
Defines functions bin_timePaleoPhy timePaleoPhy

Documented in bin_timePaleoPhy timePaleoPhy

#' Simplistic \emph{a posteriori} Dating Approaches For Paleontological Phylogenies
#' Dates an unscaled cladogram of fossil taxa using information on their
#' temporal ranges, using various methods. Also can resolve polytomies randomly
#' and output samples of randomly-resolved trees. As simple methods of dating ('time-scaling')
#' phylogenies of fossil taxa can have biasing effects on macroevolutionary analyses
#' (Bapst, 2014, Paleobiology), this function is largely retained for legacy purposes
#' and plotting applications. The methods implemented
#' by the functions listed here do \bold{not} return realistic estimates of 
#' divergence dates, and users are strongly encouraged to investigate other
#' methods such as \code{\link{cal3TimePaleoPhy}} or \code{\link{createMrBayesTipDatingNexus}}.
#' @details 
#' \emph{Simplistic 'a posteriori' Dating (aka 'Time-Scaling') Methods for Paleontology Phylogenies}
#' These functions are an attempt to unify and collect previously used and
#' discussed \emph{a posteriori} methods for time-scaling phylogenies of fossil taxa.
#' Unfortunately, it can be difficult to attribute some time-scaling methods to
#' specific references in the literature.
#' There are five main \emph{a posteriori} approaches that
#' can be used by \code{timePaleoPhy}. Four of these
#' main types use some value of absolute time, chosen \emph{a priori}, to date the tree.
#' This is handled by the argument \code{vartime}, which is \code{NULL} by default and unused
#' for type \code{"basic"}.
#' \describe{

#'  \item{"basic"}{This most simple of time-scaling methods ignores \code{vartime} and
#' scales nodes so they are as old as the first appearance of their oldest
#' descendant (Smith, 1994). This method produces many zero-length branches
#' (Hunt and Carrano, 2010).}

#'  \item{"equal"}{The \code{"equal"} method defined by G. Lloyd and used in Brusatte
#' et al. (2008) and Lloyd et al. (2012). Originally usable in code supplied by
#' G. Lloyd, the \code{"equal"} algorithm is recreated here as closely as possible. This method
#' works by increasing the time of the root divergence by some amount and then
#' adjusting zero-length branches so that time on early branches is re-apportioned
#' out along those later branches equally. Branches are adjusted in order relative
#' to the number of nodes separating the edge from the root, going from the furthest
#' (most shallow) edges to the deepest edges. 
#' The choice of ordering algorithm can have an unanticipated large effect on the
#' resulting dated trees created using \code{"equal"} and it appears that 
#' \code{paleotree} and functions written by G. Lloyd were not always consistent.
#' The default option described here was only introduced in \code{paleotree} 
#' and other available software sources in August 2014. 
#' Thus, two legacy \code{"equal"} methods are included in this function, so users can
#' emulate older ordering algorithms for \code{"equal"} which are now deprecated, as they do not
#' match the underlying logic of the original \code{"equal"} algorithm and do not minimize down-passes
#' when adjusting branch lengths on the time-scaled tree.
#' The root age can be adjusted backwards in time by either increasing by
#' an arbitrary amount (via the \code{vartime}  argument) or by setting the
#' root age directly (via the \code{node.mins} argument); conversely, the
#' function will also allow a user to opt to not alter the root age at all.}

#' \item{"equal_paleotree_legacy"}{Exactly like \code{"equal"} above, 
#' except that edges are ordered instead
#' by their depth (i.e. number of nodes from the root). This minor modified version
#' was referred to as \code{"equal"} for this \code{timePaleoPhy}
#' function in \code{paleotree} until February 2014, and thus is
#' included here solely for legacy purposes. 
#' This ordering algorithm does not minimize branch adjustment cycles,
#' like the newer default offered under currently \code{"equal"}.}

#' \item{"equal_date.phylo_legacy"}{Exactly like \code{"equal"} above, except that edges are ordered relative
#' to their time (i.e., the total edge length) from the root following the application of the 'basic'
#' time-scaling method, exactly as in G. Lloyd's original application. This was the method for sorting
#' edges in the \code{"equal"} algorithm in G. Lloyd's \code{date.phylo} script and \code{DatePhylo} in
#' package \code{strap} until August 2014, and was the default
#' \code{"equal"} algorithm in \code{paleotree}'s \code{timePaleoPhy}
#' function from February 2014 until August 2014.  
#' This ordering algorithm does not minimize branch adjustment cycles,
#' like the newer default offered under currently \code{"equal"}. 
#' Due to how the presence of zero-length
#' branches can make ordering branches based on time to be very unpredictable, 
#' this version of the \code{"equal"} algorithm is \bold{highly not recommended}.}

#' \item{"aba"}{All branches additive. 
#' This method takes the \code{"basic"} time-scaled tree and
#' adds \code{vartime} to all branches. 
#' Note that this time-scaling method can (and often will) warp the
#' tree structure, leading to tips to originate out of order with the appearance
#' data used.}

#' \item{"zlba"}{Zero-length branches additive. 
#' This method adds \code{vartime} to all
#' zero-length branches in the "basic" tree. 
#' Discussed (possibly?) by Hunt and Carrano, 2010. 
#' Note that this time-scaling method can warp the tree structure, 
#' leading to tips to originate out of order with the appearance data used.}

