
Defines functions plot_ghgv

Documented in plot_ghgv

#' Plot Greenhouse Gas values.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import scales
#' @importFrom Hmisc capitalize
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @export
#' @param df a data.frame of output from \code{ghgvc()}.
#' @param years (integer) years considered in the analysis.
#' @param units (character) either co2 or mi to plot in co2 equivalents or miles.
#' @param crv_to_miles (numeric) conversion factor for crv to miles, default 1.86.
#' @return a ggplot2 plot object.
plot_ghgv <- function(df, years = 50, units = c("co2", "mi"), crv_to_miles = 3) {

  # set plot units
  units <- match.arg(units)
  cat("Drawing plots: units=",units)
  ### Format biome name
  # first remove underscores and concatenate
  Biome <- capitalize(paste(gsub("_", " ", df$Biome), "Site", df$Location))
  # convert BR to Brazil
  Biome <- gsub("BR", "Brazil", Biome)
  # convert broadleaf conifer forest
  Biome <- gsub("Mixed Broadleaf Conifer Forest", "Mixed Forest", Biome)

  #Format data for plotting
  plotdata <- data.frame(
    Biome = Biome,
    Location = df$Location,
    Order = order(df$Location, vegtype_order(Biome)),
    Storage = rowSums(df[,grepl("S_", colnames(df))], na.rm = TRUE),
    Ongoing_Exchange = rowSums(df[,grepl("F_", colnames(df))], na.rm = TRUE),
    Rnet = df$swRFV,
    LE = df$latent)

  #Create sums
  ###***Calculating Net Values for Plots***###
  #Becomes BGC Bar on CRV_Plot
  plotdata$BGC_NET <- plotdata$Storage + plotdata$Ongoing_Exchange

  #this becomes the biophys bar on the CRV plot
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS <- plotdata$Rnet + plotdata$LE

  #this becomes the point on the CRV plot
  plotdata$CRV_NET <- plotdata$BGC_NET + plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS

  #If units are in miles, convert
  if (units == "mi") {
    for (crv in c("CRV_BIOPHYS", "CRV_NET", "BGC_NET","Rnet","LE","Ongoing_Exchange","Storage")) {
      plotdata[crv] <- plotdata[crv] * crv_to_miles

  #this becomes the point on the biophys plot
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS_POINT <- plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS

  #This becomes BGC_NET point on bgc_plot
  plotdata$BGC_NET_POINT <- plotdata$BGC_NET

  ###***Setting NA for non-plotted values***###

  #Replace NA/0 with 0
  plotdata[is.na(plotdata)] <- 0
  plotdata$CRV_NET[plotdata$CRV_NET == 0] <- NA

  #Don't plot CRV_NET point if BIOPHYS is 0, or BGC_NET is 0
  plotdata$CRV_NET[plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$CRV_NET[plotdata$BGC_NET == 0] <- NA
  #Don't plot biophys net point if net biophys is 0 or either biophys value is 0
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS_POINT[plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS_POINT[plotdata$LE == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS_POINT[plotdata$Rnet == 0] <- NA
  #Don't ploy BGC net point if net bgc is 0 or either bgc value is 0
  plotdata$BGC_NET_POINT[plotdata$BGC_NET == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$BGC_NET_POINT[plotdata$Ongoing_Exchange == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$BGC_NET_POINT[plotdata$Storage == 0] <- NA
  #Don't plot BGC_NET or CRV_BIOPHYS on crv_plot if the other is 0
  plotdata$BGC_NET[plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS == 0] <- NA
  plotdata$CRV_BIOPHYS[plotdata$BGC_NET == 0] <- NA

  ## Build data for subplots
  longdata <- gather(plotdata, variable, value, -Biome, -Location, -Order)
  longdata <- longdata[with(longdata, order(Order, Biome)), ]
  longdata$label <- gsub(" Site", "\nSite", longdata$Biome)
  longdata$Biome <- with(longdata, factor(Biome, levels = unique(Biome), ordered = TRUE))

