
Defines functions print.addtree addtree_path_to_rules preorderTree.addtree predict.addtree likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat likelihoodMediboostSplitNode addtree

Documented in predict.addtree print.addtree

# addtree.R
# ::rtemis::
# G. Valdes (MATLAB), E.D. Gennatas (R) www.lambdamd.org

#' Additive Tree training preocedure
#' Trains a binary decision tree classifier using the Additive Tree
#' Outcome must be factor with two levels, the first level is the 'positive'
#' class
#' lambda = gamma/(1 - gamma)
#' @param x Matrix / Data frame of features
#' @param y Integer {-1, 1}: Vector of binary outcomes
#' @param catPredictors Optional: Logical vector indicating categorical features
#' @param depthLimit Integer: Maximum depth of tree to grow
#' @param learning.rate learning rate for the Newton Raphson step that updates
#' the function values of the node for `update = "exponential"`
#' @param gamma Float (0, 1): Acceleration factor
#' @param update Character: "Exponential" or "Polynomial"
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to output
#' @author E.D. Gennatas (R),
#' Gilmer Valdes, Jose Marcio Luna Castaneda (original MATLAB)
#' @references Valdes Gilmer, Luna Jose, Eaton Eric, Ungar Lyle, Simone Charles
#' and Solberg Timothy. MediBoost: a Patient Stratification Tool for
#' Interpretable Decision Making in the Era of Precision Medicine.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

addtree <- function(x, y,
                    catPredictors = NULL,
                    depthLimit = 8,
                    learning.rate = 1,
                    gamma = 0,
                    update = "exponential",
                    min.update = ifelse(update == "polynomial", 10, 1000),
                    weights = NULL,
                    autoweights = FALSE,
                    min.hessian = .01,
                    min.membership = 0,
                    steps.past.min.membership = 2,
                    rpart.params = NULL,
                    save.rpart = FALSE,
                    verbose = TRUE,
                    trace = 1) {
  # Arguments ----
  if (is.null(catPredictors)) catPredictors <- lapply(x, class) == "factor"

  # Data ----
  y0 <- y
  # replace prepare_data
  dt <- prepare_data(x, y, NULL, NULL)
  if (dt$type == "Classification") {
    if (length(levels(y)) > 2) stop("Only binary classification supported")
    levels(y) <- c(1, -1)
    y <- as.numeric(as.character(y))

  # Weights ----
  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != length(y0)) {
      stop("weights must be length equal to N cases")
  if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep(1, NROW(y0))
  # autoweighted is deprecated as we use ifw by default
  if (autoweights) {
    # Overrides user-supplied weights
    # Account for imbalanced classes
    freq <- table(y0)
    weights[y0 == levels(y0)[1]] <- max(freq) / freq[levels(y0)[1]]
    weights[y0 == levels(y0)[2]] <- max(freq) / freq[levels(y0)[2]]
    weights <- weights / max(weights)
  # root.prob <- min(freq)/max(freq)

  # vector: Initial probabilities
  probability <- weights / NROW(y)

  # scalar: Initial node value
  nodeValue <- log(1 + probability %*% y) - log(1 - probability %*% y)

  # vector: Initial observations
  # obsValues <- rep(1, NROW(y)) * c(log(1 + probability %*% y) - log(1 - probability %*% y))
  obsValues <- rep(nodeValue, NROW(y))

  # min.mem.counter: Count steps past min.membership
  min.mem.counter <- 0

  # Split node ----
  membership <- rep(TRUE, length(y))

  # Recursive function to build tree
  tree <- likelihoodMediboostSplitNode(x, y,
    weights = weights,
    colIdx = seq_len(NCOL(x)),
    depth = 0,
    min.mem.counter = min.mem.counter,
    hessian = Inf,
    verbose = ifelse(trace < 2, FALSE, TRUE)