#' \item{"mbl"}{Minimum branch length. Scales all branches so they are
#' greater than or equal to \code{vartime}, and subtract time added to later branches
#' from earlier branches in order to maintain the temporal structure of events.
#' A version of this was first introduced by Laurin (2004).} }
#' These functions cannot time-scale branches relative to reconstructed
#' character changes along branches, as used by Lloyd et al. (2012). Please
#' see \code{DatePhylo} in R package \code{strap} for this functionality.
#' These functions will intuitively drop taxa from the tree with NA for range
#' or are missing from \code{timeData} or \code{timeList}. Taxa dropped from the tree will be
#' will be listed in a message output to the user. The same is done for taxa in
#' the \code{timeList} object not listed in the tree.
#' As with many functions in the \code{paleotree} library, absolute time is always
#' decreasing, i.e. the present day is zero.
#' As of August 2014, please note that the branch-ordering algorithm used in \code{"equal"} has changed
#' to match the current algorithm used by \code{DatePhylo} in package \code{strap}, and that two legacy
#' versions of \code{"equal"} have been added to this function, respectively representing how \code{timePaleoPhy}
#' and \code{DatePhylo} (and its predecessor \code{date.phylo}) applied the \code{"equal"} time-scaling method.
#' \emph{Interpretation of Taxon Ages in \code{timePaleoPhy}}
#' \code{timePaleoPhy} is \emph{primarily} designed for direct application to datasets where taxon first 
#' and last appearances are precisely known in continuous time, with no stratigraphic
#' uncertainty. This is an uncommon form of data to have from the fossil record, 
#' although not an impossible form (micropaleontologists often have very precise 
#' range charts, for example). 
#' Instead, most data has some form of stratigraphic uncertainty. 
#' However, for some groups, the more typical 'first' and 'last' dates
#' found in the literature or in databases represent the minimum
#' and maximum absolute ages for the fossil collections that a taxon is known
#' is known from. Presumably, the first and last appearances of that taxon in
#' the fossil record is at unknown dates within these bounds. 
#' As of paleotree v2.0. the treatment of taxon ages in
#' \code{timePaleoPhy} is handled by the argument \code{dateTreatment}.
#' \emph{By default,} this argument is set to \code{"firstLast"} which means the matrix of ages are treated
#' as precise first and last appearance dates (i.e. FADs and LADs). The earlier FADs will be used
#' to calibrate the node ages, which could produce fairly nonsensical results if these are 'minimum'
#' ages instead and reflect age uncertainty. Alternatively, \code{dateTreatment} can be set to \code{"minMax"}
#' which instead treats taxon age data as minimum and maximum bounds on a single point date. 
#' These point dates, if the minimum and maximum bounds option is selected,
#' are chose under a uniform distribution. Many dated trees should be generated, in order to approximate
#' the uncertainty in the dates. Additionally, there is a third option for \code{dateTreatment}:
#' users may also make it so that the 'times of observation'
#' of trees are uncertain, such that the tips of the tree (with terminal ranges added) should
#' be randomly selected from a uniform distribution. Essentially, this third option treats the
#' dates as first and last appearances, but treats the first appearance dates as known and
#' fixed, but the 'last appearance' dates as unknown. In previous versions of paleotree,
#' this third option was enacted with the argument \code{rand.obs}, which has been removed for
#' clarity.
#' \emph{Interpretation of Taxon Ages in \code{bin_timePaleoPhy}}
#' As an alternative to using \code{timePaleoPhy}, \code{bin_timePaleoPhy} is a wrapper of 
#' \code{timePaleoPhy} which produces time-scaled trees for datasets which only have 
#' interval data available. For each output tree, taxon first and last appearance 
#' dates are placed within their listed intervals under a uniform distribution. 
#' Thus, a large sample of dated trees will (hopefully) approximate the uncertainty in 
#' the actual timing of the FADs and LADs. In some ways, treating taxonomic age uncertainty
#' may be more logical via \code{bin_timePaleoPhy}, as it is tied to specific interval bounds,
#' and there are more options available for certain types of age uncertainty, such as for cases
#' where specimens come from the same fossil site.
#' The input \code{timeList} object for \code{bin_timePaleoPhy} can have overlapping
#' (i.e. non-sequential) intervals, and intervals of
#' uneven size. Taxa alive in the modern should be listed as last 
#' occurring in a time interval that begins at time 0 and ends at time 0. If taxa 
#' occur only in single collections (i.e. their first and last appearance in the 
#' fossil record is synchronous, the argument \code{point.occur} will force all taxa
#' to have instantaneous durations in the fossil record. Otherwise, by default,
#' taxa are assumed to first and last appear in the fossil record at different points
#' in time, with some positive duration. The \code{sites} matrix can be used to force
#' only a portion of taxa to have simultaneous first and last appearances.
#' If \code{timeData} or the elements of \code{timeList} are actually \code{data.frames} (as output
#' by \code{read.csv} or \code{read.table}), these will be coerced to a matrix.
#' \emph{Tutorial} 
#' A tutorial for applying the time-scaling functions in paleotree, along with
#' an example using real (graptolite) data, can be found here:
#' \url{https://nemagraptus.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-tutorial-to-cal3-time-scaling-using.html}

#' @aliases timePaleoPhy bin_timePaleoPhy

#' @param tree An unscaled cladogram of fossil taxa, of class \code{phylo}. Tip labels
#' must match the taxon labels in the respective temporal data.

#' @param timeData Two-column matrix of first and last occurrences in absolute
#' continuous time, with row names as the taxon IDs used on the tree. This means the
#' first column is very precise FADs (first appearance dates) and the second 
#' column is very precise LADs (last appearance dates), reflect the precise points
#' in time when taxa first and last appear. If there is stratigraphic uncertainty in
#' when taxa appear in the fossil record, it is preferable to use the \code{bin_}
#' dating functions; however, see the argument \code{dateTreatment}.

#' @param type Type of time-scaling method used. Can be \code{"basic"},
#' \code{"equal"}, \code{"equal_paleotree_legacy"}, \code{"equal_date.phylo_legacy"}
#' \code{"aba"}, \code{"zbla"} or \code{"mbl"}.
#' \code{Type = "basic"} by default. See details below.

#' @param vartime Time variable; usage depends on the \code{type} argument.
#' Ignored if \code{type = "basic"}.

#' @param ntrees Number of dated trees to output. 
#' Only applicable is there is some stochastic (random) element to the analysis.
#' If \code{ntrees} is greater than one, and
#' both \code{randres = FALSE} and \code{dateTreatment} is neither
#' \code{'minMax'} or \code{'randObs'}, the function will fail and
#' a warning is issued, as these arguments would simply produce multiple
#' identical time-scaled trees.

#' @param randres Should polytomies be randomly resolved? By default,
#' \code{timePaleoPhy} does not resolve polytomies, instead outputting a dated
#' tree that is only as resolved as the input tree. If \code{randres = TRUE}, then
#' polytomies will be randomly resolved using \code{\link{multi2di}} from the
#' package ape. If \code{randres = TRUE} and \code{ntrees = 1}, a warning is printed that users
#' should analyze multiple randomly-resolved trees, rather than a single such
#' tree, although a tree is still output.

#' @param timeres Should polytomies be resolved relative to the order of
#' appearance of lineages? By default, \code{timePaleoPhy} does not resolve
#' polytomies, instead outputting a time-scaled tree that is only as resolved
#' as the input tree. If \code{timeres = TRUE}, then polytomies will be resolved with
#' respect to time using the paleotree function \code{\link{timeLadderTree}}.
#' See that functions help page for more information; the result of time-order
#' resolving of polytomies generally does not differ across multiple uses,
#' unlike use of \code{multi2di}.

#' @param add.term If \code{TRUE}, adds terminal ranges. By default, this function will
#' not add the ranges of taxa when time-scaling a tree, so that the tips
#' correspond temporally to the first appearance datums of the given taxa. If
#' \code{add.term = TRUE}, then the 'terminal ranges' of the taxa are added to the tips
#' after tree is dated, such that the tips now correspond to the last
#' appearance datums.

