#' @title Standard Errors
#' @name standard_error
#' @description `standard_error()` attempts to return standard errors of model
#' parameters.
#' @param model A model.
#' @param force Logical, if `TRUE`, factors are converted to numerical
#' values to calculate the standard error, with the lowest level being the
#' value `1` (unless the factor has numeric levels, which are converted
#' to the corresponding numeric value). By default, `NA` is returned for
#' factors or character vectors.
#' @param vcov Variance-covariance matrix used to compute uncertainty estimates
#' (e.g., for robust standard errors). This argument accepts a covariance
#' matrix, a function which returns a covariance matrix, or a string which
#' identifies the function to be used to compute the covariance matrix.
#' * A covariance matrix
#' * A function which returns a covariance matrix (e.g., `stats::vcov()`)
#' * A string which indicates the kind of uncertainty estimates to return.
#' - Heteroskedasticity-consistent: `"HC"`, `"HC0"`, `"HC1"`, `"HC2"`,
#' `"HC3"`, `"HC4"`, `"HC4m"`, `"HC5"`. See `?sandwich::vcovHC`
#' - Cluster-robust: `"CR"`, `"CR0"`, `"CR1"`, `"CR1p"`, `"CR1S"`,
#' `"CR2"`, `"CR3"`. See `?clubSandwich::vcovCR`
#' - Bootstrap: `"BS"`, `"xy"`, `"residual"`, `"wild"`, `"mammen"`,
#' `"fractional"`, `"jackknife"`, `"norm"`, `"webb"`. See
#' `?sandwich::vcovBS`
#' - Other `sandwich` package functions: `"HAC"`, `"PC"`, `"CL"`, `"OPG"`,
#' `"PL"`.
#' @param vcov_args List of arguments to be passed to the function identified by
#' the `vcov` argument. This function is typically supplied by the
#' **sandwich** or **clubSandwich** packages. Please refer to their
#' documentation (e.g., `?sandwich::vcovHAC`) to see the list of available
#' arguments. If no estimation type (argument `type`) is given, the default
#' type for `"HC"` equals the default from the **sandwich** package; for type
#' `"CR"`, the default is set to `"CR3"`.
#' @param effects Should standard errors for fixed effects (`"fixed"`), random
#' effects (`"random"`), or both (`"all"`) be returned? Only applies
#' to mixed models. May be abbreviated. When standard errors for random
#' effects are requested, for each grouping factor a list of standard errors
#' (per group level) for random intercepts and slopes is returned.
#' @param component Model component for which standard errors should be shown.
#' See the documentation for your object's class in [`model_parameters()`] or
#' [`p_value()`] for further details.
#' @inheritParams simulate_model
#' @inheritParams p_value
#' @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @note For Bayesian models (from **rstanarm** or **brms**), the standard
#' error is the SD of the posterior samples.
#' @return A data frame with at least two columns: the parameter names and the
#' standard errors. Depending on the model, may also include columns for model
#' components etc.
#' @examplesIf require("sandwich") && require("clubSandwich")
#' model <- lm(Petal.Length ~ Sepal.Length * Species, data = iris)
#' standard_error(model)
#' # robust standard errors
#' standard_error(model, vcov = "HC3")
#' # cluster-robust standard errors
#' standard_error(model,
#' vcov = "vcovCL",
#' vcov_args = list(cluster = iris$Species)
#' )
#' @export
standard_error <- function(model, ...) {
# Default methods ---------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname standard_error
#' @export
standard_error.default <- function(model,
effects = "fixed",
component = "all",
vcov = NULL,
vcov_args = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# check for valid input
dots <- list(...)
se <- NULL
# if a vcov is provided, we calculate standard errors based on that matrix
# this is usually the case for HC (robust) standard errors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vcov: matrix
if (is.matrix(vcov)) {
se <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
# vcov: function which returns a matrix
if (is.function(vcov)) {
fun_args <- c(list(model), vcov_args, dots)
se <- .safe(sqrt(diag(do.call("vcov", fun_args))))
# vcov: character
if (is.character(vcov)) {
.vcov <- insight::get_varcov(
component = component,
vcov = vcov,
vcov_args = vcov_args,
verbose = verbose,
se <- sqrt(diag(.vcov))
# classical SE from summary()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(se)) {
se <- .safe({
if (grepl("Zelig-", class(model)[1], fixed = TRUE)) {
} else {
# if retrieving SE from summary() failed, we try to calculate SE based
# on classical se from get_varcov()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (is.null(se)) {
se <- .safe({
varcov <- insight::get_varcov(model, component = component)
se_from_varcov <- sqrt(diag(varcov))
names(se_from_varcov) <- colnames(varcov)
# output
if (is.null(se)) {
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
insight::format_warning("Could not extract standard errors from model object.")
} else {
params <- insight::get_parameters(model, component = component)
if (length(se) == nrow(params) && "Component" %in% colnames(params)) {
se <- .data_frame(Parameter = params$Parameter, SE = as.vector(se), Component = params$Component)
} else {
se <- .data_frame(Parameter = names(se), SE = as.vector(se))
# helper -----------------------------------------------------------------
.get_se_from_summary <- function(model, component = NULL) {
cs <- .safe(suppressWarnings(stats::coef(summary(model))))
se <- NULL
if (is.list(cs) && !is.null(component)) {
cs <- cs[[component]]
if (!is.null(cs)) {
# do we have a se column?
se_col <- which(colnames(cs) == "Std. Error")
# if not, default to 2
if (length(se_col) == 0) {
se_col <- 2
se <- as.vector(cs[, se_col])
if (is.null(names(se))) {
coef_names <- rownames(cs)
if (length(coef_names) == length(se)) {
names(se) <- coef_names
names(se) <- .remove_backticks_from_string(names(se))
.check_vcov_args <- function(robust, ...) {
dots <- list(...)
isTRUE(isTRUE(robust) || isTRUE(dots$robust) || ("vcov" %in% names(dots) && !is.null(dots[["vcov"]])))
# .ranef_se <- function(x) {
# insight::check_if_installed("lme4")
# cc <- stats::coef(model)
# # get names of intercepts
# inames <- names(cc)
# # variances of fixed effects
# fixed.vars <- diag(as.matrix(stats::vcov(model)))
# # extract variances of conditional modes
# r1 <- lme4::ranef(model, condVar = TRUE)
# # we may have multiple random intercepts, iterate all
# se.merMod <- lapply(1:length(cc), function(i) {
# cmode.vars <- t(apply(attr(r1[[i]], "postVar"), 3, diag))
# seVals <- sqrt(sweep(cmode.vars, 2, fixed.vars[names(r1[[i]])], "+", check.margin = FALSE))
# if (length(r1[[i]]) == 1) {
# seVals <- as.data.frame(t(seVals))
# stats::setNames(seVals, names(r1[[i]]))
# } else {
# seVals <- seVals[, 1:2]
# stats::setNames(as.data.frame(seVals), names(r1[[i]]))
# }
# })
# # set names of list
# names(se.merMod) <- inames
# se.merMod
# }
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