# == title
# Class for a list of heatmaps
# == details
# The `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` is inherited from `ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapList-class`.
# == methods
# The `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` provides following methods:
# - `draw,EnrichedHeatmapList-method`: draw a list of heatmaps.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
EnrichedHeatmapList = setClass("EnrichedHeatmapList",
slots = getClass("HeatmapList")@slots,
contains = "HeatmapList")
# == title
# Constructor method for EnrichedHeatmapList class
# == param
# -... arguments
# == details
# There is no public constructor method for the `EnrichedHeatmapList-class`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # no example
EnrichedHeatmapList = function(...) {
new("EnrichedHeatmapList", ...)
# == title
# Add heatmaps or row annotations to a heatmap list
# == param
# -x an `EnrichedHeatmap-class` object, a `Heatmap-class` object, a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object or a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# -y an `EnrichedHeatmap-class` object, a `Heatmap-class` object, a `HeatmapAnnotation-class` object or a `HeatmapList-class` object.
# == detail
# It overwrites ``+.AdditiveUnit`` in the ComplexHeatmap package.
# == value
# A `ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapList-class` object or an `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` object
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # users should not use it directly
"+.AdditiveUnit" = function(x, y) {
if(inherits(x, "EnrichedHeatmap") ||
inherits(x, "EnrichedHeatmapList") ||
inherits(y, "EnrichedHeatmap") ||
inherits(y, "EnrichedHeatmapList")) {
# should return a `EnrichedHeatmapList` object
if(is.null(x)) {
ht_list = new("HeatmapList")
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, y)
} else if(is.null(y)) {
ht_list = new("HeatmapList")
ht_list = add_heatmap(ht_list, x)
} else {
ht_list = add_heatmap(x, y)
changeClassName(ht_list, "EnrichedHeatmapList")
} else {
ComplexHeatmap::`+.AdditiveUnit`(x, y)
# == title
# Draw a list of heatmaps with default parameters
# == param
# -object an `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` object.
# == details
# Actually it calls `draw,EnrichedHeatmapList-method`, but only with default parameters. If users want to customize the heatmap,
# they can pass parameters directly to `draw,EnrichedHeatmapList-method`.
# == value
# An `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` object.
# == example
# # see documentation of EnrichedHeatmap
setMethod(f = "show",
signature = "EnrichedHeatmapList",
definition = function(object) {
# re-define `draw` for HeatmapList
# == title
# Draw a list of heatmaps
# == param
# -object an `EnrichedHeatmapList-class` object
# -padding padding of the plot. The four values correspond to bottom, left, top, right paddings.
# -newpage whether to create a new page
# -... pass to `ComplexHeatmap::make_layout,HeatmapList-method` or `ComplexHeatmap::draw,HeatmapList-method`
# == detail
# It calls `ComplexHeatmap::draw,HeatmapList-method` to make the plot but with some adjustment
# specificly for enriched heatmaps.
# == value
# An `EnrichedHeatmapList` object
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# # see documentation of EnrichedHeatmap
setMethod(f = "draw",
signature = "EnrichedHeatmapList",
definition = function(object, padding = unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2), "mm"),
newpage= TRUE, ...) {
if(newpage) {
object = make_layout(object, ...)
# which heatmap are EnrichedHeatmap
Enriched_heatmap_index = which(sapply(object@ht_list, function(ht) {
inherits(ht, "EnrichedHeatmap")
max_axis_height = max(do.call("unit.c", lapply(object@ht_list[Enriched_heatmap_index], function(ht) {
normal_heatmap_index = which(sapply(object@ht_list, function(ht) {
inherits(ht, "Heatmap") & !inherits(ht, "EnrichedHeatmap")
if(length(normal_heatmap_index) == 0) {
# if all heatmaps are Enriched heatmaps, the just put the
# axis in the bottom colnames component
for(i in Enriched_heatmap_index) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
# change the size of bottom_annotation
ht@layout$layout_column_names_bottom_height = max_axis_height
ht@layout$layout_index = rbind(ht@layout$layout_index, c(6, 4))
ht@layout$graphic_fun_list = c(ht@layout$graphic_fun_list, function(ht) ht@heatmap_param$axis_fun())
object@ht_list[[i]] = ht
} else {
i = normal_heatmap_index[1]
# bottom_height are all fixed length
bottom_height = sum(component_height(object@ht_list[[i]], 6:9)) # column_names, annotation, dendrogram and title
# assume nothing is allowed to plotted below the Enriched heatmap
if(compare_height(bottom_height, max_axis_height) == -1) {
for(i in normal_heatmap_index) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
ht@layout$layout_column_title_bottom_height = ht@layout$layout_column_title_bottom_height + max_axis_height - bottom_height
object@ht_list[[i]] = ht
# axis is in the bottom colnames component
for(i in Enriched_heatmap_index) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
ht@layout$layout_index = rbind(ht@layout$layout_index, c(6, 4))
ht@layout$graphic_fun_list = c(ht@layout$graphic_fun_list, function(ht) {
pushViewport(viewport(name = paste0(ht@name, "_axis"), y = unit(1, "npc"),
height = ht@heatmap_param$axis_height, just = "top"))
object@ht_list[[i]] = ht
object = selectMethod("draw", "HeatmapList")(object, padding = padding, newpage = FALSE, ...)
