
Defines functions zero_poisson

Documented in zero_poisson

#Zero-Inflated Poisson model

#Zero-Inflated Poisson likelihood:

#              {   p,                   zi = 1
#    Yi|zi =   {
#              {   1 - p * f(x|lam),    zi = 0 

# logit(p) = g(p) = BX = B0 + B1*x1 + B2*x2 ...
# f(x|lam) ~ Poisson(lam)
# zi ~ Binomial(1, p)
# lambda ~ Gamma(a, b)


#' Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression Model
#' @description \code{zero_poisson} is used to fit zero-inflated 
#' poisson regression models to count data via Bayesian inference.
#' @param y numeric response vector.
#' @param x numeric predictor matrix.
#' @param a shape parameter for gamma prior distributions.
#' @param b rate parameter for gamma prior distributions.
#' @param lam.start initial value for lambda parameter.
#' @param beta.prior.mean mu parameter for normal prior distributions.
#' @param beta.prior.sd standard deviation for normal prior distributions.
#' @param iters number of iterations for the Markov chain to run.
#' @param burn numeric burn-in length.
#' @param nthin numeric thinning rate.
#' @param plots logical operator. \code{TRUE} to output plots.
#' @param progress.bar logical operator. \code{TRUE} to print progress bar.
#' @details Fits a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) model.
#' @return \code{zero_poisson} returns a list which includes the items
#' \describe{
#'    \item{lam}{numeric vector; posterior distribution of lambda parameter}
#'    \item{beta}{numeric matrix; posterior distributions of regression coefficients}
#'    \item{p}{numeric vector; posterior distribution of parameter 'p', the 
#'    probability of a given zero observation belonging to the model's zero component}
#'    \item{ll}{numeric vector; posterior log-likelihood}    
#' }
#' @author 
#' Taylor Trippe <\email{ttrippe@@luc.edu}> \cr
#' Earvin Balderama <\email{ebalderama@@luc.edu}>

#Source code

zero_poisson <- function(y, x, a = 1, b = 1, lam.start = 1,
                         beta.prior.mean = 0, beta.prior.sd = 1,
                         iters = 1000, burn = 500, nthin = 1,
                         plots = T, progress.bar = T) {
  #Initial values
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = iters, style = 3)
  x <- cbind(1, x)
  x.col <- ncol(x)
  z <- rep(1, length(y))
  B <- rep(beta.prior.mean, length.out = x.col)
  XB <- x%*%B
  p <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB))
  lam <- lam.start
  ll <- loglik_zip(y = y, z = z, lam = lam, p = p)
  beta.tune <- rep(0.02, x.col)
  lam.tune <- 0.02
  beta.acc <- rep(0, x.col)
  lam.acc <- 0
  att <- 0
  #Create matrix of MCMC values for all parameters B, lambda  
  keep.beta <- matrix(0, iters, length(B))
  keep.lam <- rep(lam, iters)
  keep.ll <- rep(sum(ll), iters)
  keep.p <- rep(mean(p), iters)
  #MCMC start
  for(i in 2:iters) {for(thin in 1:nthin){
    att <- att + 1
    #Update p (Update Betas)
    for(j in 1:x.col){
      beta.current <- B[j]
      beta.new <- rnorm(1, beta.current, beta.tune[j])
      XB.new <- XB + x[,j]*(beta.new - beta.current)
      p.new <- 1/(1 + exp(-XB.new))
      ll.new <- loglik_zip(y = y, z = z, lam = lam, p = p.new)
      p.ratio <- sum(ll.new) + sum(dnorm(beta.new, beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd, log = T)) - 
        sum(ll) - sum(dnorm(beta.current, beta.prior.mean, beta.prior.sd, log = T))
      if(log(runif(1)) < p.ratio){
        B[j] <- beta.new
        XB <- XB.new
        p <- p.new
        ll <- ll.new
        beta.acc[j] <- beta.acc[j] + 1
    #Update z
    P1 <- ifelse(y==0, 1, 0)*p
    P0 <- dpois(y, lam)*(1 - p)
    z  <- rbinom(length(y), 1, P1/(P1 + P0))
    ll <- loglik_zip(y = y, z = z, lam = lam, p = p)
    #Update lambda
    lam.current <- lam
    lam.new <- exp(rnorm(1, log(lam.current), lam.tune))
    lam.ratio <- dgamma(lam.new, a, b, log = T) + sum(dpois(y[z==0], lam.new, log = T)) - 
      dgamma(lam.current, a, b, log = T) - sum(dpois(y[z==0], lam.current, log = T))
    if(log(runif(1)) < lam.ratio) {
      lam <- lam.new
      lam.acc <- lam.acc + 1
      ll <- loglik_zip(y = y, z = z, lam = lam.new, p = p)
  }#End thinning
    keep.beta[i,] <- B
    keep.lam[i] <- lam
    keep.ll[i] <- sum(ll)
    keep.p[i] <- mean(p)
    #Update tuning parameters
    if(i < 0.75*burn & att > 50){
      beta.tune <- ifelse(beta.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*beta.tune, beta.tune)
      beta.tune <- ifelse(beta.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*beta.tune, beta.tune)
      lam.tune <- ifelse(lam.acc/att < 0.20, 0.8*lam.tune, lam.tune)
      lam.tune <- ifelse(lam.acc/att > 0.50, 1.2*lam.tune, lam.tune)
      beta.acc <- rep(0, x.col)
      lam.acc <- att <- 0
      if(i > burn & i%%100==0){
        par(mfrow = c(1,3))
        plot(keep.lam[burn:i], type = "s",
             ylab = "", main = bquote(Mean~lambda))
        abline(h = mean(keep.lam[burn:i]), col = 2)
             ylab = "", main = bquote(beta[0]~Zero~Prob))
        abline(h = mean(keep.p[burn:i]), col = 2)
        plot(keep.ll[burn:i], type = "s",
             ylab = "", main = bquote(Log~Likelihood))
        abline(h = mean(keep.ll[burn:i]), col = 2)
    if(progress.bar){setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)}
  return(list(lam = keep.lam[(burn + 1):iters],
              beta = keep.beta[(burn + 1):iters,],
              p = keep.p[(burn + 1):iters,],
              ll = keep.ll[(burn + 1):iters,]
ebalderama/hurdlr documentation built on June 5, 2020, 12:32 a.m.