## downloader from RSPM
.get_package_file <- function(pkg, ver) {
cachedir <- file.path(.getConfig("package_cache"), .getConfig("distribution_name"))
if (!dir.exists(cachedir)) dir.create(cachedir, recursive=TRUE)
path <- file.path(cachedir, paste0(pkg, "_", ver, ".tar.gz"))
if (!file.exists(path)) {
repo <- paste0("https://packagemanager.posit.co/all/__linux__/", .getConfig("distribution_name"), "/latest")
rv <- R.version
## agent <- sprintf("R/%s R (%s)", getRversion(), paste(getRversion(), rv$platform, rv$arch, rv$os))
rversion <- .getConfig("minimum_r_version") # e.g. "4.2.2"
agent <- sprintf("R/%s R (%s)", rversion, paste(rversion, rv$platform, rv$arch, rv$os))
options(HTTPUserAgent = agent)
download.packages(pkg, cachedir, repos = repo, quiet = TRUE)
cat(green("[downloaded] "))
} else {
cat(green("[cached] "))
## downloader from bioc
.get_source_file <- function(pkg, ver, ap, force) {
cachedir <- file.path(.getConfig("package_cache"), .getConfig("distribution_name"))
if (!dir.exists(cachedir)) dir.create(cachedir, recursive=TRUE)
path <- file.path(cachedir, paste0(pkg, "_", ver, ".tar.gz"))
if (!file.exists(path) || force) {
remotefile <- file.path(repos=ap[,Repository], paste0(pkg, "_", ver, ".tar.gz"))
download.file(remotefile, destfile=path, quiet=TRUE)
cat(green("[downloaded] "))
} else {
cat(green("[cached] "))
.filterAndMapPackage <- function(p, AP) {
if (.isBasePackage(p))
n <- match(p, AP$Package)
if (!is.finite(n)) {
cat(red("Unknown: ", p))
ap <- AP[n, ]
if (!is.na(ap$Priority) && (ap$Priority == "recommended"))
.filterAndMapBuildDepends <- function(pkg, ap) {
pkgvec <- tools::package_dependencies(pkg, db=ap, recursive=TRUE)[[1]]
res <- sapply(pkgvec, .filterAndMapPackage, ap, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
res <- Filter(Negate(function(x) x==""), res)
if (length(res) > 0) res <- sort(res)
##' Builds a package considering the repository information, dependencies and already
##' built packages.
##' The \code{buildPackage} function builds the given package. The \code{buildAll} package applies
##' to all elements in the supplied vector of packages. The \code{topN} and \code{topNCompiled} helpers
##' select \sQuote{N} among all (or all compiled) packages. The \code{nDeps} function builds packages
##' with a given (adjusted) build-dependency count. The \code{updatedPackages} function finds a set
##' of available packages that are not yet built.
##' Note that this build process is still somewhat tailored to the build setup use by the author and
##' is not (yet ?) meant to be universally transferable. It should be with a little care and possible
##' examination of the code. If interested, please get in touch.
##' @title Build a Package
##' @param pkg character Name of the CRAN or BioConductor package to build
##' @param tgt character Name (or version) of the build target distribution, this is restricted
##' to either \dQuote{20.04}, \dQuote{22.04} or \dQuote{24.04} (or their names \dQuote{focal},
##' \dQuote{jammy} or \dQuote{noble}_
##' @param debug logical Optional value to show more debugging output, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param verbose logical Optional value show more verbose progress output, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param force logical Optional value to force package build from source, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param xvfb logical Optional value to build under \code{xvfb-run}, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param suffix character Optional value to override default package version suffix of \sQuote{.1}
##' @param debver character Optional value for beginning of Debian build version,
##' default \sQuote{1.}
##' @param plusdfsg logical Optional switch whether \dQuote{+dfsg} gets appended to usptream,
##' default \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param dryrun logical Optional value to skip actual package build step, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @param compile logical Optional value to ensure compilation from source, default is \sQuote{FALSE}
##' @return Nothing as the function is invoked for the side effect of building binary packages
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
buildPackage <- function(pkg, tgt, debug=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, force=FALSE, xvfb=FALSE,
suffix=".1", debver="1.", plusdfsg=FALSE, dryrun=FALSE, compile=FALSE) {
db <- .pkgenv[["db"]]
stopifnot("db must be data.frame" = inherits(db, "data.frame"))
.loadBuilds() # need to this again once target is reflected
.addBuildDepends(tgt) # add distro-release versioned depends
.addBlacklist(tgt) # add distro-release blacklist
.addRuntimedepends(tgt) # add distro-release run-time depends
if (.isBasePackage(pkg)) return(invisible())
ind <- match(pkg, db[,Package])
ap <- .pkgenv[["ap"]]
aind <- match(pkg, ap[,Package])
if (is.na(ind) && is.na(aind)) {
if (verbose) message(paste0("Package '", pkg, "' not known to current CRAN package database."))
