


  function(input, output, session) {


    my_data <- reactiveVal()
    observeEvent(input$file1, {
      tmp1 <- read.delim(input$file1$datapath,  row.names = 1)

    my_metadata <- reactiveVal()
    observeEvent(input$file2, {
      tmp2 <- read.delim(input$file2$datapath)

    output$thresholdPanel <- renderUI({
      if (is.null(my_data()) | is.null(my_metadata()))
      actionButton("threshybutton", "Load Files and Apply Threshold", width="100%")

    current_threshold <- eventReactive(input$threshybutton,{
      return(paste("Current threshold applied is:\n", paste0(input$thresholdvalue*100, "%"), sep = ""))

    output$thresholdInfo <- renderUI({
      if (is.null(thresholded_data()))



    thresholded_data <- reactiveVal()

    observeEvent(input$threshybutton, {
      message("loading user data")
      withProgress(message = "Loading files and applying threshold", value = 0, {
        your_data <- my_data()
        metadata <- my_metadata()
        if(!(all(c("SAMPLENAME") %in% colnames(metadata)))){
          stop("metadata missing SAMPLENAME column")
          stop("metadata contains duplicate SAMPLENAME")
        if(!(all(colnames(your_data) %in% metadata$SAMPLENAME))){
          stop("Column in data is not a SAMPLENAME in metadata")
        if(!(all(metadata$SAMPLENAME %in% colnames(your_data)))){
          stop("SAMPLENAME in metadata is not a column in data")
        if(length(setdiff(metadata$SAMPLENAME, colnames(your_data))) != 0){
          print(setdiff(metadata$SAMPLENAME, colnames(your_data)))
          stop("Number of samples in metadata differs from number of samples in data")
        metadata <- metadata[match(colnames(your_data), metadata$SAMPLENAME),]
        your_SE <- barcodetrackR::create_SE(your_data = your_data,
                                            meta_data  = metadata,
                                            threshold = input$thresholdvalue)
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Descriptive Statistics", uiOutput("DataStatistics")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Heatmap", uiOutput("Heatmap")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Correlation Plot", uiOutput("CorPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Distance Plot", uiOutput("DistPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Dissimilarity Plot", uiOutput("mdsPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Contribution", uiOutput("ClonalContribution")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clone Count", uiOutput("CloneCount")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Diversity", uiOutput("ClonalDiversity")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Chord Diagram", uiOutput("ChordDiagram")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Ridge Plot", uiOutput("RidgePlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Binary Heatmap", uiOutput("BinaryHeatmap")))
        removeTab("Panel", "Descriptive Statistics")
        removeTab("Panel", "Heatmap")
        removeTab("Panel", "Correlation Plot")
        removeTab("Panel", "Distance Plot")
        removeTab("Panel", "Dissimilarity Plot")
        removeTab("Panel", "Clonal Contribution")
        removeTab("Panel", "Clone Count")
        removeTab("Panel", "Clonal Diversity")
        removeTab("Panel", "Chord Diagram")
        removeTab("Panel", "Ridge Plot")
        removeTab("Panel", "Binary Heatmap")
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Descriptive Statistics", uiOutput("DataStatistics")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Heatmap", uiOutput("Heatmap")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Correlation Plot", uiOutput("CorPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Distance Plot", uiOutput("DistPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Dissimilarity Plot", uiOutput("mdsPlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Contribution", uiOutput("ClonalContribution")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clone Count", uiOutput("CloneCount")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Diversity", uiOutput("ClonalDiversity")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Chord Diagram", uiOutput("ChordDiagram")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Ridge Plot", uiOutput("RidgePlot")))
        appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Binary Heatmap", uiOutput("BinaryHeatmap")))


    observeEvent(input$samplebutton, {
      message("loading sample data")
      data("wu_subset", package = "barcodetrackR")
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Descriptive Statistics", uiOutput("DataStatistics")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Heatmap", uiOutput("Heatmap")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Correlation Plot", uiOutput("CorPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Distance Plot", uiOutput("DistPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Dissimilarity Plot", uiOutput("mdsPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Contribution", uiOutput("ClonalContribution")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clone Count", uiOutput("CloneCount")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Diversity", uiOutput("ClonalDiversity")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Chord Diagram", uiOutput("ChordDiagram")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Ridge Plot", uiOutput("RidgePlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Binary Heatmap", uiOutput("BinaryHeatmap")))
      removeTab("Panel", "Descriptive Statistics")
      removeTab("Panel", "Heatmap")
      removeTab("Panel", "Correlation Plot")
      removeTab("Panel", "Distance Plot")
      removeTab("Panel", "Dissimilarity Plot")
      removeTab("Panel", "Clonal Contribution")
      removeTab("Panel", "Clone Count")
      removeTab("Panel", "Clonal Diversity")
      removeTab("Panel", "Chord Diagram")
      removeTab("Panel", "Ridge Plot")
      removeTab("Panel", "Binary Heatmap")
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Descriptive Statistics", uiOutput("DataStatistics")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Heatmap", uiOutput("Heatmap")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Correlation Plot", uiOutput("CorPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Distance Plot", uiOutput("DistPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Dissimilarity Plot", uiOutput("mdsPlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Contribution", uiOutput("ClonalContribution")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clone Count", uiOutput("CloneCount")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Clonal Diversity", uiOutput("ClonalDiversity")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Chord Diagram", uiOutput("ChordDiagram")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Ridge Plot", uiOutput("RidgePlot")))
      appendTab("Panel", tab = tabPanel("Binary Heatmap", uiOutput("BinaryHeatmap")))
      message("done loading sample data and creating tabs")


