
insertLang =
    #  add includeBraceInCount
    # √ Make the multiple expression version use a single subsetting
    #  rather than calls
    #  Fix after = 0 in example in Rd case
    #  insertLang(quote(print(c(length(x), length(y)))), f, 0)
    #  Get function (x, y) print(c(length(x), length(y)))(x + sin(y))
    # √ handle case when body is not a { but a single call
    # √ Also allow before = integer() but only one of before and after
    #    This is to allow inserting at the beginning.
    # √ Probably just use after = -1 
    # √ What if after is > length(b). get NULLs in the result.
    # √ Allow for a list of expr and a vector of after.
    # Note that the target positions will increase as we insert a new element.    
    # Need to describe in help page what is indexing model.
    # The at argument for trace()  includes the { in the indexing.
    # It could be cleaner for insertLang to ignore that and have 1 be
    # the first expression.
    # Then if there is no {} for the body, but just a call/symbol, then 1 is still the first position.
    # With a {, after 1 would mean immediately after the first call/symbol.
    # And this would be the same for no {}.
function(expr, to, after = integer(), includeBraceInCount = FALSE)
        b = body(to)
        b = to

    # If this is a single expression - name or call - and not a { }, we need to make this a {}
    # and add the original call/name.  Then we can add/insert expr.
    # body could have a user defined class.
    # So may want to check class is name or call.
    # typeof(b) could be language for a { or a call.
    if(class(b) != "{") {
        tmp = function() { 1 }
        b2 = b
        b = body(tmp)
        b[[2]] = b2
        if(length(after) && after > 0)
            after = after + 1L

    b = spliceIn(expr, b, after, includeBraceInCount)
    if(is.function(to)) {
        body(to) = b
    } else

spliceIn =
    # Basic idea is that start with a { e1 e2 e3 ...}
    # and we create a pairlist that contains all the existing elements
    # but 
    # Another and perhaps simpler approach is to create a pair list with the correct number of elements
    # and insert the existing elements into the correct places and then the new elements.
    # This is essentially the same thing we are doing. It is dealing with the several different ways after
    # can be specified that makes the code long.
function(expr, b, after = integer(), includeBraceInCount = FALSE)
    if(length(after) == 0 || (length(after) == 1 && is.na(after)))
        after = length(b)
    else if(length(after) == 1) {
        if(after < 1)
            after = 1L
        else {
            if(after > length(b))
                after = length(b)
            # Make this "cleaner"
            after = if(length(b) == 2) after else after + 1L

                after = after - 1L

    multi = is.list(expr)
    reps = rep(1, length(b))
    if(multi) {
        if(length(after) == 1) {
            reps[ after ] = length(expr) + 1L
            after = after + seq_len(length(expr))
        } else if(length(after) != length(expr)) 
            stop("after must have same length as expr")
        else {
            w = after < 0
                after[w] = 0L
            reps[ after + 1L ] = 2L
            after = after + 1L + seq_len(length(expr))

                after = after - 1L                            
    } else
        reps[after] = 2L

    sub = rep(seq_len(length(b)), reps)
    b2 = b[sub]
        b2[ after ] = expr
        b2[[ after + 1L ]] = expr


if(FALSE) {

    f = function() {
    nw = list(quote(n1), quote(n2), quote(n3))

    spliceIn(nw[[1]], body(f), after = 3)
    spliceIn(nw[[1]], body(f), after = -1)
    spliceIn(nw[[1]], body(f))
    spliceIn(nw, body(f), after = 3)
    spliceIn(nw, body(f), after = c(2, 4, 5))
    spliceIn(nw, body(f), after = -1)
    spliceIn(nw, body(f))

if(FALSE) {

    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), insertLang, -1)
    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), insertLang)
    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), insertLang, 4)

    f = function(x) x + 1
    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), f, -1)
    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), f)
    insertLang(quote(print("hi")), f, 1)

    # Insert multiple calls

    insertLang(list(quote( x <- 101), quote(print("hi"))), insertLang, 1)
    tmp0 = insertLang(list(quote( x <- 101), quote(print("hi"))), insertLang, c(1, 4))
    # Check same as doing it separately but caller has to know to increment by previous number of elements added.
    tmp = insertLang
    tmp = insertLang(quote(x <- 101), tmp, 1)        
    tmp = insertLang(quote(print("hi")), tmp, 5)
    stopifnot(identical(tmp, tmp0))
duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:01 p.m.