#' @param inc.term.adj If \code{TRUE}, includes terminal ranges in branch length
#' estimates for the various adjustment of branch lengths under all methods
#' except \code{type = 'basic'} 
#' (in other words, a terminal length branch will not be treated as zero
#' length if \code{inc.term.adj = TRUE}, if the tip-taxon on this branch has a non-zero
#' duration). By default, this argument is \code{FALSE} and this function will not
#' include the ranges of taxa when adjusting branch lengths, so that
#' zero-length branches before first appearance times will be extended. An
#' error is returned if this \code{inc.term.adj = TRUE} but \code{type = "basic"} or
#' \code{add.term = FALSE}, as this argument is inconsistent with those argument
#' options.

#' @param dateTreatment This argument controls the interpretation of \code{timeData}. 
#' The default setting \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"} treats the dates 
#' in \code{timeData} as a column of precise first and last appearances.
#' A second option is \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"}, which 
#' treats these dates as minimum and maximum bounds on single point dates. Under this option,
#' all taxa in the analysis will be treated as being point dates, such that the first appearance
#' is also the last. These dates will be pulled under a uniform distribution.
#' If \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} is used,
#' \code{add.term} becomes meaningless, and the use of it will return an error message.
#' A third option is \code{dateTreatment = "randObs"}. This assumes that the dates in the
#' matrix are first and last appearance times, but that the desired time of observation is unknown.
#' Thus, this is much like \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"} except
#' the effective time of observation (the taxon's LAD under
#' \code{dateTreatment = "firstLast"}) is treated as an uncertain date, and
#' is randomly sampled between the first and last appearance times. The FAD still is treated as a fixed number, used
#' for dating the nodes. In previous versions of paleotree, this
#' was called in \code{timePaleoPhy} using the argument \code{rand.obs}, which has been removed
#' for clarity. This temporal uncertainty in times of observation might be useful if
#' a user is interested in applying phylogeny-based approaches to studying trait evolution, but have
#' per-taxon measurements of traits that come from museum specimens with uncertain temporal placement.
#' With both arguments \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} and
#' \code{dateTreatment = "randObs"}, the sampling of dates from random distributions should
#' compel users to produce many time-scaled trees for any given analytical purpose.
#' Note that \code{dateTreatment = "minMax"} returns an error in 'bin' time-scaling functions; please use
#' \code{points.occur} instead.

# @param rand.obs Should the tips represent observation times uniform
# distributed within taxon ranges? This only impacts the location of tip-dates, 
# i.e. the 'times of observation' for taxa, and does not impact the dates used to 
# determine node ages. Thus, this is an alternative to using only the LADs or only the FADs
# as the per-taxon times of observation. For these functions,rand.obs is TRUE can only impact
# the result when add.term is \code{FALSE} (otherwise the time of observation can only be the FADs) 
# and so the function fails and a warning is issued. If rand.obs is TRUE, then it is assumed
# that users wish the tips to represent observations made with some temporal
# uncertainty, such that they might have come from any point within a taxon's
# known range.  This might be the case, for example, if a user is interested in
# applying phylogeny-based approaches to studying trait evolution, but have
# per-taxon measurements of traits that come from museum specimens with
# uncertain temporal placement. When rand.obs is TRUE, the tips are placed randomly
# within taxon ranges, as if uniformly distributed, and thus multiple trees should be 
# created and analyzed.

#' @param node.mins The minimum dates of internal nodes (clades) on a phylogeny can be set
#' using \code{node.mins}. This argument takes a vector of the same length as the number of nodes,
#' with dates given in the same order as nodes are ordered in the \code{tree$edge} matrix.
#' Note that in \code{tree$edge}, terminal tips are given the first set of numbers
#' (\code{1:Ntip(tree)}), so the first element of \code{node.mins} is the first internal node
#' (the node numbered \code{Ntip(tree)+1}, which is generally the root for most \code{phylo}
#' objects read by \code{read.tree}). Not all nodes need be given minimum dates; those without
#' minimum dates can be given as NA in \code{node.mins}, but the vector must be the same length
#' as the number of internal nodes in \code{tree}. These are minimum date constraints, such that
#' a node will be forced to be \emph{at least as old as this date}, but the final date may be even
#' older depending on the taxon dates used, the time-scaling method applied, the \code{vartime}
#' used and any other minimum node dates given (e.g. if a clade is given a very old minimum date,
#' this will (of course) over-ride any minimum dates given for clades that that node is nested
#' within). Although \code{vartime} does adjust the node age downwards when the equal method
#' is used, if a user has a specific date they'd like to constrain the root to, they should use
#' \code{node.mins} instead because the result is more predictable.

#' @param noisyDrop If \code{TRUE} (the default), any taxa dropped from tree due to not
#' having a matching entry in the time data will be listed in a system message.

#' @param plot If \code{TRUE}, plots the input and output phylogenies.

#' @param timeList A list composed of two matrices giving interval times and
#' taxon appearance dates. The rownames of the second matrix should be the taxon IDs,
#' identical to the \code{tip.labels} for tree. See details.

#' @param nonstoch.bin If \code{nonstoch.bin = TRUE} (the default is \code{FALSE},
#' dates are \emph{not} stochastically drawn from
#' uniform distributions bounded by the upper and lower boundaries
#' of the geologic intervals (the 'bins'), as typically occurs with '\code{bin_}'
#' time-scaling methods in \code{paleotree} but instead first-appearance dates are
#' assigned to the earliest time of the interval a taxon first appears in, while 
#' last-appearance dates are placed at the youngest (the 'later-most') date in the
#' interval that that taxon last appears in.  This option may be useful for plotting.
#' Note that if \code{nonstoch.bin = TRUE}, the \code{sites} argument becomes arbitrary
#' and has no influence on the output.

#' @param sites Optional two column matrix, composed of site IDs for taxon FADs
#' and LADs. The sites argument allows users to constrain the placement of
#' dates by restricting multiple fossil taxa whose FADs or LADs are from the
#' same very temporally restricted sites (such as fossil-rich Lagerstatten) to
#' always have the same date, across many iterations of time-scaled trees. To
#' do this, provide a \code{matrix} to the \code{sites} argument
#' where the "site" of each FAD and LAD for every
#' taxon is listed, as corresponding to the second matrix in \code{timeList}. If no
#' sites matrix is given (the default), then it is assumed all fossil come from
#' different "sites" and there is no shared temporal structure among the
#' events.

