
idx_second <- seq(
  ymd_hms("2017-01-01 00:00:00"),
  ymd_hms("2017-01-01 00:00:04"),
  by = 1
dat_x <- tibble(
  date_time = idx_second,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("A tsibble cannot be NULL, without index, or unknown class", {
  expect_error(tsibble(), "Can't determine index")
  expect_error(as_tsibble(), "NULL")
  expect_error(as_tsibble(as.matrix(AirPassengers)), "handle the matrix class")

test_that("A tsibble must not contain missing values in index", {
    tsibble(idx = ymd_h("2017-10-01 0", tz = "Australia/Melbourne") + hours(1:3)),
    "must not contain `NA`."

test_that("A tsibble with unknown interval due to unexpected index class", {
    tsibble(date = as.POSIXct(Sys.Date() + 0:9)),
    "Can't obtain the interval"

test_that("Argument regular is not logical", {
      idx = ymd_h("2017-10-01 0", tz = "Australia/Melbourne") + hours(1:3),
      regular = new_interval()
    "not TRUE"

test_that("A tibble is not tsibble", {
  expect_error(key(dat_x), "Can't find the attribute key")
  expect_error(index(dat_x), "tsibble")
  expect_error(interval(dat_x), "tsibble")
  expect_error(is_regular(dat_x), "tsibble")

test_that("Coerce to tbl_df and data.frame", {
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, index = date_time)
  expect_identical(as_tibble(tsbl), dat_x)
  expect_identical(as.data.frame(tsbl), as.data.frame(dat_x))

stocks <- tsibble(
  time = seq(0, 1e-5, 1e-6)[1:10],
  X = rnorm(10, 0, 1),
  Y = rnorm(10, 0, 2),
  Z = rnorm(10, 0, 4),
  index = time

test_that("numeric with fractional intervals", {
    tbl_sum(stocks), c("A tsibble" = "10 x 4 [1e-06]")

start <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-15 13:55:23.975", tz = "UTC")
x <- start + lubridate::milliseconds(x = seq(0, 99, by = 5))
df <- data.frame(time = x, value = rnorm(length(x)))
tsbl <- as_tsibble(df, index = time)

test_that("POSIXct with 5 milliseconds interval", {
    tbl_sum(tsbl), c("A tsibble" = "20 x 2 [5ms] <UTC>")

x <- ISOdatetime(2011, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0) + c(34201881660:34201881669) * 1e-6
df <- data.frame(time = x, value = rnorm(10))
tsbl <- as_tsibble(df, index = time)

test_that("POSIXct with 1 microseconds interval", {
  res <- if (is_utf8_output()) "10 x 2 [1\U00B5s] <?>" else "10 x 2 [1us] <?>"
  expect_identical(tbl_sum(tsbl), c("A tsibble" = res))

x <- nanotime("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001+00:00") + 0:9
df <- data.frame(time = x, value = rnorm(10))
tsbl <- as_tsibble(df)

test_that("nanotime with 1 nanoseconds interval", {
  expect_identical(tbl_sum(tsbl), c("A tsibble" = "10 x 2 [1ns]"))

test_that("POSIXt with 1 second interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$date_time), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x), "Using `date_time` as index variable.")
  expect_identical(tbl_sum(tsbl), c("A tsibble" = "5 x 2 [1s] <UTC>"))
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_x, key = date_time))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_type(index(tsbl), "symbol")
  expect_identical(quo_text(index(tsbl)), "date_time")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$date_time)), 1)
  expect_identical(key(tsbl), list())
  expect_identical(groups(tsbl), list())
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "1s")
  # expect_equal(key_size(tsbl), 5)
  expect_equal(n_keys(tsbl), 1)
  expect_equal(group_size(tsbl), 5)

test_that("Space in index variable", {
  tbl <- rename(dat_x, `Date Time` = date_time)
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(tbl)
  expect_identical(as_string(index(tsbl)), "Date Time")

test_that("Duplicated time index", {
  dat_y <- dat_x[c(1, 1, 3:5), ]
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_y, index = date_time), "A valid tsibble")

  y <- c(FALSE, TRUE, rep(FALSE, 3))
  expect_identical(is_duplicated(dat_y, index = date_time), TRUE)
  expect_identical(are_duplicated(dat_y, index = date_time), y)
  expect_identical(duplicates(dat_y, index = date_time), dat_x[c(1, 1), ])

test_that("POSIXt with an unrecognisable interval", {
  dat_y <- dat_x[1, ]
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_y, index = date_time)
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "?")