  #baseplot for use in grid plots
  baseplot <- ggplot(data = plotdata) +
    geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0)) +      #horizontal line
    coord_flip() +
    theme_minimal() +                      #set ggplot2 theme
    theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          legend.position = "top",
          panel.grid.major = element_line("black", size = 0.14)

  bgc_plot <- ghgvc_subplot(c("Ongoing_Exchange", "Storage"),
                            data = longdata,
                            baseplot = baseplot)
  bgc_plot <- bgc_plot +

    scale_fill_manual(values= brewer_pal(palette = "Greens")(6)[c(4,6)],
                      labels = c("Ongoing Exchange", "Storage")) +
    labs(fill = "") +
    ggtitle("Greenhouse Gas Value") +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, hjust = 1))

  biophys_plot <- ghgvc_subplot(c("LE", "Rnet"),
                                data = longdata,
                                baseplot = baseplot)
  biophys_plot <- biophys_plot +
    scale_fill_manual(values = brewer_pal(palette = "Blues")(6)[c(4,6)],
                      labels = c(expression("Latent Heat Flux", "Net Radiation"))) +
    labs(fill = "") +
    ggtitle("Local Biophysical Forcings")


  #Add the net Biogeochemical point
  #this should only execute when LE and Rnet are not 0. Issue is using a vector in an if statement does not seem to work
  bgc_plot <- bgc_plot +
    geom_point(data = subset(longdata, variable == "BGC_NET_POINT"),
               aes(x = Biome, y = value))

  #Add the net Biophysical point
  biophys_plot <- biophys_plot +
    geom_point(data = subset(longdata, variable == "CRV_BIOPHYS_POINT"),
                      aes(x = Biome, y = value))

  crv_plot <-  ghgvc_subplot(c("BGC_NET", "CRV_BIOPHYS"),
                    data = longdata,
                    baseplot = baseplot)
  crv_plot <- crv_plot +
  scale_fill_manual(values= c(brewer_pal(palette = "Greens")(6)[5],
                       brewer_pal(palette = "Blues")(6)[5]),
             labels = c("Biogeochemical", "Biophysical")) +
  labs(fill = "") +
  ggtitle("Climate Regulating Value")

  crv_plot <- crv_plot +
    geom_point(data = subset(longdata, variable == "CRV_NET"),
               aes(x = Biome, y = value))

#this last no condition is meaningless, but the no condition cannot be blank

  #Add the net CRV point only if there is biophysical

  #Create the x label
  if(units == "mi") {
    xlabels <- as.expression(bquote(paste("Miles driven per parking space area (135 ft"^{2}, ")")))
  else {
    xlabels <- as.expression(bquote(paste("CO"[2], " Emission Equivalents (Mg CO"[2],"-eq ha"^{-1}, " ", .(years)," yrs"^{-1},")")))
  final_plot <- arrangeGrob(bgc_plot,
                            ncol = 3,
                            widths = c(2,1,1),
                            sub = textGrob(xlabels,
                                           x = unit(1, "npc"),
                                           y = unit(.9, "npc"),
                                           just = c("centre", "bottom")))


#' Plot ghgcv subplot.
#' Creates a ggplot2 object using long-form data from \code{ghgcv_plot()} and
#' a set of variables to plot over.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param vars a list of variables to plot.
#' @param data long form data.frame of data from \code{ghgcv()}.
#' @param baseplot a ggplot2 object as the base plot.
#' @return a ggplot2 object.
ghgvc_subplot <- function(vars, data, baseplot) {
  #subset the data just including vars
  d <- subset(data, variable %in% vars)
  d$variable <- factor(d$variable, levels = vars)

  d$Biome <- reorder(d$Biome, rev(d$Order))

  if(all(vars == c("LE", "Rnet"))){
    d[d$variable == "LE",]$value <- abs(d[d$variable == "LE", ]$value )
    d[d$variable == "Rnet",]$value <- -abs(d[d$variable == "Rnet", ]$value )

  # plot <- geom_bar(data = d,
  #                  aes(x = Biome, y = value, fill = variable),
  #                  width = 0.25, stat = "identity")
  # return(baseplot + plot)

  # #Positive Plot
  # pos <- d$value > 0
  # pos[is.na(pos)] <- FALSE #fix cases with NA

  # posplot <- if(any(pos)) {
  posplot <-geom_bar(data = d, #[pos,],
             aes(x = Biome, y = value, fill = variable),
             width = 0.25, stat = "identity")
  # } else {
  #   NULL
  # }

  # #Negative Plot
  # negplot <- if(any(!pos)) {
  #   geom_bar(data = d[!pos,],
  #            aes(x = Biome, y = value, fill = variable),
  #            width = 0.25, stat = "identity")
  # } else {
  #   NULL
  # }

  #return all plots as one object
  return(baseplot + posplot) # + negplot
ebimodeling/ghgvcR documentation built on April 28, 2021, 8:19 p.m.