#' @param point.occur If true, will automatically produce a 'sites' matrix
#' which forces all FADs and LADs to equal each other. This should be used when
#' all taxa are only known from single 'point occurrences', i.e. each is only
#' recovered from a single bed/horizon, such as a Lagerstatten.

#' @return The output of these functions is a time-scaled tree or set of
#' time-scaled trees, of either class \code{phylo} or \code{multiphylo}, depending on the
#' argument \code{ntrees}. All trees are output with an element $root.time. This is
#' the time of the root on the tree and is important for comparing patterns
#' across trees. Note that the $root.time element is defined relative to the
#' earliest first appearance date, and thus later tips may seem to occur in
#' the distant future under the \code{"aba"} and \code{"zbla"} time-scaling methods.
#' Trees created with \code{bin_timePaleoPhy} will output with some additional
#' elements, in particular $ranges.used, a matrix which records the
#' continuous-time ranges generated for time-scaling each tree. (Essentially a
#' pseudo-\code{timeData} matrix.)

#' @note Please account for stratigraphic uncertainty in your analysis.
#' Unless you have exceptionally resolved data, select an appropriate option in
#' \code{dateTreatment} within \code{timePaleoPhy}, use the more sophisticated
#' \code{bin_timePaleoPhy} or code your own wrapper function of \code{timePaleoPhy}
#' that accounts for stratigraphic uncertainty in your dataset.

#' @author David W. Bapst, heavily inspired by code supplied by Graeme Lloyd
#' and Gene Hunt.

#' @seealso \code{\link{cal3TimePaleoPhy}}, \code{\link{binTimeData}},
#' \code{\link{multi2di}}
#' For an alternative time-scaling function, which includes the \code{'ruta'} method
#' that weights the time-scaling of branches by estimates of character change
#' along with implementations of the \code{'basic'} and \code{"equal"}
#' methods described here, please see function \code{DatePhylo} in package \code{strap}.

#' @references 
#' Bapst, D. W. 2013. A stochastic rate-calibrated method for time-scaling
#' phylogenies of fossil taxa. \emph{Methods in Ecology and Evolution}.
#' 4(8):724-733.
#' Bapst, D. W. 2014. Assessing the effect of time-scaling methods on
#' phylogeny-based analyses in the fossil record. \bold{Paleobiology}
#' \bold{40}(3):331-351.
#' Brusatte, S. L., M. J. Benton, M. Ruta, and G. T. Lloyd. 2008 Superiority,
#' Competition, and Opportunism in the Evolutionary Radiation of Dinosaurs.
#' \emph{Science} \bold{321}(5895):1485-91488.
#' Hunt, G., and M. T. Carrano. 2010 Models and methods for analyzing
#' phenotypic evolution in lineages and clades. In J. Alroy, and G. Hunt, eds.
#' Short Course on Quantitative Methods in Paleobiology. Paleontological
#' Society.
#' Laurin, M. 2004. The Evolution of Body Size, Cope's Rule and the Origin of
#' Amniotes. \emph{Systematic Biology} 53(4):594-622.
#' Lloyd, G. T., S. C. Wang, and S. L. Brusatte. 2012 Identifying Heterogeneity
#' in Rates of Morphological Evolution: Discrete Character Change in the
#' Evolution of Lungfish(Sarcopterygii, Dipnoi). \emph{Evolution}
#' \bold{66}(2):330--348.
#' Smith, A. B. 1994 Systematics and the fossil record: documenting
#' evolutionary patterns. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.

