
#' Duration of Outbreak
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and epidemic duration, the number of days with at least one infection present.
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_duration_array <- function(results){
  sims <- seq_len(dim(results)[4])
  durations <- lapply(sims, function(x) {
  infections <- results["I", , , x]    #gets matrix of patches by times
  i_by_time <- colSums(infections)       #gets total infections by time
  zero_i_col <- min(which(i_by_time == 0)) #gets first column there are zero infections
  duration <- as.numeric(attr(i_by_time, "names")[zero_i_col])
  return(duration - 1)
  return(data.frame(sim = sims, duration = unlist(durations)))

#' Infected Statistics
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and lower/median/upper number of infected chickens
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_infectious_array <- function(results){
  times <- seq_len(dim(results)[3])
  summaries <- sapply(times, function(x){
  t0 <- results["I", , x, ]
  i_by_sim <- colSums(t0)
  time_summary <- quantile(i_by_sim, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), names = FALSE)
  df <- data.frame(time = times-1, lower = summaries[1,], median = summaries[2,], upper = summaries[3,])

#' Susceptible Statistics
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and lower/median/upper number of susceptible chickens
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_susceptibles_array <- function(results){
  times <- seq_len(dim(results)[3])
  summaries <- sapply(times, function(x){
    t0 <- results["S", , x, ]
    s_by_sim <- colSums(t0)
    time_summary <- quantile(s_by_sim, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), names = FALSE)
  df <- data.frame(time = times-1, lower = summaries[1,], median = summaries[2,], upper = summaries[3,])

#' Recovered Statistics
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and lower/median/upper number of recovered chickens
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_recovered_array <- function(results){
  times <- seq_len(dim(results)[3])
  summaries <- sapply(times, function(x){
    t0 <- results["R", , x, ]
    r_by_sim <- colSums(t0)
    time_summary <- quantile(r_by_sim, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), names = FALSE)
  df <- data.frame(time = times-1, lower = summaries[1,], median = summaries[2,], upper = summaries[3,])

#' Failed Outbreaks
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and whether the outbreak failed (defined as spreading to more than 1 farm)
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_failure_array <- function(results){
  sims <- seq_len(dim(results)[4])
  f_info <- sapply(sims, function(x) {
    i <- results["I", , , x]
    if(is.vector(i)) return(FALSE)
    initials <- which(i[, 1] > 0)
    new_i <- i[-initials, ]
    if(is.vector(new_i)) return(sum(new_i) == 0)
    return(max(colSums(new_i)) == 0)
  df <- data.frame(sim = sims, failed = f_info)

#' Depth Two Spread
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number and whether there are infections along a depth two section of the network
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_depth2_spread <- function(results){
  network <- attr(results, "network")
  initial_i <- which(results["I",,1,1] > 0)
  connected_i <- which(network[initial_i,] > 0)
  connected_i <- connected_i[connected_i %in% initial_i == FALSE]
  spread_q <- apply(results, 4, function(z){
    i <- z["I",,]
    if(is.vector(i)) return(FALSE)
    if(nrow(i) == 2) return(FALSE)
    if(length(connected_i) == 1){

    if(all(b_rowSums(i[connected_i,]) == 0)) return(FALSE)
    infected_connected <- connected_i[b_rowSums(i[connected_i,]) > 0]
    level2_connections <- sapply(infected_connected, function(c){
      connected_2 <- which(network[c, ] > 0)
      connected_2 <- connected_2[connected_2 %in% c(initial_i, c) == FALSE]
      if(length(connected_2) == 0) return(FALSE)
      if(length(connected_2) == 1){
        if(sum(i[connected_2,]) > 0){
        }else return(FALSE)
      if(any(b_rowSums(i[connected_2,]) > 0)){
      } else{
  return(data.frame(sim = seq_len(dim(results)[4]), depth_two_spread = spread_q))

b_rowSums <- function(mat){

#' Retrieve N Spread of Infections
#' Returns a dataframe of whether or not infections have spread to N nodes in the network.
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
#' @param spread_number number of nodes spread to examine
get_n_spread <- function(results, spread_number){
  spread_q <- apply(results, 4, function(z){
    i <- z["I",,]
    if(is.vector(i)) return(FALSE)
    infected_patches <- rowSums(i)
    return(sum(infected_patches > 0) >= (spread_number + 1))
  df <- data.frame(sim = seq_len(dim(results)[4]), spread_n = spread_q)

#' Successful Epidemics
#' Returns dataframe of successful epidemics
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
reduce_epi_array <- function(results){
  non_failure_tf <- !get_failure_array(results)[,2]
  non_failures <- results[,,,non_failure_tf]

#' Proportion of Outbreak Failures
#' Returns the proportion of epidemic failures, define as the number of failures/total results
#' @export
#' @param failure_results the results of a get_failure_array() call
proportion_failed <- function(failure_results){