    output$DataStatistics <- renderUI({

      stat_histInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::stat_hist(your_SE = stathist_data(),
                                       data_choice = input$stat_hist_data_choice,
                                       assay_choice = input$stat_hist_assay_choice,
                                       metadata_stat = input$stat_hist_metadata_stat,
                                       group_meta_by = input$stat_hist_group_meta_by,
                                       scale_all_y = input$stat_hist_scale_all_y,
                                       y_log_axis = input$stat_hist_y_log_axis,
                                       text_size = input$stat_hist_text_size,
                                       n_bins = input$stat_hist_n_bins,
                                       n_cols = input$stat_hist_n_cols)

      output$viewDataStatistics <- renderPlot({

      stathist_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$stat_hist_samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$stat_hist_samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]

                 selectInput("stat_hist_data_choice", "Select Histogram Display Option",
                             choices = c("assay stats", "metadata stats"),
                             selected = "assay stats"),
                 selectizeInput("stat_hist_samples", label = "Samples",
                                choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)),
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:2],
                                multiple = TRUE),
                 selectInput("stat_hist_assay_choice", label = "Choose Assay",
                             choices = names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(thresholded_data())),
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 numericInput("stat_hist_n_cols", "Number of columns",
                              value = 1,
                              min = 1),
                 selectizeInput("stat_hist_metadata_stat", label = "Choose Metadata",
                                choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                                multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("stat_hist_group_meta_by", label = "Group Metadata by",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             multiple = FALSE,
                             selected = FALSE,
                             selectize = FALSE,
                             size = 6), # somehow adding selectize = FALSE and size = some number allows for null default
                 # br(),
                 checkboxInput("stat_hist_scale_all_y", label = "Scale all y", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("stat_hist_y_log_axis", label = "Y log axis", value = FALSE),
                 numericInput("stat_hist_text_size", "Text size", value = 12),
                 numericInput("stat_hist_n_bins", "Number of bins", value = 10)
               plotOutput('viewDataStatistics', height = 600)


    output$Heatmap <- renderUI({

      if (is.null(thresholded_data()))

      HeatmapInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::barcode_ggheatmap(your_SE = Heatmap_data(),
                                               plot_labels = NULL,
                                               n_clones = input$Heatmap_top_clones,
                                               cellnote_assay = input$Heatmap_cellnote_assay,
                                               your_title = paste0(input$Heatmap_title),
                                               grid = input$Heatmap_grid,
                                               label_size = input$Heatmap_labels,
                                               dendro = input$Heatmap_dendrogram,
                                               cellnote_size = input$Heatmap_starsize,
                                               distance_method = input$Heatmap_distance,
                                               minkowski_power = input$Heatmap_mink_distance,
                                               hclust_linkage = input$Heatmap_hclust_linkage,
                                               row_order = input$Heatmap_row_order,
                                               clusters = input$Heatmap_clusters,
                                               percent_scale = c(0, 0.000025, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1),
                                               color_scale = c("#4575B4", "#4575B4", "lightblue", "#fefeb9", "#D73027", "red4")
                                               # log_transform = input$Heatmap_log_transform,
                                               # log_choice = switch(as.character(input$Heatmap_scale), "2" = 2, "e" = exp(1), "10" = 10, "100" = 100),

      output$viewHeatmap <- renderPlot({

      Heatmap_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$Heatmap_samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$Heatmap_samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]


      output$downloadHeatmapData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "heatmap_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::barcode_ggheatmap(your_SE = Heatmap_data(),
                                                       plot_labels = NULL,
                                                       n_clones = input$Heatmap_top_clones,
                                                       cellnote_assay = input$Heatmap_cellnote_assay,
                                                       your_title = paste0(input$Heatmap_title),
                                                       grid = input$Heatmap_grid,
                                                       label_size = input$Heatmap_labels,
                                                       dendro = input$Heatmap_dendrogram,
                                                       cellnote_size = input$Heatmap_starsize,
                                                       distance_method = input$Heatmap_distance,
                                                       minkowski_power = input$Heatmap_mink_distance,
                                                       hclust_linkage = input$Heatmap_hclust_linkage,
                                                       row_order = input$Heatmap_row_order,
                                                       clusters = input$Heatmap_clusters,
                                                       percent_scale = c(0, 0.000025, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1),
                                                       color_scale = c("#4575B4", "#4575B4", "lightblue", "#fefeb9", "#D73027", "red4"),
                                                       return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      output$Heatmap_download_samples <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "samplelist.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(input$Heatmap_samples, file, sep = '\t', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

      Heatmap_uploaded_samples <- reactive({
        samples <- as.vector(t(read.delim(input$Heatmap_uploaded_samples$datapath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)))

      observeEvent(input$Heatmap_uploaded_samples, {updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = 'Heatmap_samples', selected = Heatmap_uploaded_samples())})

                 div(style="display:inline-block; height:85px;",fileInput("Heatmap_uploaded_samples", "Upload Prepared Sample List or Input Samples")),
                 selectizeInput("Heatmap_samples", label = NULL, choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:2]),
                 downloadButton("Heatmap_download_samples", "Download This Sample List"),
                 numericInput("Heatmap_top_clones", "Number of top clones", value = 10),
                 checkboxInput("Heatmap_grid", label = "Grid", value = TRUE),
                 # checkboxInput("Heatmap_log_transform", label = "Log-Transform", value = TRUE),
                 checkboxInput("Heatmap_dendrogram", label = "Display Dendrogram", value = FALSE),
                 selectInput("Heatmap_cellnote_assay", "Select Cell Display Option",
                             choices = c("stars", "counts", "proportions"),
                             selected = "stars"),
                 numericInput("Heatmap_labels", "Set Column Label Size", value = 14),
                 numericInput("Heatmap_starsize", "Set Cell Label Size", value = 6),
                 textInput("Heatmap_title", "Title for Heatmap", value = ""),
                 selectInput("Heatmap_distance", "Select Distance Metric/Function",
                             choices = sort(as.vector(unlist(summary(proxy::pr_DB)[1]))),
                             selected = "Euclidean"),
                 numericInput("Heatmap_mink_distance", "If Minkowski, choose Minkowski Power", value = 2, step = 1),
                 selectInput("Heatmap_hclust_linkage", "Select Clustering Linkage",
                             choices = c("ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid"),
                             selected = "complete"),
                 # selectInput("Heatmap_scale", "11. Select Log",
                 #             choices = c("2", "e", "10", "100"),
                 #             selected = "e"),
                 numericInput("Heatmap_clusters", "Select number of clusters to show", value = 0, step = 1, min = 1, max = 11),
                 selectInput("Heatmap_row_order", "How to order rows", choices = c("hierarchical", "emergence"), selected = "hierarchical"),
                 # selectInput("Heatmap_table_option", "14. Select Format for Key (below)",
                 #             choices = c("logs", "reads", "percents", "ranks"),
                 #             selected = "percents"),
                 strong("Press button to download Heatmap data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadHeatmapData', 'Heatmap_data')
               plotOutput('viewHeatmap', height = 800),