#' @examples
#' # examples with empirical data
#' #load data
#' data(retiolitinae)
#' #Can plot the unscaled cladogram
#' plot(retioTree)
#' #Can plot discrete time interval diversity curve with retioRanges
#' taxicDivDisc(retioRanges)
#' #Use basic time-scaling (terminal branches only go to FADs)
#' ttree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     tree = retioTree,
#'     timeList = retioRanges,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' #Use basic time-scaling (terminal branches go to LADs)
#' ttree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     tree = retioTree,
#'     timeList = retioRanges,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     ntrees = 1, 
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' #mininum branch length time-scaling (terminal branches only go to FADs)
#' ttree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     tree = retioTree,
#'     timeList = retioRanges,
#'     type = "mbl",
#'     vartime = 1, 
#'     ntrees = 1, 
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' ###################
#' # examples with simulated data
#' # Simulate some fossil ranges with simFossilRecord
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(
#'     p = 0.1, q = 0.1, 
#'     nruns = 1,
#'     nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), 
#'     nExtant = 0
#'     )
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' #simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa, r = 0.5)
#' #let's use taxa2cladogram to get the 'ideal' cladogram of the taxa
#' cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa, 
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' #Now let's try timePaleoPhy using the continuous range data
#' ttree <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont, 
#'     type = "basic",
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' #plot diversity curve 
#' phyloDiv(ttree)
#' ################################################
#' # that tree lacked the terminal parts of ranges 
#'     # (tips stops at the taxon FADs)
#' # let's add those terminal ranges back on with add.term
#' ttree <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' #plot diversity curve 
#' phyloDiv(ttree)
#' #################################################
#' # that tree didn't look very resolved, does it? 
#'    # (See Wagner and Erwin 1995 to see why)
#' # can randomly resolve trees using the argument randres
#' # each resulting tree will have polytomies
#'    # randomly resolved stochastically using ape::multi2di
#' ttree <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' # Notice the warning it prints! PAY ATTENTION!
#' # We would need to set ntrees to a large number
#'     # to get a fair sample of trees
#' # if we set ntrees > 1, timePaleoPhy will make multiple time-trees
#' ttrees <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 9,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' #let's compare nine of them at once in a plot
#' layout(matrix(1:9, 3, 3))
#' parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
#' for(i in 1:9){
#'     plot(
#'         ladderize(ttrees[[i]]),
#'         show.tip.label = FALSE,
#'         no.margin = TRUE
#'         )
#'     }
#' #they are all a bit different!
#' ############################################## 
#' # we can also resolve the polytomies in the tree
#'     # according to time of first appearance via the function timeLadderTree
#'     # by setting the argument 'timeres = TRUE'
#' ttree <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     timeres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' #can plot the median diversity curve with multiDiv
#' layout(1)
#' par(parOrig)
#' multiDiv(ttrees)
#' #compare different methods of timePaleoPhy
#' layout(matrix(1:6, 3, 2))
#' parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(3, 2, 1, 2))
#' plot(ladderize(timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     vartime = NULL,
#'     add.term = TRUE
#'     )))
#' axisPhylo()
#' text(x = 50,y = 23,
#'      "type = basic",
#'      adj = c(0,0.5),
#'      cex = 1.2)
#' #
#' plot(ladderize(timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "equal",
#'     vartime = 10,
#'     add.term = TRUE
#'     )))
#' axisPhylo()
#' text(x = 55,y = 23,
#'      "type = equal",
#'      adj = c(0,0.5),
#'      cex = 1.2)
#' #
#' plot(
#'     ladderize(
#'         timePaleoPhy(
#'             cladogram,
#'             rangesCont,
#'             type = "aba",
#'             vartime = 1,
#'             add.term = TRUE
#'             )
#'         )
#'     )
#' axisPhylo()
#' text(x = 55,y = 23,
#'      "type = aba",
#'      adj = c(0,0.5),
#'      cex = 1.2)
#' #
#' plot(
#'     ladderize(
#'         timePaleoPhy(
#'            cladogram,
#'            rangesCont,
#'            type = "zlba",
#'            vartime = 1,
#'            add.term = TRUE
#'            )
#'         )
#'      )
#' axisPhylo()
#' text(x = 55, 
#'      y = 23, 
#'      "type = zlba",
#'      adj = c(0,0.5), 
#'      cex = 1.2
#'      )
#' #
#' plot(
#'   ladderize(
#'      timePaleoPhy(
#'         cladogram,
#'         rangesCont,
#'         type = "mbl",
#'         vartime = 1,
#'         add.term = TRUE
#'         )
#'      )
#'   )
#' axisPhylo()
#' text(x = 55,y = 23,
#'      "type = mbl",
#'      adj = c(0,0.5),
#'      cex = 1.2
#'      )
#' layout(1)
#' par(parOrig)
#' ##############################################
#' #using node.mins
#' #let's say we have (molecular??) evidence that
#'     # node #5 is at least 1200 time-units ago
#' #to use node.mins, first need to drop any unshared taxa
#' droppers <- cladogram$tip.label[is.na(
#'     match(cladogram$tip.label,
#'          names(which(!is.na(rangesCont[,1])))
#'          )
#'     )]
#' cladoDrop <- drop.tip(cladogram, droppers)
#' # now make vector same length as number of nodes
#' nodeDates <- rep(NA, Nnode(cladoDrop))
#' nodeDates[5] <- 1200
#' ttree1 <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladoDrop,rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     randres = FALSE,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' ttree2 <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladoDrop,
#'     rangesCont,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE)
#' ####################################################
#' ###################################################
#' ####################################################
#' #Using bin_timePaleoPhy to time-scale with discrete interval data
#' #first let's use binTimeData() to bin in intervals of 1 time unit
#' rangesDisc <- binTimeData(rangesCont,int.length = 1)
#' ttreeB1 <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = FALSE
#'     )
#' #notice the warning it prints!
#' phyloDiv(ttreeB1)
#' #with time-order resolving via timeLadderTree
#' ttreeB2 <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     timeres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = FALSE
#'     )
#' phyloDiv(ttreeB2)
#' #can also force the appearance timings not to be chosen stochastically
#' ttreeB3 <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladogram,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     nonstoch.bin = TRUE,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     plot = FALSE
#'     )
#' phyloDiv(ttreeB3)
#' # testing node.mins in bin_timePaleoPhy
#' ttree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladoDrop,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     randres = FALSE,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' # with randres = TRUE
#' ttree <- bin_timePaleoPhy(
#'     cladoDrop,
#'     rangesDisc,
#'     type = "basic",
#'     ntrees = 1,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     randres = TRUE,
#'     node.mins = nodeDates,
#'     plot = TRUE
#'     )
#' \donttest{
#' #simple three taxon example for testing inc.term.adj
#' ranges1 <- cbind(c(3, 4, 5), c(2, 3, 1))
#' rownames(ranges1) <- paste("t", 1:3, sep = "")
#' clado1 <- read.tree(file = NA,
#'     text = "(t1,(t2,t3));")
#' ttree1 <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     clado1,
#'     ranges1,
#'     type = "mbl",
#'     vartime = 1
#'     )
#' ttree2 <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     clado1,
#'     ranges1,
#'     type = "mbl",
#'     vartime = 1,
#'     add.term = TRUE
#'     )
#' ttree3 <- timePaleoPhy(
#'     clado1,
#'     ranges1,
#'     type = "mbl",
#'     vartime = 1,
#'     add.term = TRUE,
#'     inc.term.adj = TRUE
#'     )
#' # see differences in root times
#' ttree1$root.time
#' ttree2$root.time
#' ttree3$root.time
#' -apply(ranges1, 1, diff)
#' layout(1:3)
#' plot(ttree1)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(ttree2)
#' axisPhylo()
#' plot(ttree3)
#' axisPhylo()
#' }