test_that("POSIXt with irregular interval", {
  dat_y <- dat_x[1, ]
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_y, index = date_time, regular = FALSE)
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "!")

idx_minute <- seq.POSIXt(
  ymd_hm("2017-01-01 00:00"),
  ymd_hm("2017-01-01 00:08"),
  by = "2 min"

dat_x <- tibble(
  date_time = idx_minute,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("POSIXt with 2 minutes interval", {
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x)
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "2m")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$date_time)), 120)

idx_hour <- seq.POSIXt(
  ymd_h("2017-01-01 0"), ymd_h("2017-01-01 12"),
  by = "3 hour"

dat_x <- tibble(
  date_time = idx_hour,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("POSIXt with 3 hours interval", {
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x)
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "3h")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$date_time)), 3 * 60 * 60)

idx_day <- seq.Date(ymd("2017-01-01"), ymd("2017-01-20"), by = 4)

dat_x <- tibble(
  date = idx_day,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("Date with 4 days interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$date), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "4D")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$date)), 4)

idx_week <- seq(yearweek(ymd("2017-02-01")), length.out = 5, by = 1)
dat_x <- tibble(yrwk = idx_week, value = rnorm(5))

test_that("Year week with 1 week interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$yrwk), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "1W")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$yrwk)), 1)

idx_month <- seq(
  yearmonth(ymd("2017-01-01")), yearmonth(ymd("2017-05-01")),
  by = 1
dat_x <- tibble(
  yrmth = idx_month,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("Year month with 1 month interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$yrmth), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_s3_class(as_tsibble(tsbl, validate = TRUE), "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "1M")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$yrmth)), 1)

idx_qtr <- seq(
  yearquarter(ymd("2016-01-01")), yearquarter(ymd("2017-01-01")),
  by = 1
dat_x <- tibble(
  yrqtr = idx_qtr,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("Year quarter with 1 quarter interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$yrqtr), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "1Q")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$yrqtr)), 1)

idx_year <- seq.int(1970, 2010, by = 10)
dat_x <- tibble(
  year = idx_year,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("Year with 10 years interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$year), NA)
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, index = year)
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "10Y")
  expect_identical(default_time_units(interval_pull(tsbl$year)), 10)

idx_year <- lubridate::period(year = seq.int(60, 100, by = 10))
dat_x <- tibble(
  year = idx_year,
  value = rnorm(5)

test_that("Period with 10 years interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$year), TRUE)
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, index = year)
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "10Y")

test_that("Difftime with 2 days interval", {
  idx_time <- as.difftime(as.Date("2019-03-01") - as.Date("2019-02-28")) + c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
  dat_x <- tibble(time = idx_time, value = rnorm(5))
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$time), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "2D")
  expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl[-2, ], value = tsbl$value[2]), tsbl)


test_that("Difftime with 1 minute interval", {
  idx_time <- hms(hour = rep(0, 5), minutes = 1:5, second = rep(0, 5))
  dat_x <- tibble(time = idx_time, value = rnorm(5))
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$time), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "1m")
  expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl[-2, ], value = tsbl$value[2]), tsbl)

test_that("Difftime with 5 millisecond interval", {
  idx_time <- hms(seconds = seq(1.001, 1.021, by = 0.005))
  dat_x <- tibble(time = idx_time, value = rnorm(5))
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "5ms")
  expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl[-2, ], value = tsbl$value[2]), tsbl)

test_that("Difftime with 1 day interval", {
  idx_time <- hms(days = 1:5)
  dat_x <- tibble(time = idx_time, value = rnorm(5))
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$time), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "24h")
  expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl[-2, ], value = tsbl$value[2]), tsbl)

idx_time <- factor(c(1, 3, 5), levels = 1:5, ordered = TRUE)
dat_x <- tibble(time = idx_time, value = rnorm(3))

test_that("ordered factor with 2 unit interval", {
  expect_identical(index_valid(dat_x$time), TRUE)
  expect_message(tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x))
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")
  expect_identical(format(interval(tsbl)), "2")
  expect_identical(fill_gaps(tsbl), tsbl)