    output$CorPlot <- renderUI({

      corplotInput <- function(){
        barcodetrackR::cor_plot(your_SE = corplot_data(),
                                # thresh = input$corplot_thresh,
                                your_title = input$corplot_Title,
                                method_corr = input$corplot_Method,
                                label_size = input$corplot_Labels,
                                plot_type = input$corplot_Type,
                                no_negatives = input$corplot_excludeneg,
                                grid = input$corplot_Grid,
                                # color_scale = input$corplot_Colors,
                                number_size = input$corplot_number_size,
                                point_scale = input$corplot_point_scale)

      output$viewcorplot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadCorData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "corplot_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::cor_plot(your_SE = corplot_data(),
                                              # thresh = input$corplot_thresh,
                                              your_title = input$corplot_Title,
                                              method_corr = input$corplot_Method,
                                              label_size = input$corplot_Labels,
                                              plot_type = input$corplot_Type,
                                              no_negatives = input$corplot_excludeneg,
                                              grid = input$corplot_Grid,
                                              # color_scale = input$corplot_Colors,
                                              number_size = input$corplot_number_size,
                                              point_scale = input$corplot_point_scale,
                                              return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      corplot_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$corplot_Samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$corplot_Samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]

      observeEvent(input$corplot_Copier, {updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = 'corplot_Samples', selected = input$Heatmap_samples)})

                 selectizeInput("corplot_Samples", "Samples", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:2]),
                 actionButton("corplot_Copier", label = "Copy Samples from heatmap"),
                 #numericInput("corplot_thresh", "2. Reads threshold", value = 0),
                 selectInput("corplot_Method", "Chooose Correlation Method", choices = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"), selected = "pearson"),
                 selectInput("corplot_Type", 'Choose Type of Plot', choices = c("color", "circle","number"), selected = "color"),
                 textInput("corplot_Title", "Title", value = ""),
                 checkboxInput("corplot_excludeneg", "Exclude negatives", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("corplot_Grid", "Grid", value = TRUE),
                 # selectInput("corplot_Colors", "Choose Color Scale", choices = c("default", "rainbow", "white_heat"), selected = "default"),
                 numericInput("corplot_Labels", "Set Label Size", value = 12),
                 numericInput("corplot_number_size", "Set Number Size", value = 4),
                 numericInput("corplot_point_scale", "Set Point Scale", value = 4),
                 strong("Press button to download Correlation data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadCorData', 'Cor_data')
                 # strong("Press button to downlaod CorPlot Files as .zip"),
                 # br(),
                 # downloadButton('downloadcorplotzip', '')

               plotOutput('viewcorplot', height = 800)


    output$DistPlot <- renderUI({

      distplotInput <- function(){
        barcodetrackR::dist_plot(your_SE = distplot_data(),
                                 assay = input$distplot_assay,
                                 dist_method = input$distplot_method,
                                 cluster_tree =  input$distplot_cluster_tree,
                                 your_title = input$distplot_Title,
                                 label_size = input$distplot_Labels,
                                 plot_type = input$distplot_Type,
                                 no_negatives = input$distplot_excludeneg,
                                 grid = input$distplot_Grid,
                                 color_pal = input$distplot_color_pal,
                                 number_size = input$distplot_number_size,
                                 point_scale = input$distplot_point_scale,
                                 minkowski_p = input$displot_minkowski_p)

      output$viewdistplot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadDistData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "distplot_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::dist_plot(your_SE = distplot_data(),
                                               assay = input$distplot_assay,
                                               dist_method = input$distplot_method,
                                               cluster_tree =  input$distplot_cluster_tree,
                                               your_title = input$distplot_Title,
                                               label_size = input$distplot_Labels,
                                               plot_type = input$distplot_Type,
                                               no_negatives = input$distplot_excludeneg,
                                               grid = input$distplot_Grid,
                                               color_pal = input$distplot_color_pal,
                                               number_size = input$distplot_number_size,
                                               point_scale = input$distplot_point_scale,
                                               minkowski_p = input$displot_minkowski_p,
                                               return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      distplot_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$distplot_Samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$distplot_Samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]

      observeEvent(input$distplot_Copier, {updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = 'distplot_Samples', selected = input$Heatmap_samples)})

                 selectizeInput("distplot_Samples", "Samples", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:2]),
                 actionButton("distplot_Copier", label = "Copy Samples from heatmap"),
                 selectInput("distplot_assay", label = "Choose assay to calculate distances",
                             choices = names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(thresholded_data())),
                             multiple = FALSE,
                             selected = "proportions"),
                 selectInput("distplot_method", "Chooose Distance or Similarity Method", choices = tolower(proxy::pr_DB$get_entry_names()), selected = "euclidean"),
                 checkboxInput("distplot_cluster_tree", "Cluster tree", value = FALSE),
                 selectInput("distplot_Type", 'Choose Type of Plot', choices = c("color", "circle","number"), selected = "color"),
                 textInput("distplot_Title", "Title", value = ""),
                 checkboxInput("distplot_excludeneg", "Exclude negatives", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("distplot_Grid", "Grid", value = TRUE),
                 selectInput("distplot_color_pal", "Color brewer", choices = c('Reds', 'Purples', 'Oranges', 'Greys', 'Greens', 'Blues'), selected = 'Blues'),
                 numericInput("distplot_Labels", "Set Label Size", value = 12),
                 numericInput("distplot_number_size", "Set Number Size", value = 4),
                 numericInput("distplot_point_scale", "Set Point Scale", value = 4),
                 numericInput("displot_minkowski_p", "p value for minkowski distance", value = 2, min = 1, step = 1),
                 strong("Press button to download Distance data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadDistData', 'Dist_data')