#' @export
timePaleoPhy <- function(
		type = "basic",
		vartime = NULL,
		ntrees = 1,
		randres = FALSE,
		timeres = FALSE,
		add.term = FALSE,
		inc.term.adj = FALSE,
		dateTreatment = "firstLast",
		node.mins = NULL,
		noisyDrop = TRUE,
		plot = FALSE
	#fast time calibration for phylogenies of fossil taxa; basic methods
		#this code inspired by similar code from G. Lloyd and G. Hunt
		#time-scales a tree by making node time = earliest FAD of tip taxa
		#tree is a phylogeny of taxa without branch lengths
		#timeData is a matrix of FADs and LADs with rownames = species IDs
			#time is expected to be in standard paleo reference, such as MYA (i.e. 'larger' date is older)
		#vartime is a time variable used for time-scaling methods that are not "basic", ignored if "basic"
		#Allows some or all node times to be set pre-analysis
			#node.mins = vector of minimum time estimates for ind nodes, numbered as in edges, minus Ntip(ptree)
		#will make multiple randomly resolved trees if ntrees>1 and randres = T; polytomies resolved with multi2di() from ape
			#not any reason to do this unless you have polytomies
			#do !not! !ever! trust a single tree like that!! ever!!
		# if (type = "basic") 
			# just gives initial raw time-scaled tree (vartime is ignored), many zero-length branches
		# if (type = "aba") 
			# then adds vartime to all branches (All Branch Additive)
		# if (type = "zlba") 
			# then adds vartime to zero length branches (Zero Length Branch Additive) 
		# if (type = "mbl") 
			# scales up all branches greater than vartime and subtracts from lower (Min Branch Length)
		# if (type = "equal")
			# "equal" method of G. Lloyd, recreated here; vartime is used as time added to root
		# if addterm != FALSE, 
			# then observed taxon ranges (LAD-FAD) are added to the tree
			# with LADs as the location of the tips
		# to allow for tips to be at range midpoints (recc. for trait evol analyses)
			# replace LADs in timeData with mid-range dates
	# root.time
		# this is the time of the root on the tree, which is important for comparing across trees
		# this must be calculated prior to adding anything to terminal branches
	# tree <- rtree(10);tree$edge.length <- NULL;type = "basic"
		# vartime = NULL;add.term = FALSE;node.mins = NULL
	# timeData <- runif(10,30,200)
		# timeData <- cbind(timeData,timeData-runif(10,1,20))
		# rownames(timeData) <- tree$tip.label
	#node.mins <- runif(9,50,300)
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
		stop("tree is not of class phylo")}
	if(!inherits(timeData, "matrix")){
		if(inherits(timeData, "data.frame")){
			timeData <- as.matrix(timeData)
			stop("timeData not of matrix or data.frame format")
		stop("tree tip labels are not a character vector")
	if(!any(dateTreatment == c("firstLast","minMax","randObs"))){
		stop("dateTreatment must be one of 'firstLast', 'minMax' or 'randObs'!")
	allowedTypesTPP <- c(
	if(!any(type == allowedTypesTPP)){
		stop("type must be one of the types listed in the help file for timePaleoPhy")
	if(!add.term & dateTreatment == "randObs"){
			"Inconsistent arguments: randomized observation times are treated as LAST appearance times,\n",
			" so add.term must be true for dateTreatment selection to have any effect on output!"
	if(add.term & dateTreatment == "minMax"){
			"Inconsistent arguments: randomized dates (dateTreatment = minMax) are treated as point occurrences,\n",
			" so there are effectively no terminal ranges for add.term to add!"
	if(ntrees>1 & !randres & dateTreatment == "firstLast"){
		stop("Time-scale more trees without randomly resolving or random dates?!")
	if(ntrees == 1 & randres){
		message("Warning: Do not interpret a single randomly-resolved tree")
	if(ntrees == 1 & dateTreatment == "randObs"){
		message("Warning: Do not interpret a single tree with randomly-placed observation times")
	if(ntrees == 1 & dateTreatment == "minMax"){
		message("Warning: Do not interpret a single tree with randomly-placed taxon dates")
	if(randres & timeres){
			"Inconsistent arguments:\n",
			" You cannot randomly resolve polytomies and resolve with respect to time simultaneously!"
	if(!add.term & inc.term.adj){		
			"Inconsistent arguments:\n",
			" Terminal ranges cannot be used in adjustment of branch lengths if not added to tree!"
	if(type == "basic" & inc.term.adj){
			"Inconsistent arguments:\n", 
			"Terminal range adjustment of branch lengths does not affect basic time-scaling method!"))
	originalInputTree <- tree
	#remove taxa that are NA or missing in timeData
	droppers <- tree$tip.label[
	if(length(droppers) > 0){
		if(length(droppers) == Ntip(tree)){
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!"
				"Warning: Following taxa dropped from tree:",
					paste0(droppers,collapse = ", ")
		tree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!"
			function(x) any(x == tree$tip.label))),1] <- NA
	timeData <- timeData[!is.na(timeData[,1]),]
		stop("Weird NAs in Data??")
		stop("timeData is not in time relative to modern (decreasing to present)")
	if(length(unique(rownames(timeData))) != length(rownames(timeData))){
		stop("Duplicate taxa in timeList[[2]]")
	if(length(unique(tree$tip.label)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Duplicate tip taxon names in tree$tip.label")
	if(length(rownames(timeData)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Odd irreconcilable mismatch between timeList[[2]] and tree$tip.labels")
	ttrees <- rmtree(ntrees,2)
	#save tree now so can replace with each loop for multi2di()
	savetree <- tree			
	saveTD <- timeData
	for(ntr in 1:ntrees){
		#resolve nodes, if tree is not binary
		tree <- savetree
		if(!ape::is.binary.phylo(savetree)  | !is.rooted(savetree)){
				tree <- multi2di(savetree)
				tree <- timeLadderTree(savetree,timeData)
		if(dateTreatment == "minMax"){
			timeData[,1:2] <- apply(saveTD,1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))
		if(dateTreatment == "randObs"){
			timeData[,2] <- apply(saveTD,1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))
		#first, get node times
		ntime <- sapply(1:Nnode(tree),function(x) 
		ntime <- c(timeData[tree$tip.label,1],ntime)
		if(!is.null(node.mins)){	#if there are node.mins, alter ntime as necessary
			#needs to be same length as nodes in originalInputTree
			if(Nnode(savetree) != length(node.mins)){
				stop("node.mins must be same length as number of nodes in the input tree!")
			#of course, node.mins is referring to nodes in unresolved originalInputTree
			#need to figure out which nodes are which now if randres; remake node.mins
					"node.mins not compatible with datasets where some taxa are dropped\n",
