
Defines functions count.above

Documented in count.above

#' @title Number or percent of rows (for each col) where value exceeds cutoff(s)
#' @description
#' Count the number or percent of rows (for each col of a data.frame) where the value exceeds some specified cutoff(s)
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#'   \item If wts is population counts, for example, this gives the COUNT of people (not rows) for whom value in `df[,x]` exceeds benchmark for each column x
#'   \item If below=FALSE by default, reports on those above (or tied with, if or.tied) cutoff. But if below=TRUE, this reports on those below  (or tied with, if or.tied) cutoff.
#'   \item If df (passed to the function) is a data.frame or matrix, the function returns a vector of length= length(df) or number of cols in matrix.
#'   \item If df is just a vector, it is treated like a 1-column data.frame, so the function returns a single value.
#'   \item If benchmarks (passed to the function) is a data.frame matching df in dimensions, each value is used as the cutoff for the corresponding cell in df.
#'   \item If benchmarks is a vector of length= length(df), each value in benchmarks is the cutoff for the corresponding column in df.
#'   \item If benchmarks is a shorter vector, it is recycled. (e.g., a vector of length 2 would use the first benchmark as the cutoff for all odd columns of df, the second for all even columns of df).
#'   \item If benchmarks is a single numeric value, it is used as the cutoff value in every comparison for all of df.
#'   \item If benchmarks is omitted, the default behavior is to use the arithmetic mean value a column of df as the cutoff for that column of df.
#'   \item If benchnames is omitted, the word "cutoff" is used by default (unless benchmarks is also omitted).
#'   \item If benchnames is specified but benchmarks is not, the benchmarks default to the column means, so benchnames is ignored and "mean" is used instead.
#'   \item If wts is omitted the default is 1 which means no weighting. Just row counts.
#'   \item If wts is a vector of length= `length(df[,1])` then each row of df uses the corresponding weight and count is sum of wts not count of rows.
#'   \item If wts is shorter than that, it is recycled but # of rows in df must be an integer multiple of length(wts).
#'   \item NA values in df are not counted and are not in the numerator of pct.above() but the denominator of pct.above() is a count of all rows of df, not just the non-NA ones.
#'  }
#' These could be renamed  rows.above.count(), rows.above.pct(), rows.above.which()
#' to follow convention of cols.above.count(), cols.above.pct(), cols.above.which()
#' and same using below too, like rows.below.pct() etc.
#'  and *** should make param names consistent, like x not df, cutoff(s) not benchmarks?, or.tied not gte
#'  but *** cols versions and all should have wts, na.rm, benchmarks as vector not just 1 number, benchnames, params
#'  and ** should have a "below" version for each variant
#' @param df Data.frame or matrix, required.
#' @param benchmarks Default is 'mean' but otherwise this must be a number or numeric vector of thresholds to compare values to.
#' @param benchnames Default is 'cutoff' and this string is used to create colnames for the results, such as above.cutoff.for.field1
#' @param or.tied Logical, FALSE by default, reporting on those > cutoff. But, if or.tied=TRUE, this reports on those >= cutoff.
#' @param below Logical, FALSE by default, which counts how many are above cutoff (or tied if or.tied). If TRUE, counts how many are below (or tied with) cutoff.
#' @param wts Number or vector, default is 1. Length must be a factor of number of rows in df, so `length(df[,1])` is an integer multiple of length(wts)  Applies weights to when counting how many.
