
Defines functions rwild_b rmultinom_b rdirichlet_b weighted_bootstrap_multi jackknife_se_multiout drop_unit_i_multi jackknife_se_multi jackknife_se_single drop_unit_i_multiout drop_unit_i compute_permute_ci_multiout compute_permute_pval_multiout compute_permute_test_stats_multiout conformal_inf_multiout drop_time_t_multiout time_jackknife_plus_multiout compute_permute_ci_linear compute_permute_ci compute_permute_pval compute_permute_test_stats conformal_inf_linear conformal_inf drop_time_t time_jackknife_plus

Documented in conformal_inf conformal_inf_linear conformal_inf_multiout jackknife_se_single rdirichlet_b rmultinom_b rwild_b time_jackknife_plus time_jackknife_plus_multiout

## Code for inference

#' Jackknife+ algorithm over time
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param alpha Confidence level
#' @param conservative Whether to use the conservative jackknife+ procedure
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"heldout_att"}{Vector of ATT estimates with the time period held out}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error, always NA but returned for compatibility}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
time_jackknife_plus <- function(ascm, alpha = 0.05, conservative = F) {
    wide_data <- ascm$data
    synth_data <- ascm$data$synth_data
    n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
    n_c <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[2]
    Z <- wide_data$Z

    t0 <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[1]
    tpost <- ncol(wide_data$y)
    t_final <- dim(synth_data$Y0plot)[1]

    jack_ests <- lapply(1:t0, 
        function(tdrop) {
            # drop unit i
            new_data <- drop_time_t(wide_data, Z, tdrop)
            # refit
            new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_internal,
                    c(list(wide = new_data$wide,
                            synth_data = new_data$synth_data,
                            Z = new_data$Z,
                            progfunc = ascm$progfunc,
                            scm = ascm$scm,
                            fixedeff = ascm$fixedeff),
            # get ATT estimates and held out error for time t
            # t0 is prediction for held out time
            est <- predict(new_ascm, att = F)[(t0 +1):t_final]
            est <- c(est, mean(est))
            err <- c(colMeans(wide_data$X[wide_data$trt == 1,
                                         drop = F]) -
                    predict(new_ascm, att = F)[t0])
            list(err, rbind(est + abs(err), est - abs(err), est + err, est))
    # get errors and jackknife distribution
    held_out_errs <- vapply(jack_ests, `[[`, numeric(1), 1)
    jack_dist <- vapply(jack_ests, `[[`,
                        matrix(0, nrow = 4, ncol = tpost + 1), 2)

    out <- list()
    att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
    out$att <- c(att, 
                 mean(att[(t0 + 1):t_final]))
    # held out ATT
    out$heldout_att <- c(held_out_errs, 
                          att[(t0 + 1):t_final], 
                          mean(att[(t0 + 1):t_final]))

    # out$se <- rep(NA, 10 + tpost)
    if(conservative) {
        qerr <- stats::quantile(abs(held_out_errs), 1 - alpha)
        out$lb <- c(rep(NA, t0), apply(jack_dist[4,,], 1, min) - qerr)
        out$ub <- c(rep(NA, t0), apply(jack_dist[4,,], 1, max) + qerr)
    } else {
        out$lb <- c(rep(NA, t0), apply(jack_dist[2,,], 1, stats::quantile, alpha / 2))
        out$ub <- c(rep(NA, t0), apply(jack_dist[1,,], 1, stats::quantile, 1 - alpha / 2))
    # shift back to ATT scale
    y1 <- predict(ascm, att = F) + att
    y1 <-  c(y1, mean(y1[(t0 + 1):t_final]))
    shifted_lb <- y1 - out$ub
    shifted_ub <- y1 - out$lb
    out$lb <- shifted_lb
    out$ub <- shifted_ub
    out$alpha <- alpha


#' Drop time period from pre-treatment data
#' @param wide_data (X, y, trt)
#' @param Z Covariates matrix
#' @param t_drop Time to drop
#' @noRd
drop_time_t <- function(wide_data, Z, t_drop) {

        new_wide_data <- list()
        new_wide_data$trt <- wide_data$trt
        new_wide_data$X <- wide_data$X[, -t_drop, drop = F]
        new_wide_data$y <- cbind(wide_data$X[, t_drop, drop = F], 

        X0 <- new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
        x1 <- matrix(colMeans(new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 1,,
                                              drop = F]),
        y0 <- new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
        y1 <- colMeans(new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F])

        new_synth_data <- list()
        new_synth_data$Z0 <- t(X0)
        new_synth_data$X0 <- t(X0)
        new_synth_data$Z1 <- x1
        new_synth_data$X1 <- x1

        return(list(wide_data = new_wide_data,
                    synth_data = new_synth_data,
                    Z = Z)) 

#' Conformal inference procedure to compute p-values and point-wise confidence intervals
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param alpha Confidence level
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations; default is "block"
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param grid_size Number of grid points to use when inverting the hypothesis test
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"heldout_att"}{Vector of ATT estimates with the time period held out}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error, always NA but returned for compatibility}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"p_val"}{p-value for test of no post-treatment effect}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
conformal_inf <- function(ascm, alpha = 0.05, 
                          stat_func = NULL, type = "iid",
                          q = 1, ns = 1000, grid_size = 50) {
  wide_data <- ascm$data
  synth_data <- ascm$data$synth_data
  n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
  n_c <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[2]
  Z <- wide_data$Z

  t0 <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[1]
  tpost <- ncol(wide_data$y)
  t_final <- dim(synth_data$Y0plot)[1]

