#' Calculates the operating characteristics of the cohort trial
#' Given the trial specific design parameters, performs a number
#' of simulations of the trial and saves the result in an Excel file
#' @param iter Number of program simulations that should be performed
#' @param coresnum How many cores should be used for parallel computing
#' @param save Indicator whether simulation results should be saved in an Excel file
#' @param path Path to which simulation results will be saved; if NULL, then save to current path
#' @param ret_list Indicator whether function should return list of results
#' @param ret_trials Indicator whether individual trial results should be saved as well
#' @param filename Filename of saved Excel file with results; if NULL, then name will contain design parameters
#' @param plot_ocs Should OCs stability plots be drawn?
#' @param export Should any other variables be exported to the parallel tasks?
#' @param ... All other design parameters for chosen program
#' @return List containing: Responses and patients on experimental and control arm, total treatment successes and failures and final p-value
#' @examples
#' random <- TRUE
#' rr_comb <- c(0.40, 0.45, 0.50)
#' prob_comb_rr <- c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2)
#' rr_mono <- c(0.20, 0.25, 0.30)
#' prob_mono_rr <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
#' rr_back <- c(0.20, 0.25, 0.30)
#' prob_back_rr <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.4)
#' rr_plac <- c(0.10, 0.12, 0.14)
#' prob_plac_rr <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25)
#' rr_transform <- list(
#' function(x) {return(c(0.75*(1 - x), (1-0.75)*(1-x), (1-0.75)*x, 0.75*x))},
#' function(x) {return(c(0.85*(1 - x), (1-0.85)*(1-x), (1-0.85)*x, 0.85*x))}
#' )
#' prob_rr_transform <- c(0.5, 0.5)
#' cohorts_max <- 4
#' safety_prob <- 0
#' sharing_type <- "all"
#' trial_struc <- "all_plac"
#' sr_drugs_pos <- 4
#' n_int <- 100
#' n_fin <- 200
#' stage_data <- TRUE
#' cohort_random <- 0.05
#' target_rr <- c(0,0,1)
#' cohort_offset <- 0
#' random_type <- "absolute"
#' sr_first_pos <- FALSE
#' missing_prob <- 0.1
#' # Vergleich Combo vs Mono
#' Bayes_Sup1 <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' Bayes_Sup1[1,] <- c(0.05, 0.90, 1.00)
#' Bayes_Sup1[2,] <- c(0.05, 0.65, 1.00)
#' Bayes_Sup1[3,] <- c(0.10, 0.50, 1.00)
#' # Vergleich Combo vs Backbone
#' Bayes_Sup2 <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' Bayes_Sup2[1,] <- c(0.05, 0.90, 1.00)
#' Bayes_Sup2[2,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' Bayes_Sup2[3,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' # Vergleich Mono vs Placebo
#' Bayes_Sup3 <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' Bayes_Sup3[1,] <- c(0.00, 0.90, 1.00)
#' Bayes_Sup3[2,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' Bayes_Sup3[3,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' # Vergleich Back vs Placebo
#' Bayes_Sup4 <- matrix(nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
#' Bayes_Sup4[1,] <- c(0.00, 0.90, 1.00)
#' Bayes_Sup4[2,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' Bayes_Sup4[3,] <- c(NA, NA, NA)
#' Bayes_Sup <- list(list(Bayes_Sup1, Bayes_Sup2, Bayes_Sup3, Bayes_Sup4),
#' list(Bayes_Sup1, Bayes_Sup2, Bayes_Sup3, Bayes_Sup4))
#' ocs <- trial_ocs(
#' n_int = n_int, n_fin = n_fin, random_type = random_type,
#' rr_comb = rr_comb, rr_mono = rr_mono, rr_back = rr_back, rr_plac = rr_plac,
#' rr_transform = rr_transform, random = random, prob_comb_rr = prob_comb_rr,
#' prob_mono_rr = prob_mono_rr, prob_back_rr = prob_back_rr, prob_plac_rr = prob_plac_rr,
#' stage_data = stage_data, cohort_random = cohort_random, cohorts_max = cohorts_max,
#' sr_drugs_pos = sr_drugs_pos, target_rr = target_rr, sharing_type = sharing_type,
#' sr_first_pos = sr_first_pos, safety_prob = safety_prob, Bayes_Sup = Bayes_Sup,
#' prob_rr_transform = prob_rr_transform, cohort_offset = cohort_offset,
#' trial_struc = trial_struc, missing_prob = missing_prob,
#' iter = 10, coresnum = 1, save = FALSE, ret_list = TRUE, plot_ocs = TRUE
#' )
#' ocs[[3]]
#' @export
trial_ocs <- function(iter, coresnum = 1, save = FALSE, path = NULL, filename = NULL, ret_list = FALSE,
ret_trials = FALSE, plot_ocs = FALSE, export = NULL, ...) {
##### Initialize variables #####
# Since R CMD check allows only for 2 cores, set this
if (coresnum > 1) {
chk <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "")
if (nzchar(chk) && chk == "TRUE") {
coresnum <- 2
# Prepare for parallel computing
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(coresnum)
"%dopar%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
arguments <- list(...) # gather additional program arguments
##### Run parallel simulations #####
# run in parallel
trial_results <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:iter, .packages = "CohortPlat", .export = export) %dopar% {
# first call program function
trial_res <- do.call(simulate_trial, arguments)
# Now save individual trial results
# end parallel
# closeAllConnections()
} else {
arguments <- list(...) # gather additional program arguments
##### Run parallel simulations #####
# run without parallel
trial_results <- list()
for (i in 1:iter) {
# first call program function
trial_res <- do.call(simulate_trial, arguments)
# Now save individual trial results
trial_results <- c(trial_results, list(trial_res))