					"Drop unshared taxa and recalculate location of constrained nodes before analysis instead"
			    | !is.rooted(tree)
			   ) &
		        	origDesc <- lapply(prop.part(originalInputTree),
				    	function(x) sort(originalInputTree$tip.label[x])
			    	treeDesc <- lapply(prop.part(tree),
			    		function(x) sort(tree$tip.label[x])
				node_changes <- match(origDesc, treeDesc)
				node.mins1 <- rep(NA, Nnode(tree))
				node.mins1[node_changes] <- node.mins
				node.mins1 <- node.mins
			#all internal nodes
			for(i in (Ntip(tree) + 1):length(ntime)){	
				desc_all <- unlist(phangorn::Descendants(tree,i,type = "all"))
				desc_nodes <- c(desc_all[desc_all>Ntip(tree)],i)-Ntip(tree)	#INCLUDING ITSELF			
				node_times <- node.mins1[desc_nodes]
				ntime[i] <- max(ntime[i],node_times[!is.na(node_times)])
		#add to root, if method = "equal"
		if((type == "equal"|type == "equal_paleotree_legacy") &
			    ntime[Ntip(tree)+1] <- vartime+ntime[Ntip(tree)+1]
			    #anchor_adjust <- vartime+anchor_adjust
		ttree <- tree
		ttree$edge.length <- sapply(1:Nedge(ttree), function(x) 
			#finds each edge length easy peasy, based on G. Lloyd's code
			ntime[ttree$edge[x, 1]]-ntime[ttree$edge[x, 2]]
		#okay, now time to do add terminal branch lengths if inc.term.adj
		if(add.term & inc.term.adj){
			obs_ranges <- timeData[,1]-timeData[,2]
			term_id <- ttree$tip.label[ttree$edge[ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree),2]]
			term_add <- sapply(term_id,function(x) obs_ranges[x])
			new_edge_length_with_term <- ttree$edge.length[
				ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree)]+term_add
			ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree)] <- new_edge_length_with_term
		#ttree_basic <- ttree
		##if type = basic, I don't have to do anything but set root.time
		if(type == "aba"){	
			#if (type = "aba") then adds vartime to all branches (All Branch Additive) 
				stop("No All Branch Additive Value Given!")
			ttree$edge.length <- ttree$edge.length+vartime
		if(type == "zlba"){	#if (type = "zlba") then adds vartime to zero length branches (Zero Length Branch Additive) 
				stop("No Branch Additive Value Given!")
			new_edge_lengths <- ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge.length<0.0001]+vartime
			ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge.length<0.0001] <- new_edge_lengths
		if(type == "mbl"){
			#if (type = "mbl") scales up all branches greater than vartime and subtracts from lower
				#as long as there are branches smaller than vartime
				stop("No Minimum Branch Length Value Given!")
			ttree <- minBranchLength(tree = ttree, mbl = vartime)
		if(type == "equal" | 
		   type == "equal_paleotree_legacy" | 
		   type == "equal_date.phylo_legacy"
			#G. Lloyd's "equal" method(s)
			if(type == "equal"){
				#Newest of the NEW 08-19-14 - the most logical choice
                #get a vector of zero-length branches ordered by 
					# the number of nodes separating the edge from the root
			    # get number of nodes from root
			    nNodeFromRoot <- (-node.depth.edgelength(unitLengthTree(ttree))[ttree$edge[,2]])
				#Get branch list; 1st col = end-node, 2nd = # of nodes from root
				zbr <- cbind(1:Nedge(ttree), nNodeFromRoot) 	
			if(type == "equal_paleotree_legacy"){
				#get a depth-ordered vector that identifies zero-length branches
				#Get branch list; 1st col = end-node, 2nd = depth
				zbr <- cbind(1:Nedge(ttree),
			if(type == "equal_date.phylo_legacy"){
				#NEW 02-03-04 
				#get a TIME-TO-ROOT-ordered vector that identifies zero-length branches
					# as Graeme's DatePhylo originally worked prior to August 2014
				#Get branch list; 1st col = end-node, 2nd = abs distance (time) from root
				zbr <- cbind(1:Nedge(ttree), 
			#Parses zbr to just zero-length branches
			zbrSel <- zbr[ttree$edge.length == 0, , drop = FALSE]
			# is zbr still a matrix?
			    stop("zbr is no longer a matrix")
			#order zbr by depth
			zbr <- zbr[order(zbr[,2]),1]							
			#if the edge lengths leading away from the root are somehow ZERO issue a warning
			if(is.null(vartime) & 
			   any(ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge[,1] == (Ntip(ttree)+1)] == 0)){
					 "The equal method requires edges leading away from root to initially have non-zero length\n",
					 " This expectation is current not met. Perhaps increase vartime?"
			for(i in zbr){
				#starting with most shallow zlb, is this branch a zlb?
				if (ttree$edge.length[i]  ==  0) {			
					#if zlb, make a vector of mom-zlbs, going down the tree
					#branches to rescale, starting with picked branch
					brs <- ttree$edge[i,2] 						
					mom <- which(ttree$edge[i,1] == ttree$edge[,2])
					while(ttree$edge[mom,1] != (Ntip(ttree)+1) & ttree$edge.length[mom] == 0){ 
						#keep going while preceding edge is zero len and isn't the root
						#keep adding these branches to brs
						brs[length(brs)+1] <- ttree$edge[mom,2]  		
						#reset mom
						mom <- which(ttree$edge[mom,1] == ttree$edge[,2])	
					#Add final branch (which isn't zlb)
					brs[length(brs)+1] <- ttree$edge[mom,2] 				
					#Amount of time to be shared
					totbl <- sum(ttree$edge.length[match(brs,ttree$edge[,2])]) 	
					ntime[brs[-1]] <- ntime[brs[-1]] +cumsum(
						rep(totbl / length(brs), length(brs) - 1)
					#update branch lengths using ntime
					ttree$edge.length <- sapply(
						ntime[ttree$edge[x,1]] - ntime[ttree$edge[x,2]]
		#if add.term != FALSE
			# then taxon observed ranges are added to the tree
			# with the LADs becoming the location of the tips
		if(add.term & !inc.term.adj){
			obs_ranges <- timeData[,1]-timeData[,2]
			term_id <- ttree$tip.label[ttree$edge[ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree),2]]
			term_add <- sapply(term_id, function(x) obs_ranges[x])
			new_term_edge_lengths <- ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree)]+term_add
			ttree$edge.length[ttree$edge[,2] <= Ntip(ttree)] <- new_term_edge_lengths
		#now add root.time: 
			#should be time of earliest LAD + distance of root from earliest tip
			latestAge <- max(timeData[ttree$tip.label,2])
			ttree$root.time <- latestAge+min(node.depth.edgelength(ttree)[1:Ntip(ttree)])	
			#should be time of earliest FAD + distance of root from earliest tip
			latestAge <- max(timeData[ttree$tip.label,1])
			ttree$root.time <- latestAge+min(node.depth.edgelength(ttree)[1:Ntip(ttree)])	
			parOrig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
			par(mar = c(2.5,1,1,0.5));layout(1:2)
			plot(ladderize(tree),show.tip.label = TRUE,use.edge.length = FALSE)
			plot(ladderize(ttree),show.tip.label = TRUE)
		names(ttree$edge.length) <- NULL
		ttrees[[ntr]] <- ttree
	if(ntrees == 1){ttrees <- ttrees[[1]]}