  # grid of nulls
  att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
  post_att <- att[(t0 +1):t_final]
  post_sd <- sqrt(mean(post_att ^ 2))
  # iterate over post-treatment periods to get pointwise CIs
         function(j) {
          # fit using t0 + j as a pre-treatment period and get reisduals
          new_wide_data <- wide_data
          new_wide_data$X <- cbind(wide_data$X, wide_data$y[, j, drop = TRUE])
          if(tpost > 1) {
            new_wide_data$y <- wide_data$y[, -j, drop = FALSE]
          } else {
            # set the post period has to be *something*
            new_wide_data$y <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)

          # make a grid around the estimated ATT
          grid <- seq(att[t0 + j] - 2 * post_sd, att[t0 + j] + 2 * post_sd,
                      length.out = grid_size)
          compute_permute_ci(new_wide_data, ascm, grid, 1, alpha, type,
                             q, ns, stat_func)
         numeric(3)) -> cis

  # test a null post-treatment effect
  new_wide_data <- wide_data
  new_wide_data$X <- cbind(wide_data$X, wide_data$y)
  new_wide_data$y <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  null_p <- compute_permute_pval(new_wide_data, ascm, 0, ncol(wide_data$y), 
                                 type, q, ns, stat_func)
  out <- list()
  att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
  out$att <- c(att, mean(att[(t0 + 1):t_final]))
  # out$se <- rep(NA, t_final)
  # out$sigma <- NA
  out$lb <- c(rep(NA, t0), cis[1, ], NA)
  out$ub <- c(rep(NA, t0), cis[2, ], NA)
  out$p_val <- c(rep(NA, t0), cis[3, ], null_p)
  out$alpha <- alpha

#' Conformal inference procedure to compute a confidence interval for a linear in time effect
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param alpha Confidence level
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations; default is "iid"
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param grid_size Number of grid points to use when inverting the hypothesis test
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"heldout_att"}{Vector of ATT estimates with the time period held out}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error, always NA but returned for compatibility}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"p_val"}{p-value for test of no post-treatment effect}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
conformal_inf_linear <- function(ascm, alpha = 0.05, 
                          stat_func = NULL, type = "iid",
                          q = 1, ns = 1000, grid_size = 50) {
  wide_data <- ascm$data
  synth_data <- ascm$data$synth_data
  n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
  n_c <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[2]
  Z <- wide_data$Z

  t0 <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[1]
  tpost <- ncol(wide_data$y)
  t_final <- dim(synth_data$Y0plot)[1]

  # grid of nulls
  att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
  post_att <- att[(t0 +1):t_final]
  post_second <- sqrt(mean(post_att^2))

  # grid for slope
  # use ols to get pilot estimate
  ts <- 1:tpost
  lm_out <- summary(lm(post_att ~ ts))$coefficients
  # grid for intercept
  grid_int <- seq(lm_out[1,1] - 2 * post_second,
                  lm_out[1,1] + 2 * post_second,
                  length.out = grid_size)
  if(tpost == 2) {
    warning(paste0("There are 2 post-treatment time periods, so a linear model has a perfect fit. A confidence interval for the slope may not be reasonable here."))
    grid_slope <- seq(lm_out[2,1] - abs(lm_out[2,1]),
                  lm_out[2,1] + abs(lm_out[2,1]),
                  length.out = grid_size)
  } else if(tpost <= 1) {
    stop("There is only one post-treatment time period, so an intercept and a slope cannot be computed.")
  } else {
    grid_slope <- seq(lm_out[2,1] - 4 * lm_out[2,2] * sqrt(tpost),
                  lm_out[2,1] + 4 * lm_out[2,2] * sqrt(tpost),
                  length.out = grid_size)

  # test a null post-treatment effect
  new_wide_data <- wide_data
  new_wide_data$X <- cbind(wide_data$X, wide_data$y)
  new_wide_data$y <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
  null_p <- compute_permute_pval(new_wide_data, ascm, 0, ncol(wide_data$y), 
                                 type, q, ns, stat_func)

  # confidence interval for linear in time treatment effects
  cis <- compute_permute_ci_linear(new_wide_data, ascm, grid_int, grid_slope,
                                   ncol(wide_data$y), alpha, type, q, ns, stat_func)