  # Output ----
  tree$y <- y0
  tree$yfreq <- table(y0)
  class(tree) <- c("addtree", "list")
} # rtemis::addtree

#  inputs:
#   x               -   N x D matrix of N examples with D features
#   y               -   N x 1 vector of labels with values in {-1,1}
#   xRange          -   cell array containing the range of values for each feature
#   weights         -   Double variable that stores the weight of each
#                       observation for each node
#   catPredictors   -   Logical vector with the same length as the feature
#                       vector, where a true entry means that the corresponding column of x is
#                       a categorical variable
#   obsValues       -   Double vector containing the current observations
#   nodeValue       -   the default value of the node if y is empty
#   colIdx          -   the indices of features (columns) under consideration
#   depth           -   current depth of the tree
#   depthLimit      -   maximum depth of the tree
#   learning.rate    -   learning rate for the Newton Raphson step that
#                       updates the function values of the node
#   lambda          -   acceleration factor
# Returns a linked hierarchy of structs with the following fields:
#   node.terminal               -   Logical variable that indicates whether or not this
#                                   node is a terminal (leaf) node
#   node.fIdx, node.cutPoint    -   variables used to carry out the feature
#   node.cutCategory                based tests associated with this node.
#                                   If the features are continuous then the
#                                   test is (is x(fIdx) > cutPoint?) if
#                                   the features are categorical the test is
#                                   (is x(fIdx) in cutCategory{2}?)
#   node.weights                -   Double variable that stores the weight of each
#                                   observation for each node
#   node.obsValues              -   Double variable that stores the current
#                                   observations in the node
#   node.value                  -   Double variable that stores the summation of all
#                                   weights of the parent nodes and the current node
#   node.left                   -   Struct of the child node on left branch (f <= value)
#   node.right                  -   Struct of the child node on right branch (f > value)
#   node.maxig                  -   Double variable containing the information gain
#                                   associated with this node

#' \pkg{rtemis} internal: likelihoodMediboostSplitNode
#' Recursive function that returns a node structure under the MediBoost paradigm
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

likelihoodMediboostSplitNode <- function(x, y,
                                         min.update = ifelse(update == "exponential", 1000, 10),
                                         verbose = TRUE) {
  # Intro ----
  if (verbose) msg2("Depth =", depth)

  # Initialize node
  node <- list(
    terminal = TRUE,
    fIdx = NULL,
    cutPoint = NULL,
    cutCategory = NULL,
    weights = weights,
    obsValues = obsValues,
    value = nodeValue,
    left = NULL,
    right = NULL,
    membership = membership,
    depth = depth

  # Choose feature; split checks ----
  if (sum(membership) <= min.membership) {
    min.mem.counter <- min.mem.counter + 1
  if (verbose) {
      "sign(node$value) is", sign(node$value),
      "sign(y %*% node$weights) is", sign(y %*% node$weights),
      "node$value is", node$value,
      "depth is", depth,
      "sum(membership) is", sum(membership),
      "min.mem.counter is", min.mem.counter
  if ((sign(node$value) != sign(y %*% node$weights) ||
         depth < depthLimit) &&
        !is.infinite(node$value) &&
        hessian >= min.hessian &&
        sum(membership) >= min.membership &&
        min.mem.counter <= steps.past.min.membership) {
    # if (verbose) msg2("sign(node$value) is", sign(node$value), "sign(y %*% node$weights) is",
    #                  sign(y %*% node$weights), "node$value is", node$value,
    #                  "and Depth is", depth)
    # Indicating that the structure is not a leaf
    node$terminal <- FALSE

    # Choose a feature to split on using regression of the first derivative of the loss function.
    nodefeat <- likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat(x, y,
      funcValue = node$obsValues,
      weights = node$weights,
      verbose = verbose
    node$fIdx <- nodefeat$fIdx
    node$cutPoint <- nodefeat$cutPoint
    node$cutCategory <- nodefeat$cutCategory
    # node$tree <- if (save.rpart) nodefeat$tree else NA # each ~ 1.7MB; can add up a LOT
    if (save.rpart) {
      node$tree <- nodefeat$tree
    } else {
      node$tree <- list(frame = nodefeat$tree$frame)
    node$membership <- membership
    # cutCategory contains all levels of categorical var that should go Left
    if (length(node$cutPoint) > 0 && !is.na(node$cutPoint) ||
          length(node$cutCategory) > 0 && !is.na(node$cutCategory)) {
          # The node is not terminal
          node$terminal <- FALSE

      # Split the data based on this feature
      if (length(node$cutPoint) > 0) {
        leftIdx <- x[, node$fIdx] < node$cutPoint
        rightIdx <- x[, node$fIdx] >= node$cutPoint
      } else {
        leftIdx <- is.element(x[, node$fIdx], node$cutCategory)
        rightIdx <- !is.element(x[, node$fIdx], node$cutCategory)

