
Defines functions inferParamTypes isIn

Documented in inferParamTypes

# The goal here is infer the element type of a PointerType parameter
# or return value. We need to do this when we only have opaque pointers
# which will be the case in LLVM 17 and already the case by default for LLVM 15.
# The inability to query element types for opaque pointers means we can't
# perform complete reflection on existing IR code.  Since we didn't create that code ourselves,
# we didn't get an opportunity to track the element types when it was created.
# Importantly, this means we cannot call that code via FFI or generate a proxy routine.
# Of course, we can compile that code but we still cannot determine what type of elements for the pointer arguments should be

#!!  If there is debug information in the IR, then that may have the type information for the parameters.

# So an initial approach is to examine where a pointer type argument is used and see if these uses indicate
# the type.
# A priori, this may be inadequate when we have opaque code, i.e., routine(ptr) passes ptr to routine2 in another Module
# and all we have is the signature of routine2, but not its body.

# Need to enable opaque pointers to test this approach. So we create a new LLVMContext().

# To Fix
#  + protect against routine A calls routine B and B calls A so analysis could go into a loop.
#  + if a value is passed as an argument in a call as more than one argument, it is possible
#    that it may be used in different ways and give different inferred types. So we should analyze both.
#    Can this actually happen?
#     see memory.ir and warning below
#  + Handle case in doit() for
#      + MemMoveInst - character.ir, connections.ir ...
#          Only seems to be 4 instances total.
#          Doesn't print in usual way.
#          Not a subclass of Instruction of Value - in R!
#      + SwitchInst - gram.ir  5 instances.
#          + what about the handlers, not the condition.      
#      + √ InsertValueInst - coerce.ir.   Was processing a non-pointer type Argument.
#      + √ InsertElementInst - duplicate.ir, engine.ir, unique.ir, util.ir, altrep.ir
#      + √ Instruction - gram.ir, subscript.ir -
#          This is a FreezeInst
#          Shouldn't see virtual/abstract Instruction. Sign of not getting correct class name for instruction instant
#          update of header file wasn't leading to recompiling RLLVMClassName.o and .so

# ERRORS: based on inferOpaqueTypes.R
#√ Error in (function (cond)  : 
#  error in evaluating the argument 'X' in selecting a method for function 'lapply': evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)?

# Remaining Warnings (when running on R_HOME/src/main/*.ir

#using the same value as multiple arguments in a call to Rf_cons in /Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/memory.ir 
#                                                                                                               17 

#    skipping processing ... argument in call toallocFormalsList in /Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/memory.ir 
#                                                                                                               20 
#skipping processing ... argument in call toR_makeErrorCondition in /Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/errors.ir 
#                                                                                                                3 
#            skipping processing ... argument in call toRf_error in /Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/errors.ir 
#                                                                                                                2 

if(FALSE) {
    ctxt = LLVMContext()
    m = parseIR("explorations/dnormLoop_opaqueptrs.ir", context = ctxt)
    p = getParameters(m$v_dnorm)[[1]]

    # C code is in explorations/OpaquePointers/
    m2 = parseIR("explorations/opaqueTests.ir", context = ctxt)
    #    p2 = getParameters(m2$foo)[[1]]

    # See tests below.


    #XXX  no. Use inferReturnPointerType
    getName( inferReturnPointerType(m2$doFoo) [[1]])
    # need to look at the return Value and work backwords.
    # See NativeCodeAnalysis for similar approach for SEXP routines.


inferReturnPointerType =
    # Attempt to infer the element type when a routine returns a pointer as the return value.
function(fun, .routines = NULL, .prevRetRoutines = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
    if(sys.nframe() > 400) browser()

    if(isIn(fun, .prevRetRoutines))
    ty = getReturnType(fun)
    if(!is(ty, "PointerType") || isVoidType(ty)) # sameType(ty, VoidType)) doesn't work.
    if(getInstructionCount(fun) == 0) {

        # Check if it is in .routines.
        if(length(.routines) && getName(fun) %in% names(.routines))
            fun = .routines[[ getName(fun) ]]
        else {
                warning(sprintf("'%s' is not defined in this Module so cannot examine its body/instructions", getName(fun)))

    # getTerminators in NativeCodeAnalysis.  May want to bring that into Rllvm.
    terms = lapply(getBlocks(fun), getTerminator)
    isRet = sapply(terms, is, "ReturnInst")
    if(!any(isRet)) {
        # Probably an UnreachableInst
        if(!any(sapply(terms, is, "UnreachableInst")))
            stop("No return instruction for ", getName(fun), " in ", getName(as(fun, "Module")))
    ret = terms[[ which(isRet) ]]

    ret = ret[[1]]  # get the Value being returned.
                    # Perhaps just pass the entire ret and have doit() work on that.

    if(is(ret, "LoadInst")) #XXX bad.
        ret = ret[[1]]
    inferPointerElType(ret, .returnType = TRUE, .routines = .routines, .prevRetRoutines = c(fun, .prevRetRoutines))