#' Compute conformal test statistics
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param h0 Null hypothesis to test
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"resids"}{Residuals after enforcing the null}
#'          \item{"test_stats"}{Permutation distribution of test statistics}
#'          \item{"stat_func"}{Test statistic function}
#'         }
#' @noRd
compute_permute_test_stats <- function(wide_data, ascm, h0,
                                       post_length, type,
                                       q, ns, stat_func) {
  # format data
  new_wide_data <- wide_data
  t0 <- ncol(wide_data$X) - post_length
  tpost <- t0 + post_length
  # adjust outcomes for null
  new_wide_data$X[wide_data$trt == 1,(t0 + 1):tpost ] <- new_wide_data$X[wide_data$trt == 1,(t0 + 1):tpost] - h0
  X0 <- new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
  x1 <- matrix(colMeans(new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F]),

  new_synth_data <- list()
  new_synth_data$Z0 <- t(X0)
  new_synth_data$X0 <- t(X0)
  new_synth_data$Z1 <- x1
  new_synth_data$X1 <- x1

  # fit synth with adjusted data and get residuals
  new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_internal,
                    c(list(wide = new_wide_data,
                            synth_data = new_synth_data,
                            Z = wide_data$Z,
                            progfunc = ascm$progfunc,
                            scm = ascm$scm,
                            fixedeff = ascm$fixedeff),
  resids <- predict(new_ascm, att = T)[1:tpost]
  # permute residuals and compute test statistic
  if(is.null(stat_func)) {
    stat_func <- function(x) (sum(abs(x) ^ q)  / sqrt(length(x))) ^ (1 / q)
  if(type == "iid") {
    test_stats <- sapply(1:ns, 
                        function(x) {
                          reorder <- sample(resids)
                          stat_func(reorder[(t0 + 1):tpost])
  } else {
    ## increment time by one step and wrap
    test_stats <- sapply(1:tpost,
                        function(j) {
                          reorder <- resids[(0:tpost -1 + j) %% tpost + 1]
                          stat_func(reorder[(t0 + 1):tpost])
  return(list(resids = resids,
              test_stats = test_stats,
              stat_func = stat_func))

#' Compute conformal p-value
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param h0 Null hypothesis to test
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return Computed p-value
#' @noRd
compute_permute_pval <- function(wide_data, ascm, h0,
                                 post_length, type,
                                 q, ns, stat_func) {
  t0 <- ncol(wide_data$X) - post_length
  tpost <- t0 + post_length
  out <- compute_permute_test_stats(wide_data, ascm, h0,
                                    post_length, type, q, ns, stat_func)
  mean(out$stat_func(out$resids[(t0 + 1):tpost]) <= out$test_stats)

#' Compute conformal p-value
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param grid Set of null hypothesis to test for inversion
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return (lower bound of interval, upper bound of interval, p-value for null of 0 effect)
#' @noRd
compute_permute_ci <- function(wide_data, ascm, grid,
                               post_length, alpha, type,
                               q, ns, stat_func) {
  # make sure 0 is in the grid
  grid <- c(grid, 0)
  ps <-sapply(grid, 
              function(x) {
                compute_permute_pval(wide_data, ascm, x, 
                                     post_length, type, q, ns, stat_func)
  c(min(grid[ps >= alpha]), max(grid[ps >= alpha]), ps[grid == 0])

#' Compute conformal confidence interval for a linear model for effects
#' int + slope * time
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param grid_int Set of null hypothesis values for the intercept
#' @param grid_slope Set of null hypothesis values for the slope
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return (lower bound of interval, upper bound of interval, p-value for null of 0 effect)
#' @noRd
compute_permute_ci_linear <- function(wide_data, ascm, grid_int, grid_slope,
                               post_length, alpha, type,
                               q, ns, stat_func) {
  # make sure 0 is in both grids
  # grid_int <- c(grid_int, 0)
  # grid_slope <- c(grid_slope, 0)
  # make the combined grid
  grid_comb <- expand.grid(grid_int, grid_slope)
  grid_comb$p_val <-apply(grid_comb, 1,
              function(x) {
                compute_permute_pval(wide_data, ascm, x[1] + x[2] * (1:post_length), 
                                     post_length, type, q, ns, stat_func)
  ci_int <- c(min(grid_comb[grid_comb$p_val >= alpha, 1]),
              max(grid_comb[grid_comb$p_val >= alpha, 1]))
  ci_slope <- c(min(grid_comb[grid_comb$p_val >= alpha, 2]),
                   max(grid_comb[grid_comb$p_val >= alpha, 2]))
  int_slope_est <- as.numeric(grid_comb[which.max(grid_comb$p_val), 1:2])
  return(list(est_int = int_slope_est[1], ci_int = ci_int,
              est_slope = int_slope_est[2], ci_slope = ci_slope))

#' Jackknife+ algorithm over time
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param alpha Confidence level
#' @param conservative Whether to use the conservative jackknife+ procedure
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"heldout_att"}{Vector of ATT estimates with the time period held out}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error, always NA but returned for compatibility}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
time_jackknife_plus_multiout <- function(ascm_multi, alpha = 0.05, conservative = F) {
    wide_data <- ascm_multi$data
    data_list <- ascm_multi$data_list

    n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
    k <- length(data_list$X)

    t0 <- min(sapply(data_list$X, ncol))
    tpost <- max(sapply(data_list$y, ncol))
    t_final <- t0 + tpost
    Z <- wide_data$Z