      # Assign new memberships
      membershipRight <- membership & rightIdx
      membershipLeft <- membership & leftIdx

      # Calculate the observations, weights and node coefficients
      # Calculate left weights and outputs
      leftY <- y[leftIdx]
      leftWeight <- weights[leftIdx]
      # Calculate right weights and outputs
      rightY <- y[rightIdx]
      rightWeight <- weights[rightIdx]

      # Calculate the current value of the function for right and left node
      # Vector, length < y
      funcValueLeft <- node$obsValues[leftIdx]
      funcValueRight <- node$obsValues[rightIdx]

      # Compute the coefficients of the left child node
      # Vector, length < y
      firstDerLeft <- -2 * leftY / (1 + exp(2 * leftY * funcValueLeft))
      # Remove NaNs (from when there are no cases in node)
      firstDerLeft[is.na(firstDerLeft)] <- 0
      # Scalar
      weightedFirstDerLeft <- c(leftWeight %*% firstDerLeft)
      # Vector
      secDerLeft <- abs(firstDerLeft) * (2 - abs(firstDerLeft))
      # Scalar
      weightedSecDerLeft <- c(leftWeight %*% secDerLeft)

      # Update nodeValueLeft ----
      if (weightedFirstDerLeft == 0) {
        nodeValueLeft <- 0
      } else if (weightedSecDerLeft == 0) {
        # nodeValueLeft <- c(sign(y[leftIdx] %*% leftWeight) * Inf)
        nodeValueLeft <- -sign(weightedFirstDerLeft) * Inf
      } else {
        updateVal <- learning.rate * sign((weightedFirstDerLeft)) *
          min(min.update, abs(weightedFirstDerLeft / weightedSecDerLeft))
        nodeValueLeft <- c(node$value - updateVal) # scalar

      # Protect from taking too big a step: ensure step is always smaller than optimal
      # Using exp(log(a)-log(b)) = a/b to avoid singularity errors in
      # the gradient step when the weights approach zero
      # nodeValueLeft <- node$value - Re(exp(log(learning.rate * (weightedFirstDerLeft)) - log(weightedSecDerLeft)))
      # observValuesLeft <- funcValueLeft - Re(exp(log(learning.rate * (weightedFirstDerLeft)) - log(weightedSecDerLeft)))

      # vector, length < y
      observValuesLeft <- funcValueLeft - nodeValueLeft

      # Compute the coefficients for the right child node
      firstDerRight <- -2 * rightY / (1 + exp(2 * rightY * funcValueRight))
      firstDerRight[is.na(firstDerRight)] <- 0
      secDerRight <- abs(firstDerRight) * (2 - abs(firstDerRight))
      weightedFirstDerRight <- c(rightWeight %*% firstDerRight) # delta 09.18
      weightedSecDerRight <- c(rightWeight %*% secDerRight)

      # Update nodeValueRight ----
      if (weightedFirstDerRight == 0) {
        nodeValueRight <- 0
      } else if (weightedSecDerRight == 0) {
        # nodeValueRight <- c(sign(y[rightIdx] %*% rightWeight) * Inf)
        nodeValueRight <- -sign(weightedFirstDerRight) * Inf
      } else {
        # 12.31.2017 add learning.rate
        updateVal <- learning.rate * sign(weightedFirstDerRight) *
          min(min.update, abs(weightedFirstDerRight / weightedSecDerRight))
        nodeValueRight <- c(node$value - updateVal) # scalar

      if (verbose) {
        msg2("weightedFirstDerLeft = ", weightedFirstDerLeft, "; weightedFirstDerRight = ",
          sep = ""
        msg2("weightedSecDerLeft = ", weightedSecDerLeft, "; weightedSecDerRight = ",
          sep = ""
        msg2("nodeValueLeft = ", nodeValueLeft, "; nodeValueRight = ", nodeValueRight, sep = "")

      # Using exp(log(a)-log(b)) = a/b to avoid singularity errors in
      # the gradient step when the weights approach zero
      observValuesRight <- funcValueRight - nodeValueRight

      # Update the observation values at this depth
      newObservValue <- node$obsValues
      newObservValue[leftIdx] <- observValuesLeft
      newObservValue[rightIdx] <- observValuesRight

