Man pages for dynverse/scaterlegacy
Single-cell analysis toolkit for gene expression data in R

areSizeFactorsCentredCheck if the size factors are centred at unity
arrangeArrange rows of 'pData(object)' by variables.
bootstrapsAccessor and replacement for bootstrap results in an SCESet...
calcAverageCalculate average counts, adjusting for size factors or...
calcIsExprsCalculate which features are expressed in which cells using a...
calculateCPMCalculate counts per million (CPM)
calculateFPKMCalculate fragments per kilobase of exon per million reads...
calculateQCMetricsCalculate QC metrics
calculateTPMCalculate transcripts-per-million (TPM)
cellNamesGet or set cell names from an SCESet object
cellPairwiseDistancescellPairwiseDistances in an SCESet object
countsAccessors for the 'counts' element of an SCESet object.
cpmAccessors for the 'cpm' (counts per million) element of an...
fDataReplaces featureData in an SCESet object
featureControlInfofeatureControlInfo in an SCESet object
featurePairwiseDistancesfeaturePairwiseDistances in an SCESet object
filterReturn 'SCESet' with cells matching conditions.
findImportantPCsFind most important principal components for a given variable
fpkmAccessors for the 'fpkm' (fragments per kilobase of exon per...
fromCellDataSetConvert a 'CellDataSet' to an 'SCESet'
getBMFeatureAnnosGet feature annotation information from Biomart
get_exprsGeneric accessor for expression data from an SCESet object.
getExprsRetrieve a representation of gene expression
is_exprsAccessors for the 'is_exprs' element of an SCESet object.
isOutlierIdentify if a cell is an outlier based on a metric
isSpikeGet spike-in features in an SCESet object
mergeSCESetMerge SCESet objects
multiplotMultiple plot function for ggplot2 plots
mutateAdd new variables to 'pData(object)'.
newSCESetCreate a new SCESet object.
nexprsCount the number of expressed genes per cell
normaliseExprsNormalise expression expression levels for an SCESet object
normalizeNormalise an SCESet object using pre-computed size factors
norm_countsAccessors for the 'norm_counts' element of an SCESet object.
norm_cpmAccessors for the 'norm_cpm' (normalised counts per million)...
norm_exprsAccessors for the 'norm_exprs' (normalised expression)...
norm_fpkmAccessors for the 'norm_fpkm' (normalised fragments per...
norm_tpmAccessors for the 'norm_tpm' (transcripts per million)...
pDataReplaces phenoData in an SCESet object
plotPlot an overview of expression for each cell
plotDiffusionMapPlot a diffusion map for an SCESet object
plotExplanatoryVariablesPlot explanatory variables ordered by percentage of...
plotExpressionPlot expression values for a set of features (e.g. genes or...
plotExprsFreqVsMeanPlot frequency of expression against mean expression level
plotExprsVsTxLengthPlot expression against transcript length
plotFeatureDataPlot feature (gene) data from an SCESet object
plotHighestExprsPlot the features with the highest expression values
plotMDSProduce a multidimensional scaling plot for an SCESet object
plotMetadataPlot metadata for cells or features
plotPCAPlot PCA for an SCESet object
plotPhenoDataPlot phenotype data from an SCESet object
plotPlatePositionPlot cells in plate positions
plotQCProduce QC diagnostic plots
plotReducedDimPlot reduced dimension representation of cells
plotRLEPlot a relative log expression (RLE) plot
plotTSNEPlot t-SNE for an SCESet object
read10XResultsLoad in data from 10X experiment
readKallistoResultsRead kallisto results from a batch of jobs
readKallistoResultsOneSampleRead kallisto results for a single sample into a list
readSalmonResultsRead Salmon results from a batch of jobs
readSalmonResultsOneSampleRead Salmon results for a single sample into a list
readTxResultsRead transcript quantification data with tximport package
reducedDimensionReduced dimension representation for cells in an SCESet...
renameRename variables of 'pData(object)'.
runKallistoRun kallisto on FASTQ files to quantify feature abundance
runSalmonRun Salmon on FASTQ files to quantify feature abundance
scater_guiscater GUI function
scaterlegacy-packageSingle-cell analysis toolkit for expression in R
SCESetThe "Single Cell Expression Set" (SCESet) class
SCESet-subsetSubsetting SCESet Objects
sc_example_cell_infoCell information for the small example single-cell counts...
sc_example_countsA small example of single-cell counts dataset to demonstrate...
set_exprsAssignment method for the new elements of an SCESet object.
setSpikeSet spike-in features in an SCESet object
sizeFactorsAccessors size factors of an SCESet object.
spikesExtract expression values for spike-in features in an SCESet...
stand_exprsAccessors for the 'stand_exprs' (standardised expression)...
summariseExprsAcrossFeaturesSummarise expression values across feature
toCellDataSetConvert an 'SCESet' to a 'CellDataSet'
tpmAccessors for the 'tpm' (transcripts per million) element of...
updateSCESetUpdate an SCESet object to the current version
whichSpikeIdentify spike-in feature control sets in an SCESet object
writeSCESetWrite an SCESet object to an HDF5 file
dynverse/scaterlegacy documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 5:07 a.m.