    jack_ests <- lapply(1:t0, 
        function(tdrop) {
            # drop unit i
            new_data_list <- drop_time_t_multiout(data_list, Z, tdrop)
            # refit
            new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_multiout_internal,
                    c(list(wide_list = new_data_list,
                            combine_method = ascm_multi$combine_method,
                            Z = data_list$Z,
                            progfunc = ascm_multi$progfunc,
                            scm = ascm_multi$scm,
                            fixedeff = ascm_multi$fixedeff,
                            outcomes_str = ascm_multi$outcomes),
            # get ATT estimates and held out error for time t
            # t0 is prediction for held out time
            est <- predict(new_ascm, att = F)[(t0 +1):t_final, , drop = F]
            est <- rbind(est, colMeans(est))
            # err <- c(colMeans(wide_data$X[wide_data$trt == 1,
            #                              tdrop,
            #                              drop = F]) -
            #         predict(new_ascm, att = F)[t0])
            err <- c(predict(new_ascm, att = T)[t0, , drop = F])
            list(err, t(t(est) + abs(err)), t(t(est) - abs(err)), t(t(est) + err), est)
    # get errors and jackknife distribution
    held_out_errs <- matrix(vapply(jack_ests, `[[`, numeric(k), 1), nrow = k)
    jack_dist_high <- vapply(jack_ests, `[[`,
                        matrix(0, nrow = tpost + 1, ncol = k), 2)
    jack_dist_low <- vapply(jack_ests, `[[`,
                        matrix(0, nrow = tpost + 1, ncol = k), 3)
    jack_dist_cons <- vapply(jack_ests, `[[`,
                        matrix(0, nrow = tpost + 1, ncol = k), 4)

    out <- list()
    att <- predict(ascm_multi, att = T)
    out$att <- rbind(att, 
                      colMeans(att[(t0 + 1):t_final, , drop = F]))
    # held out ATT

    out$heldout_att <- rbind(t(held_out_errs), 
                              att[(t0 + 1):t_final, , drop = F], 
                              colMeans(att[(t0 + 1):t_final, , drop = F]))
    if(conservative) {
        qerr <- apply(abs(held_out_errs), 1, 
                      stats::quantile, 1 - alpha, type = 1)
        out$lb <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                        t(t(apply(jack_dist_cons, 1:2, min)) - qerr))
        out$ub <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                        t(t(apply(jack_dist_cons, 1:2, max)) + qerr))

    } else {
        out$lb <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                        apply(jack_dist_low, 1:2,
                              stats::quantile, alpha, type = 1))
        out$ub <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k), 
                        apply(jack_dist_high, 1:2, 
                              stats::quantile, 1 - alpha, type = 1))
    # shift back to ATT scale
    y1 <- predict(ascm_multi, att = F) + att
    y1 <-  rbind(y1, colMeans(y1[(t0 + 1):t_final, , drop = F]))
    shifted_lb <- y1 - out$ub
    shifted_ub <- y1 - out$lb
    out$lb <- shifted_lb
    out$ub <- shifted_ub
    out$alpha <- alpha


#' Drop time period from pre-treatment data
#' @param wide_data (X, y, trt)
#' @param Z Covariates matrix
#' @param t_drop Time to drop
#' @noRd
drop_time_t_multiout <- function(data_list, Z, t_drop) {

        new_data_list <- list()
        new_data_list$trt <- data_list$trt
        new_data_list$X <- lapply(data_list$X,
                                  function(x) x[, -t_drop, drop = F])
        new_data_list$y <- lapply(1:length(data_list$y),
                                  function(k) {
                                    cbind(data_list$X[[k]][, t_drop, drop = F], 

#' Conformal inference procedure to compute p-values and point-wise confidence intervals
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param alpha Confidence level
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param grid_size Number of grid points to use when inverting the hypothesis test (default is 1, so only to test joint null)
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"heldout_att"}{Vector of ATT estimates with the time period held out}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error, always NA but returned for compatibility}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"p_val"}{p-value for test of no post-treatment effect}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
conformal_inf_multiout <- function(ascm_multi, alpha = 0.05, 
                                    stat_func = NULL, type = "iid",
                                    q = 1, ns = 1000, grid_size = 1,
                                    lin_h0 = NULL) {
  wide_data <- ascm_multi$data
  data_list <- ascm_multi$data_list

  n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
  k <- length(data_list$X)

  t0 <- min(sapply(data_list$X, ncol))
  tpost <- max(sapply(data_list$y, ncol))
  t_final <- t0 + tpost

  # grid of nulls
  att <- predict(ascm_multi, att = T)
  post_att <- att[(t0 +1):t_final,, drop = F]
  post_sd <- apply(post_att, 2, function(x) sqrt(mean(x ^ 2, na.rm = T)))
  # iterate over post-treatment periods to get pointwise CIs
         function(j) {
          # fit using t0 + j as a pre-treatment period and get residuals
          new_data_list <- data_list
          new_data_list$X <- lapply(1:k,
              function(i) {
                Xi <- cbind(data_list$X[[i]], data_list$y[[i]][, j, drop = TRUE])
                colnames(Xi) <- c(colnames(data_list$X[[i]]),
          if(tpost > 1) {
            new_data_list$y <- lapply(1:k,
              function(i) {
                data_list$y[[i]][, -j, drop = FALSE]
          } else {
            # set the post period has to be *something*
            new_data_list$y <- lapply(1:k,
              function(i) {
                x <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
                colnames(x) <- max(as.numeric(colnames(data_list$y[[i]]))) + 1

