
Defines functions BollingerBands plotVolumeBars plotBollingerIndicators plotBollingerBars computeBollingerBands getData .onLoad getData.old

Documented in BollingerBands

## bollinger band example dating back to 2005

## $Id: bollingerBands.R,v 1.3 2005/07/24 17:04:20 edd Exp $

## cf with tseries:::get.hist.quote() and its::priceIts()
getData.old <- function(instrument = "IBM",
                      "%Y-%m-%d"),      ## 200 days ago
                    end=format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d"), 	## today
                    quote = c("Open","High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"),
                    method = "auto",
                    origin = "1899-12-30",
                    quiet=TRUE) {
    start <- as.POSIXct(start,tz="GMT")   # store date as POSIXct
    end <- as.POSIXct(end,tz="GMT")
    url <-                                # form URL for download
                     paste("&a=",as.character(as.numeric(format(start, "%m")) - 1),
                           "&b=%d&c=%Y", sep = "")),
                     paste("&d=", as.character(as.numeric(format(end, "%m")) - 1),
                           "&e=%d&f=%Y", sep = "")),
              "&g=", compression,
              "&q=q&y=0&z=", instrument, "&x=.csv", sep = "")
    destfile <- tempfile()                # and download to tempfile
    status <- download.file(url, destfile, method = method, quiet=quiet)
    if (status != 0) {
        stop(paste("download error, status", status))
    nlines <- length(count.fields(destfile, sep = "\n"))
    if (nlines == 1) {
        stop(paste("No data available for", instrument))
    v <- readLines(destfile)
    cl <- grep("^<!",v)                   # look for html comments
    if (length(cl))
        v <- v[-cl]                         # and invert the grep
    data <- read.csv(textConnection(v))   # load all that do not match
    data <- data[nrow(data):1,]           # and inverse order in data

    rownames(data) <- data[,"Date"]       # re-store dates as rownames
    data <- data[, quote, drop=FALSE]     # and drop unwanted columns


.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    options("getSymbols.warning4.0"=FALSE) # quantmod ...

## replacement
getData <- function(instrument = "IBM") {
    z <- quantmod::getSymbols(instrument, auto.assign=FALSE, return.class="data.frame")
    colnames(z) <- gsub(paste0(instrument, "."), "", colnames(z))
    z[, 1:5]

## compute Bollinger Bands on price and scaled volume
computeBollingerBands <- function(dat, ndays=20, nsd=2, nvol=50) {

    ## create a (normalised, but that's just candy) weight vector
    weights <- rep(1/ndays, ndays)
    ## and apply it as a one-sided moving average calculations, see help(filter)
    bbmiddle <- as.vector(filter(dat$Close, weights,
                                 method="convolution", sides=1))
    ## use var(x) = E(x^2) - E(x)^2 to compute rolling variances
    v <- filter(dat$Close^2, weights, method="convolution", sides=1) - bbmiddle^2
    ## from which we calculate rolling standard deviations the usual way
    bbsd <- as.vector(sqrt(v))

    bbupper <- bbmiddle + nsd*bbsd        # upper Bollinger band
    bblower <- bbmiddle - nsd*bbsd        # lowet Bollinger band

    ## create a (normalised, but that's just candy) weight vector for avg.vol.
    weights <- rep(1/nvol, nvol)
    ## and apply it as a one-sided moving average calculations, see help(filter)
    avgvol <- as.vector(filter(dat$Volume, weights,method="convolution", sides=1))
    scaledvol <- dat$Volume/avgvol * 100

    ## now extend the data frame with a few new columns
    D <- cbind(dat, bbmiddle, bbsd, bbupper, bblower, avgvol, scaledvol)

    D                                     # return the augmented data frame

## plot Bollinger Bars for the given Open/Low/High/Close data frame
plotBollingerBars <- function(X) {
    x <- 1:NROW(X)                        # simple index
    plot.new()                            # empty plot
    oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,4,2,4),         # no bottom spacing
                  ylog=TRUE,              # plot on log(price) axis
                  lend="square")          # square line ends

    ## set up coordinates
    plot.window(range(x), range(X[,c("Open","Low","High","Close",
    grid()                                # dashed grid

    lines(x, X$bbupper, col='red')        # Bbands: upper in red
    lines(x, X$bbmiddle, col='blue')      # Bbands: middle in blue
    lines(x, X$bblower, col='green')      # Bbands: lower in green

    ## part one: blue bars for the days intraday extension from the higher
    ## 	    of Open and Close to the High
    segments(x, apply(X[,c("Open","Close")], 1, max), x, X$High,
             col="blue", lwd=2)

    ## part two: for winning days where close is higher than open, plot
    ##	    green bars showing advance from the open to the close
    ind <- which(X$Close > X$Open)
    segments(x[ind], X[ind,"Open"], x[ind], X[ind,"Close"],
             col="green", lwd=2)