tgtdist <- gsub("\\.", "", .pkgenv[["distribution"]]) ## NB this will not work for Debian testing
builds <- .pkgenv[["builds"]][tgt == tgtdist,]
repo <- ap[aind, ap]
if (is.na(repo) || is.na(match(repo, c("CRAN", "Bioc")))) {
if (verbose) message("skipping ", pkg, " as unknown")
repol <- tolower(repo)
## todo: check license and all that
D <- db[ind,]
AP <- ap[aind,]
#if (debug) if (repo == "CRAN") print(D) else print(AP)
ver <- D[, Version]
aver <- AP[, Version]
## accomodate 'dash-to-dot' version change in Debian for some old 'recommended' packages
if (pkg %in% c("nlme", "foreign")) {
ver <- gsub("-", ".", ver)
aver <- gsub("-", ".", aver)
effrepo <- AP[, ap]
if (is.na(effrepo)) {
cat(pkg, "missing, skipping\n")
if (effrepo == "Bioc") ver <- aver # BioC pkgs in CRAN db so carry version over
pkgname <- paste0("r-", tolower(effrepo), "-", tolower(pkg)) # aka r-cran-namehere
cand <- paste0(pkgname, "_", ver)
if (effrepo == "CRAN" && isFALSE(ver == aver) && isFALSE(force)) {
if (verbose) cat(blue(sprintf("%-22s %-11s %-11s", pkg, ver, aver))) # start console log with pkg
if (verbose) cat("[not yet available - skipping]\n")
} else if (effrepo == "Bioc") {
if (is.finite(match(cand, builds[, pkgver])) && isFALSE(force)) { # if already built
if (verbose) {
cat(blue(sprintf("%-22s %-11s %-11s", pkg, ver, aver)))
cat(green("[already built - skipping]\n"))
return(invisible()) # exit
} else {
ver <- aver
pkgname <- paste0("r-", tolower(effrepo), "-", tolower(pkg)) # aka r-cran-namehere
cand <- paste0(pkgname, "_", ver)
if (!is.null(builds) && is.finite(match(cand, builds[, pkgver])) && isFALSE(force) && suffix==".1") {
if (verbose) cat(blue(sprintf("%-22s %-11s %-11s", pkg, aver, ver))) # start console log with pkg
if (verbose) cat(green("[already built - skipping]\n"))
## side-effect of the Breaks for R 4.3.1 and the newly built packages
if ( (pkg == "magick" && ver == "2.7.4")
||(pkg == "MALDIquant" && ver == "1.22.1")
||(pkg == "ps" && ver == "1.7.5")
||(pkg == "ragg" && ver == "1.2.5")
||(pkg == "svglite" && ver == "2.1.1")
||(pkg == "tibble" && ver == "3.2.1")) {
if (verbose) {
cat(blue(sprintf("%-22s %-11s %-11s", pkg, ver, aver)))
cat(red("[silly breaks side effect, skipping]\n"))
## so we're building one
cat(blue(sprintf("%-22s %-11s %-11s", pkg, ver, aver))) # start console log with pkg
if (is.finite(match(pkg, .pkgenv[["blacklist"]]))) {
cat(red("[blacklisted, skipping]\n"))
if (repo == "CRAN" && is.na(match(pkg, db[,Package]))) {
cat("[skipping as not in current CRAN db]\n")
cat(green(sprintf("[%4s] ", tolower(effrepo))))
file <- if (repo == "CRAN" && isFALSE(force) && isFALSE(compile)) {
cat(green("[bin] "))
.get_package_file(pkg, D[, Version]) # rspm file, possibly cached
} else {
cat(green("[src] "))
.get_source_file(AP[, Package], AP[, Version], AP, isTRUE(force) && isTRUE(compile))
build_dir <- .getConfig("build_directory")
if (!dir.exists(build_dir)) {
stop("Build directory '", build_dir, "' does not exist")
dir.create(build_dir, recursive=TRUE)
build_dir <- file.path(build_dir, .getConfig("distribution_name"))