          # make a grid around the estimated ATT
          if(is.null(lin_h0)) {
            grid <- lapply(1:k, 
            function(i) {
              seq(att[t0 + j, i] - 2 * post_sd[i], att[t0 + j, i] + 2 * post_sd[i],
                    length.out = grid_size)
          } else {
            grid <- seq(min(att[t0 + j, ]) - 2 * max(post_sd),
                max(att[t0 + j, ]) + 2 * max(post_sd),
                length.out = grid_size)
          if(grid_size > 1) {
            compute_permute_ci_multiout(new_data_list, ascm_multi, grid, 1,
                                    alpha, type, q, ns, lin_h0, stat_func)
          } else {
            rbind(matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow = 2),
              compute_permute_pval_multiout(new_data_list, ascm_multi, numeric(k),
                                          1, type, q, ns, stat_func))
         matrix(0, ncol = k, nrow=3)) -> cis
  # # test a null post-treatment effect

  new_data_list <- data_list
  new_data_list$X <- lapply(1:k,
      function(i) {
        Xi <- cbind(data_list$X[[i]], data_list$y[[i]])
        colnames(Xi) <- c(colnames(data_list$X[[i]]),
  # set post treatment to be *something*
  new_data_list$y <- lapply(1:k,
      function(i) {
        data_list$y[[i]][, 1, drop = FALSE]
  null_p <- compute_permute_pval_multiout(new_data_list, ascm_multi,
                                          tpost, type, q, ns, stat_func)
  if(is.null(lin_h0)) {
    grid <- lapply(1:k, 
            function(i) {
              seq(min(att[(t0 + 1):tpost, i]) - 4 * post_sd[i],
                  max(att[(t0 + 1):tpost, i]) + 4 * post_sd[i],
                    length.out = grid_size)
  } else {
    grid <- seq(min(att[t0 + 1, ]) - 3 * max(post_sd),
                max(att[t0 + 1, ]) + 3 * max(post_sd),
                length.out = grid_size)
  null_ci <- compute_permute_ci_multiout(new_data_list, ascm_multi, grid,
                                          tpost, alpha, type, q, ns,
                                          lin_h0, stat_func)
  out <- list()
  att <- predict(ascm_multi, att = T)
  out$att <- rbind(att, apply(att[(t0 + 1):t_final, , drop = F], 2, mean))
  out$lb <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                  t(matrix(cis[1, ,], nrow = k)),
                  # rep(NA, k)
  colnames(out$lb) <- ascm_multi$outcomes
  out$ub <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                  t(matrix(cis[2, ,], nrow = k)),
                  # rep(NA, k)
  colnames(out$ub) <- ascm_multi$outcomes
  out$p_val <- rbind(matrix(NA, nrow = t0, ncol = k),
                  t(matrix(cis[3, ,], nrow = k)),
                  # rep(null_p, k)
  colnames(out$p_val) <- ascm_multi$outcomes
  out$alpha <- alpha

#' Compute conformal test statistics
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param h0 Null hypothesis to test
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"resids"}{Residuals after enforcing the null}
#'          \item{"test_stats"}{Permutation distribution of test statistics}
#'          \item{"stat_func"}{Test statistic function}
#'         }
#' @noRd
compute_permute_test_stats_multiout <- function(data_list, ascm_multi, h0,
                                              post_length, type,
                                              q, ns, stat_func) {
  # format data
  new_data_list <- data_list
  t0 <- ncol(data_list$X[[1]]) - post_length
  tpost <- t0 + post_length
  k <- length(data_list$X)
  # adjust outcomes for null
  for(i in 1:k) {
    new_data_list$X[[k]][data_list$trt == 1,(t0 + 1):tpost ] <- new_data_list$X[[k]][data_list$trt == 1,(t0 + 1):tpost] - h0[i]
  # fit synth with adjusted data and get residuals
  new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_multiout_internal,
                    c(list(wide_list = new_data_list,
                            combine_method = ascm_multi$combine_method,
                            Z = data_list$Z,
                            progfunc = ascm_multi$progfunc,
                            scm = ascm_multi$scm,
                            fixedeff = ascm_multi$fixedeff,
                            outcomes_str = ascm_multi$outcomes),

  resids <- predict(new_ascm, att = T)[1:tpost, , drop = F]

  # permute residuals and compute test statistic
  if(is.null(stat_func)) {
    stat_func <- function(x) {
      x <- na.omit(x)
      (sum(abs(x) ^ q)  / sqrt(length(x))) ^ (1 / q)
  if(type == "iid") {
    test_stats <- sapply(1:ns, 
                        function(x) {
                          idxs <- sample(1:nrow(resids))
                          reorder <- resids[idxs, , drop = F]
                          apply(reorder[(t0 + 1):tpost, ,drop = F], 2, stat_func)
  } else {
    ## increment time by one step and wrap
    test_stats <- sapply(0:(tpost - 1),
                        function(j) {
                          reorder <- resids[(0:(tpost -1) + j) %% tpost + 1, ,drop = F]
                          if(!all(dim(reorder) == dim(resids))) {
                            stop("Error in block resampling")
                          apply(reorder[(t0 + 1):tpost, , drop = F], 2, stat_func)
  return(list(resids = resids,
              test_stats = matrix(test_stats, nrow = k),
              stat_func = stat_func))

