
# testthat for gg_vimp function
context("gg_vimp tests")

test_that("gg_vimp classifications", {
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_iris, package="ggRandomForests")

  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_iris, "rfsrc")

  # Test the forest family
  expect_equal(rfsrc_iris$family, "class")

  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris)

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")

  # Test varselect is the same
  #expect_equivalent(select(gg_dta$varselect, -names), rfsrc_iris$importance)

  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

  # Grab only one class... by number.
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome=2)

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  # Grab only one class... by number - for the overall model.
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome=0)

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  # Grab only one class... by name - for the overall model.
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome="all")

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  # Grab only one class... by name - for the overall model.
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome="setosa")

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

  # Grab only one class... by name - that doesn't exist.
  expect_error(gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome="nothing special"))

  # Grab only one class... by number - that doesn't exist.
  expect_error(gg_vimp(rfsrc_iris, which.outcome=200))

  ## Single class/
  iris2 <- iris
  iris2$spec <- factor(as.character(iris2$Species) == "setosa")
  iris2 <- iris2[,-which(colnames(iris2) == "Species")]

  rf <- rfsrc(spec~., iris2, importance=TRUE)

  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rf)

  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")

  # Test passing in the wrong object


test_that("gg_vimp survival",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_pbc, package="ggRandomForests")

  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_pbc, "rfsrc")

  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_pbc)

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")

  # Test varselect is the same
  expect_equal(gg_dta$vimp, as.vector(sort(rfsrc_pbc$importance, decreasing=TRUE)))

  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta, nvar=5)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

  expect_is(plot(gg_dta, relative=TRUE), "ggplot")

  # Test cutting the size down
  expect_is(gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_pbc, nvar=10), "gg_vimp")
  expect_equal(nrow(gg_dta), 10)
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta), "ggplot")

  # Test the relative vimp output and plotting
  expect_is(gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_pbc, relative=TRUE), "gg_vimp")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta), "ggplot")

  expect_is(gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_pbc, nvar=10, relative=TRUE), "gg_vimp")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta), "ggplot")

  # Test importance calculations.
  # If the forest does not have importance
  rfsrc_pbc$importance <- NULL
  expect_warning(gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_pbc))
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")
  expect_is(plot(gg_dta), "ggplot")


test_that("gg_vimp regression",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_Boston, package="ggRandomForests")

  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_Boston, "rfsrc")

  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_vimp(rfsrc_Boston)

  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_vimp")

  # Test varselect is the same
  expect_equal(gg_dta$vimp, as.vector(sort(rfsrc_Boston$importance, decreasing=TRUE)))

  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot(gg_dta, relative=TRUE)

  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

  data(Boston, package="MASS")

  cls <- sapply(Boston, class)
  lbls <-
    c("Crime rate by town.",
      # zn
      "Proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.",
      # indus
      "Proportion of non-retail business acres per town.",
      # chas
      "Charles River (tract bounds river).",
      # nox
      "Nitrogen oxides concentration (10 ppm).",
      # rm
      "Number of rooms per dwelling.",
      # age
      "Proportion of units built prior to 1940.",
      # dis
      "Distances to Boston employment center.",
      # rad
      "Accessibility to highways.",
      # tax
      "Property-tax rate per $10,000.",
      # ptratio
      "Pupil-teacher ratio by town.",
      # black
      "Proportion of blacks by town.",
      # lstat
      "Lower status of the population (percent).",
      # medv
      "Median value of homes ($1000s).")

  # Build a table for data description
  dta.labs <- data.frame(cbind(Variable=names(cls), Description=lbls, type=cls))

  # Build a named vector for labeling figures later/
  st.labs <- as.character(dta.labs$Description)
  names(st.labs) <- names(cls)

  ## Test plotting the rfsrc object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_vimp(rfsrc_Boston, lbls=st.labs, relative=TRUE,
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

ehrlinger/ggRFVignette documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.