
Defines functions supportedTextFilters supportedMethods editPost matchCategory deleteCategory deletePost getUsersBlogs generalRequest getPostCategories getTags getRecentPostTitles getCategories getServerURL

Documented in deleteCategory deletePost editPost generalRequest getCategories getPostCategories getRecentPostTitles getTags getUsersBlogs supportedMethods supportedTextFilters

# http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_wp
# http://www.movabletype.org/documentation/developer/api/

ServerURL = "https://omegahat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php"
#ServerURL = "https://www.carlboettiger.info/xmlrpc.php"

getServerURL =
 function() {
   getOption("WordpressURL", "https://omegahat.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php")

categories = getCategoryList = getCategories =
function(login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "mt.getCategoryList", 0L, names(login), as.character(login))
  structure(sapply(ans, `[[`, "categoryId"), names = sapply(ans, `[[`, "categoryName"))

getPosts = getRecentPostTitles =
function(num = 100, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ...,
         .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "mt.getRecentPostTitles", as.integer(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), as.integer(num), ...)
  do.call("rbind", lapply(ans, as.data.frame))

getTags =
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
  xml.rpc(.server, "wp.getTags", as.character(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), ...)

getPostCategories =
function(post = 100, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "mt.getPostCategories", as.integer(post), names(login), as.character(login))

getPost =
  #XXX match by name by looking up all the posts and matching.
function(postid, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
  xml.rpc(.server, "metaWeblog.getPost", as.character(postid), names(login), as.character(login))

getPage =
  # ll = getPages()
function(pageid, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
  #XXX conversion is not right. 
   xml.rpc(.server, "wp.getPage", blogid, pageid, names(login), as.character(login), ...)

getPages =
  # ll = getPages()
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
 generalRequest("wp.getPages", blogid, login, ..., .server = .server)

getPageList =
 # ll = getPageList()
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
 generalRequest("wp.getPageList", blogid, login, ..., .server = .server)

getOptions =
 # ll = getOptions()
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
 generalRequest("wp.getOptions", blogid, login, ..., .server = .server)

getPageStatusList =
 # ll = getOptions()
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
 generalRequest("wp.getPageStatusList", blogid, login, ..., asDataFrame = FALSE, .server = .server)

getPostStatusList =
 # ll = getOptions()
function(blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
 generalRequest("wp.getPageStatusList", blogid, login, ..., asDataFrame = FALSE, .server = .server)

generalRequest =
function(op, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., asDataFrame = TRUE, .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, op, as.integer(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), ...)
  if(asDataFrame) {
  } else

makeIntoDataFrame =
   # XXX have to make certain that we have the same variables.  
    # handle scalar variables and non-scalar variables separately.
  vars = unique(unlist(lapply(els, names)))
  isScalar = sapply(vars, function(v) all(sapply(els, function(x) length(x[[v]])) == 1))
  scalarVars = vars[ isScalar ]

  tmp = lapply(els, function(x) {
                       vals = x[scalarVars]
                       vals[sapply(vals, length) == 0] = NA
  ans = do.call("rbind", tmp)

      # now go and grab the non-scalar values across the different elements
  if(any(!isScalar)) {
     ids = vars[!isScalar]
     ans[ids] = lapply(ids, function(i) lapply(els, `[[`, i))


newCategory =
  # Problem with this. it only uses the first letter.
  # Also have to get the parent id in, etc.
  # a = newCategory("xmlrpc")
  # cat = newCategory("tmp", "A temporary category that I will then delete")
  # length(categories())
  # deleteCategory(cat)
function(category, description = "???", slug = category, parent = 0L, blogid = 0,
          login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
           .server = getServerURL())
#  catg = list(category, slug, parent, description)
  catg = category
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "wp.newCategory",
                   as.integer(blogid), names(login), as.character(login), catg)
  structure(ans, names = category, class = "WordPressCategoryId")

getUsersBlogs =
function(login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "wp.getUsersBlogs", names(login), as.character(login))

newPage =
  # wp.newPage(list(description = "This is some text that I posted from R", title = "Test from R"))
function(content, publish = TRUE, blogid = 0, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
          method = "wp.newPage", .server = getServerURL())
    content = list(description = content)
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, method,
                    as.character(blogid), names(login), as.character(login), content, as.logical(publish))

newPost =
  # wp.newPost(list(description = "This is some text that I posted from R", title = "Test from R"), blogId = "1345476")
function(content, publish = TRUE, blogid = 0, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), .server = getServerURL())
  ans = newPage(content, publish, blogid, login, "metaWeblog.newPost", .server = .server)
  structure(ans, class = "WordpressPostId")

