
#' @title read_lowestoft_file
#' @description The code is inpired by the
#' \href{https://github.com/flr/FLCore/blob/master/R/io.VPAsuite.R}{FLCore::readVPAFile} function.
#' The difference is that it is not dependent on the FLCore, including the S4-methods.
#' @export
#' @param file name of file, normally the index file name
#' @param sep the separator, default is ""
#' @param quiet boolean, default is TRUE

read_lowestoft_file <- function(file, sep = "", quiet = TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(file)){
    if(quiet==TRUE) stop()
    if(quiet!=TRUE) stop(paste("VPA index file", file, "does not exist"))
  switch (as.character(file.access(file)),
          "0" = info <- read.table(file, colClasses = "character",
                                   header = FALSE, fill = TRUE, skip = 1,
                                   nrows = 4, sep = sep, comment.char='#'),
          "-1" = info <- matrix(rep("0", 8), nrow = 4, ncol = 2))
  misc <- info[1, 1]
  type <- info[1, 2]
  dfor <- info[4, 1]
  # Switch for file type (dfor; e.g. matrix, scalar, vector)
         "1" = {range <- scan(file, 
                              skip = 2, 
                              nlines = 2, 
                              sep = sep, 
                ages <- range[3:4]
                nages <- ages[2] - ages[1] + 1
                yrs <- range[1:2]
                nyrs <- yrs[2] - yrs[1] + 1
                dms <- list(year=as.character(yrs[1]:yrs[2]),age=as.character(ages[1]:ages[2]))
                       "1" = a. <- matrix(scan(file,
                                          dimnames= dms)[1:nyrs, 1:nages],
                       "2" = a. <- matrix(rep(scan(file,
                                                   skip = 5,
                                                   sep = sep,
                                                   quiet=quiet)[1:nages], nyrs), 
                                          ncol = nages,
                                          nrow = nyrs,
                                          dimnames = dms),
                       "3" = a. <- matrix(rep(scan(file, 
                                                   skip = 5, 
                                                   sep = sep,
                                                   quiet=quiet)[1], nyrs * nages),
                                          ncol = nages,
                                          nrow = nyrs,
                                          dimnames = dms),
                       "5" = {
                         dms <- list(year=as.character(yrs[1]:yrs[2]))
                         a. <- matrix(t(read.table(file = file, 
                                                   skip = 5,
                                                   nrows = nyrs, 
                                                   sep = sep)[,1]), 
                                      ncol = 1, 
                                      nrow = nyrs,
                                      dimnames = dms)
                #needed to go from int to double
                #a. <- as.numeric(a.)
         "0" = cat("Invalid file. Cannot read file:-", file, "\n"),
         if(quiet != TRUE) cat("Tuning file", file, "not read", "\n")


#' @title read_lowestoft2
#' @description Modified \href{https://github.com/flr/FLCore/blob/master/R/io.VPAsuite.R}{FLCore::readVPA} 
#' function in the FLCore-package, except here it only returns a list or a data.frame
#' @export
#' @param file name of file, normally the index file name
#' @param sep the separator, default is ""
#' @param quiet boolean, default is TRUE

read_lowestoft2 <- function(file, sep = "", quiet=TRUE) {
  if (!file.exists(file)){
    if(quiet==TRUE) stop()
    if(quiet!=TRUE) stop(paste("VPA index file", file, "does not exist"))
  dir <- dirname(file)
  files. <- scan(file, what = "character", skip = 2, sep = sep, quiet=quiet)
  for(i in seq(length(files.)))
    if (!grepl(dir,files.[i]))
      files.[i] <- file.path(dir, files.[i], fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
  range1 <- scan(files.[1], skip = 2, nlines = 1, sep = sep, quiet=quiet)
  range2 <- scan(files.[1], skip = 3, nlines = 1, sep = sep, quiet=quiet)
  range <- c(range1[1:2],range2[1:2])
  ages <- range[3:4]
  yrs <- range[1:2]
  #FLStock. <- FLStock(catch.n=FLQuant(NA, dimnames = list(age = ages[1]:ages[2], year = yrs[1]:yrs[2], unit = "unique", season = "all", area = "unique")))
  res <- list()
  for (i in files.) {
    if (!file.exists(i)){
      if(quiet != TRUE) cat("File ", i, "does not exist", "\n")
    if (file.exists(i)) {
      a. <- read_lowestoft_file(i, sep=sep, quiet=quiet)
      switch(as.character(scan(i, skip = 1, nlines = 1, sep = sep, comment.char='#', quiet=TRUE)[2]),
             "1" = res$landings <-a.,
             "2" = res$landings.n <-a.,
             "3" = res$landings.wt <-a.,
             "4" = res$stock.wt <-a.,
             "5" = res$m <-a.,
             "6" = res$mat <-a.,
             "7" = res$harvest.spwn<-a.,
             "8" = res$m.spwn <-a.,
             "21"= res$discards <-a.,
             "22"= res$discards.n <-a.,
             "23"= res$discards.wt <-a.,
             "24"= res$catch <-a.,
             "25"= res$catch.n <-a.,
             "26"= res$catch.wt <-a.,
             "27"= res$harvest <-a.,
             "28"= res$stock.n <-a. )
  # change names to rvk-standard
  # pending
  res$range <- c(min = ages[1], max = ages[2],
                      plusgroup = ages[2], minyear = yrs[1], maxyear = yrs[2])
  res$desc <- paste("Imported from a VPA file (",
                         file, "). ", date(), sep="")
  res$name <- scan(file, nlines = 1, what = character(0),
                        sep = "\n", quiet=TRUE)
  # Landings
  bya <- reshape2::melt(res$landings.n,value.name = "oL")
  # Catch  
  if(is.null(res$catch.n)) {
    bya$oC <- bya$oL
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$catch.n,value.name="oC")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # Discards
  if(is.null(res$discards.n)) {
    bya$oD <- 0
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$discards.n,value.name="oD")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # Landings weight
  x <- reshape2::melt(res$landings.wt,value.name="lW")
  bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # Catch weigths  
  if(is.null(res$catch.wt)) {
    bya$cW <- bya$lW
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$catch.wt,value.name="cW")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # Discard weights
  if(is.null(res$discards.wt)) {
    bya$dW <- 0
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$discards.wt,value.name="dW")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # SSB weights
  if(is.null(res$stock.wt)) {
    bya$ssbW <- bya$catch.wt
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$stock.wt,value.name="ssbW")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # Maturity
  if(is.null(res$mat)) {
    bya$mat <- NA
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$mat,value.name="mat")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # M
  if(is.null(res$m)) {
    bya$m <- NA
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$m,value.name="m")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # pF
  if(is.null(res$harvest.spwn)) {
    bya$pF <- NA
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$harvest.spwn,value.name="pF")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # pM
  if(is.null(res$m.spwn)) {
    bya$pM <- NA
  } else {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$m.spwn,value.name="pM")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # fishing mortality
  # Problem here is that res$harvest.spwn gets tested
  #if(!is.null(res$harvest)) {
  #  x <- reshape2::melt(res$harvest,value.name="f")
  #  bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  # stock in numbers
  if(!is.null(res$stock.n)) {
    x <- reshape2::melt(res$stock.n,value.name="n")
    bya <- plyr::join(bya,x,by=c("year","age"))
  bya <- bya[order(bya$year),]
  res$bya <- bya
einarhjorleifsson/fishvise documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:26 a.m.