
Defines functions plotAllGGVolcanoes ggVolcanoPlot

Documented in ggVolcanoPlot plotAllGGVolcanoes

#' Plots volcano, data points colored by max cv of the 2 compared conditions
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param log2RatioThrs default log2(0.5)
#' @param pValueThrs default 0.01
#' @param thrsLineCol default "lightgrey"
#' @param defalut 2
#' @param xlab default "log2 ratio" 
#' @param ylab default "-log10 pValue"
#' @param title default no title
#' @param xlim xlim
#' @param ylim ylim
#' @param abline c("none","both","ratio","pvalue")
#' @param topNlabels default 10, label top proteins/peptides ordered by p-value
#' @param textSize default 20
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @import ggplot2 ggrepel
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details data.frame input object should contain columns ("ratio","pValue","geneName","ac","cv", "description")
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
ggVolcanoPlot = function(data=data
		, title=""
		, pValueThrs=0.05
		, log2RatioThrs=0.5849625
		, thrsLineCol = "lightgrey"
		, thrsLineLty = 2
		, xlab = "log2 ratio"
		, ylab = "-log10 pValue"
		, textSize = 20
		, xlim = range(data$ratio,na.rm=T)
		, ylim = range(-log10(data$pValue),na.rm=T)
		, abline = c("both")
		, topNlabels = 30
  # plotted data	
	p =  ggplot(data,aes(x = ratio,y=-log10(pValue)
	# axis 
	p = p + labs(list(title=title))
	p = p + theme_bw()
	p = p + scale_x_continuous(xlab,limits =xlim)
	p = p + scale_y_continuous(ylab,limits =ylim)
	# abline		
	#	 pvalue thrs
	if(abline %in% c("pvalue","both") ) p =  p + geom_abline(intercept = -log10(pValueThrs),slope=0, lty=thrsLineLty, col=thrsLineCol)
	# ratio thrs
	if(abline %in% c("ratio","both") ) p =  p + geom_vline(xintercept=c(-log2RatioThrs,log2RatioThrs), lty=thrsLineLty, col=thrsLineCol)
	# point style
	p = p + geom_point() 
	p = p + scale_colour_gradientn(colours=c("yellow","blue"), name="Max Int\n(rank)" ) +
	  geom_point(subset(data,naHighLightSel &  (pValue <= pValueThrs)  & (abs(ratio) >= log2RatioThrs) ), mapping= aes(shape = naCat), col="grey",size=3) +
	  scale_shape_manual(values = c(2, 6, 11),name="NA Features\n(>=50%) ")
	# theme
	p = p + theme(text = element_text(size=textSize)
			#, axis.text.x = element_text(angle=0, hjust=1)
			, legend.position="right"
			, legend.direction="vertical"
			, legend.title = element_text(size=textSize*0.8)
			, legend.text=element_text(size=textSize*0.6)
	# add labels
	# geom_GeomTextRepel() has yet to be implemented in plotly (status at v. 4.5.6).
	# disp geneName above thrs 
	labPvalueThrs = ifelse(topNlabels > 0,sort(data$pValue)[min(topNlabels,length(data$pValue))],0)
	dfLab = subset(data, (pValue <= min(labPvalueThrs,pValueThrs) ) & (abs(ratio) >= log2RatioThrs))
	dfLab = dfLab[order(dfLab$pValue,decreasing = F), ]
	dfLab = dfLab[1:min(topNlabels,nrow(dfLab)),]
	dfLab = subset(dfLab, !is.na(geneName)) # avoid warning
	if(nrow(dfLab) > 0){
		p = p + geom_text_repel(data= dfLab,aes(x =ratio,y=-log10(pValue),label=geneName ))

#' Plots volcano of all condition comparisons
#' @param sqa SafeQuantAnalysis object
#' @param isAdjusted (T/F) plot adjusted pvalues
#' @param see ggVolcanoPlot
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @import ggplot2 ggrepel
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details data.frame input object should contain columns ("ratio","pValue","geneName","ac","cv", "description")
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
plotAllGGVolcanoes = function(sqa, isAdjusted=T,topNlabels=10, ...){
  # need more than own data feature
  if(nrow(sqa$eset) <= 1 ) return()
  # plot all volcanoes
  ctrlCondition = pData(sqa$eset)$condition[pData(sqa$eset)$isControl][1] %>% as.character
  caseConditions = setdiff(pData(sqa$eset)$condition %>% unique, ctrlCondition)
    allPValue = sqa$qValue
    allPValue = sqa$pValue

  # avoid crash if no caseConditions
  if(length(caseConditions) > 0){
    xlim  = range(sqa$ratio, na.rm=T)
    ylim = range(abs(log10(allPValue)), na.rm=T)

  # highlight features with >50% NA Int
  aboveNAThrs = getNAFraction(sqa$eset,method=c("cond","count")) >= 0.5

  for(cond in caseConditions){
    # create naCat factors
    aboveNAThrsLoc = aboveNAThrs[,c(ctrlCondition,cond)]
    aboveNAThrsCount = rowSums(aboveNAThrsLoc)
    naCat = ifelse(aboveNAThrsCount == 2,"both","none" )
    naCat[(naCat == "none") & aboveNAThrsLoc[,1]  ]  = ctrlCondition 
    naCat[(naCat == "none") & aboveNAThrsLoc[,2]  ]  = cond 
    naCat = factor(naCat, levels = c(ctrlCondition,cond,"both","none"))

    # compile df
    #cv = apply(sqa$cv[, c(ctrlCondition,cond) ],1,max, na.rm=T)*100
    #cv = apply(getNAFraction(sqa$eset,"cond")[, c(ctrlCondition,cond)],1, max, na.rm=T)*100
    intensity = apply(getSignalPerCondition(sqa$eset)[, c(ctrlCondition,cond)],1, max, na.rm=T) %>% rank

    ggDf = data.frame(ratio = sqa$ratio[,cond]
                      , pValue=allPValue[,cond] 
                      , geneName = fData(sqa$eset)$geneName
                      , ac=fData(sqa$eset)$ac
                      , intensity = intensity
                      , description=fData(sqa$eset)$proteinDescription
                      , naHighLightSel = (aboveNAThrsCount > 0)
                      , naCat = naCat

    plot(ggVolcanoPlot(data=ggDf, xlab = paste("log2", cond,"/",ctrlCondition ), topNlabels=topNlabels ,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim ,   ... ))
eahrne/SafeQuant documentation built on April 8, 2021, 10:10 a.m.