               plotOutput('viewdistplot', height = 800)


    output$mdsPlot <- renderUI({

      if (ncol(thresholded_data()) < 3){
        stop("MDS plotting not available for experiments with less than 3 experiments")

      mdsInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::mds_plot(your_SE = mds_data(),
                                      group_by = input$mds_group,
                                      method_dist = input$mds_method,
                                      assay = input$mds_assay,
                                      your_title = paste0(input$mds_title),
                                      point_size = input$mds_point_size,
                                      text_size = input$mds_text_size,
                                      kmeans_cluster = input$kmeans_cluster,
                                      k.param = input$k.param,
                                      draw_ellipses = input$draw_ellipses

      output$view_mdsPlot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadMdsData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "mds_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::mds_plot(your_SE = mds_data(),
                                              group_by = input$mds_group,
                                              method_dist = input$mds_method,
                                              assay = input$mds_assay,
                                              your_title = paste0(input$mds_title),
                                              point_size = input$mds_point_size,
                                              text_size = input$mds_text_size,
                                              kmeans_cluster = input$kmeans_cluster,
                                              k.param = input$k.param,
                                              draw_ellipses = input$draw_ellipses,
                                              return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      mds_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$mds_samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$mds_samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]


      mds_uploaded_samples <- reactive({
        samples <- as.vector(t(read.delim(input$mds_uploaded_samples$datapath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)))

      observeEvent(input$mds_uploaded_samples, {updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = 'mds_samples', selected = mds_uploaded_samples())})

                 div(style="display:inline-block; height:85px;",fileInput("mds_uploaded_samples", "Upload Prepared Sample List or Input Samples")),
                 selectizeInput("mds_samples", label = NULL, choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:3]),
                 selectInput("mds_group", label = "Group By", choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())), multiple = FALSE, selected = "SAMPLENAME"),
                 selectInput("mds_method", label = "Dissimilarity index", choices = c("manhattan", "euclidean", "canberra", "clark", "bray", "kulczynski", "jaccard", "gower", "altGower", "morisita", "horn", "mountford", "raup", "binomial", "chao", "cao"), multiple = FALSE, selected = "bray"),
                 selectInput("mds_assay", label = "Choose Assay", choices = names(SummarizedExperiment::assays(thresholded_data())), multiple = FALSE, selected = "proportions"),
                 checkboxInput("kmeans_cluster", label = "Compute k means clusters", value = FALSE),
                 numericInput("k.param", "k (number of kmeans clusters)", value = 3, min = 1, step = 1),
                 checkboxInput("draw_ellipses", label = "Draw ellipses for k means clusters", value = FALSE),
                 textInput("mds_title", "Title for plot", value = ""),
                 numericInput("mds_point_size", "Point size", value = 5, min = 1, step = 1),
                 numericInput("mds_text_size", "Text size", value = 16, min = 1, step = 1),
                 strong("Press button to download MDS data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadMdsData', 'MDS_data')
               plotOutput('view_mdsPlot', height = 800),
               #   dataTableOutput('heatmap_datatable')

    # Clonal Contribution TAB
    output$ClonalContribution <- renderUI({

      if (ncol(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())) < 3){
        stop("Clonal contributions requires at least 3 columns of metadata (including SAMPLENAME)")

      ClonalContributionInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::clonal_contribution(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                                 graph_type = input$cc_graph_type,
                                                 filter_by = input$cc_filter_by,
                                                 filter_selection = input$cc_filter_selection,
                                                 SAMPLENAME_choice = input$cc_samplename_choice,
                                                 plot_over = input$cc_plot_over,
                                                 plot_over_display_choices = input$cc_plot_over_choices,
                                                 n_clones = input$cc_n_clones,
                                                 keep_numeric = input$cc_keep_numeric,
                                                 plot_non_selected = input$cc_plot_non_selected,
                                                 linesize = input$cc_linesize,
                                                 text_size = input$cc_text_size,
                                                 your_title = input$cc_your_title,
                                                 y_limit = input$cc_y_limit

      output$view_cc_plot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadClonalContribData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "clonal_contribution_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::clonal_contribution(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                                         graph_type = input$cc_graph_type,
                                                         filter_by = input$cc_filter_by,
                                                         filter_selection = input$cc_filter_selection,
                                                         SAMPLENAME_choice = input$cc_samplename_choice,
                                                         plot_over = input$cc_plot_over,
                                                         plot_over_display_choices = input$cc_plot_over_choices,
                                                         n_clones = input$cc_n_clones,
                                                         keep_numeric = input$cc_keep_numeric,
                                                         plot_non_selected = input$cc_plot_non_selected,
                                                         linesize = input$cc_linesize,
                                                         text_size = input$cc_text_size,
                                                         your_title = input$cc_your_title,
                                                         y_limit = input$cc_y_limit,
                                                         return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      # Helper function
      # filter_data_available <- reactive({
      #   filter_data_available <- unique(colData(thresholded_data())[,input$cc_filter_by])
      # })

      observeEvent(input$cc_filter_by, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                             inputId = 'cc_filter_selection',
                                                             choices = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$cc_filter_by]))})