if (!dir.exists(build_dir)) dir.create(build_dir, recursive=TRUE)
if (!dir.exists(pkg)) dir.create(pkg) # name here inside build
instdir <- file.path("debian", pkgname, "usr", "lib", "R", "site-library") # unpackaged binary
if (!dir.exists(instdir)) dir.create(instdir, recursive=TRUE)
if (repo == "CRAN" && isFALSE(force)) {
untar(file, exdir=instdir)
if (!file.exists(file.path(instdir, pkg, "Meta", "package.rds"))) {
cat("[forcing source build]\n")
buildPackage(pkg, tgt, debug, version, force=TRUE, xvfb, suffix,
debver, plusdfsg, dryrun, compile)
} else {
if (!dir.exists("src")) dir.create("src")
untar(file, exdir="src")
.writeControl(pkg, db, ap, repo)
.writeChangelog(pkg, db, ap, repo, suffix=suffix, debver=debver, plusdfsg=plusdfsg)
.writeRules(pkg, repo)
.writeCopyright(pkg, D[, License])
r2u_dir <- .getConfig("r2u_directory")
distname <- .getConfig("distribution_name")
build_container <- .getConfig("build_container")
container <- paste0(build_container, ":", distname)
deps <- if (pkg %in% names(.getConfig("builddeps"))) .getConfig("builddeps")[pkg] else ""
added_deps <- if (repo == "Bioc" || isTRUE(force)) paste(.filterAndMapBuildDepends(pkg, ap), collapse=" ") else ""
depstr <- if (nchar(deps) + nchar(added_deps) > 0) paste0("-a '", deps, " ", added_deps, "' ") else " "
if (.in.docker()) {
chkdir <- file.path(.getConfig("build_directory"), .getConfig("distribution_name"), pkg)
if (!dir.exists(chkdir)) dir.create(chkdir, recursive=TRUE)
cmd <- paste0("debBuild.sh ",
if (isTRUE(xvfb) || grepl("(tcltk|tkrplot)", depstr)) "-x " else " ",
if (repo == "Bioc") "-b " else " ",
if (repo == "Bioc" || isTRUE(force)) "-s " else " ",
"-d ", distname, " ",
} else {
cmd <- paste0("docker run --rm -ti ",
"-v ", getwd(), ":/mnt ",
"-w /mnt/build/", distname, "/", pkg, " ",
container, " debBuild.sh ",
if (isTRUE(xvfb) || grepl("(tcltk|tkrplot)", depstr)) "-x " else " ",
if (repo == "Bioc") "-b " else " ",
if (repo == "Bioc" || isTRUE(force)) "-s " else " ",
"-d ", distname, " ",
if (debug) print(cmd)
if (dryrun) {
cat(blue("[dry-run so not building]\n"))
if (verbose) cat("CMD: ", cmd, "\n")
} else {
rc <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout=!debug)
if (rc == 0) cat(green("[built]\n")) else cat(red("[error ", rc, "]\n",sep=""))
#' @rdname buildPackage
buildAll <- function(pkg, tgt, debug=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, force=FALSE, xvfb=FALSE) {
db <- .pkgenv[["db"]]
stopifnot("db must be data.frame" = inherits(db, "data.frame"))
deps <- tools::package_dependencies(pkg, db=db, recursive=TRUE)
vec <- unique(sort(c(pkg, unname(do.call(c, deps)))))
ignoredres <- sapply(vec, buildPackage, tgt, debug, verbose, force, xvfb)
.getCachedDLLogsFile <- function(date=Sys.Date() - 1) {
cachedir <- .getConfig("package_cache")
if (!dir.exists(cachedir)) dir.create(cachedir, recursive=TRUE)
cachedfile <- file.path(cachedir, strftime(date, "cranlogs-%Y-%m-%d.csv.gz"))
if (!file.exists(cachedfile)) {
url <- strftime(date, "http://cran-logs.rstudio.com/%Y/%Y-%m-%d.csv.gz")
download.file(url, cachedfile, quiet=TRUE)
#' @rdname buildPackage
