.pkgenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.debug <- FALSE #TRUE
.debug_message <- function(...) if (.debug) message(..., appendLF=FALSE)
.in.docker <- function() file.exists("/.dockerenv")
.createDefaultConfiguration <- function() { # opt-in helper function not called at load
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (!dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
dir.create(pkgdir, recursive = TRUE)
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "config.dcf")
if (requireNamespace("whomai", quietly=TRUE)) {
cat("maintainer:", whoami::fullname(), paste0("<", whoami::email_address(), ">"), "\n",
file = fname, append = FALSE)
} else {
cat("maintainer: r2u builder <none@email.com>\n", file = fname, append = FALSE)
cat("debhelper_compat: 13\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("minimum_r_version: 4.4.0\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("r_api_version: 4.0\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("bioc_version: 3.20\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("debian_policy_version: 4.7.0\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("cache_age_hours_cran_db: 3\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("r2u_directory: /var/local/r2u/\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("package_cache: /var/local/r2u/cache\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("build_directory: /var/local/r2u/build\n",file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("deb_directory: /var/local/r2u/ubuntu/pool\n",file = fname, append = TRUE)
cat("build_container: eddelbuettel/r2u_build\n", file = fname, append = TRUE)
if (!dir.exists("/var/local/r2u/cache")) dir.create("/var/local/r2u/cache", recursive=TRUE)
if (!dir.exists("/var/local/r2u/build")) dir.create("/var/local/r2u/build", recursive=TRUE)
if (!dir.exists("/var/local/r2u/ubuntu/pool")) dir.create("/var/local/r2u/ubuntu/pool", recursive=TRUE)
if (.in.docker()) {
file.symlink("/var/local/r2u/cache", "/mnt")
file.symlink("/var/local/r2u/build", "/mnt")
file.symlink("/var/local/r2u/ubuntu", "/mnt")
.defaultConfigFile <- function() {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "config.dcf")
if (file.exists(fname)) {
.defaultCRANDBFile <- function(force=FALSE) {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "crandb.rds")
if (file.exists(fname) || force) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for CRAN db\n")
.defaultAPFile <- function(force=FALSE) {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "availablepackages.rds")
if (file.exists(fname) || force) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for AP\n")
.defaultBioCFile <- function(force=FALSE) {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "bioc_available_packages.rds")
if (file.exists(fname) || force) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for BioC\n")
.defaultBuildDependsFile <- function(dist = "") {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
if (dist == "") {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "depends.dcf")
} else {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, paste0("depends.", dist, ".dcf"))
if (file.exists(fname)) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for build depends")
.defaultBlacklistFile <- function(dist = "", force = FALSE) {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
if (dist == "") {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "blacklist.txt")
} else {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, paste0("blacklist.", dist, ".txt"))
if (file.exists(fname) || force) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for blacklist")
.defaultRunTimeDependsFile <- function(dist = "") {
pkgdir <- tools::R_user_dir(packageName()) # ~/.local/share/R/ + package
if (dir.exists(pkgdir)) {
if (dist == "") {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, "runtimedepends.dcf")
} else {