      observeEvent(input$cc_plot_over, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                             inputId = 'cc_plot_over_choices',
                                                             choices = sort(unique(colData(thresholded_data())[,input$cc_plot_over]), decreasing = FALSE))})

                 selectInput("cc_graph_type", "Chooose Graph Type", choices = c("bar", "line"), selected = "bar"),
                 selectInput("cc_filter_by", label = "Filter By",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("cc_filter_selection", label = "Filter Selection", choices = c(""), multiple = FALSE),
                 selectizeInput("cc_samplename_choice", "Sample name to color by", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("cc_plot_over", label = "Plot Over",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))-1],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("cc_plot_over_choices", label = "Include: (defaults to all values of Plot Over", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 numericInput("cc_n_clones", "Number of clones to color", value = 10),
                 textInput("cc_your_title", "Title", value = ""),
                 checkboxInput("cc_keep_numeric", "Keep x-axis numeric", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("cc_plot_non_selected", "Plot non-selected", value = FALSE),
                 numericInput("cc_linesize", "Line size", value = 0.2),
                 numericInput("cc_text_size", "Text size", value = 16),
                 numericInput("cc_y_limit", "Manually set y limit", min = 0, max = 1, value = NULL, step = 0.05),
                 strong("Press button to download clonal contribution data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadClonalContribData', 'Download_data')

               plotOutput('view_cc_plot', height = 500)


    # Clone Count TAB
    output$CloneCount <- renderUI({

      if (ncol(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())) < 3){
        stop("Clonal counts requires at least 3 columns of metadata (including SAMPLENAME)")

      CloneCountInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::clonal_count(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                          cumulative = (input$clone_index_type == "cumulative count"),
                                          group_by = input$clone_group_by,
                                          group_by_choices = input$clone_group_by_choices,
                                          plot_over = input$clone_plot_over,
                                          plot_over_display_choices = input$clone_plot_over_choices,
                                          line_size = input$clone_line_size,
                                          point_size = input$clone_point_size,
                                          text_size = input$clone_text_size,
                                          your_title = input$clone_your_title

      output$view_clone_plot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadClonalCountData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "clonal_count_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::clonal_count(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                                  cumulative = (input$clone_index_type != "cumulative"),
                                                  group_by = input$clone_group_by,
                                                  group_by_choices = input$clone_group_by_choices,
                                                  plot_over = input$clone_plot_over,
                                                  plot_over_display_choices = input$clone_plot_over_choices,
                                                  line_size = input$clone_line_size,
                                                  point_size = input$clone_point_size,
                                                  text_size = input$clone_text_size,
                                                  your_title = input$clone_your_title,
                                                  return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      # Helper function to get unique values of the plot_over parameter
      observeEvent(input$clone_plot_over, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                                inputId = 'clone_plot_over_choices',
                                                                choices = sort(unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$clone_plot_over]),decreasing = FALSE))})

      observeEvent(input$clone_group_by, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                               inputId = 'clone_group_by_choices',
                                                               choices = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$clone_group_by]))})

                 selectInput("clone_index_type", "Chooose Count Index",
                             choices = c("count","cumulative count"), selected = "count"),
                 selectInput("clone_group_by", label = "Group By",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("clone_group_by_choices", label = "Include:", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 selectInput("clone_plot_over", label = "Plot Over", choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))-1],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("clone_plot_over_choices", label = "Include: (all values included by default)", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 textInput("clone_your_title", "Title", value = ""),
                 numericInput("clone_line_size", "Line size", value = 2),
                 numericInput("clone_point_size", "Point size", value = 5),
                 numericInput("clone_text_size", "Text size", value = 16),
                 strong("Press button to download clonal count data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadClonalCountData', 'Download_data')

               plotOutput('view_clone_plot', height = 500)


    # Clonal Diversity TAB
    output$ClonalDiversity <- renderUI({

      if (ncol(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())) < 3){
        stop("Clonal diversity requires at least 3 columns of metadata (including SAMPLENAME)")

      ClonalDiversityInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::clonal_diversity(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                              index_type = input$div_index,
                                              group_by = input$div_group_by,
                                              group_by_choices = input$div_group_by_choices,
                                              plot_over = input$div_plot_over,
                                              plot_over_display_choices = input$div_plot_over_choices,
                                              line_size = input$div_line_size,
                                              point_size = input$div_point_size,
                                              text_size = input$div_text_size,
                                              your_title = input$div_your_title

      output$view_div_plot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadClonalDivData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "clonal_diversity_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::clonal_diversity(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                                      index_type = input$div_index,
                                                      group_by = input$div_group_by,
                                                      group_by_choices = input$div_group_by_choices,
                                                      plot_over = input$div_plot_over,
                                                      plot_over_display_choices = input$div_plot_over_choices,
                                                      line_size = input$div_line_size,
                                                      point_size = input$div_point_size,
                                                      text_size = input$div_text_size,
                                                      your_title = input$div_your_title,
                                                      return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      # Helper function to get unique values of the plot_over parameter
      observeEvent(input$div_plot_over, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                              inputId = 'div_plot_over_choices',
                                                              choices = sort(unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$div_plot_over]), decreasing = FALSE))})

      observeEvent(input$div_group_by, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                             inputId = 'div_group_by_choices',
                                                             choices = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$div_group_by]))})

                 selectInput("div_index", "Chooose Diversity Index",
                             choices = c("shannon","shannon_count","simpson", "invsimpson"), selected = "shannon"),
                 selectInput("div_group_by", label = "Group By",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("div_group_by_choices", label = "Include:", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 selectInput("div_plot_over", label = "Plot Over",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))-1],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("div_plot_over_choices", label = "Include: (all values included by default)", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 textInput("div_your_title", "Title", value = ""),
                 numericInput("div_line_size", "Line size", value = 2),
                 numericInput("div_point_size", "Point size", value = 5),
                 numericInput("div_text_size", "Text size", value = 16),
                 strong("Press button to download clonal diversity data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadClonalDivData', 'Download_data')

               plotOutput('view_div_plot', height = 500)