#' Loss Proportion
#' Returns a dataframe of the simulation number and the proportion of chickens lost to disease or culling
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_proportion_loss <- function(results){
  sims <- seq_len(dim(results)[4])
  loss <- sapply(sims, function(x){
    s <- results["S",,,x]
    s_by_t <- colSums(s)
    total_i <- max(s_by_t) - min(s_by_t)
    prop_loss <- total_i/max(s_by_t)
  df <- data.frame(sim = sims, total_i = loss)

#' Number Infected
#' Returns a dataframe of the simulation number and the number of birds infected
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_exposure <- function(results){
  infections <- apply(results,4,function(x){
    i <- x["I",,]
  df <- data.frame(sim = seq_along(infections), inf_exp = infections)

#' Fraction Infected
#' Returns a dataframe of the simulation number and the fraction of birds infected
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_exposure_fraction <- function(results){
  infections <- apply(results,4,function(x){
    i <- x["I",,]
    initial_s <- sum(x["S",,1])
    times <- dim(x)[3]
  df <- data.frame(sim = seq_along(infections), inf_exp = infections)

#' Outbreak Summary
#' Returns a dataframe of simulation number, time, and number of birds in the given compartment
#' @export
#' @param compartment character representing which compartment (S, I, R, V, or C) to analyze
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_all_sims <- function(compartment, results){
  c.results <- lapply(seq_len(dim(results)[4]), function(x) results[compartment,,,x])
  c.reduced <- t(sapply(c.results, function(x) colSums(x)))
  df <- data.frame(c.reduced)
  colnames(df) <- seq_len(dim(df)[2])
  df$sim <- seq_len(dim(df)[1])
  c.df <- gather(df, time, pop, -sim, convert= TRUE)

#' Number of Affected Farms
#' Returns a dataframe of the simulation number and the number of farms affected by the outbreak
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_number_farms <- function(results){
  farms <- sapply(seq_len(dim(results)[4]), function(x){
    tot_i <- rowSums(results["I",,,x])
    return(sum(tot_i > 0))
  f.df <- data.frame(sim = seq_len(dim(results)[4]), num_farms = farms)

#' Number of Infected Farms
#' Returns a vector of the number of farms culled in each simulation
#' @export
#' @param results 4-dimensional array of results (compartment, patch, time, simulation)
get_farm_culls <- function(results){
  farms <- sapply(seq_len(dim(results)[4]), function(x){
    cull_mat <- results["C",,,x]
    tot_culls <- apply(cull_mat, 1, function(x) {
      temp <- which(x==2)
    return(sum(tot_culls > 0))
  df <- data.frame(sim = seq_along(farms), culled_farms = farms)

#' Parameter Variation
#' Returns an array of the results of varying the given parameter over the given range.
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @param param_value the name of the parameter to vary
#' @param param_vector the range over which the parameter will vary
#' @param sims the number of simulations to run for each value of the parameter
#' @param farm_num the number of farms in the network
#' @param farm_size the typical farm size
#' @param parms the list of parameters
vary_params <- function(param_name, param_values, sims = 1000, num_of_farms = 200, num_of_chickens = 50,
                        parms = list(
                        beta = 1.44456,   #contact rate for direct transmission
                        gamma = 0.167,  #recovery rate
                        mu = 0,         #base mortality rate
                        alpha = 0.4,      #disease mortality rate
                        phi = 0,  #infectiousness of environmental virions
                        eta = 0,     #degradation rate of environmental virions
                        nu =  0.00,    #uptake rate of environmental virion
                        sigma = 0,      #virion shedding rate
                        omega = 0.03,   #movement rate
                        rho = 0.85256,        #contact  nonlinearity 0=dens-dependent, 1=freq-dependent
                        lambda = 0,     #force of infection from external sources
                        tau_crit = 5,   #critical suveillance time
                        I_crit = 1,     #threshold for reporting
                        pi_report = 1, #reporting probability
                        pi_detect = 1, #detection probability
                        cull_time = 1,   #time to detect
                        network_type = "smallworld",
                        network_parms = list(dim = 1, size = num_of_farms, nei = 2.33, p = 0.0596, multiple = FALSE, loops = FALSE),
                        stochastic_network = TRUE
  results_list <- lapply(param_values, function(x){
    parms[[param_name]] <- x
    g_list <- mclapply(seq_len(sims), function(y){
      patches <- grow_patches_clustered(basic_patches(num_of_chickens, num_of_farms))
      i_patches <- seed_initial_infection(patches)
      return(mf_sim(init = i_patches, parameters = parms, times=1:365, n_sims = 1))
    }, mc.cores = detectCores()/2)
    bound_array <- do.call("abind", g_list)