fname <- file.path(pkgdir, paste0("runtimedepends.", dist, ".dcf"))
if (file.exists(fname)) {
} else {
.debug_message("No package config dir for run-time depends")
.loadConfig <- function() {
if (is.na(match("config_file", names(.pkgenv)))) {
.debug_message("Reading config\n")
cfgfile <- .defaultConfigFile()
if (cfgfile != "") {
cfg <- read.dcf(cfgfile)
.pkgenv[["config_file"]] <- cfgfile
.pkgenv[["maintainer"]] <- cfg[1, "maintainer"]
.pkgenv[["debhelper_compat"]] <- cfg[1, "debhelper_compat"]
.pkgenv[["minimum_r_version"]] <- cfg[1, "minimum_r_version"]
.pkgenv[["r_api_version"]] <- cfg[1, "r_api_version"]
.pkgenv[["bioc_version"]] <- cfg[1, "bioc_version"]
.pkgenv[["debian_policy_version"]] <- cfg[1, "debian_policy_version"]
.pkgenv[["cache_age_hours_cran_db"]] <- as.integer(cfg[1, "cache_age_hours_cran_db"])
.pkgenv[["package_cache"]] <- cfg[1, "package_cache"]
.pkgenv[["r2u_directory"]] <- cfg[1, "r2u_directory"]
.pkgenv[["build_directory"]] <- cfg[1, "build_directory"]
.pkgenv[["deb_directory"]] <- cfg[1, "deb_directory"]
.pkgenv[["build_container"]] <- cfg[1, "build_container"]
} else {
.debug_message("No config file\n")
.pkgenv[["config_file"]] <- ""
.pkgenv[["bioc_version"]] <- "3.20"
## fallbacks, overriden when 'tgt' specified
.pkgenv[["distribution"]] <- "24.04"
.pkgenv[["distribution_name"]] <- "noble"
} else {
.debug_message("Already have config\n")
.checkTarget <- function(tgt) {
if (tgt == "20.04" || tgt == "focal") {
.pkgenv[["distribution"]] <- "20.04"
.pkgenv[["distribution_name"]] <- "focal"
} else if (tgt == "22.04" || tgt == "jammy") {
.pkgenv[["distribution"]] <- "22.04"
.pkgenv[["distribution_name"]] <- "jammy"
} else if (tgt == "24.04" || tgt == "noble") {
.pkgenv[["distribution"]] <- "24.04"
.pkgenv[["distribution_name"]] <- "noble"
} else {
stop("Unknown build target: ", tgt, call. = FALSE)
.checkSystem <- function() {
bins <- c("apt", "dpkg", "date", "md5sum", "sha1sum", "sha256sum")
if (isFALSE(.in.docker())) { # if not inside Docker already
bins <- c("docker", bins) # also check for docker binary
res <- Sys.which(bins)
if (any(res=="")) {
stop("Missing binaries for '", paste(names(res[res==""]), collapse=", "), "'.", call. = FALSE)
.loadDB <- function(hrs = .pkgenv[["cache_age_hours_cran_db"]]) {
if (is.na(match("db", names(.pkgenv)))) {
.debug_message("Reading db\n")
dbfile <- .defaultCRANDBFile()
db <- NULL
if (file.exists(dbfile) && !is.null(hrs)) {
age <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), file.info(dbfile)$ctime, units="hours"))
if (age < hrs) {
db <- readRDS(dbfile)
.debug_message("Cached db\n")
if (is.null(db)) {
.debug_message("Fresh db\n")
db <- data.table(as.data.frame(tools::CRAN_package_db()))
#message("Expanding CRAN database. One moment...")
p <- tools::package_dependencies(db[, Package], db=db, recursive=TRUE)
pp <- lapply(p, length)
ppp <- sapply(pp, `[`)
np <- data.table(Package=names(ppp), ndep=ppp)
db <- db[np, on="Package"]
## adjust out the base packages
baserevs <- tools::package_dependencies(.basePkgs, db=db, reverse=TRUE)
db[, adjdep := ndep]
for (br in names(baserevs)) db[Package %in% baserevs[[br]], adjdep := adjdep - 1]
dbfile <- .defaultCRANDBFile(TRUE)
if (dbfile != "") {
saveRDS(db, dbfile)
.debug_message("Written db\n")
} else {
.debug_message("Not writing db as no default dir\n")
.pkgenv[["db"]] <- data.table(as.data.frame(db))
} else {
.debug_message("Have db\n")
.adjustDB <- function() {
dbfile <- .defaultCRANDBFile()
db <- readRDS(dbfile)
.loadAP <- function(hrs = .pkgenv[["cache_age_hours_cran_db"]]) {
if (is.na(match("ap", names(.pkgenv)))) {
.debug_message("Getting ap\n")
apfile <- .defaultAPFile()
ap <- NULL
if (file.exists(apfile) && !is.null(hrs)) {
if (as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), file.info(apfile)$ctime, units="hours")) < hrs) {
ap <- readRDS(apfile)
.debug_message("Cached ap\n")
if (is.null(ap)) {
.debug_message("Fresh ap\n")
