
Defines functions mplot3_conf

Documented in mplot3_conf

# mplot3_conf
# ::rtemis::
# E.D. Gennatas rtemis.org

#' Plot confusion matrix
#' Plots confusion matrix and classification metrics
#' This function uses its multiple cex args instead of the theme's `cex` parameter
#' @param object Either a classification `rtMod`, or a table/matrix/data.frame confusion matrix
#' where rows are the reference classes and columns are the predicted classes.
#' @param main Character: Plot title.
#' @param xlab Character: x-axis label.
#' @param ylab Character: y-axis label.
#' @param plot.metrics Logical: If TRUE, draw classification metrics next to confusion 
#' matrix.
#' @param mod.name Character: Name of the algorithm used to make predictions. If NULL,
#'  will look for `object$mod.name`. 
#' @param oma Numeric, vector, length 4: Outer margins. 
#' @param dim.main Numeric: Height for title.
#' @param dim.lab Numeric: Height for labels.
#' @param dim.in Numeric: Height/Width for confusion matrix cells.
#' @param dim.out Numeric: Height for metrics cells. Default = -1, which autoadjusts 
#' depending on number of output classes.
#' @param font.in Integer: The `font` parameter for confusion matrix cells.
#' @param font.out Integer: The `font` parameter for metrics cells.
#' @param cex.main Numeric: The `cex` parameter for the main title.
#' @param cex.in Numeric: The `cex` parameter for confusion matrix cells.
#' @param cex.lab Numeric: The `cex` parameter for first line of label cells.
#' @param cex.lab2 Numeric: The `cex` parameter for second line of label cells.
#' @param cex.lab3 Numeric: The `cex` parameter for classification metrics.
#' @param cex.out Numeric: The `cex` parameter for metrics cells.
#' @param col.main Color for title. Default = "auto", determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.lab Color for labels. Default = "auto", determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.text.out Color for metrics cells' text. Default = "auto", 
#' determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.bg Color for background. Default = "auto", determined by 
#' `theme`.
#' @param col.bg.out1 Color for metrics cells' background (row1). 
#' Default = "auto", determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.bg.out2 Color for metrics cells' background (row2). 
#' Default = "auto", determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.text.hi Color for high confusion matrix values. Default = "auto", 
#' determined by `theme`.
#' @param col.text.lo Color for low confusion matrix values. Default = "auto", 
#' determined by `theme`.
#' @param show.ba Logical: If TRUE, show Balanced Accuracy at bottom right corner.
#' @param theme Character: "light", or "dark". Set to 
#' `options("rt.theme")`, if set, otherwise "light"
#' @param mid.col Color: The mid color for the confusion matrix. 
#' Default = "auto", determined by `theme`.
#' @param hi.color.pos Color: The hi color for correct classification. 
#' @param hi.color.neg Color: The hi color for missclassification.
#' @param autolabel Character vector to be used to generate autolabels when using
#' [rtlayout] with `autolabel = TRUE`.
#' @param par.reset Logical: If TRUE, reset par before exit.
#' @param pdf.width Numeric: PDF width, if `filename` is set.
#' @param pdf.height Numeric: PDF height, if `filename` is set.
#' @param filename Character: If specified, save plot to this path.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to `theme`.
#' @return List of metrics, invisibly
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' true <- c("alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "beta", "beta", "beta", "beta")
#' predicted <- c("alpha", "alpha", "alpha", "beta", "beta", "alpha", "alpha", "beta")
#' mplot3_conf(table(predicted, true))
#' }

mplot3_conf <- function(object,
                        main = "auto",
                        xlab = "Reference",
                        ylab = "Predicted",
                        plot.metrics = TRUE,
                        mod.name = NULL,
                        oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
                        dim.main = NULL,
                        dim.lab = 1,
                        dim.in = 4,
                        dim.out = -1,
                        font.in = 2,
                        font.out = 1,
                        cex.main = 1.2,
                        cex.in = 1.2,
                        cex.lab = 1.2,
                        cex.lab2 = 1.2,
                        cex.lab3 = 1,
                        cex.out = 1,
                        col.main = "auto",
                        col.lab = "auto",
                        col.text.out = "auto",
                        col.bg = "auto",
                        col.bg.out1 = "auto",
                        col.bg.out2 = "auto",
                        col.text.hi = "auto",
                        col.text.lo = "auto",
                        show.ba = TRUE,
                        theme = getOption("rt.theme", "white"),
                        mid.col = "auto",
                        hi.color.pos = "#18A3AC",
                        hi.color.neg = "#C23A70", # "#F48024"
                        autolabel = letters,
                        par.reset = TRUE,
                        pdf.width = 7,
                        pdf.height = 7,
                        filename = NULL, ...) {