#' @param na.rm Logical value, optional, TRUE by default. Defines whether NA values should be removed first. Otherwise result will be NA when any NA is in a col.
#' @return Returns a vector of numbers of length equal to number of columns in df.
#' @seealso [count.above()]  [pct.above()] [pct.below()] to see, for each column, the count or percent of rows that have values above or below a cutoff.
#' @seealso [cols.above.count()] [cols.above.which()] [cols.above.pct()] to see, for each row, the count or which or fraction of columns with numbers at/above/below cutoff.
#' @seealso [colcounter_summary()] [colcounter_summary_cum()] [colcounter_summary_pct()] [colcounter_summary_cum_pct()]  [tablefixed()]
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame(a=1:20, b=10, c=c(1:9,100:110))
#' mywts <- c(rep(1,10), rep(2,10))
#' mybench <- c(3,100,10)
#' mynames <- c("HI","USavg","HealthStandard")
#' count.above(x, 0, wts=mywts)
#' count.above(x, 100, wts=mywts)
#' count.above(x, 10, wts=mywts)
#' count.above(x, mybench, wts=mywts)
#' cbind(count= count.above(x, mybench, mynames, wts=mywts))
#' cbind(pct= pct.above(x, benchmarks=mybench, benchnames=mynames, wts=mywts) )
#' cbind(
#'   count= count.above(x, mybench, mynames, wts=mywts),
#'   pct= pct.above(x, benchmarks=mybench, benchnames=mynames, wts=mywts) )
#' cbind(stat= pct.above(as.matrix(x), mybench, mynames, wts=mywts) )
#' cbind(stat= pct.above(1:100, 98 , wts=mywts))
#'  # If only a single vector is passed,
#'  # not a data.frame "Warning: df is a vector... converting to data.frame"
#' # to find how many PLACES are at/above the 95th pop-weighted percentile
#' #  (won't be exactly 5% of places, just 5% of people):
#' mybench2 <- sapply(x, function(z) Hmisc::wtd.quantile(
#'   z, mywts, probs=0.95, na.rm=TRUE))
#' count.above(x, benchmarks=mybench2,
#'   benchnames=paste('pop.95th.', names(x), sep=''), wts=1 )
#' # to find how many PLACES are at/above the MEDIAN pop-wtd place
#' #  (won't be exactly half of places, just half of people):
#' mybench2 <- sapply(x, function(z) Hmisc::wtd.quantile(
#'   z, mywts, probs=0.50, na.rm=TRUE))
#' count.above(x, benchmarks=mybench2,
#'   benchnames=paste('pop.median.', names(x), sep=''), wts=1 )
#' # to find how many PEOPLE are at/above the 95th percentile place
#' #  (won't be exactly 5% of people, just 5% of places):
#' mybench2 = sapply(x, function(z) stats::quantile(z, probs=0.95, na.rm=TRUE))
#' count.above(x, benchmarks=mybench2,
#'   benchnames=paste('95th.', names(x), sep=''), wts=mywts )
#' #
#' \dontrun{
#' # to find how many PEOPLE are at/above the MEDIAN place
#' #  (won't be exactly 50% of people, just 50% of places):
#' mybench2 = sapply(x, function(z) stats::quantile(z, probs=0.50, na.rm=TRUE))
#' count.above(x, benchmarks=mybench2,
#' benchnames=paste('median.', names(x), sep=''), wts=mywts )
#' ##not run## cbind( pct.above(1:100, wts=mywts) )
#' # That does not recycle wts in situation of a single vector argument
#' count.above(data.frame(a=c(1:10, NA)), 2, wts=mywts) # fails if NA values
#' cbind( pct.above(data.frame(a=c(1:10, NA)), 0 , wts=mywts))
#'   # "Error: wts must be a vector whose length is a factor of # rows in df,
#'   # so `length(df[,1])` is an integer multiple of length(wts) "
#' pct.above(data.frame(a=c(NA, NA, NA)), 3, wts=mywts)
#'   # "Error - df is a single NA value or single column with only NA values"
#' count.above(x, c(3,1), wts=mywts)
#' # 3,1 is recycled as 3,1,3 since x has 3 cols
#' pct.above(x, benchnames=mynames, wts=mywts)
#'   # ignores names since default benchmarks are column means
#' }
#' @export
count.above <- function(df, benchmarks='mean', benchnames='cutoff', or.tied=FALSE, below=FALSE, wts=1, na.rm=TRUE ) {