#' Compute conformal p-value
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param h0 Null hypothesis to test
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return Computed p-value
#' @noRd
compute_permute_pval_multiout <- function(data_list, ascm_multi, h0,
                                        post_length, type,
                                        q, ns, stat_func) {
  t0 <- ncol(data_list$X[[1]]) - post_length
  tpost <- t0 + post_length

  out <- compute_permute_test_stats_multiout(data_list, ascm_multi, h0,
                                          post_length, type, q, ns, stat_func)
  k <- length(data_list$X)

  comb_stat <- mean(apply(out$resids[(t0 + 1):tpost, , drop = F], 2, out$stat_func), na.rm = TRUE)
  comb_test_stats <- apply(out$test_stats, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  # if(h0 == 0) {
  #   hist(comb_test_stats)
  #   abline(v = comb_stat)
  #   print(mean(comb_stat <= comb_test_stats))
  #   print(1 - mean(comb_stat > comb_test_stats))
  # }
  1 - mean(comb_stat > comb_test_stats)

#' Compute conformal p-value
#' @param wide_data List containing pre- and post-treatment outcomes and outcome vector
#' @param ascm Fitted `augsynth` object
#' @param grid Set of null hypothesis to test for inversion
#' @param post_length Number of post-treatment periods
#' @param type Either "iid" for iid permutations or "block" for moving block permutations
#' @param q The norm for the test static `((sum(x ^ q))) ^ (1/q)`
#' @param ns Number of resamples for "iid" permutations
#' @param stat_func Function to compute test statistic
#' @return (lower bound of interval, upper bound of interval, p-value for null of 0 effect)
#' @noRd
compute_permute_ci_multiout <- function(data_list, ascm_multi, grid,
                                      post_length, alpha, type,
                                      q, ns, lin_h0 = NULL, stat_func) {
  # make sure 0 is in the grid
  if(is.null(lin_h0)) {
    grid <- lapply(grid, function(x) c(x, 0))
    k <- length(grid)
    # get all combinations of grid
    grid <- expand.grid(grid)
    grid_low <- NULL
  } else {
    k <- length(lin_h0)
    # keep track of low dimensional grid
    grid_low <- c(grid, 0)
    # transform into high dimensional grid with linear hypothesis
    grid <- sapply(lin_h0, function(x) x * grid_low)
  ps <- apply(grid, 1,
              function(x) {
                compute_permute_pval_multiout(data_list, ascm_multi, x, 
                                     post_length, type, q, ns, stat_func)
    function(i) c(min(grid[ps >= alpha, i]), 
                  max(grid[ps >= alpha, i]), 
                  ps[apply(grid == 0, 1, all)]))

#' Drop unit i from data
#' @param wide_data (X, y, trt)
#' @param Z Covariates matrix
#' @param i Unit to drop
#' @noRd
drop_unit_i <- function(wide_data, Z, i) {

        new_wide_data <- list()
        new_wide_data$trt <- wide_data$trt[-i]
        new_wide_data$X <- wide_data$X[-i,, drop = F]
        new_wide_data$y <- wide_data$y[-i,, drop = F]

        X0 <- new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
        x1 <- matrix(colMeans(new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F]),
        y0 <- new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
        y1 <- colMeans(new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F])

        new_synth_data <- list()
        new_synth_data$Z0 <- t(X0)
        new_synth_data$X0 <- t(X0)
        new_synth_data$Z1 <- x1
        new_synth_data$X1 <- x1
        new_Z <- if(!is.null(Z)) Z[-i, , drop = F] else NULL

        return(list(wide_data = new_wide_data,
                    synth_data = new_synth_data,
                    Z = new_Z))

#' Drop unit i from data
#' @param wide_list (X, y, trt)
#' @param Z Covariates matrix
#' @param i Unit to drop
#' @noRd
drop_unit_i_multiout <- function(wide_list, Z, i) {

        new_wide_data <- list()
        new_wide_data$trt <- wide_list$trt[-i]
        new_wide_data$X <- lapply(wide_list$X, function(x) x[-i,, drop = F])
        new_wide_data$y <- lapply(wide_list$y, function(x) x[-i,, drop = F])
        new_Z <- if(!is.null(Z)) Z[-i, , drop = F] else NULL

        return(list(wide_list = new_wide_data,
                    Z = new_Z))

#' Estimate standard errors for single ASCM with the jackknife
#' Do this for ridge-augmented synth
#' @param ascm Fitted augsynth object
#' @return List that contains:
#'         \itemize{
#'          \item{"att"}{Vector of ATT estimates}
#'          \item{"se"}{Standard error estimate}
#'          \item{"lb"}{Lower bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"ub"}{Upper bound of 1 - alpha confidence interval}
#'          \item{"alpha"}{Level of confidence interval}
#'         }
jackknife_se_single <- function(ascm) {

    wide_data <- ascm$data
    synth_data <- ascm$data$synth_data
    n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
    n_c <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[2]
    Z <- wide_data$Z

    t0 <- dim(synth_data$Z0)[1]
    tpost <- ncol(wide_data$y)
    t_final <- dim(synth_data$Y0plot)[1]
    errs <- matrix(0, n_c, t_final - t0)