  # Data ----
  .test <- NULL
  if (inherits(object, "rtMod")) {
    .test <- length(object$error.test) > 0
    tbl <- if (.test) object$error.test$ConfusionMatrix else object$error.train$ConfusionMatrix
    if (is.null(mod.name)) mod.name <- object$mod.name
  } else if (inherits(object, "class_error")) {
    tbl <- object$ConfusionMatrix
  } else if (inherits(object, "confusionMatrix")) {
    tbl <- object$table
  } else {
    tbl <- object
  n.classes <- ncol(tbl)

  if (!is.null(mod.name) && !is.null(main) && main == "auto") {
    main <- paste(mod.name)
    if (!is.null(.test)) main <- if (.test) paste(main, "(Testing)") else paste(main, "(Training)")
  } else {
    if (!is.null(main) && main == "auto") main <- NULL

  # Theme ----
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (is.character(theme)) {
    theme <- do.call(paste0("theme_", theme), extraargs)
  } else {
    # Override with extra arguments
    for (i in seq(extraargs)) {
      theme[[names(extraargs)[i]]] <- extraargs[[i]]
  if (col.bg == "auto") col.bg <- theme$bg
  mean.bg <- mean(col2rgb(col.bg))
  if (col.lab == "auto") {
    col.lab <- ifelse(mean.bg < 127, "gray75", "gray25")
  if (mid.col == "auto") mid.col <- theme$bg
  if (col.text.hi == "auto") col.text.hi <- "white"
  if (col.text.lo == "auto") {
    col.text.lo <- ifelse(mean.bg < 127, "white", "gray50")
  if (col.bg.out1 == "auto") {
    col.bg.out1 <- ifelse(mean.bg < 127, "gray15", "gray90")
  if (col.bg.out2 == "auto") {
    col.bg.out2 <- ifelse(mean.bg < 127, "gray10", "gray95")
  if (col.text.out == "auto") {
    col.text.out <- ifelse(mean.bg < 127, "gray70", "gray30")
  # consider multiplying all custom cex vals with theme$cex

  # File out ----
  if (!is.null(filename)) if (!dir.exists(dirname(filename))) dir.create(dirname(filename), recursive = TRUE)

  color.pos <- colorRampPalette(c(mid.col, hi.color.pos))(100)
  color.neg <- colorRampPalette(c(mid.col, hi.color.neg))(100)
  class.labels <- colnames(tbl)
  # n.classes <-  length(class.labels)
  if (dim.out == -1) dim.out <- if (n.classes == 2) 1.2 else 1

  # metrics ----
  class.totals <- rowSums(tbl)
  predicted.totals <- colSums(tbl)
  total <- sum(tbl)
  hits <- diag(tbl)
  misses <- class.totals - hits
  class.sensitivity <- hits / class.totals
  condition.negative <- total - class.totals
  true.negative <- total - predicted.totals - (class.totals - hits)
  class.specificity <- true.negative / condition.negative
  class.balancedAccuracy <- .5 * (class.sensitivity + class.specificity)
  # PPV = true positive / predicted condition positive
  class.ppv <- hits / predicted.totals
  # NPV  = true negative / predicted condition negative
  class.npv <- true.negative / (total - predicted.totals)

  if (!is.null(filename)) grDevices::pdf(filename, width = pdf.width, height = pdf.height,
                                         title = "rtemis Graphics")

  # Par ----
  if (!is.null(rtenv$rtpar)) {
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg = col.bg, pty = "s")
  } else {
    par.orig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    if (par.reset) on.exit(suppressWarnings(par(par.orig)))
    # par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg = col.bg, oma = oma)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), bg = col.bg, pty = "s", oma = oma)
  par(family = theme$font.family)