changeClassName(object, "EnrichedHeatmapList")
# add borders and pos lines
for(i in Enriched_heatmap_index) {
ht = object@ht_list[[i]]
heatmap_name = ht@name
upstream_index = attr(ht@matrix, "upstream_index")
downstream_index = attr(ht@matrix, "downstream_index")
target_index = attr(ht@matrix, "target_index")
n1 = length(upstream_index)
n2 = length(target_index)
n3 = length(downstream_index)
n = n1 + n2 + n3
for(k in seq_along(ht@row_order_list)) {
if(ht@heatmap_param$border) {
decorate_heatmap_body(heatmap_name, {
grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = "black", fill = NA))
}, slice = k)
if(ht@heatmap_param$pos_line) {
decorate_heatmap_body(heatmap_name, {
if(n1 && n2 && n3) {
grid.lines(rep((n1+0.5)/n, 2), c(0, 1), gp = ht@heatmap_param$pos_line_gp)
grid.lines(rep((n1+n2-0.5)/n, 2), c(0, 1), gp = ht@heatmap_param$pos_line_gp)
} else if(n1 && !n2 && n3) {
grid.lines(rep((n1+0.5)/n, 2), c(0, 1), gp = ht@heatmap_param$pos_line_gp)
} else if(!n1 && n2 && n3) {
grid.lines(rep((n1+n2-0.5)/n, 2), c(0, 1), gp = ht@heatmap_param$pos_line_gp)
} else if(n1 && n2 && !n3) {
grid.lines(rep((n1+0.5)/n, 2), c(0, 1), gp = ht@heatmap_param$pos_line_gp)
}, slice = k)
# == title
# Extarct enrichment annotation graphic as a separate plot
# == param
# -ht_list the heatmap list returned by `draw,EnrichedHeatmapList-method`
# -which the index of enriched heamtap in the heatmap list. The value can be an integer index or a character index
# -newpage whether call `grid::grid.newpage` to create a new page
# == details
# The extracted plot is exactly the same as the one on the heatmap.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
extract_anno_enriched = function(ht_list, which = NULL, newpage = TRUE) {
if(!inherits(ht_list, "EnrichedHeatmapList")) {
stop("`ht_list` should be returned by `draw()` function.")
if(!ht_list@layout$initialized) {
stop("`ht_list` should be returned by `draw()` function.")
if(newpage) grid.newpage()
if(is.null(which)) which = which(sapply(ht_list@ht_list, inherits, "EnrichedHeatmap"))[1]
object = ht_list@ht_list[[which]]
column_title = object@column_title
title_height = 2*grobHeight(textGrob(column_title))
axis_height = object@heatmap_param$axis_height
# viewprot for title
pushViewport(viewport(y = 1, width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "mm"), height = title_height, just = "top"))
# viewport the enriched lines
pushViewport(viewport(y = axis_height, width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "mm"), height = unit(1, "npc") - axis_height - title_height, just = "bottom"))
x = calc_minor_ticks(object@matrix)
if(length(x)) {
grid.segments(x, 0, x, 1, gp = gpar(col = "#CCCCCC", lty = 2))
f = ht_list@ht_list[[which]]@top_annotation@anno_list[[1]]@fun
f1 = function() f(seq_len(ncol(object@matrix)))
f2 = function() f1()
f3 = function() f2()
f4 = function() f3()
f5 = function() f4()
# viewport for axis
pushViewport(viewport(y = 0, width = unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "mm"), height = axis_height, just = "bottom"))
calc_minor_ticks = function(mat, n = 20) {
mat_attr = attributes(mat)
pos = NULL
if(mat_attr$target_is_single_point) {
breaks = pretty(c(-mat_attr$extend[1], mat_attr$extend[2]), n = n)
w = breaks[2] - breaks[1]
breaks = breaks[breaks + mat_attr$extend[1] > 0.01*w & mat_attr$extend[2] - breaks > 0.01*w]
breaks = breaks[abs(breaks) > 0.01*w]
if(length(breaks)) {
pos = (breaks + mat_attr$extend[1])/sum(mat_attr$extend)
} else {
upstream_ratio = length(mat_attr$upstream_index)/ncol(mat)
downstream_ratio = length(mat_attr$downstream_index)/ncol(mat)
ratio = c(upstream_ratio, downstream_ratio)
i = which.max(mat_attr$extend)
breaks = pretty(c(0, mat_attr$extend[i]), n = round(n*ratio[i]))
w = breaks[2] - breaks[1]
# upstream
x = seq(-mat_attr$extend[1], 0, by = w)
x = x[x + mat_attr$extend[1] > 0.01*w & -x > 0.01*w]
if(length(x)) {
x = (x + mat_attr$extend[1])/mat_attr$extend[1] * upstream_ratio
pos = c(pos, x)
# downstream
x = seq(0, mat_attr$extend[2], by = w)
x = x[x > 1e-6 & mat_attr$extend[2]- x > 0.01*w]
if(length(x)) {
x = x/mat_attr$extend[2] * downstream_ratio + (1 - downstream_ratio)
pos = c(pos, x)
# target
if(length(mat_attr$target_index)) {
target_ratio = 1 - upstream_ratio - downstream_ratio
n_breaks = round(target_ratio*n)
if(n_breaks >= 2) {
x = seq(upstream_ratio, upstream_ratio + target_ratio, length.out = n_breaks)
w = x[2] - x[1]
x = x[x - upstream_ratio > 0.01*w & upstream_ratio + target_ratio - x > 0.01*w]
pos = c(pos, x)
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