  if ( any(is.na(benchmarks))) {print("Error - benchmarks cannot include NA values."); return(NA)}

  if (is.matrix(df)) {df <- as.data.frame(df)} #; print("df is a matrix... converting to data.frame")}
  if (is.vector(df)) {df <- as.data.frame(df)} #; print("df is a vector... converting to data.frame")}

  if ( any(is.na(df))) {
    warning("df contains some NA values but should be numeric.")
    if (all(is.na(df))) {stop("Error - df is a single NA value or single column with only NA values")}

  if (length(df[,1]) == 0) {stop("Error - zero rows in df, so counts would be zero.")}

  if (length(benchmarks) == 1 && benchmarks == 'mean') {
    # use the simple mean value as the benchmark, & set benchnames <- "mean"
    # but note that may replace user-defined names if they set benchnames but not benchmarks
    benchmarks <- colMeans(df, na.rm = TRUE)
    benchnames <- "mean"
  if ( any(is.character(benchmarks)) ) { stop("Error - benchmarks cannot include character strings.")}

  if ( any(is.character(df))) {warning("df contains some character strings but should be numeric.")}

  if (length(benchnames) > length(df)) {
    warning("length of benchnames must be less than or equal to # of cols in df. Renaming benchnames to 'cutoff' ")
    benchnames <- 'cutoff'
  if (length(benchnames) != 1 & length(benchnames) != length(df) ) {warning('length of benchnames should be 1 or same as # of cols in df, or names will be recycled')}

  if ( any(is.character(wts))) { stop("wts contains some character strings but should be numeric.") }
  if ( any(is.na(wts) ) ) {warning("NA value(s) in wts. NA will counted as zero.")}
  if ( !(is.vector(wts))) {stop("wts must be a vector")}
  if ( (length(df[,1]) %% length(wts) ) != 0 ) {stop("wts must be a vector whose length is a factor of # rows in df, so length(df[,1]) is an integer multiple of length(wts) ")}

  if ( is.vector(benchmarks) ) {

    # allow benchmarks vector to be recycled if it is shorter than # cols in df?
    # really should probably check to see that   if ( (length(df[,1]) %% length(benchmarks) )==0 ) {

    # or COULD ASSUME THAT WHEN several benchmarks but only 1 column of data, user wants to get something like percentiles for those benchmarks within data vector df
    # if (length(benchmarks) > 1 & length(df)==1) { something like  results<-vector(length=length(benchmarks)) for (i in 1:length(benchmarks)) {results[i] <- colSums( wts * (df <= benchmarks[i]), na.rm=TRUE)} }
    # or handle that case using a loop in get.pctile() instead.

    if (length(benchmarks) <= length(df)  ) {
      # make benchmarks into a data frame that matches the dimensions of df
      benchmarks <- as.data.frame(matrix(benchmarks, nrow = length(df[,1]), ncol = length(df), byrow = TRUE))
      # benchmarks was a vector of the correct length
    } else { stop("Length of benchmarks vector must match number of columns in data frame.")}
  } else {
    # benchmarks is not a vector, so verify it matches dimensions of df
    if (dim(df) != dim(benchmarks)) {stop("Error - If benchmarks is a data frame, it must match dimensions of df data frame.")}

  if (below) {
    if (or.tied) {
      results <- colSums( wts * (df <= benchmarks), na.rm = na.rm)
    } else {
      results <- colSums( wts * (df < benchmarks), na.rm = na.rm)
  } else {
    if (or.tied) {
      results <- colSums( wts * (df >= benchmarks), na.rm = na.rm)
    } else {
      results <- colSums( wts * (df > benchmarks), na.rm = na.rm)

  if (or.tied) {mytext <- 'count.above.or.tied.with.'} else {mytext <- 'count.above.'}
  if (below) {mytext <- gsub('above', 'below', mytext)}

  names( results) <- paste(mytext, benchnames, ".for.", names(results), sep="")

  return( results)
ejanalysis/analyze.stuff documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:10 a.m.