  # Plot ----
  if (!is.null(main)) {
    if (is.null(dim.main)) dim.main <- length(strsplit(main, "\\\n")[[1]])
  } else {
    dim.main <- 0
  widths <- c(rep(dim.lab, 2),
              rep(dim.in, n.classes),
              rep(dim.out, ifelse(n.classes > 2, 2, 1)))
  heights <- rev(c(rep(dim.lab, ifelse(is.null(main), 2, 3)),
                   rep(dim.in, n.classes),
                   rep(dim.out, ifelse(n.classes > 2, 2, 1))))

  leftpad <- 2 * dim.lab
  bottompad <- ifelse(n.classes > 2, 2, 1) * dim.out
  width <- leftpad + n.classes * dim.in + ifelse(n.classes == 2, 1, 2) * dim.out
  height <- bottompad + 2 * dim.lab + n.classes * dim.in + dim.main

  plot(NULL, NULL,
       xlim = c(0, width),
       ylim = c(0, height),
       axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE,
       xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")

  # "Predicted"
  # y: middle of confusion matrix
  text(x = widths[1] / 2,
       y = bottompad + n.classes / 2 * dim.in,
       labels = ylab, col = col.lab, cex = cex.lab, srt = 90,
       adj = c(.5, .5), font = 2)

  # Predicted classes
  text(x = widths[1] + widths[2] / 2,
       y = bottompad + dim.in / 2 + c(seq(n.classes) - 1) * dim.in,
       labels = rev(class.labels),
       adj = c(.5, .5),
       srt = 90, cex = cex.lab2, col = col.lab)

  # "Reference"
  text(x = leftpad + n.classes / 2 * dim.in,
       y = bottompad + n.classes * dim.in + 1.5 * dim.lab,
       labels = xlab, col = col.lab, cex = cex.lab,
       adj = c(.5, .5), font = 2)
  # Reference classes
  text(x = sum(widths[1:2]) + dim.in / 2 + c(seq(n.classes) - 1) * dim.in,
       bottompad + n.classes * dim.in + .5 * dim.lab,
       labels = class.labels,
       adj = c(.5, .5),
       cex = cex.lab2, col = col.lab)

  # '- Confusion matrix ----
  for (i in seq_len(n.classes)) {
    for (j in seq_len(n.classes)) {
      frac <- tbl[j, i] / class.totals[i]
      if (i == j) {
        col <- color.pos[round(frac * 100)]
      } else {
        col <- color.neg[round(frac * 100)]
      # {xi, yj}: top-left starting point
      xi <- leftpad + (i - 1) * dim.in
      yj <- bottompad + (n.classes + 1 - j) * dim.in
      polygon(x = c(xi, rep(xi + dim.in, 2), xi),
              y = c(rep(yj, 2),
                    rep((yj - dim.in), 2)),
              col = col, border = NA)
      # N in each cell
      text(x = xi + .5 * dim.in,
           y = yj - .5 * dim.in,
           labels = tbl[j, i],
           cex = cex.in, font = font.in,
           col = ifelse(frac >= .5, col.text.hi, col.text.lo))


  # '- Metrics ----
  if (plot.metrics) {
    if (n.classes == 2) {
      # 2 classes
      # PPV & NPV
      polygon(x = c(leftpad, rep(leftpad + dim.in, 2), leftpad),
              y = c(rep(dim.out, 2), rep(0, 2)),
              border = NA, col = col.bg.out1)
      polygon(x = c(leftpad + dim.in, rep(leftpad + 2 * dim.in, 2), leftpad + dim.in),
              y = c(rep(dim.out, 2), rep(0, 2)),
              border = NA, col = col.bg.out2)
      text(x = leftpad + c(.5, 1.5) * dim.in,
           y = .5 * dim.out,
           labels = c(paste("PPV\n", ddSci(class.ppv[1])),
                      paste("NPV\n", ddSci(class.npv[1]))),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)