      # Indicator function that assigns 1 to the samples in the left
      # branch and gamma to the remaining ones

      # Update Weights ----
      if (update == "polynomial") {
        # Polynomial
        leftRule <- y
        leftRule[leftIdx] <- 1
        leftRule[rightIdx] <- gamma

        # Assign 1 to the samples in the right branch and gamma to the remaining
        rightRule <- y
        rightRule[rightIdx] <- 1
        rightRule[leftIdx] <- gamma

        # Update the weights
        leftWeights <- node$weights * leftRule
        rightWeights <- node$weights * rightRule
      } else {
        # Exponential
        leftRule <- y
        leftRule[leftIdx] <- 1
        leftRule[rightIdx] <- -1

        # Assign 1 to the samples in the right branch and -1 to the remaining
        rightRule <- y
        rightRule[leftIdx] <- -1
        rightRule[rightIdx] <- 1

        # Update the weights
        lambda <- gamma / (1 - gamma)
        if (!is.infinite(lambda)) {
          leftWeights <- node$weights * (exp((leftRule - 1) * lambda / 2) /
            (exp((leftRule - 1) * lambda / 2) + exp((rightRule - 1) * lambda / 2)))
          rightWeights <- node$weights * (exp((rightRule - 1) * lambda / 2) /
            (exp((leftRule - 1) * lambda / 2) + exp((rightRule - 1) * lambda / 2)))
        } else {
          leftWeights <- rightWeights <- node$weights
      } # / update

      # Normalize the new weights to the total sum of weights
      leftWeights <- leftWeights / sum(leftWeights)
      rightWeights <- rightWeights / sum(rightWeights)

      # L&R SPLIT ----
      # Create the right and left terminal nodes
      node$right <- likelihoodMediboostSplitNode(x, y,
        weights = rightWeights,
        obsValues = newObservValue,
        nodeValue = nodeValueRight,
        colIdx = seq_len(NCOL(x)),
        depth = depth + 1,
        membership = membershipRight,
        min.membership = min.membership,
        steps.past.min.membership = steps.past.min.membership,
        min.mem.counter = min.mem.counter,
        update = update,
        min.update = min.update,
        hessian = weightedSecDerRight,
        min.hessian = min.hessian,
        save.rpart = save.rpart,
        verbose = verbose
      node$left <- likelihoodMediboostSplitNode(x, y,
        weights = leftWeights,
        obsValues = newObservValue,
        nodeValue = nodeValueLeft,
        colIdx = seq_len(NCOL(x)),
        depth = depth + 1,
        membership = membershipLeft,
        min.membership = min.membership,
        steps.past.min.membership = steps.past.min.membership,
        min.mem.counter = min.mem.counter,
        update = update,
        min.update = min.update,
        hessian = weightedSecDerLeft,
        min.hessian = min.hessian,
        save.rpart = save.rpart,
        verbose = verbose
    } else {
      node$terminal <- TRUE
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      if (depth == depthLimit) msg2("Reached max depth")
      msg2("Total members = ", sum(membership))
      if (is.infinite(node$value)) {
        msg2("Node value is", ifelse(sign(node$value) == 1, "positive", "negative"), "infinity")
      if (hessian < min.hessian) {
        msg2("hessian = ", hessian, " (min.hessian = ", min.hessian, ")",
          sep = ""
      if (min.mem.counter > steps.past.min.membership) msg2("Reached max steps past min.membership")
} # rtemis::likelihoodMediboostSplitNode

# likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat - Selects a feature with maximum information
# gain and provides the decision values and column index for the chosen
# feature
# Usage:
# [fIdx,cutPoint,cutCategory] = likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat(x, y, catPredictors, funcValue, weights, colIdx)
#  inputs:
#   x               -   N x D matrix of N examples with D features
#   y               -   N x 1 vector of labels with values in {-1,1}
#   catPredictors   -   Logical vector with the same length as the feature
#                       vector, where a true entry means that the corresponding column of x is
#                       a categorical variable
#   funcValue       -   function of observation values
#   weights         -   distributions of observatios
#   colIdx          -   the indices of features (columns) under consideration
#  outputs:
#   fIdx            -   index of the feature with maximum information gain
#   cutPoint        -   decision value of feature with maximum information gain
#   cutCategory     -   decision value of category with maximum information gain
#   likelihoodmediboostdrawtree, likelihoodmediboostprunetree, likelihoodmediboosttrain, likelihoodmediboostvalue

