
#' Simulate fitness effects under of normal model 
#' This function simulates fitness effects under a model in which the fitness
#' distribution of mutations is normally distributed
#'@param n numeric, number of lines to simulate
#'@param a numeric,  mean fitness of mutations
#'@param Va numeric, variance in fitness of mutations
#'@param Ve numeric, envrionmental variance 
#'@param Ut numeric, expected number of mutations over the length of the
#' experiment
#'@return numeric, a vector of fitnesses
#' set.seed(123)
#' w <- rma_normal(20, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 1)
#' dma_normal(w, 0.1, 0.01,0.01, 1)
#' dma_normal(w, 0.1, 0.01,0.01, 3)

rma_normal <- function(n, a, Va, Ve, Ut){
    k <- rpois(n, Ut)
    rnorm(n, k*a, sqrt(k*Va+Ve))

#' Simulate fitness effects ith a known number of mutations per line and a Normal DFE
#' This function simulates fitness effects under a model in which the fitness
#' distribution of mutations is normally distributed
#'@param a numeric,  mean fitness of mutations
#'@param Va numeric, variance in fitness of mutations
#'@param Ve numeric, envrionmental variance 
#'@param k integer, total number of mutations for each line
#'@param p_neutral numeric, (global) proportion of those mutation with no fitness effect
#'@return numeric, a vector of fitnesses
#' set.seed(123)
#' k <- rpois(20,9)
#' w <- rma_normal(a=0.1, Va=0.01, Ve=0.01, k=k, p_neutral=0.7)
#' mean(w)

rma_known_normal <- function(a, Va, Ve, k, p_neutral){
    f <- function(m) rnorm(length(m), m*a, sqrt(m*Va+Ve))
    rma_known_base(k, p_neutral, f)

#' Method of moments estimators for the normally distributed DFE
#' @param obs observed fitness values
#' @param Ve estimate of btween-line (experimental) variance
#' @return a Mean mutational effect size
#' @return Va Variance of d.f.e
#' @return Ut expected number of mutaitons over the experiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' w <- rma_normal(n=20, a=0.1, Va=0.01, Ve=0.01,Ut=1)
#' mom_ma_normal(w, 0.01)
mom_ma_normal <- function(obs, Ve, Ut=NULL){
    first  <- mean(obs)
    second <- var(obs) - Ve
        third  <- mean( (obs - mean(obs))^3)
        A <- sqrt(9 * second**2 - 8 * third * first)
        return ( c(a  = ((3*second)  - A) / (4*first), 
                   Va = (((second * A)/first) - (3*second**2/first) + (4*third) ) / (8*first),
                   Ut = (first * A + 3 * second * first) / (2 * third) )
    res <- c(a = first/Ut, Va= (Ut * second - first^2)/Ut^2)
        if(any(res < 0)){
            res <- c(res, likelihood=NaN)
      else res <- c(res, likelihood=dma_gamma(w, shape=res[1], res[2], Ve, Ut))

#' Find the maximum liklihood estimate of paramaters in MA model
#' @useDynLib dfe
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats4 mle
#' @export
#' @param obs observed fitness values
#' @param fixed named list of model paramater values to fix
#' @param starts named list of starting values of varying parameters
#' @param verbose logical, be verbose
#' @return mle fit object
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' w <- rma_normal(20, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 1)
#' fit_ma_normal(w, fixed=list(Ve=0.01), starts=list(a=0.01))

fit_ma_normal <- function(obs, fixed=NULL, starts=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
    #Start by dealing with set/known/fixed arguments
    all_args <- c("a", "Va", "Ve", "Ut")
    known_args <- c( names(fixed), names(starts) )
    to_set <- all_args[!(all_args %in% known_args )]
    if(length(to_set) > 0){
            cat("Setting starting values for following variables at random:\n")
            cat(to_set, "\n")
        random_starts <- ifelse(to_set == "Ut", rpois(1,5), abs(rnorm(1,0,0.1)))
        names(random_starts) <- to_set
        starts <- c(starts, random_starts)
    lower_bound <- c(a=-Inf, Va=1e-5, Ve=1e-5, Ut=1e-5)
    Q <- function(a, Va, Ve, Ut){
            params <- match.call()
            to_print <- sapply(as.list(params)[2:5], round, 4)
       if(any(c(Va,Ve,Ut) < 0)){
       res <- -dma_normal(obs, a, Va, Ve, Ut, log=TRUE)
           print( c(to_print, "-LL"=round(res,2)))
    mle(Q, start=starts, fixed=fixed, 
#           method="CG", 
#           lower=lower_bound[names(starts)],
           gr= function(par) grad_normal(obs=obs, a=par[1], Va=par[2], Ut=par[3], Ve=fixed$Ve)
#            gr = function(par) print(par)
  #         lower=rep(0, 4),
   #        upper=rep(Inf,4))
dwinter/dfe documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:21 p.m.