    # only drop out control units with non-zero weights
    nnz_weights <- numeric(n)
    nnz_weights[wide_data$trt == 0] <- round(ascm$weights, 3) != 0
    # if more than one unit is treated, include them in the jackknife
    if(sum(wide_data$trt) > 1) {
      nnz_weights[wide_data$trt == 1] <- 1

    trt_idxs <- (1:n)[as.logical(nnz_weights)]

    # jackknife estimates
    ests <- vapply(trt_idxs,
                   function(i) {
                       # drop unit i
                       new_data <- drop_unit_i(wide_data, Z, i)
                       # refit
                       new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_internal,
                                c(list(wide = new_data$wide,
                                       synth_data = new_data$synth_data,
                                       Z = new_data$Z,
                                       progfunc = ascm$progfunc,
                                       scm = ascm$scm,
                                       fixedeff = ascm$fixedeff),
                       # get ATT estimates
                       est <- predict(new_ascm, att = T)[(t0 + 1):t_final]
                       c(est, mean(est))
                   numeric(tpost + 1))
    # convert to matrix
    ests <- matrix(ests, nrow = tpost + 1, ncol = length(trt_idxs))
    ## standard errors
    se2 <- apply(ests, 1,
                 function(x) (n - 1) / n * sum((x - mean(x, na.rm = T)) ^ 2))
    se <- sqrt(se2)

    out <- list()
    att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
    out$att <- c(att, mean(att[(t0 + 1):t_final]))

    out$se <- c(rep(NA, t0), se)
    # out$sigma <- NA

#' Compute standard errors using the jackknife
#' @param multisynth fitted multisynth object
#' @param relative Whether to compute effects according to relative time
#' @noRd
jackknife_se_multi <- function(multisynth, relative=NULL, alpha = 0.05, att_weight = NULL) {
    ## get info from the multisynth object
    if(is.null(relative)) {
        relative <- multisynth$relative
    n_leads <- multisynth$n_leads
    n <- nrow(multisynth$data$X)
    att <- predict(multisynth, att=T, att_weight = att_weight)
    outddim <- nrow(att)

    J <- length(multisynth$grps)

    ## drop each unit and estimate overall treatment effect
    jack_est <- vapply(1:n,
                       function(i) {
                           msyn_i <- drop_unit_i_multi(multisynth, i)
                           pred <- predict(msyn_i[[1]], relative=relative, att=T, att_weight = att_weight)
                           if(length(msyn_i[[2]]) != 0) {
                               out <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(pred), ncol=(J+1))
                               out[,-(msyn_i[[2]]+1)] <- pred
                           } else {
                               out <- pred
                       matrix(0, nrow=outddim,ncol=(J+1)))

    se2 <- apply(jack_est, c(1,2),
                function(x) (n-1) / n * sum((x - mean(x,na.rm=T))^2, na.rm=T))
    lower_bound <- att - qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * sqrt(se2)
    upper_bound <- att + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * sqrt(se2)
    return(list(att = att, se = sqrt(se2),
                lower_bound = lower_bound, upper_bound = upper_bound))


#' Helper function to drop unit i and refit
#' @param msyn multisynth_object
#' @param i Unit to drop
#' @noRd
drop_unit_i_multi <- function(msyn, i) {

    n <- nrow(msyn$data$X)
    time_cohort <- msyn$time_cohort
    which_t <- (1:n)[is.finite(msyn$data$trt)]

    not_miss_j <- which_t %in% setdiff(which_t, i)

    # drop unit i from data
    drop_i <- msyn$data
    drop_i$X <- msyn$data$X[-i, , drop = F]
    drop_i$y <- msyn$data$y[-i, , drop = F]
    drop_i$trt <- msyn$data$trt[-i]
    drop_i$mask <- msyn$data$mask[not_miss_j,, drop = F]

    if(!is.null(msyn$data$Z)) {
      drop_i$Z <- msyn$data$Z[-i, , drop = F]
    } else {
      drop_i$Z <- NULL

    long_df <- msyn$long_df
    unit <- colnames(long_df)[1]
    # make alphabetical, because the ith unit is the index in alphabetical ordering
    long_df <- long_df[order(long_df[, unit, drop = TRUE]),]
    ith_unit <- unique(long_df[,unit, drop = TRUE])[i]
    long_df <- long_df[long_df[,unit, drop = TRUE] != ith_unit,]

    # re-fit everything
    args_list <- list(wide = drop_i, relative = msyn$relative,
                      n_leads = msyn$n_leads, n_lags = msyn$n_lags,
                      nu = msyn$nu, lambda = msyn$lambda,
                      V = msyn$V,
                      force = msyn$force, n_factors = msyn$n_factors,
                      scm = msyn$scm, time_w = msyn$time_w,
                      lambda_t = msyn$lambda_t,
                      fit_resids = msyn$fit_resids,
                      time_cohort = msyn$time_cohort, long_df = long_df,
                      how_match = msyn$how_match)
    msyn_i <- do.call(multisynth_formatted, c(args_list, msyn$extra_pars))