# {M} function [fIdx,cutPoint,cutCategory] = likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat(x,y,catPredictors,funcValue,weights,colIdx)

#' \pkg{rtemis} internal: likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat
#' Selects a feature with maximum information gain and provides the decision values
#' and column index for the chosen feature
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat <- function(x, y,
                                          rpart.params = NULL,
                                          verbose = TRUE) {
  # Initialize variables
  cutPoint <- cutCategory <- NULL

  # Compute current Score
  firstDer <- -2 * y / (1 + exp(2 * y * funcValue))

  # Choose the split using rpart and check if the split was on a continuous or
  # categorical variable
  y <- -firstDer
  x1 <- x[, colIdx]
  df <- data.frame(y, x1)

  # rpart ----
  tree <- rpart::rpart(y ~ .,
    data = df,
    weights = weights,
    control = rpart::rpart.control(
      maxdepth = 1,
      minsplit = 1,
      minbucket = 1,
      maxsurrogate = 0,
      cp = 0,
      xval = 0
    parms = rpart.params

  # Get the split feature
  cutFeatName <- rownames(tree$splits)[1]
  if (!is.null(cutFeatName)) {
    fIdx <- which(names(x) == cutFeatName)

    if (is.numeric(x[[cutFeatName]])) {
      cutPoint <- tree$splits[1, "index"]
      if (verbose) {
        msg2("Split Feature is \"", cutFeatName, "\"; Cut Point = ", cutPoint,
          sep = ""
    } else {
      cutCategory <- levels(x[[cutFeatName]])[which(tree$csplit[1, ] == 1)]
      if (verbose) {
        msg2("Split Feature is \"", cutFeatName, "\"; Cut Category is \"", cutCategory,
          sep = ""
  } else {
    fIdx <- cutPoint <- cutCategory

  # OUT ----
    fIdx = fIdx,
    cutPoint = cutPoint,
    cutCategory = cutCategory,
    tree = tree
} # rtemis::likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat

# LIKELIHOODMEDIBOOSTVALUE - Get the value of the decision tree given an input of
# features. For more information see:
# VALDES Gilmer, LUNA Jose, EATON Eric, UNGAR Lyle, SIMONE Charles
# and SOLBERG Timothy. MediBoost: a Patient Stratification Tool for
# Interpretable Decision Making in the Era of Precision Medicine. Under
# Review. 2016.
#  inputs:
#   tree    -   binary decision tree classifier built under
#               the Mediboost paradigm
#   x       -   N x D matrix of N examples with D features
#  output:
#   yPred   -   Logical prediction of a binary classifier using the
#               Mediboost paradigm
#   likelihoodMediboostChooseFeat, likelihoodmediboostdrawtree, likelihoodmediboostprunetree, likelihoodmediboosttrain

#' Predict Method for MediBoost Model
#' Obtains predictions from a trained MediBoost model
#' @param object A trained model of class `"addtree"`
#' @param newdata Optional: a matrix / data.frame of features with which to predict
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to output
#' @param ... Not used
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

predict.addtree <- function(object, newdata, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  tree <- object
  n.samples <- NROW(newdata)
  yPred <- rep(NA, n.samples)

  if (verbose) msg2("tree$fIdx is", tree$fIdx)

  for (i in seq_len(n.samples)) {
    # Start at root
    node <- tree
    x_i <- newdata[i, ]
    while (!is.null(node) && !node$terminal) {
      if (!is.null(node$cutPoint)) {
        if (x_i[node$fIdx] < node$cutPoint && !is.null(node$left)) {
          node <- node$left
          if (verbose) msg2("node$fIdx is ", node$fIdx, " and node$cutPoint is", node$cutPoint, "and path is left")
        } else if (!is.null(node$right) && !is.null(node$right)) {
          node <- node$right
          if (verbose) msg2("node$fIdx is ", node$fIdx, " and node$cutPoint is", node$cutPoint, "and path is right")
        } else {
      } else {
        if (is.element(x_i[, node$fIdx], node$cutCategory) && !is.null(node$left)) {
          node <- node$left
          if (verbose) msg2("node$fIdx is ", node$fIdx, " and node$cutCategory is", node$cutCategory, "and path is left")
        } else if (!is.null(node$right)) {
          node <- node$right
          if (verbose) msg2("node$fIdx is ", node$fIdx, " and node$cutCategory is", node$cutCategory, "and path is right")
        } else {
    # Calculate the prediction
    if (verbose) msg2("node$value is", node$value)
    yPred[i] <- sign(node$value)
    if (yPred[i] == 0) yPred[i] <- c(1, -1)[which.max(object$yfreq)]
  yPred <- factor(yPred, levels = c(1, -1))
  levels(yPred) <- levels(object$y)
} # rtemis::predict.addtree