idx_day <- seq.Date(ymd("2017-02-01"), ymd("2017-02-05"), by = 1)
dat_x <- tibble(
  date = rep(idx_day, 2),
  group = rep(letters[1:2], each = 5),
  value = rnorm(10)

test_that("A single key", {
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_x, index = date), "A valid tsibble")
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group, index = date)
  expect_identical(as_tsibble(dat_x, key = "group", index = date), tsbl)
  expect_identical(groups(tsbl), list())
  # expect_equal(key_size(tsbl), c(5, 5))
  expect_equal(n_keys(tsbl), 2)

test_that("Duplicated identifier: index", {
  dat_y <- dat_x[c(1, 2, 1, 4:10), ]
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_y, key = group, index = date))

test_that("Duplicated identifier: key", {
  dat_x$group <- rep(letters[1:2], c(6, 4))
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group, index = date))

test_that("validate = FALSE", {
  dat_x$group <- rep(letters[1:2], c(6, 4))
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group, index = date, validate = FALSE)
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "tbl_ts")

dat_x <- tribble(
  ~date, ~group1, ~group2, ~value,
  ymd("2017-10-01"), "a", "x", 1,
  ymd("2017-10-02"), "a", "x", 1,
  ymd("2017-10-01"), "a", "y", 3,
  ymd("2017-10-02"), "a", "y", 3,
  ymd("2017-10-01"), "b", "x", 2,
  ymd("2017-10-02"), "b", "y", 2

test_that("multiple variables", {
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group1, index = date))
  expect_error(as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group2, index = date))
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = c(group1, group2), index = date)
  expect_identical(length(key(tsbl)), 2L)

test_that("Use '-' and ':' in key vars", {
  tsbl1 <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = c(-date, -value), index = date)
  expect_identical(length(key(tsbl1)), 2L)
  tsbl2 <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = group1:group2, index = date)
  expect_identical(length(key(tsbl2)), 2L)

tbl <- tibble::tibble(
  mth = rep(yearmonth("2017 Jan") + 0:9, 3),
  group = rep(c("x", "y", "z"), each = 10),
  value = rnorm(30)
) %>%

test_that("as_tsibble.tbl_ts & as_tsibble.grouped_df", {
  ped <- as_tsibble(pedestrian)
  expect_identical(ped, pedestrian)
  grped_ped <- pedestrian %>% group_by(Date)
  expect_equal(as_tsibble(grped_ped), grped_ped)
  expect_s3_class(as_tsibble(tbl, key = group, index = mth), "tbl_ts")
  expect_s3_class(as_tsibble(tbl, key = group, index = mth), "grouped_ts")

test_that("build_tsibble()", {
    key = Sensor, index = Date_Time,
    interval = list(hour = 1)
  ), "Argument `interval` must be class interval,")
  tsbl <- build_tsibble(
    key = Sensor, index = Date_Time,
    index2 = Date
  idx2 <- index2_var(tsbl)
  expect_equal(idx2, "Date")
  expect_s3_class(tsbl, "grouped_ts")

    build_tsibble(pedestrian, key = Sensor, index = NULL), "NULL."

    pedestrian %>%
      mutate(Date_Time = as.character(Date_Time)),
    "Unsupported index"

test_that("update_tsibble() #112", {
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = c(group1, group2), index = date, regular = FALSE)
  expect_true(is_regular(update_tsibble(tsbl, regular = TRUE)))

test_that("update_tsibble() for unknown interval", {
  tsbl <- as_tsibble(dat_x, key = c(group1, group2), index = date)[1L, ]

test_that("update_tsibble() for different index and index2", {
  ped2 <- pedestrian %>%
    mutate(Hour_Since = Date_Time - min(Date_Time)) %>%
    index2_var(update_tsibble(ped2, index = Hour_Since)),

test_that("build_tsibble() zero slices of grouped tsibbles don't crash #194", {
  ped2 <- pedestrian %>% group_by(Sensor)
  expect_equal(nrow(ped2[0, ]), 0L)
  expect_s3_class(ped2[0, ], "grouped_ts")

test_that("Numeric index contains NA #229", {
  example_data <- tibble::tribble(
    ~year,                           ~unit_name, ~visitors,
     1939,             "Badlands National Park",    205100,
       NA,       "Honouliuli National Monument",        NA,
     1934, "Fort Donelson National Battlefield",     27127
  expect_error(as_tsibble(example_data, index = year), "must not contain `NA`")
earowang/tsibble documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 11:27 a.m.