    ## part three: for losing days where close is lower than open, plot
    ##	    red bars showing retreat from the open to the close
    ind <- which(X$Close < X$Open)
    segments(x[ind], X[ind,"Open"], x[ind], X[ind,"Close"],
             col="red", lwd=2)

    ## part four: blue bars for the days intraday retreat from the lower
    ## 	    of Open and Close to the Low
    segments(x, X$Low, x, apply(X[,c("Open","Close")], 1, min),
             col="blue", lwd=2)

    ##axis(4, pos=par("usr")[1], line=0.5)  # this would plot them 'inside'
    title(ylab="log(Price)")              # y-axis label
    box()                                 # outer box


plotBollingerIndicators <- function(X) {

    bbwidth <- 100*(X$bbupper-X$bblower)/X$bbmiddle
    bbpct <- (X$Close-X$bblower)/(X$bbupper-X$bblower)

    x <- 1:NROW(X)

    oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,4,0,4))         # no top spacing

    plot(x, bbwidth, col='blue', ylab="", type='l', axes=FALSE, xaxs="i",
         ylim=c(min(0, min(bbwidth)) ,max(bbwidth)))
    abline(h=100, lty='dotted', col='blue')
    title(ylab="Bandwidth", col.lab='blue') # title the y-axis in blue too
    axis(2, col.axis='blue')              # y-axis

    par(new=TRUE)                         # add to the plot
    plot(x, bbpct, col='red', type='l', ylab="", axes=FALSE, xaxs="i")
    abline(h=c(0,1), lty='dotted', col='red')
    axis(4, col.axis='red')
    ## need mtext() to annotate 2nd y-axis as title() doesn't do it
    mtext("%b", side=4, col='red', line=3, las=0, cex=0.73)
    box()                                 # outer box


## plot volume bars
plotVolumeBars <- function(X) {
    x <- 1:NROW(X)
    ## to some trickery to scale the volume: use log to the basis of thousand
    ## to find the closest basis of thousands, but ensure we pick at least 1
    ## but also ensure that we do not pick higher than 3 (aka billions)
    volDivisor <- max(1, min(3, round(log(mean(X$Volume))/log(1e3))))
    ## for 1, 2, or 3, pick the power of thousand (for display purposes)
    volDivText <- switch(volDivisor,
    Vol <- X$Volume/1e3^volDivisor        # scale volume down

    oldpar <- par(mar=c(0,4,0,4),         # no top spacing
                  lend="square")          # square line ends

    plot.new()                            # empty plot
    plot.window(range(x), range(X$scaledvol), xaxs="i")     # set up coordinates
    grid()                                # dashed grid
    segments(x, 0, x, X$scaledvol, col="blue", lwd=1)
    abline(h=100, lty='dotted', col='red')
    title(ylab="Norm. Volume", col.lab='blue')
    axis(2, col.axis='blue')              # y-axis

    par(new=TRUE)                         # add to the plot
    plot(x, Vol, col='darkgray', type='l', ylab="", axes=FALSE, xaxs="i")
    axis(4, col.axis='darkgray')
    ## need mtext() to annotate 2nd y-axis as title() doesn't do it
    mtext(paste("Volume", volDivText),
          side=4, col='darkgray', line=3, las=0, cex=0.73)

    box()                                 # outer box
    lab.ind <- seq(1, NROW(X), length=6)
    axis(1, at=lab.ind, labels=rownames(X)[lab.ind])


#' Compute and Disply Bollinger Bands
#' This code was written in 2005 in discussion with John Bollinger, and posted for a
#' few years at the (now long gone) R Graph Gallery.
#' @param instrument A security symbold for which (public) data can be downloaded
#' @return A data.frame with results
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' BollingerBands("SPY")
#' }
BollingerBands <- function(instrument) {
    X <- getData(instrument)
    useObs <- 100                         # use this many observations
    X <- computeBollingerBands(X, 20, 2)
    X <- X[(NROW(X)-useObs):NROW(X),]     # limit to recent useObs obs.

    ## layout is a fairly user-unfriendly function for chart layout that is
    ## being replaced by grid and gridBase -- but I'm still more familiar
    ## with this one. The following says have two plots plotted in the
    ## order 1 and 2, one on top of the other, with 75% and 25% of the spave
           heights=c(0.75,0.125,0.125), widths=1)

    ## set 'global' plot parameters: horizontal y-axis labels, tighter spacing
    ## and no outer spacing
    oldpar <- par(las=1, mar=c(2,4,2,4), oma=c(2.5,0.5,1.5,0.5))
    mtext(paste(instrument, ": Bollinger Bars, Bands, Indicators and ",
                "normalized and absolute Volume", sep=""),
          3, outer=FALSE, line=1, cex=1.0, font=2)
    par(oldpar)                           # restore graphics parameters

X <- BollingerBands("IBM")
eddelbuettel/bbb documentation built on Oct. 31, 2021, 8:12 p.m.