      # Sensitivity & Specificity
      xright <- leftpad + 2 * dim.in
      polygon(x = c(xright, rep(xright + dim.out, 2), xright),
              y = c(rep(dim.out + 2 * dim.in, 2), rep(dim.out + dim.in, 2)),
              border = NA, col = col.bg.out1)
      polygon(x = c(xright, rep(xright + dim.out, 2), xright),
              y = c(rep(dim.out + dim.in, 2), rep(dim.out, 2)),
              border = NA, col = col.bg.out2)
      text(x = xright + .5 * dim.out,
           y = dim.out + c(.5, 1.5) * dim.in,
           labels = c(paste("Specificity\n", ddSci(class.specificity[1])),
                      paste("Sensitivity\n", ddSci(class.sensitivity[1]))),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out,
           srt = 90, font = font.out)
    } else {
      # 3+ classes
      # "PPV", "NPV"
      text(x = dim.lab,
           y = c(1.5, .5) * dim.out,
           labels = c("PPV", "NPV"),
           adj = c(.5, .5),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.lab3)
      polygon(x = c(leftpad, rep(leftpad + n.classes * dim.in, 2), leftpad),
              y = c(rep(2 * dim.out, 2), rep(dim.out, 2)),
              col = col.bg.out1, border = NA)
      polygon(x = c(leftpad, rep(leftpad + n.classes * dim.in, 2), leftpad),
              y = c(rep(dim.out, 2), rep(0, 2)),
              col = col.bg.out2, border = NA)
      # Sensitivity values
      text(x = leftpad + c(seq(n.classes) - .5) * dim.in,
           y = 1.5 * dim.out,
           labels = ddSci(class.ppv),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)
      # Specificity values
      text(x = leftpad + c(seq(n.classes) - .5) * dim.in,
           y = .5 * dim.out,
           labels = ddSci(class.npv),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)

      # "Sens.", "Spec."
      text(x = leftpad + n.classes * dim.in + c(.5, 1.5) * dim.out,
           y = bottompad + n.classes * dim.in + dim.lab,
           labels = c("Sens.", "Spec."),
           adj = c(.5, .5), xpd = TRUE,
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.lab3, srt = 90)
      xstart <- leftpad + n.classes * dim.in
      ystart <- bottompad + n.classes * dim.in
      polygon(x = c(xstart, rep(xstart + dim.out, 2), xstart),
              y = c(rep(ystart, 2), rep(ystart - n.classes * dim.in, 2)),
              col = col.bg.out1, border = NA)
      # PPV values
      text(x = xstart + .5 * dim.out,
           y = rev(bottompad + c(seq_len(n.classes) - .5) * dim.in),
           labels = ddSci(class.sensitivity),
           srt = 90, adj = c(.5, .5),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)
      # NPV values
      xstart <- leftpad + n.classes * dim.in + dim.out
      polygon(x = c(xstart, rep(xstart + dim.out, 2), xstart),
              y = c(rep(ystart, 2), rep(ystart - n.classes * dim.in, 2)),
              col = col.bg.out2, border = NA)
      text(x = xstart + .5 * dim.out,
           y = bottompad + c(seq_len(n.classes) - .5) * dim.in,
           labels = ddSci(rev(class.specificity)),
           srt = 90, adj = c(.5, .5),
           col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)

  # Balanced Accuracy
  if (show.ba) {
    text(x = width - .5 * bottompad,
         y = .5 * bottompad,
         labels = paste0("BA\n", ddSci(mean(class.sensitivity))),
         # srt = 45,
         adj = c(.5, .5),
         col = col.text.out,
         cex = cex.out, font = font.out)
  # plot(0, 0, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), axes = FALSE, col = col.bg.out2, cex = 50, pch = 15)
  # text(0, 0, paste("Balanced\nAccuracy\n=", ddSci(balanced.accuracy)), srt = 45,
  #      col = col.text.out, cex = cex.out, font = font.out)

  # '- Main ----
  if (!is.null(rtenv$autolabel)) {
    autolab <- autolabel[rtenv$autolabel]
    main <- paste(autolab, main)
    rtenv$autolabel <- rtenv$autolabel + 1

  if (length(main) > 0) {
    text(x = leftpad,
         y = height - .5 * dim.main,
         labels = main, font = theme$main.font,
         cex = cex.main,
         col = theme$main.col, adj = 0, xpd = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(filename)) grDevices::dev.off()

  # Return ----
  invisible(list(confusion.matrix = tbl,
                 n.classes = n.classes,
                 class.totals = class.totals,
                 predicted.totals = predicted.totals,
                 total = total,
                 hits = hits,
                 misses = misses,
                 class.sensitivity = class.sensitivity,
                 condition.negative = condition.negative,
                 true.negative = true.negative,
                 class.specificity = class.specificity,
                 class.balancedAccuracy = class.balancedAccuracy,
                 class.ppv = class.ppv,
                 class.npv = class.npv,
                 main = main,
                 heights = heights,
                 widths = widths))
} # rtemis::mplot3_conf
egenn/rtemis documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 4:13 p.m.