#' @param npkg integer Number of packages to build
#' @param date Date Relevant date for cranlog download stats
#' @param from integer Optional applied as offset to \code{npkg} to shift the selection
topN <- function(npkg, date=Sys.Date() - 1, from=1L) {
D <- data.table::fread(.getCachedDLLogsFile(date))
D <- D[, .N, keyby=package][order(N,decreasing=TRUE)]
D[seq(from, min(from+npkg-1L, nrow(D))),package]
#' @rdname buildPackage
topNCompiled <- function(npkg, date=Sys.Date() - 1, from=1L) {
db <- .pkgenv[["db"]]
D <- data.table::fread(.getCachedDLLogsFile(date))
DN <- D[, .N, keyby=package][order(N,decreasing=TRUE)]
setnames(DN, "package", "Package")
CP <- db[NeedsCompilation != "no", Package]
DN <- DN[CP, on="Package"][order(N, decreasing=TRUE)]
DN[seq(from, min(from+npkg-1L, nrow(DN))),Package]
.deb2pkg <- function(debpkgname, verbose=FALSE) {
ap <- db <- .pkgenv[["ap"]]
pkg <- ap[deb==debpkgname,Package]
if (verbose) cat(blue("[", pkg,"] ", sep=""))
#' @rdname buildPackage
nDeps <- function(ndeps) {
db <- .pkgenv[["db"]]
db[adjdep == ndeps, Package]
#' @rdname buildPackage
nDepsRange <- function(ndepslo, ndepshi) {
db <- .pkgenv[["db"]]
db[adjdep >= ndepslo & adjdep <= ndepshi, Package]
.getUpdatedPackages <- function(tgt) {
## get available packages (which is updated on package load if older than cache age)
ap <- .pkgenv[["ap"]]
ap[, pkgver := paste(deb, Version, sep="_"), by=deb]
## update list of builds for chosen target distribution and access
bb <- .pkgenv[["builds"]]
## find new available package_version pairs (from CRAN) that not yet built (ie in bb)
newpkgs <- setdiff(ap[ap=="CRAN",pkgver], bb[,pkgver])
## get vector of packages to build
pkgs <- ap[newpkgs, Package, on="pkgver"]
## and diff against the blacklist
pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, .pkgenv[["blacklist"]])
.getUpdatedBiocPackages <- function(tgt) {
## modeled after .getUpdatedPackages above, but adjusting for the fact that
## our universe of 'relevant BioC packages' to compare to is much smaller
## get available packages (which is updated on package load if older than cache age)
ap <- .pkgenv[["ap"]]
ap <- ap[ap == "Bioc", pkgver := paste(deb, Version, sep="_"), by=deb]
ap <- ap[, pkg := tolower(Package)]
## update list of builds for chosen target distribution and access
bb <- .pkgenv[["builds"]][grepl("^r-bioc", name),]
bb <- bb[, pkg := gsub("r-bioc-(.*)_.*", "\\1", pkgver)]
ap <- ap[bb, on="pkg"]
ap <- ap[, i.pkgver := NULL]
newpkgs <- setdiff(ap[is.na(pkgver)==FALSE, pkgver], bb[, pkgver])
#pkgs <- ap[newpkgs,,on="pkgver"]
## get vector of packages to build
pkgs <- ap[newpkgs, Package, on="pkgver"]
## and diff against the blacklist
pkgs <- setdiff(pkgs, .pkgenv[["blacklist"]])
#' @rdname buildPackage
buildUpdatedPackages <- function(tgt, debug=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, force=FALSE, xvfb=FALSE, bioc=FALSE) {
pkgs <- if (bioc) .getUpdatedBiocPackages(tgt) else .getUpdatedPackages(tgt)
buildAll(pkgs, tgt, debug=debug, verbose=verbose, force=force, xvfb=xvfb)
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