    # Ridge Plot TAB
    output$RidgePlot <- renderUI({

      if (ncol(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())) < 3){
        stop("Clonal counts requires at least 3 columns of metadata (including SAMPLENAME)")

      RidgePlotInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                             split_bias_on = input$ridge_split_bias_on,
                                             bias_1 = input$ridge_bias1,
                                             bias_2 = input$ridge_bias2,
                                             split_bias_over = input$ridge_split_bias_over,
                                             bias_over = input$ridge_bias_over_select,
                                             remove_unique = input$ridge_rem_unique,
                                             weighted = input$ridge_weighted,
                                             text_size = input$ridge_text_size,
                                             add_dots = input$ridge_add_dots

      output$view_ridge_plot <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadRidgeData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "bias_ridge_plot_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::bias_ridge_plot(your_SE = thresholded_data(),
                                                     split_bias_on = input$ridge_split_bias_on,
                                                     bias_1 = input$ridge_bias1,
                                                     bias_2 = input$ridge_bias2,
                                                     split_bias_over = input$ridge_split_bias_over,
                                                     bias_over = input$ridge_bias_over_select,
                                                     remove_unique = input$ridge_rem_unique,
                                                     weighted = input$ridge_weighted,
                                                     text_size = input$ridge_text_size,
                                                     add_dots = input$ridge_add_dots,
                                                     return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      # Helper function to get unique values of the split_bias_on parameter
      observeEvent(input$ridge_split_bias_on, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                                    inputId = 'ridge_bias1',
                                                                    selected = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))])[1],
                                                                    choices = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$ridge_split_bias_on]))})

      observeEvent(input$ridge_split_bias_on, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                                    inputId = 'ridge_bias2',
                                                                    selected = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))])[2],
                                                                    choices = unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$ridge_split_bias_on]))})

      observeEvent(input$ridge_split_bias_over, {updateSelectizeInput(session,
                                                                      inputId = 'ridge_bias_over_select',
                                                                      choices = sort(unique(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())[,input$ridge_split_bias_over]), decreasing = FALSE))})

                 selectInput("ridge_split_bias_on", label = "Compare Samples by",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("ridge_bias1", label = "Selection 1",
                             choices = c(""),
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("ridge_bias2", label = "Selection 2",
                             choices = c(""),
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("ridge_split_bias_over", label = "Plot Over",
                             choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())),
                             selected = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data()))[length(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())))-1],
                             multiple = FALSE),
                 selectInput("ridge_bias_over_select", label = "Include:", choices = c(""), multiple = TRUE),
                 checkboxInput("ridge_weighted", "Weighted", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("ridge_rem_unique", "Remove unique barcodes", value = FALSE),
                 checkboxInput("ridge_add_dots", "Add dots", value = TRUE),
                 numericInput("ridge_text_size", "Text size", value = 16),
                 strong("Press button to download clonal ridge plot data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadRidgeData', 'Download_data')

               plotOutput('view_ridge_plot', height = 500)


    # Chord Diagram TAB
    output$ChordDiagram <- renderUI({

      if (is.null(thresholded_data()))

      ChordDiagramInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::chord_diagram(your_SE = circos_data(),
                                           weighted = input$circos_weighted,
                                           your_title = input$circos_title,
                                           plot_label = input$chord_diagram_label,
                                           alpha = input$circos_alpha

      circos_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$circos_Samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$circos_Samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]

      output$view_chord_diagram <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadChordData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "chord_diagram_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::chord_diagram(your_SE = circos_data(),
                                                   weighted = input$circos_weighted,
                                                   your_title = input$circos_title,
                                                   plot_label = input$chord_diagram_label,
                                                   alpha = input$circos_alpha,
                                                   return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                 selectizeInput("circos_Samples", "Samples", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:3]),
                 checkboxInput("circos_weighted", "Weighted", value = FALSE),
                 selectInput("chord_diagram_label", "Plot labels",choices = colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(thresholded_data())), multiple = FALSE),
                 textInput("circos_title", "Title", value = ""),
                 numericInput("circos_alpha", "Alpha", value = 1),
                 strong("Press button to download chord diagram data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadChordData', 'Download_data')

               plotOutput('view_chord_diagram', height = 400)



    output$BinaryHeatmap <- renderUI({

      if (is.null(thresholded_data()))

      BinaryHeatmapInput <- function(){
        print(barcodetrackR::barcode_binary_heatmap(your_SE = BinaryHeatmap_data(),
                                                    plot_labels = NULL,
                                                    threshold =  input$BinaryHeatmap_threshold,
                                                    your_title = paste0(input$BinaryHeatmap_title),
                                                    label_size = input$BinaryHeatmap_labels


      output$viewBinaryHeatmap <- renderPlot({

      output$downloadBinaryHeatmapData <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {paste(gsub(".txt","",input$file1), "binary_heatmap_data.txt", sep = "_")},
        content = function(file){
          write.table(barcodetrackR::barcode_binary_heatmap(your_SE = BinaryHeatmap_data(),
                                                            plot_labels = NULL,
                                                            threshold =  input$BinaryHeatmap_threshold,
                                                            your_title = paste0(input$BinaryHeatmap_title),
                                                            label_size = input$BinaryHeatmap_labels,
                                                            return_table = TRUE),
                      file = file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

      BinaryHeatmap_data <- reactive({
        se <- thresholded_data()
        se <- se[,se$SAMPLENAME %in% input$BinaryHeatmap_samples] # subset samples
        se$SAMPLENAME <- factor(se$SAMPLENAME, levels = input$BinaryHeatmap_samples)
        se <- se[,order(se$SAMPLENAME)]


