
Defines functions .colors_qml .colors_show .colors_get

#' @title Get colors associated to the labels
#' @name .colors_get
#' @param  labels  labels associated to the training classes
#' @param  palette  palette from `grDevices::hcl.pals()`
#'                  replaces default colors
#'                  when labels are not included in the config palette
#' @param  rev      revert the order of colors?
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @return colors required to display the labels
.colors_get <- function(labels,
                        palette = "Spectral",
                        legend = NULL,
                        rev = TRUE) {
    # Get the SITS Color table
    color_tb <- .conf_colors()
    # Try to find colors in the SITS color palette
    names_tb <- dplyr::filter(color_tb, .data[["name"]] %in% labels)[["name"]]
    # find the labels that exist in the color table
    labels_exist <- labels[labels %in% names_tb]
    # get the colors for the names that exist
    colors <- purrr::map_chr(labels_exist, function(l) {
        col <- color_tb |>
            dplyr::filter(.data[["name"]] == l) |>
    # get the names of the colors that exist in the SITS color table
    names(colors) <- labels_exist
    # if there is a legend?
    if (.has(legend)) {
        # what are the names in the legend that are in the labels?
        labels_leg <- labels[labels %in% names(legend)]
        # what are the color labels that are included in the legend?
        colors_leg <- legend[labels_leg]
        # join color names in the legend to those in default colors
        colors <- c(
            colors[!names(colors) %in% names(colors_leg)]
    # are there any colors missing?
    if (!all(labels %in% names(colors))) {
        missing <- labels[!labels %in% names(colors)]
        if (.check_warnings()) {
            warning(.conf("messages", ".colors_get_missing"), toString(missing))
            warning(.conf("messages", ".colors_get_missing_palette"), palette)
            # grDevices does not work with one color missing
        colors_pal <- grDevices::hcl.colors(
            n = length(missing),
            palette = palette,
            rev = rev
        names(colors_pal) <- missing
        # put all colors together
        colors <- c(colors, colors_pal)
    # rename colors to fit the label order
    # and deal with duplicate labels
    colors <- colors[labels]
    # post-condition
        len_min = length(labels),
        len_max = length(labels),
        is_named = TRUE,
        has_unique_names = FALSE
#' @title Show color table
#' @name .colors_show
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param color_tb A SITS color table
#' @return a gglot2 object
.colors_show <- function(color_tb, font_family) {
    # strip "_" if they exist
    color_tb[["name"]] <- purrr::map_chr(
        color_tb[["name"]], function(name) {
            paste(name = unlist(
                strsplit(name, split = "_", fixed = TRUE)), collapse = " ")
    # find out how many lines to write per name
    color_tb[["lines"]] <- purrr::map_int(color_tb[["name"]], function(s) {
        return(stringr::str_count(stringr::str_wrap(s, width = 12), "\n") + 1)
    n_colors <- nrow(color_tb)
    if (n_colors <= 12)
        n_rows_show <- 3
        n_rows_show <- n_colors %/% 4
    # add place locators to color table entries
    color_tb <- tibble::add_column(
        y = seq(0, n_colors - 1) %% n_rows_show,
        x = seq(0, n_colors - 1) %/% n_rows_show
    y_size <- 1.2
    g <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
            name = "",
            breaks = NULL,
            expand = c(0, 0)
        ) +
            name = "",
            breaks = NULL,
            expand = c(0, 0)
        ) +
            data = color_tb,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                xmin = .data[["x"]] + 0.05,
                xmax = .data[["x"]] + 0.95,
                ymin = .data[["y"]] + 0.05,
                ymax = .data[["y"]] + y_size
            fill = color_tb[["color"]]
        ) +
            data = color_tb,
            mapping = ggplot2::aes(
                x = .data[["x"]] + 0.5,
                y = .data[["y"]] + 0.6 + 0.1 * (.data[["lines"]] - 1),
                label = stringr::str_wrap(.data[["name"]], width = 12)
            family = font_family,
            colour = "grey15",
            hjust = 0.5,
            vjust = 1,
            size = 10 / ggplot2::.pt
    g + ggplot2::theme(
        panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#FFFFFF")
#' @title Write a color table in QGIS Style format
#' @name .colors_qml
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @param color_table color table to write to QGIS
#' @param file the file name to be written to.
#' @return Called for side effects.
.colors_qml <- function(color_table, file) {
    # check that color table has index, name and color
    .check_chr_contains(colnames(color_table), c("index", "color", "name"))
    # open the file connection
    con <- file(file, "w")

    # read the top part of QGIS style
    top_qgis_style <- system.file("extdata/qgis/qgis_style_top.xml",
                                  package = "sits")
    top_lines <- readLines(top_qgis_style)
    # write the top part of QGIS style in the output file
    writeLines(top_lines, con = con)

    # the palette entry goes after this part
    # write start of color palette
    writeLines("      <colorPalette>", con = con)
    # write palette entries
        function(ind, color, name) {
            writeLines(paste0("         <paletteEntry ",
                              " value=", "\"", ind, "\"",
                              " color=", "\"", color, "\"",
                              " label=", "\"", name, "\"",
                              " alpha=", "\"255\"", "/>"),
                       con = con
    # write end of color palette
    writeLines("     </colorPalette>", con = con)

    # read the bottom part of QGIS style files
    # this part goes after the palette entry
    bottom_qgis_style <- system.file("extdata/qgis/qgis_style_bottom.xml",
                                     package = "sits")
    bottom_lines <- readLines(bottom_qgis_style)
    # write the bottom part of QGIS style in the output file
    writeLines(bottom_lines, con = con)

    # close the file
e-sensing/sits documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.