN(x, path)
dtenenba/AnnotationHub.new documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:53 p.m.