#     inferReturnPointerType(m2$doFoo2)
if(FALSE) {
    m2 = parseIR("explorations/opaqueTests.ir", context = ctxt)
    funs = getDefinedRoutines(m2, names = FALSE)
    rtypes = lapply(funs, inferReturnPointerType)

inferPointerElType =
    # Attempt to infer the element type of a pointer type for a given Value object.
    # This primary motivation is for val to be an Argument of a routine and we are trying
    # to determine what the type of the elements are of the pointer.
    # However, this should also work for other types of Value objects.
function(val, .returnType = FALSE, .routines = NULL, .prevRoutines = NULL, .prevRetRoutines = NULL)
        stop("NULL value passed to inferPointerElType. Expecting an Argument or Value generally.")

    if(is(val, "Argument")) {
        fn = as(val, "Function")
        if(isIn(fn, .prevRoutines))
        .prevRoutines = c(fn, .prevRoutines)

    v = unlist(doit(val, .returnType = .returnType, .routines = .routines,
                    .prevRoutines = .prevRoutines, .prevRetRoutines = .prevRetRoutines))

    # inferReturnPointerType(m2$doFoo2)
    # ends up return a Type (Struct Type) not a list.

    if(is.list(v)) {
        v = v[ !sapply(v, function(x) !isS4(x) && is.logical(x) && all(is.na(x))) ]
        ans = unique(unlist(v))
    } else
        ans = list(v)
    if(length(ans) == 0)

isIn =
function(val, prev)
    any(sapply(prev, identical, val))

doit =
    # This is the workhorse of inferPointerElType.
    # It is a recursive function that follows the uses of and elements of
    # a Value to find the point at which we can determine the type. This
    # is possible with GEP instructions, GlobalVariables, AllocaInsts.
function(val, prev = NULL, .returnType = FALSE, .routines = NULL, .prevRoutines = NULL, .prevRetRoutines = NULL)    

    if(sys.nframe() > 400) browser()
    loop = function(x, prev) {
        n = length(x)
        ans = vector("list", n)
        cur = prev[[1]]
#        prev = prev[-1]
        for(i in seq_len(n)) {
            ans[[i]] = doit(x[[i]], prev, .returnType = .returnType, .routines = .routines,
                            .prevRoutines = .prevRoutines, .prevRetRoutines = .prevRetRoutines)
            prev = c(cur, x[[i]], prev)            
    if(any(sapply(prev, identical, val)))
    if(is(val, "LoadInst") || is(val, "AllocaInst") || is(val, "Argument")) {

        u = getAllUsers(val)
        return(loop(u, c(val, prev)))

    } else if(is(val, "StoreInst")) {
        return(loop(val[], c(val, prev)))

    } else if(is(val, "PHINode")) {

        # XX NEED to get the prev correct.
        #??? End up with val and prev in subsequent call    CHECK
        # [1] "  %call21 = tail call ptr @Rf_substituteList(ptr %call7, ptr %8), !dbg !206"
        # [1] "  %h.2 = phi ptr [ %call11, %if.then10 ], [ %call21, %if.then19 ], [ %h.1, %if.end36 ], [ %6, %if.else12 ], !dbg !223"

        return(loop(val[], c(val, prev)))

    } else if(is(val, "SelectInst")) {
        # Is there any value to looking at the condition?
        # Can it tell us anything about the type, e.g., with a cast?
        # What if uses the Value of interest? Well then we'll process it via a different path through these computations.
        return(loop(val[-1], c(val, prev)))

    } else if(is(val, "CallInst")) {

        #  Have to be careful that we don't have foo call bar and bar calls foo. That is what .prevRoutines is for.
        # need to know if we are looking at the return value of the function. That is what .returnType is for.
        fun = getCalledFunction(val)

        #XXXXXX May not be a Function, but could be a call/load, etc. to compute what routine to call.
        # Need to handle this?
        # In theory, we could see if we can determine which routines it could possibly be and follow them.
        # Not really worth the effort.

        if(!is(fun, "Function")) {
                #XXXXX enable    
        # Check to see if the routine is defined in this module, i.e.,
        # has blocks and not just a declaration.
        # If not and .routines is not empty, we'll look for the routine there, i.e., in another
        # module.
        if(getInstructionCount(fun) == 0) {

            if(length(.routines) &&
               (id <- getName(getCalledFunction(val))) %in% names(.routines))  {
                fun = .routines[[id]]
                warning("found called routine ", getName(fun), "in other module ", getName(as(fun, "Module")))
            } else {
                    warning(sprintf("'%s' is not defined in this Module so cannot examine its body/instructions", getName(fun)))

        # find which parameter val corresponds to in the call to the
        # routine and then call inferPointerElType() on that
        # parameter which will examine that routine.