    # check for dropped treated units/time periods
    if(time_cohort) {
        dropped <- which(!msyn$grps %in% msyn_i$grps)
    } else {
        dropped <- which(!not_miss_j)

#' Estimate standard errors for multi outcome ascm with jackknife
#' @param ascm Fitted augsynth object
#' @noRd
jackknife_se_multiout <- function(ascm) {

    wide_data <- ascm$data
    wide_list <- ascm$data_list
    n <- nrow(wide_data$X)
    Z <- wide_data$Z

    # only drop out control units with non-zero weights
    nnz_weights <- numeric(n)
    nnz_weights[wide_data$trt == 0] <- round(ascm$weights, 3) != 0

    trt_idxs <- (1:n)[as.logical(nnz_weights)]

    # jackknife estimates
    ests <- lapply(trt_idxs,
                   function(i) {
                       # drop unit i
                       new_data <- drop_unit_i_multiout(wide_list, Z, i)
                       # refit
                       new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_multiout_internal,
                                c(list(wide = new_data$wide,
                                       combine_method = ascm$combine_method,
                                       Z = new_data$Z,
                                       progfunc = ascm$progfunc,
                                       scm = ascm$scm,
                                       fixedeff = ascm$fixedeff,
                                       outcomes_str = ascm$outcomes),
                        new_ascm$outcomes <- ascm$outcomes
                        new_ascm$data_list <- ascm$data_list
                        new_ascm$data$time <- ascm$data$time
                       # get ATT estimates
                       est <- predict(new_ascm, att = T)
                       est <- est[as.numeric(rownames(est)) >= ascm$t_int,, drop = F]
                       rbind(est, colMeans(est, na.rm = T))
    ests <- simplify2array(ests)
    ## standard errors
    se2 <- apply(ests, c(1, 2),
                 function(x) (n - 1) / n * sum((x - mean(x, na.rm = T)) ^ 2))
    se <- sqrt(se2)
    out <- list()
    att <- predict(ascm, att = T)
    att_post <- colMeans(att[as.numeric(rownames(att)) >= ascm$t_int,, drop = F],
                         na.rm = T)
    out$att <- rbind(att, att_post)
    t0 <- sum(as.numeric(rownames(att)) < ascm$t_int)
    out$se <- rbind(matrix(NA, t0, ncol(se)), se)
    out$sigma <- NA

#' Compute the weighted bootstrap distribution
#' @param multisynth fitted multisynth object
#' @param rweight Function to draw random weights as a function of n (e.g rweight(n))
#' @param relative Whether to compute effects according to relative time
#' @noRd
weighted_bootstrap_multi <- function(multisynth,
                                    rweight = rwild_b,
                                    n_boot = 1000,
                                    alpha = 0.05,
                                    att_weight = NULL,
                                    relative=NULL) {
  ## get info from the multisynth object
  if(is.null(relative)) {
      relative <- multisynth$relative

  n <- nrow(multisynth$data$X)
  att <- predict(multisynth, att=T, att_weight = att_weight)
  outddim <- nrow(att)
  n1 <- sum(is.finite(multisynth$data$trt))
  J <- length(multisynth$grps)

  # draw random weights to get bootstrap distribution
  bs_est <- vapply(1:n_boot,
                      function(i) {
                        Z <- rweight(n)# / sqrt(n1)

                        predict(multisynth, att=T, att_weight = att_weight, bs_weight = Z) - sum(Z) / n1 * att
                      matrix(0, nrow=outddim,ncol=(J+1)))

  se2 <- apply(bs_est, c(1,2),
              function(x) mean((x - mean(x))^2, na.rm=T))
  bias <- apply(bs_est, c(1,2),
              function(x) mean(x, na.rm=T))
  upper_bound <- att - apply(bs_est, c(1,2),
              function(x) quantile(x, alpha / 2, na.rm = T))
  lower_bound <- att - apply(bs_est, c(1,2),
              function(x) quantile(x, 1 - alpha / 2, na.rm = T))

  return(list(att = att,
              bias = bias,
              se = sqrt(se2),
              upper_bound = upper_bound,
              lower_bound = lower_bound))


#' Bayesian bootstrap
#' @param n Number of units
#' @export
rdirichlet_b <- function(n) {
  Z <- as.numeric(rgamma(n, 1, 1))
  return(Z / sum(Z) * n)

#' Non-parametric bootstrap
#' @param n Number of units
#' @export
rmultinom_b <- function(n) as.numeric(rmultinom(1, n, rep(1 / n, n)))

#' Wild bootstrap (Mammen 1993)
#' @param n Number of units
#' @export
rwild_b <- function(n) {
  sample(c(-(sqrt(5) - 1) / 2, (sqrt(5) + 1) / 2 ), n,
         replace = TRUE,
         prob = c((sqrt(5) + 1)/ (2 * sqrt(5)), (sqrt(5) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(5))))
ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:29 p.m.