
#' @title Read in sam output to FLSAM object
#' @description XXXX
#' @note The function code is base on .../MSE/R_code/utils/SAM2FLR.R
#' @param run.dir
sam2flr <- function(run.dir) {
  #Create object
  res       <- new("FLSAM")
  #Read report file
  rept.fname    <- file.path(run.dir,sprintf("%s.rep",admb.stem))
  rept          <-  scan(rept.fname,what=integer(), quiet=TRUE)
  res@n.states  <-  rept[1]
  yrs           <-  rept[-1]
  res@name <- sprintf("Read from %s",run.dir)
  res@desc <- date()
  #Figure out whether the hessian has been estimated
  res@nohess <- !file.exists(sprintf("%s/%s.cor",run.dir,admb.stem))
  #Work out the contents of the range object from the
  #contents of the directory. First the ages
  mdl.cfg <- readLines(sprintf("%s/model.cfg",run.dir))
  #    res@range["min"] <- scan(text=mdl.cfg[grep("Min Age",mdl.cfg, ignore.case=TRUE)+1],quiet=TRUE)
  res@range["min"] <- 0
  #    max.ages <- scan(text=mdl.cfg[grep("Max Age",mdl.cfg,
  #                                       ignore.case=TRUE)+1],quiet=TRUE)
  #    res@range["max"] <- max.ages[1]
  res@range["max"] <-12
  #    res@range["plusgroup"] <- ifelse(max.ages[2]==1,max.ages[1],NA)
  res@range["plusgroup"] <- 12
  #Extract the bindings
  comment.line <- grepl("^ *#",mdl.cfg)
  num.block <- ifelse(!comment.line,cumsum(comment.line),NA)
  state.line    <- grep("STATES",mdl.cfg,ignore.case=FALSE)
  state.block <- min(num.block[-(1:state.line)],na.rm=TRUE)
  #    res@states <- as.matrix(read.table(text=mdl.cfg[which(num.block==state.block)]))
  res@states <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,8,8,8,8,rep(rep(0,13),3)),byrow=T,nrow=4)    
  colnames(res@states) <- res@range["min"]:res@range["max"]
  rownames(res@states) <- c("catch",seq(nrow(res@states))[-1])
  #And now the years (already read in from sam.rep)
  res@range["minyear"] <- min(yrs)
  res@range["maxyear"] <- max(yrs)
  #And now the fbar
  #    fbar.vals <- scan(text=mdl.cfg[grep("Fbar",mdl.cfg)+1],quiet=TRUE)
  res@range["minfbar"] <- 4
  res@range["maxfbar"] <- 8
  #Work out the fishing mortality couplings
  # Read the results from the assessment
  #Read parameter file
  par.fname    <- file.path(run.dir,sprintf("%s.par",admb.stem))
  par.hdr     <-  as.numeric(scan(par.fname,what="", n=16, quiet=TRUE)[c(6,11,16)])
  res@nopar   <-  as.integer(par.hdr[1])
  res@nlogl   <-  par.hdr[2]
  res@maxgrad <-  par.hdr[3]
  #Read residual files
  res.fname    <- file.path(run.dir,"sam.res") #Not ideal, but easier than changing it in tpl
  res@residuals  <-  read.table(res.fname,header=FALSE,
  res@residuals$fleet <- factor(sprintf("Fleet %s",res@residuals$fleet))
  #The model can occasionally be run in "nohess" mode, where 
  #the hessian is not estimated. This can create problems as 
  #neither the vcov matrix nor the std.errs are estimated
  if(res@nohess) {
    #Load and parse par file
    par.txt     <- readLines(par.fname)[-1]
    n.lines     <- length(par.txt)
    par.chunks  <- paste(par.txt[seq(1,n.lines,by=2)],par.txt[seq(2,n.lines,by=2)])
    par.lst     <- lapply(par.chunks,function(x) {
      var.name <- gsub("# (.*?):.*","\\1",x) 
      var.vals <- gsub("# .*?:(.*)","\\1",x) 
      var.dat  <- scan(con <- textConnection(var.vals),quiet=TRUE) 
    par.df <- do.call(rbind,par.lst)
    res@params <- par.df
    #Create synthetic (empty) vcov matrix
    res@vcov <- matrix(NA)
  } else { #Else read the results
    #Read standard deviation report (if it exists)
    std.fname <- file.path(run.dir,sprintf("%s.std",admb.stem))
    res@params <- read.table(std.fname,header=FALSE,skip=1,
    res@params$index <- NULL
    #Now read the variance-covariance matrix. However, the problem is
    #is that the result return by ADMB is not a square file, but only
    #the lower triangle
    cor.fname    <- file.path(run.dir,sprintf("%s.cor",admb.stem))
    cor.lines.in <- readLines(cor.fname)[-c(1:2)] #First lines are headers
    cor.lines    <- strsplit(cor.lines.in," +") #Split into elements 
    vcov.dim     <- length(cor.lines) #Size of (squqare) vcov matrix 
    #Write individual lines into a matrix for further processing. I can't
    #see a cleaner way to do this apart from a for-loop :-(
    cor.file.mat      <- matrix(as.character(NA), vcov.dim, vcov.dim+5)
    for(i in 1:vcov.dim){ 
      cor.file.mat[i,seq(cor.lines[[i]])]<- cor.lines[[i]]
    #Extract correlation matrix
    cor.mat.lt  <- apply(cor.file.mat[,-c(1:5)],2,as.numeric)
    cor.mat.lt[upper.tri(cor.mat.lt,diag=FALSE)] <- 0
    cor.mat <- cor.mat.lt + t(cor.mat.lt)
    diag(cor.mat) <- diag(cor.mat)/2   #Diagonals get included twice, so halve them
    #Convert correlation matrix to vcov matrix
    stds <- as.numeric(cor.file.mat[,5]) 
    vcov.mat <- cor.mat*(stds%o%stds)
    dimnames(vcov.mat) <- list(cor.file.mat[,3],cor.file.mat[,3])
    res@vcov <- vcov.mat
  #Extract the state variables
  stateEst<-matrix(u$value,nrow=res@n.states, byrow=FALSE,
  stateSd <-matrix(u$std.dev,nrow=res@n.states, byrow=FALSE,
  #And copy into the appropriate slots as data.frames or FLQuants
  flq <- FLQuant(NA, dimnames=list(age=res@range["min"]:res@range["max"], 
  n.ages <- dims(flq)$age
  res@stock.n <- flq
  res@stock.n[,] <- exp(stateEst[1:n.ages,])
  #Populate the harvest slot using the state bindings
  n.ages <- dims(flq)$age
  colnames(res@states) <- dimnames(flq)$age
  res@harvest <- flq
  res@harvest@units <- "f"
  f.stateEst <- stateEst[-c(1:n.ages),,drop=FALSE]
  for(a in  colnames(res@states)){
    states.key <- res@states["catch",a] 
    res@harvest[a,] <- exp(f.stateEst[states.key,])
  #Populate the info slot as last step
  #info <- data.frame(FLSAM.version=packageDescription("FLSAM")$Version,
  #                     FLCore.version=packageDescription("FLCore")$Version,
  #                     R.version=R.version$version.string,
  #                     platform=R.version$platform,
  #                     run.date=Sys.time())
  #  res@info <- t(info)
  #  colnames(res@info) <- "_"
einarhjorleifsson/mac documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:29 a.m.