#' `rtemis-internal` Traverse AddTree tree by preorder
#' Recursively Traverses AddTree tree by preorder function and builds data
#' frame representation
#' @param rt rt Object from [s_AddTree]
#' @param x Features
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, print messages to stdout
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

# preorder + Include Rules ----
# Traverse AddTree tree
preorderTree.addtree <- function(rt, x, verbose = FALSE) {
  varnames <- rt$xnames
  tree <- rt$mod

  # Recursive preorder function ----
  preorder <- function(node, out = data.frame(), n = 1,
                       left = "left", right = "right",
                       condition = "All cases",
                       rule = "All cases",
                       verbose = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(node)) {
    name <- if (node$terminal) "<leaf>" else varnames[node$fIdx]
    row <- data.frame(n,
      Condition = condition,
      Path = rule,
      SplitVar = name,
      N = sum(node$membership),
      Value = node$value,
      EstimateInt = if (node$value == 0) c(1, -1)[which.max(rt$mod$yfreq)] else sign(node$value),
      Depth = node$depth, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    out <- rbind(out, row)
    if (verbose) print(out)
    conditionLeft <- if (length(node$cutPoint) > 0) {
      paste(name, "<", node$cutPoint)
    } else {
      paste0(name, " = ", '{"', paste(node$cutCategory, collapse = '", "'), '"}')
    ruleLeft <- paste0(c(rule, conditionLeft), collapse = "/")
    out <- preorder(node[[left]], out, n * 2, left, right,
      condition = conditionLeft,
      rule = ruleLeft,

    conditionRight <- if (length(node$cutPoint) > 0) {
      paste(name, ">=", node$cutPoint)
    } else {
      compLevels <- setdiff(levels(x[[name]]), node$cutCategory)
      paste0(name, " = ", '{"', paste(compLevels, collapse = '", "'), '"}')
    ruleRight <- paste0(c(rule, conditionRight), collapse = "/")
    out <- preorder(node[[right]], out, n * 2 + 1, left, right,
      condition = conditionRight,
      rule = ruleRight,
  } # recursive fn

  # PREORDER ----
  frame <- preorder(tree)
  frame$Estimate <- factor(frame$EstimateInt, levels = c(1, -1))
  levels(frame$Estimate) <- levels(rt$y.train)
} # rtemis::preorderTree.addtree

addtree_path_to_rules <- function(x) {
  x[1] <- TRUE
  x <- gsub("All cases/", "", x)
  x <- gsub(" = ", " %in% ", x)
  x <- gsub("/", " & ", x) # && does not always work with data.table as of 12.12.2017
  x <- gsub("\\{", "c(", x)
  x <- gsub("\\}", ")", x)
} # rtemis::addtree_path_to_rules

#' Print method for `addtree` object created using [s_AddTree]
#' @method print addtree
#' @param x `rtMod` object created using [s_AddTree]
#' @param ... Not used
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export

print.addtree <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "addtree")) stop("Please supply addtree model")

  frame <- x$frame
  frame$prefix <- sapply(frame$Depth, function(d) {
    paste(rep("  ", d), collapse = "")
  n.nodes <- NROW(frame)
  n.leaves <- sum(frame$SplitVar == "<leaf>")
  depth <- max(frame$Depth)
    "AddTree with", n.nodes, "nodes total,",
    n.leaves, "leaves, and max depth of", depth
  cat("Index [Condition] N| Value| Estimate| Depth (* leaf node)\n\n")
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(frame))) {
        sprintf("%3s", frame$n[i]), " ",
        frame$prefix[i], "[", frame$Condition[i], "] ",
        frame$N[i], "| ",
        ddSci(frame$Value[i]), "| ",
        frame$Estimate[i], "| ",
      ifelse(frame$SplitVar[i] == "<leaf>", " *", ""), "\n",
      sep = ""
} # rtemis::print.addtree
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.