  # The categories should be an unnamed list with the ids of the category
  #  and we should create an XML-RPC array of these with each element a struct
  #  containing a single element named categoryId and the value  being the category identifier.
  # So if the caller gives us strings that are not numbers, lookup the category ids.
             function(postid, categories, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
                       publish = TRUE, ..., .server = getServerURL())

setMethod("setPostCategories", c(categories = "character"),
function(postid, categories, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
           publish = TRUE, ..., .server = getServerURL())
   cats = matchCategory(categories, login, .server = .server)
   values = lapply(cats, function(x) list(categoryId = x))
   setPostCategories(postid, values, login, publish, ..., .server = .server)

setMethod("setPostCategories", c(categories = "list"),
function(postid, categories, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), publish = TRUE, ..., .server = getServerURL())
  ans = xml.rpc(.server, "mt.setPostCategories", as.character(postid),
                       names(login), as.character(login), categories, ...)
  if(ans && publish)
     publishPost(postid, login, .server = .server)

publishPost =
function(postid, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
  xml.rpc(.server, "mt.publishPost", as.character(postid),
                     names(login), as.character(login),  ...)

if(FALSE) {
 setPostCategories("54", "Web services")


uploadFile =
  # uploadFile("RWordpress/R/wp.R")
function(what, type = guessMIMEType(what), blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
          remoteName = basename(what), overwrite = TRUE, ..., .server = getServerURL())
  if(inherits(what, "AsIs")) {
    content = what     
  } else {
      stop("no such file ", what)
    content = readBinaryFile(what)

  info = list(name = remoteName, type = type, bits = content, overwrite = overwrite)
  xml.rpc(.server, "wp.uploadFile", as.character(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login),  info, ...)  


readBinaryFile = 
function (filename) 
    con = file(filename, "rb")
    fs = file.info(filename)$size
    readBin(con, raw(fs), fs)


deletePost =
function(postid, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
          publish = TRUE, appId = "RWordPress", ..., .server = getServerURL())
  xml.rpc(.server, "metaWeblog.deletePost", appId, as.character(postid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), as.logical(publish), ...)

deleteCategory =
function(categoryid, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")),
          ..., .server = getServerURL())
  if(!inherits(categoryid, "WordPressCategoryId"))
     categoryid = matchCategory(categoryid, login, .server = .server)
  xml.rpc(.server, "wp.deleteCategory", as.character(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), as.character(categoryid), ...)

matchCategory =
function(categories, login, catIds = getCategoryList(login, .server = .server), .server = getServerURL())

   i = pmatch(tolower(categories), tolower(names(catIds)))
   cats = catIds[ i[!is.na(i)] ]
   if(any(is.na(i))) {
     i = which(is.na(i))
     j = lapply(tolower(categories[i]), function(x) {
                                          tmp = agrep(x, tolower(names(cats)), value = TRUE)
                                          if(length(tmp) > 1)
                                            warning(x, " matches ", paste(tmp, collapse = ", "))
     if(any(sapply(j, length) != 1))
          # should create them possibly, but only after looking at agrep to see possible matches.
       stop("don't recognize category ", paste(categories[i], collapse = ", "))

     cats[i] = unlist(j)



deletePage =
  #  pages = getPages()
  #  page = wp.newPage(list(description = "This is some text that I posted from R", title = "Test from R"))
  #  tmp = getPages()  
  #  deletePage(getUsersBlogs()[[1]]$blogid, page)
  #  newPages = getPages()
  #  nrow(pages) == nrow(newPages)
function(pageid, blogid = 0L, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), ..., .server = getServerURL())
  xml.rpc(.server, "wp.deletePage", as.character(blogid),
                     names(login), as.character(login),  as.character(pageid), ...)

editPost =
function(postid, content, login = getOption("WordpressLogin", stop("need a login and password")), publish = TRUE, appId = "RWordpress", ..., .server = getServerURL())
    content = list(description = as.character(content))
  xml.rpc(.server, "metaWeblog.editPost", as.character(postid),
                     names(login), as.character(login), content, as.logical(publish), ...)


# http://www.sixapart.com/developers/xmlrpc/movable_type_api/

supportedMethods =
function(.server = getServerURL())  
   xml.rpc(.server, "mt.supportedMethods")

supportedTextFilters =
function(.server = getServerURL())  
   xml.rpc(.server, "mt.supportedTextFilters")  

duncantl/RWordPress documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 4:23 p.m.