        # val[] <==> getOperands()
        # was val[ - length(val) ]
        w = sapply( getArguments(val), identical, prev[[1]] )

            return(inferReturnPointerType(fun, .routines = .routines, .prevRetRoutines = .prevRetRoutines))

        if(sum(w) > 1) {
            # Can this happen?? Yes!
            # "  call fastcc void @R_AddGlobalCache(ptr %symbol, ptr %symbol), !dbg !276"
            # See processing  "/Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/envir.ir"
            # Run via explorations/inferOpaqueTypes.R
            #  Rf_cons in /Users/duncan/Rtrunk/build2/src/main/memory.ir


            warning("using the same value as multiple arguments in a call to ", getName(fun), " in ", getName(as(fun, "Module")))
            # Can we solve this with 
            #    lapply(fun[which(w)], function(p) inferPointerElType, .routines = .routines)
            # which would apply in both cases - sum(w) == 1 or > 1

        if(which(w)[1] > length(getParameters(fun))) {
            if(! isVarArg(fun) )
                # Really should never happen. Compiler generating the IR should have given an error.
                stop("call with more arguments than parameters to", getName(fun), " in ", getName(as(fun, "Module")))
            else {
                warning("skipping processing ... argument in call to", getName(fun), " in ", getName(as(fun, "Module")))
        p = fun[[ which(w) ]]

         # don't include  .returnType in this call.
        return(inferPointerElType(p, .routines = .routines, .prevRoutines = .prevRoutines, .prevRetRoutines = .prevRetRoutines))
    } else if(is(val, "GlobalVariable")) {

    } else if(is(val, "GetElementPtrInst")) {


    } else if(is(val, "ReturnInst")) {
        if(length(val) > 0)
            return( doit(val[[1]], c(val, prev) , .returnType = .returnType, .routines = .routines, .prevRoutines = .prevRoutines, .prevRetRoutines = .prevRetRoutines))
    } else if(is(val, "CastInst") || is(val, "BinaryOperator") ||
              is(val, "CmpInst") || is(val, "ExtractValueInst") ||
              is(val, "UnaryInstruction") || # XXXX
              is(val, "Constant") || is(val, "FreezeInst")
              ) {
        # ??? Consolidate to UnaryOperator ???
        # generalize to CastInst or UnaryInstruction
        # The classes that are UnaryInstructions but not CastInsts are 
        # c("UnaryOperator", "CastInst", "AllocaInst", "LoadInst", "VAArgInst", "ExtractValueInst", "FreezeInst")

    } else if (is(val, "SwitchInst") || is(val, "ConstantPointerNull")) {

        if(identical(val[[1]], prev[[1]]))

        cat("doit(): handle ", class(val), "\n")
        #XXX FIX
        # SwitchInst
        # ConstantPointerNull - lots of PHINode's with null and one return value. Return info about NULL | type.

    } else if(is(val, "InsertElementInst")) {

    } else {
        #XXXXXXX FIX
        # Instruction from gram.ir
        # InsertValueInst 
        # InsertElementInst - lots in engine.ir
        #        - ? getType(val[[3]])
        #      "  %broadcast.splatinsert = insertelement <4 x i64> poison, i64 %i, i32 0, !dbg !181"
        #      "  %.fca.0.insert = insertvalue %struct.Rcomplex.478 undef, double %x, 0, !dbg !163"
        # MemMoveInst - doesn't print properly.
        cat("XXXXXXXX ", class(val), "\n")

     # we don't know the type!

inferParamTypes = 
function(fun, params = getParameters(fun))
    types = lapply(params, getType)
    w = sapply(types, isPointerType)
       types[w] = lapply(params[w], inferPointerElType)

    attr(types, "isPointer") = w

if(exists("TEST") && TEST) {
    w = sapply(c("foo", "bar", "foo2", "foo3"),
                   isIntegerType(  inferPointerElType(m2[[id]][[1]])[[1]]))

    stopifnot(isIntegerType(  inferPointerElType(m2$bar2[[2]])[[1]]))

    w = sapply(paste0("foo", 5:8),
                   isDoubleType(  inferPointerElType(m2[[id]][[1]])[[1]]))

    ty = inferPointerElType(m2$doFoo2[[1]]) # finds the struct.
    stopifnot(is(ty[[1]], "StructType"),
              getName(ty[[1]]) == "struct.Foo")

    stopifnot( is.na(inferPointerElType(m2$foo4[[1]])[[1]]) )    
    stopifnot(isDoubleType(  inferPointerElType(m2$foo9[[1]])[[1]]))    

    # doFoo - return type
    stopifnot( is(inferReturnPointerType(m2$doFoo)[[1]], "StructType"),
              getName(ty[[1]]) == "struct.Foo")
    stopifnot( isIntegerType( inferReturnPointerType(m2$foo2)[[1]] ))

    funs = getDefinedRoutines(m2, names = FALSE)
    rtys = lapply(funs, function(x) {print(getName(x)); inferReturnPointerType(x)})

    stopifnot( isIntegerType( inferPointerElType(m2$foo11[[1]])[[1]] ))    

inferRoutinePointerTypes =
    # Process the entire routine.
    # infer the element type of each pointer parameter and of the return type if it is a pointer type.
    parms = getParameters(fun)
    w = sapply(parms, function(p) isPointerType(getType(p)))
    ptypes = list()
        ptypes = lapply(parms[w], function(p) inferPointerElType(p))
    list(parameters = ptypes,
         returnType = try(inferReturnPointerType(fun)))
duncantl/Rllvm documentation built on April 23, 2024, 6:14 p.m.