#' @rdname timePaleoPhy
#' @export
bin_timePaleoPhy <- function(tree,
                             type = "basic",
                             vartime = NULL,
                             ntrees = 1,
                             nonstoch.bin = FALSE,
                             randres = FALSE,
                             timeres = FALSE,
                             sites = NULL,
                             point.occur = FALSE,
                             add.term = FALSE,
                             inc.term.adj = FALSE,
                             dateTreatment = "firstLast",
                             node.mins = NULL,
                             noisyDrop = TRUE,
                             plot = FALSE
	# wrapper for applying non-SRC time-scaling to timeData
		# where FADs and LADs are given as bins 
		# see timePaleoPhy function for more details
	#input is a list with (1) interval times matrix and (2) species FOs and LOs
	#sites is a matrix, used to indicate if binned FADs or LADs of
		# multiple species were obtained from the locality / time point
	#i.e. the first appearance of species A, B and last appearance of C are all from the same lagerstatten
		#this will fix these to always have the same date relative to each other across many trees
		#this will assume that species listed for a site all are listed as being from the same interval...
	#this function also assumes that the sites matrix is ordered exactly as the timeList data is
	# (OLD)
	#if rand.obs = TRUE, the the function assumes that the LADs in timeList aren't
		# where you actually want the tips 
		#instead, tips will be randomly placed anywhere in that taxon's range with uniform probability
		#thus, tip locations will differ slightly for each tree in the sample
		#this is useful when you have a specimen or measurement but you don't know its placement in the species' range
	#default options
	#type = "basic";vartime = NULL;ntrees = 1;nonstoch.bin = FALSE;randres = FALSE;timeres = FALSE
	# sites = NULL;point.occur = FALSE;add.term = FALSE;inc.term.adj = FALSE
		# rand.obs = FALSE;node.mins = NULL;plot = FALSE
	if(!inherits(tree, "phylo")){
		stop("tree is not of class phylo")
			timeList[[1]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[1]])
			stop("timeList[[1]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
			timeList[[2]] <- as.matrix(timeList[[2]])
			stop("timeList[[2]] not of matrix or data.frame format")
	if(ntrees == 1 & !nonstoch.bin){
			"Warning: Do not interpret a single tree; dates are stochastically pulled from uniform distributions"
	if(!is.null(sites) & point.occur){
			"Inconsistent arguments, point.occur = TRUE would replace input 'sites' matrix\n Why not just make site assignments for first and last appearance the same in your input site matrix?"
	if(!any(dateTreatment == c("firstLast","randObs"))){
		stop("dateTreatment must be one of 'firstLast' or 'randObs'!")
	#clean out all taxa which are NA or missing for timeData
	if(ntrees == 1 & randres){
		message("Warning: Do not interpret a single randomly-resolved tree")
	if(randres & timeres){
			"Inconsistent arguments: You cannot randomly resolve polytomies and resolve with respect to time simultaneously!"
	if(!is.null(sites) & point.occur){
		stop("Inconsistent arguments, point.occur = TRUE will replace input 'sites' matrix")
	droppers <- tree$tip.label[is.na(match(tree$tip.label,names(which(!is.na(timeList[[2]][,1])))))]
		if(length(droppers) == Ntip(tree)){
			stop("Absolutely NO valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
				"Warning: Following taxa dropped from tree:",paste0(droppers,collapse = ", ")
		tree <- drop.tip(tree,droppers)
			stop("Less than two valid taxa shared between the tree and temporal data!")
		timeList[[2]][which(!sapply(rownames(timeList[[2]]),function(x) any(x == tree$tip.label))),1] <- NA
		if(length(droppers)>0){	#then... the tree has changed unpredictably, node.mins unusable
				"node.mins not compatible with datasets where some taxa are drop; drop before analysis instead"
		if(Nnode(tree) != length(node.mins)){
				"node.mins must be same length as number of nodes in the input tree!"
	#best to drop taxa from timeList that aren't represented on the tree
	notTree <- rownames(timeList[[2]])[is.na(match(rownames(timeList[[2]]),tree$tip.label))]
					"Warning: Following taxa dropped from timeList:",paste0(notTree,collapse = ", ")
			timeList[[2]] <- timeList[[2]][!is.na(match(rownames(timeList[[2]]),tree$tip.label)),]
				"Some taxa in timeList not included on tree: no automatic taxon drop if 'sites' are given. Please remove from both sites and timeList and try again."
	timeList[[2]] <- timeList[[2]][!is.na(timeList[[2]][,1]),]
	if(ncol(timeList[[1]]) != 2 | ncol(timeList[[2]]) != 2){
		stop("Both timeList[[1]] and timeList[[2]] should have only two columns")
	if(any(is.na(timeList[[1]])) | any(is.na(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Unexpected NAs in timeList")
	if(any(is.character(timeList[[1]])) | any(is.character(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Unexpected character-type data in timeList")
		stop("timeList[[1]] not in intervals in time relative to modern")
		stop("Some dates in timeList[[1]] <0 ?")
		stop("timeList[[2]] not in intervals numbered from first to last (1 to infinity)")
		stop("Some dates in timeList[[2]] <0 ?")
	if(length(unique(rownames(timeList[[2]]))) != length(rownames(timeList[[2]]))){
		stop("Duplicate taxa in timeList[[2]]")
	if(length(unique(tree$tip.label)) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Duplicate tip taxon names in tree$tip.label")
	if(length(rownames(timeList[[2]])) != length(tree$tip.label)){
		stop("Odd irreconcilable mismatch between timeList[[2]] and tree$tip.labels")
			if(any(timeList[[2]][,1] != timeList[[2]][,2])){
					"point.occur = TRUE but some taxa have FADs and LADs listed in different intervals?!"
			sites <- matrix(c(1:Ntip(tree),1:Ntip(tree)),Ntip(tree),2)
			sites <- matrix(1:(Ntip(tree)*2),,2)
	}else{	#make sites a bunch of nicely behaved sorted integers
		sites[,1] <- sapply(sites[,1],function(x)
			which(x == sort(unique(as.vector(sites))))
		sites[,2] <- sapply(sites[,2],function(x)
			which(x == sort(unique(as.vector(sites))))
	ttrees <- rmtree(ntrees,3)
	#get time ranges for sites
	siteTime <- matrix(,max(sites),2)
	for (i in unique(as.vector(sites))){	
		#build two-col matrix of site's FADs and LADs
			#find an interval for this site
		go <- timeList[[2]][which(sites == i)[1]]	
		siteTime[i,] <- timeList[[1]][go,]
	#now let's stochastically draw new dates from the site times
	for(ntrb in 1:ntrees){
			bad_sites <- unique(as.vector(sites))
			siteDates <- apply(siteTime,1,function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1]))
				siteDates[bad_sites] <- apply(siteTime[bad_sites,],1,
					function(x) runif(1,x[2],x[1])
				bad_sites <- unique(
			timeData <- cbind(siteDates[sites[,1]],
			timeData <- cbind(siteTime[sites[,1],1],
		rownames(timeData) <- rownames(timeList[[2]])
		# okay now send to timePaleoPhy
		tree1 <- suppressMessages(
				tree = tree,
				timeData = timeData,
				type = type,
				vartime = vartime,
				ntrees = 1,
				randres = randres,
				timeres = timeres,
				add.term = add.term,
				inc.term.adj = inc.term.adj,
				dateTreatment = dateTreatment,
				node.mins = node.mins,
				plot = plot
		colnames(timeData) <- c("FAD","LAD")
		tree1$ranges.used <- timeData
		names(tree1$edge.length) <- NULL
		ttrees[[ntrb]] <- tree1
	if(ntrees == 1){
		ttrees <- ttrees[[1]]
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.