## also:
## db <- available.packages(repos = BiocManager::repositories())
## deps <- tools::package_dependencies("Rgraphviz", db, recursive=TRUE)
## cf contrib.url(BiocManager::repositories())
## [1] "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/bioc/src/contrib"
## [2] "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/data/annotation/src/contrib"
## [3] "https://bioconductor.org/packages/3.14/data/experiment/src/contrib"
biocrepo <- paste0("https://bioconductor.org/packages/", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/bioc")
apBIOC <- data.table(ap="Bioc", as.data.frame(available.packages(repos=biocrepo)))
biocdataannrepo <- paste0("https://bioconductor.org/packages/", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/data/annotation")
apBIOCdataann <- data.table(ap="Bioc", as.data.frame(available.packages(repos=biocdataannrepo)))
apBIOC <- merge(apBIOC, apBIOCdataann, all=TRUE)
biocdataexprepo <- paste0("https://bioconductor.org/packages/", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/data/experiment")
apBIOCdataexp <- data.table(ap="Bioc", as.data.frame(available.packages(repos=biocdataexprepo)))
apBIOC <- merge(apBIOC, apBIOCdataexp, all=TRUE)
## the returned set is tools::CRAN_package_db() and _not_ dependent on the distribution name
ppmrepo <- paste0("https://packagemanager.posit.co/all/__linux__/jammy/latest")
apPPM <- data.table(ap="CRAN", as.data.frame(available.packages(repos=ppmrepo)))
ap <- merge(apPPM, apBIOC, all=TRUE)
ap[, deb := paste0("r-", tolower(ap), "-", tolower(Package))]
apfile <- .defaultAPFile(TRUE)
if (apfile != "") {
saveRDS(ap, apfile)
.debug_message("Written ap\n")
} else {
.debug_message("Not writing ap as no config dir\n")
.pkgenv[["ap"]] <- data.table(as.data.frame(ap))
} else {
.debug_message("Have ap\n")
.loadBuilds <- function(tgt) {
if (missing(tgt)) tgt <- .pkgenv[["distribution_name"]]
dd <- file.path(.pkgenv[["deb_directory"]], "dists", tgt, "main")
if (isTRUE(nzchar(dd)) && dir.exists(dd)) {
cwd <- getwd()
fls <- list.files(".", pattern="\\.deb$", full.names=FALSE)
n1 <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(fls)
n2 <- gsub("-\\d+.ca(20|22|24)04.\\d+_(all|amd64)$", "", n1)
n3 <- gsub(".*-\\d+.ca(\\d{4}).\\d+_.*", "\\1", n1)
B <- data.table(name=fls, pkgver=n2, file.info(fls), tgt=n3)
.pkgenv[["builds"]] <- B
} else {
.pkgenv[["builds"]] <- NULL
.loadBuildDepends <- function() {
depfile <- .defaultBuildDependsFile()
if (depfile == "") {
.pkgenv[["builddeps"]] <- character()
} else {
deps <- read.dcf(depfile)
.pkgenv[["builddeps"]] <- deps[1,,drop=TRUE]
.addBuildDepends <- function(dist) {
depfile <- .defaultBuildDependsFile(dist)
if (depfile != "") {
deps <- read.dcf(depfile)
.pkgenv[["builddeps"]] <- c(.pkgenv[["builddeps"]], deps[1,,drop=TRUE])
.loadBlacklist <- function() {
blacklistfile <- .defaultBlacklistFile()
if (blacklistfile == "") {
.pkgenv[["blacklist"]] <- character()
} else {
skipped <- Filter(\(x) !grepl("^#", x), readLines(blacklistfile))
.pkgenv[["blacklist"]] <- skipped
.addBlacklist <- function(dist) {
blacklistfile <- .defaultBlacklistFile(dist)
if (blacklistfile != "") {
skipped <- Filter(\(x) !grepl("^#", x), readLines(blacklistfile))
.pkgenv[["blacklist"]] <- c(.pkgenv[["blacklist"]], skipped)
.loadRuntimedepends <- function() {
runtimedepsfile <- .defaultRunTimeDependsFile()
if (runtimedepsfile == "") {
.pkgenv[["runtimedeps"]] <- character()
} else {
skipped <- Filter(\(x) !grepl("^#", x), readLines(runtimedepsfile))
.pkgenv[["runtimedeps"]] <- skipped
.addRuntimedepends <- function(dist) {
runtimedepsfile <- .defaultRunTimeDependsFile(dist)
if (runtimedepsfile != "") {
skipped <- Filter(\(x) !grepl("^#", x), readLines(runtimedepsfile))
.pkgenv[["runtimedeps"]] <- c(.pkgenv[["runtimedeps"]], skipped)
.setOptions <- function() {
options(timeout = 180) # up from default of 60
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
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