      BinaryHeatmap_uploaded_samples <- reactive({
        samples <- as.vector(t(read.delim(input$BinaryHeatmap_uploaded_samples$datapath, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)))

      observeEvent(input$BinaryHeatmap_uploaded_samples, {updateSelectizeInput(session, inputId = 'BinaryHeatmap_samples', selected = BinaryHeatmap_uploaded_samples())})

                 div(style="display:inline-block; height:85px;",fileInput("BinaryHeatmap_uploaded_samples", "Upload Prepared Sample List or Input Samples")),
                 selectizeInput("BinaryHeatmap_samples", label = NULL, choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME)), multiple = TRUE,
                                selected = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$SAMPLENAME))[1:2]),
                 # downloadButton("Heatmap_download_samples", "Download This Sample List"),
                 # strong("Clones with a proportion below this threshold will be set to 0."),
                 numericInput("BinaryHeatmap_threshold", "Threshold (clones with a proportion below this threshold will be set to 0)", value = 0, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.001),
                 # strong("Options"),
                 numericInput("BinaryHeatmap_labels", "Set Column Label Size", value = 14),
                 textInput("BinaryHeatmap_title", "Title for Heatmap", value = ""),
                 strong("Press button to download Binary Heatmap data."),
                 downloadButton('downloadBinaryHeatmapData', 'Heatmap_data')
               plotOutput('viewBinaryHeatmap', height = 800),
               #   dataTableOutput('heatmap_datatable')

    # #======================================================================================================
    # output$ScatterPlot <- renderUI({
    #   if(is.null(thresholded_data()))
    #     return()
    #   scatterInput <- function(){
    #     normdata <- 100*prop.table(as.matrix(scatter_data()), margin = 2)
    #     plot(normdata, col = 'black', ylim = c(0,input$scatter_Ylim), xlim = c(0,input$scatter_Xlim), cex = input$scatter_Dotsize, pch = 20)
    #     legend("topright", legend = paste("Correlation (R) =", cor(normdata[,1], normdata[,2])))
    #   }
    #   output$viewscatter <- renderPlot({
    #     scatterInput()
    #     height = 700
    #   })
    #   scatter_data <- reactive({
    #     scf <- thresholded_data()
    #     scf <- scf[scf$GIVENNAME %in% c(input$scatter_Sample1, input$scatter_Sample2),] #subset samples
    #     newcolnames <- scf$GIVENNAME
    #     scf$GIVENNAME <- NULL
    #     scf$EXPERIMENT <- NULL
    #     scf$CELLTYPE <- NULL
    #     scf$MONTH <- NULL
    #     scf$LOCATION <- NULL
    #     scf$MISC <- NULL
    #     scf <- data.frame(t(scf))
    #     colnames(scf) <- newcolnames
    #     return(scf)
    #   })
    #   fluidRow(
    #     column(3,
    #            wellPanel(
    #              selectInput("scatter_Sample1", label = "1. First Sample to Use", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = FALSE),
    #              selectInput("scatter_Sample2", label = "2. Second Sample to Use", choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = FALSE),
    #              numericInput("scatter_Threshold", "3. Select Threshold", value = 0, step = 100, min = 0),
    #              numericInput("scatter_Ylim", "4. Y Limit: ", value = 100, step = 0.1, min = 0),
    #              numericInput("scatter_Xlim", "5. X Limit: ", value = 100, step = 0.1, min = 0),
    #              numericInput("scatter_Dotsize","6. Dot Size: ", value = 5)
    #            )),
    #     column(6,
    #            plotOutput('viewscatter', height = 700)
    #     )
    #   )
    # })