#' 2-Dimensional Parameter Variation
#' Returns an array of the results of varying the 2 given parameters over the given ranges.
#' @export
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @param param_value the name of the parameter to vary
#' @param param_vector the range over which the parameter will vary
#' @param sims the number of simulations to run for each value of the parameter
#' @param farm_num the number of farms in the network
#' @param farm_size the typical farm size
#' @param parms the list of parameters
vary_params_2d <- function(param1_name, param1_values, param2_name, param2_values, sims = 1000, num_of_farms = 200, num_of_chickens = 50,
                           parms = list(
                             beta = 1.44456,   #contact rate for direct transmission
                             gamma = 0.167,  #recovery rate
                             mu = 0,         #base mortality rate
                             alpha = 0.4,      #disease mortality rate
                             phi = 0,  #infectiousness of environmental virions
                             eta = 0,     #degradation rate of environmental virions
                             nu =  0.00,    #uptake rate of environmental virion
                             sigma = 0,      #virion shedding rate
                             omega = 0.03,   #movement rate
                             rho = 0.85256,        #contact  nonlinearity 0=dens-dependent, 1=freq-dependent
                             lambda = 0,     #force of infection from external sources
                             tau_crit = 5,   #critical suveillance time
                             I_crit = 1,     #threshold for reporting
                             pi_report = 1, #reporting probability
                             pi_detect = 1, #detection probability
                             cull_time = 1,   #time to detect
                             network_type = "smallworld",
                             network_parms = list(dim = 1, size = num_of_farms, nei = 2.33, p = 0.0596, multiple = FALSE, loops = FALSE),
                             stochastic_network = TRUE
  param_combos <- expand.grid(param1_values, param2_values)
  results_list <- purrr::map2(param_combos[,1],param_combos[,2],function(a,b){
    parms[[param1_name]] <- a
    parms[[param2_name]] <- b
    g_list <- mclapply(seq_len(sims), function(y){
      patches <- grow_patches_clustered(basic_patches(num_of_chickens, num_of_farms))
      i_patches <- seed_initial_infection(patches)
      return(mf_sim(init = i_patches, parameters = parms, times=1:365, n_sims = 1))
    }, mc.cores = detectCores()/2)
    bound_array <- do.call("abind", g_list)
    attributes(bound_array)[[param1_name]] <- a
    attributes(bound_array)[[param2_name]] <- b

#' Summarizing Graphs
#' Summarizes the results of vary_params by graphing bird loss, farms affected, outbreak duration,
#' and number of birds exposed against the given range of values.
#' @export
#' @param results_list list of results
#' @param param_values list of independent variable
make_graphs <- function(results_list, param_values){

  summarized_runs <- lapply(seq_along(results_list), function(x) create_pres_df(results_list[[x]], param_values[x]))

  final_df <- bind_rows(summarized_runs)

  loss <- ggplot(data = final_df) +
    geom_point(aes(x = param_values, y = mean_prop_loss)) +
    labs(title = "Proportion of Loss", x = "Culling Time (Days)", y = "Proportion of Chickens Lost") +
  #scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

  farms <- ggplot(data = final_df) +
    geom_point(aes(x = param_values, y = mean_proportion_farms)) +
    labs(title = "Proportion of Infected Farms", x = "Culling Time (Days)", y = "Proportion of Farms Infected") +
  #scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

  duration <- ggplot(data = final_df) +
    geom_point(aes(x = param_values, y = mean_duration)) +
    labs(title = "Duration of Epidemic ", x = "Culling Time (Days)", y = "Days") +
  #scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

  exposure <- ggplot(data = final_df) +
    geom_point(aes(x = param_values, y = mean_fraction_exposure)) +
    labs(title = "Exposure Index", x = "Culling Time (Days)", y = "Exposure Index") +
  #scale_x_log10() + scale_y_log10()

  lay <- rbind(c(1,2),

  grid.arrange(loss, farms, duration, exposure, layout_matrix = lay, top=textGrob("Cull Time Parameter Analysis", gp = gpar(fontsize = 16)))


#' Summary Dataframe
#' Returns a dataframe of the epidemic duration, proportion loss, exposure index, and
#' number of affected farms for every simulation produced by vary_params
#' @export
#' @param filename path to file containing results of vary_params
#' @param val_vector range of the varied parameter
#' @param param_name name of the varied parameter
create_summary_df <- function(filename, val_vector, param_name){
  P <- rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file
  res <- readRDS(P("inst/experiments/", filename))
  sum_df_list <- purrr::map2(res, val_vector, function(x,y){
    duration_df <- get_duration_array(x)
    loss_df <- get_proportion_loss(x)
    exposure_df <- get_exposure_fraction(x)
    farms_df <- get_number_farms(x)
    summary_df <- full_join(duration_df, loss_df, by = "sim") %>%
      full_join(exposure_df, by = "sim") %>%
      full_join(farms_df, by = "sim")
    summary_df[[param_name]] <- y
    summary_df <- rename(summary_df, prop_loss = total_i)
  total_df <- bind_rows(sum_df_list)
ecohealthalliance/metaflu documentation built on May 15, 2019, 7:56 p.m.