
#' @title Parse Ocean Optics SpectraSuite "text with header"
#' @description Given the path to a folder of Ocean Optics SpectraSuite "text with header" files, ending in \code{'*.txt'}, this function will parse all files returning a \pkg{hyperSpec} object that includes the spectra and metadata
#' @details At present only "text with header" format is supported, however further formats maybe added.
#' @param files A specific file path or list of file paths. Default is select all text files in working directory \code{'*.txt'}
#' @param label A list of form \code{list(parameter=expression(parameter))}. Default is to label the parameter as "DN (counts)"
#' @return A \pkg{hyperSpec} object including a matrix of spectra, metadata extracted from the spectra headers and file information
#' @examples
#' # set path to data files
#' file.path <- system.file("extdata", package = "FASTSpectra")
#' # parse spectra into hyperSpec object
#' dn <- read.txt.OceanOptics(files=paste0(file.path,"/*.txt"))
#' summary(dn)
#' @export
read.txt.OceanOptics <- function (
  files = "*.txt"
  , label = list (spc = "DN (counts)")
  ## set some defaults
  long <- list (files = files, label = label)
  label <- modifyList (list (.wavelength = expression (lambda~(nm))),label)
  files <- Sys.glob(files)
  # check and return empty object if no files found
  if (length (files) == 0){
    warning ("No files found.")
    return (new ("hyperSpec"))
  # assumes modified time is collection time: FIXME change to header timestamp
  #mtime <- as.POSIXct(file.info(files)$mtime, tz="GMT")
  #mtime <- format(mtime, tz="GMT", usetz=TRUE)
  ## read the first file
  # extract metadata
  header <- yaml::yaml.load(
    paste(readLines(files [1], n=14)[3:14], collapse ="\n")
  # extract spectral data
  buffer <- matrix (scan (files [1], skip=17, nlines=2048), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  # first column gives the wavelength vector
  wavelength <- buffer[, 1]
  ## preallocate the metadata array
  # one row per file x as many columns as the first file has
  meta <- as.data.frame(header, stringsAsFactors = F)
  ## preallocate the spectra matrix:
  # one row per file x as many columns as the first file has
  spc <- matrix (ncol = nrow (buffer), nrow = length (files))
  # the first file's data goes into the first row
  spc [1, ] <- buffer[, 2]
  # now read the remaining files
  for (f in seq (along = files)[-1]) {
    header <- yaml::yaml.load(paste(readLines(files [f], n=14)[3:14], collapse ="\n"))
    buffer <- matrix (scan (files [f], skip=17, nlines=2048), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    ## check whether they have the same wavelength axis
    if (! all.equal (buffer [, 1], wavelength))
      stop (paste(files [f], "has different wavelength axis."))
    meta[f, ] <- as.data.frame(header, stringsAsFactors = F)
    spc [f, ] <- buffer[, 2]
  # add the file info to header metadata
  data <- data.frame (file = basename(files), stringsAsFactors = F)
  data <- cbind(data, meta)
  ## make the hyperSpec object
  out <- new ("hyperSpec"
              , wavelength = wavelength
              , spc = spc
              , data = data
              , label = label
       # log feature is currently not used
       #,log = list (short = short, long = long, user = user, date = date)
  # format (meta)data
  parse.timestamp <- function(timestamp){
    tims <- stringr::str_split_fixed(timestamp, " ", n=6)
    tms <- data.frame(tz = tims[,c(5)]
                      , timestamp=apply(tims[,c(6,2,3,4)],1,paste, collapse=" ")
                      , stringsAsFactors = F)
    # deal with 'summer time' changes
    tz <- unique(tms[,"tz"])
      tms1 <- tms[which(tms$tz==tz[1]),]
      tms2 <- tms[which(tms$tz==tz[2]),]
      out1 <- lubridate::parse_date_time(tms1[,"timestamp"]
                                        ,"%y %b %d %H:%M:%S"
                                        , locale ="en_GB.utf8"
                                        , tz =unique(tms1[,"tz"])
      out2 <- lubridate::parse_date_time(tms2[,"timestamp"]
                                         ,"%y %b %d %H:%M:%S"
                                         , locale ="en_GB.utf8"
                                         , tz =unique(tms2[,"tz"])
      out <- c(out1, out2)
    } else {
      out <- lubridate::parse_date_time(tms[,"timestamp"],"%y %b %d %H:%M:%S"
                                        , locale ="en_GB.utf8"
                                        , tz =unique(tms[,"tz"])
  out@data$timestamp <- parse.timestamp(out@data$Date)
  out@data$file <- as.character(out@data$file)
  # fix some names
  nam <- names(out@data)
  nam[9] <- "Integration.Time.usec"
  names(out@data) <- nam
  out@data$Integration.Time.usec <- as.numeric(
          out@data$Integration.Time.usec,split = " ")
        ), ncol=2, byrow = T
  # return the object
edwardpmorris/FASTSpectra documentation built on May 15, 2019, 11:03 p.m.