    # # #======================================================================================================
    # #Binary Heatmap TAB
    # output$BinaryHeatmap <- renderUI({
    #   if (is.null(thresholded_data()))
    #     return()
    #   BinaryheatmapInput <- function(){
    #     print(barcodetrackR::barcode_binary_heatmap(your_data = Binaryheatmap_data(),
    #                                                 label_size = input$Binaryheatmap_labels,
    #                                                 percent_threshold = input$Binaryheatmap_threshold
    #     ))
    #   }
    #   output$viewBinaryheatmap <- renderPlot({
    #     BinaryheatmapInput()
    #     height = 900
    #   })
    #   Binaryheatmap_data <- reactive({
    #     BBdf <- thresholded_data()
    #     BBdf <- BBdf[BBdf$GIVENNAME %in% input$Binaryheatmap_samples,] #subset samples
    #     BBdf$GIVENNAME <- factor(BBdf$GIVENNAME, levels = input$Binaryheatmap_samples)
    #     BBdf <- BBdf[order(BBdf$GIVENNAME),]
    #     newcolnames <- BBdf$GIVENNAME
    #     BBdf$GIVENNAME <- NULL
    #     BBdf$EXPERIMENT <- NULL
    #     BBdf$CELLTYPE <- NULL
    #     BBdf$MONTH <- NULL
    #     BBdf$LOCATION <- NULL
    #     BBdf$MISC <- NULL
    #     BBdf <- data.frame(t(BBdf))
    #     colnames(BBdf) <- newcolnames
    #     return(BBdf)
    #   })
    #   fluidRow(
    #     column(3,
    #            wellPanel(
    #              selectizeInput("Binaryheatmap_samples", label = "1. Which Samples to Use (in order)",
    #                             choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = TRUE),
    #              numericInput("Binaryheatmap_threshold", "2. Set Threshold", value = 0),
    #              numericInput("Binaryheatmap_labels", "3. Set Column Label Size", value = 15)
    #            )
    #     ),
    #     column(8,
    #            plotOutput('viewBinaryheatmap', height = 700)
    #     )
    #   )
    # })
    # #======================================================================================================
    # output$TernPlot <- renderUI({
    #   if(is.null(thresholded_data()))
    #     return()
    #   ternplotInput <- function(){
    #     print(barcodetrackR::ternary_plot(ternplot_data(),
    #                                       show_arrows = input$ternplot_Showarrows,
    #                                       show_ticks = input$ternplot_Showticks,
    #                                       density_mode = input$ternplot_Density))
    #   }
    #   output$viewternplot<- renderPlot({
    #     ternplotInput()
    #     height = 700
    #   })
    #   ternplot_data <- reactive({
    #     terndf <- thresholded_data()
    #     terndf <- terndf[terndf$GIVENNAME %in% input$ternplot_Samples,] #subset samples
    #     terndf$GIVENNAME <- factor(terndf$GIVENNAME, levels = input$ternplot_Samples)
    #     terndf <- terndf[order(terndf$GIVENNAME),]
    #     newcolnames <- terndf$GIVENNAME
    #     terndf$GIVENNAME <- NULL
    #     terndf$EXPERIMENT <- NULL
    #     terndf$CELLTYPE <- NULL
    #     terndf$MONTH <- NULL
    #     terndf$LOCATION <- NULL
    #     terndf$MISC <- NULL
    #     terndf <- data.frame(t(terndf))
    #     colnames(terndf) <- newcolnames
    #     return(terndf)
    #   })
    #   fluidRow(
    #     column(3,
    #            wellPanel(
    #              selectInput("ternplot_Samples", label = "1. Which Samples to Use (3)",
    #                          choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = TRUE),
    #              strong("2. Options"),
    #              checkboxInput("ternplot_Density", label = "Density Mode", value = FALSE),
    #              checkboxInput("ternplot_Showarrows", label = "Show Arrows", value = TRUE),
    #              checkboxInput("ternplot_Showticks", label = "Show Tick Marks", value = FALSE)
    #            )),
    #     column(9,
    #            plotOutput('viewternplot', height = 700)
    #     )
    #   )
    # })
    # #======================================================================================================
    # output$RankAbundance <- renderUI({
    #   if(is.null(thresholded_data()))
    #     return()
    #   rankabundanceInput <- function(){
    #     print(barcodetrackR::rank_abundance_plot(rankabundance_data(),
    #                                              dot_size = input$rankabundance_Dotsize,
    #                                              text_size = input$rankabundance_Textsize))
    #   }
    #   output$viewrankabundance<- renderPlot({
    #     rankabundanceInput()
    #     height = 700
    #   })
    #   rankabundance_data <- reactive({
    #     rankabdf <- thresholded_data()
    #     rankabdf <- rankabdf[rankabdf$GIVENNAME %in% input$rankabundance_Samples,] #subset samples
    #     rankabdf$GIVENNAME <- factor(rankabdf$GIVENNAME, levels = input$rankabundance_Samples)
    #     rankabdf <- rankabdf[order(rankabdf$GIVENNAME),]
    #     newcolnames <- rankabdf$GIVENNAME
    #     rankabdf$GIVENNAME <- NULL
    #     rankabdf$EXPERIMENT <- NULL
    #     rankabdf$CELLTYPE <- NULL
    #     rankabdf$MONTH <- NULL
    #     rankabdf$LOCATION <- NULL
    #     rankabdf$MISC <- NULL
    #     rankabdf <- data.frame(t(rankabdf))
    #     colnames(rankabdf) <- newcolnames
    #     return(rankabdf)
    #   })
    #   fluidRow(
    #     column(3,
    #            wellPanel(
    #              selectInput("rankabundance_Samples", label = "1. Which Samples to Use",
    #                          choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = TRUE),
    #              numericInput("rankabundance_Dotsize", "2. Enter Dot Size: ", value = 3),
    #              numericInput("rankabundance_Textsize", "3. Enter Text Size: ", value = 15)
    #            )),
    #     column(9,
    #            plotOutput('viewrankabundance', height = 700)
    #     )
    #   )
    # })
    # #======================================================================================================
    # output$ClonalBias <- renderUI({
    #   if(is.null(thresholded_data()))
    #     return()
    #   clonalbiasInput <- function(){
    #     if(input$clonalbias_Type == "Dots"){
    #       print(barcodetrackR::dot_bias(clonalbias_data(), text_size = input$clonalbias_Textsize))
    #     } else if(input$clonalbias_Type == "Bars"){
    #       print(barcodetrackR::clonal_bias(clonalbias_data(), text_size = input$clonalbias_Textsize))
    #     }
    #   }
    #   output$viewclonalbias<- renderPlot({
    #     clonalbiasInput()
    #     height = 700
    #   })
    #   clonalbias_data <- reactive({
    #     cb_df <- thresholded_data()
    #     cb_df <- cb_df[cb_df$GIVENNAME %in% input$clonalbias_Samples,] #subset samples
    #     cb_df$GIVENNAME <- factor(cb_df$GIVENNAME, levels = input$clonalbias_Samples)
    #     cb_df <- cb_df[order(cb_df$GIVENNAME),]
    #     newcolnames <- cb_df$GIVENNAME
    #     cb_df$GIVENNAME <- NULL
    #     cb_df$EXPERIMENT <- NULL
    #     cb_df$CELLTYPE <- NULL
    #     cb_df$MONTH <- NULL
    #     cb_df$LOCATION <- NULL
    #     cb_df$MISC <- NULL
    #     cb_df <- data.frame(t(cb_df))
    #     colnames(cb_df) <- newcolnames
    #     return(cb_df)
    #   })
    #   fluidRow(
    #     column(3,
    #            wellPanel(
    #              selectInput("clonalbias_Samples", label = "1. Which Samples to Use",
    #                          choices = as.vector(unique(thresholded_data()$GIVENNAME)), multiple = TRUE),
    #              numericInput("clonalbias_Textsize", "2. Enter Text Size: ", value = 15),
    #              selectInput("clonalbias_Type", label = "3. Pick type of plot",
    #                          choices = c("Dots", "Bars"))
    #            )),
    #     column(9,
    #            plotOutput('viewclonalbias', height = 700)
    #     )
    #   )
    # })

dunbarlabNIH/barcodetrackR documentation built on April 26, 2021, 6:20 p.m.