##### Compute OCs #####
# Return OCs
ret1 <- list(
Avg_Pat = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N)),
Avg_Pat_First_Suc = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_First_Suc), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_Perc_Pat_Sup_Plac_Th = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Perc_N_Sup_Plac_Th)),
Avg_Perc_Pat_Sup_Plac_Real = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Perc_N_Sup_Plac_Real)),
Avg_Pat_Comb = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Comb)),
Avg_Pat_Mono = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Mono)),
Avg_Pat_Back = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Back)),
Avg_Pat_Plac = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Plac)),
Avg_Pat_Plac_First_Suc = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Plac_First_Suc), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_Pat_Plac_Pool = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Total_N_Plac_Pool), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_RR_Comb = mean(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Comb)), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_RR_Mono = mean(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Mono)), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_RR_Back = mean(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Back)), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_RR_Plac = mean(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Plac)), na.rm = TRUE),
SD_RR_Comb = stats::sd(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Comb)), na.rm = TRUE),
SD_RR_Mono = stats::sd(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Mono)), na.rm = TRUE),
SD_RR_Back = stats::sd(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Back)), na.rm = TRUE),
SD_RR_Plac = stats::sd(unlist(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$RR_Plac)), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_Suc_Hist = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Hist)),
Avg_Suc_Hist_Comb = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Hist_Comb)),
Avg_Suc_Hist_Mono = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Hist_Mono)),
Avg_Suc_Hist_Back = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Hist_Back)),
Avg_Suc_Hist_Plac = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Hist_Plac)),
Avg_Suc_Bio = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Bio)),
Avg_Suc_Bio_Comb = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Bio_Comb)),
Avg_Suc_Bio_Mono = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Bio_Mono)),
Avg_Suc_Bio_Back = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Bio_Back)),
Avg_Suc_Bio_Plac = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$Successes_Bio_Plac)),
Avg_Cohorts = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$N_Cohorts)),
Avg_Cohorts_First_Suc = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$N_Cohorts_First_Suc), na.rm = TRUE),
Avg_TP = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP)),
Avg_FP = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)),
Avg_TN = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TN)),
Avg_FN = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FN)),
Avg_any_P = mean(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$any_P)),
Dist_FWER = sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP > 0),
Dist_FDR = cumsum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)) /
cumsum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)),
Dist_Disj_Power = sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP > 0),
Dist_PTP = cumsum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP)) /
cumsum((sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FN))),
Dist_PTT1ER = cumsum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)) /
cumsum((sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TN))),
FDR = sum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)) /
sum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)),
PTP = sum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP)) /
sum((sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FN))),
PTT1ER = sum(sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP)) /
sum((sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP) + sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TN)))
any_H0 <- sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FP > 0) | sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TN > 0)
any_H1 <- sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$TP > 0) | sapply(trial_results, function(x) x$Trial_Overview$FN > 0)
# Get "classical" operating characteristics
ret1$FWER <- mean(as.numeric(ret1$Dist_FWER)[any_H0])
ret1$Disj_Power <- mean(as.numeric(ret1$Dist_Disj_Power)[any_H1])
# Get "Bayesian Average" operating characteristics
ret1$FWER_BA <- mean(ret1$Dist_FWER)
ret1$Disj_Power_BA <- mean(ret1$Dist_Disj_Power)
# Get all function arguments to display later
arguments_full <- list(iter = iter, coresnum = coresnum, ...)
##### Should Simulation be plotted? ######
if (plot_ocs) {
"%>%" <- dplyr::"%>%"
# Prepare plot
fwer_classical <- ret1$Dist_FWER
fwer_classical[!any_H0] <- NA
fwer_classical_dist <- fwer_classical
fwer_classical_dist[!is.na(fwer_classical)] <- dplyr::cummean(fwer_classical_dist[!is.na(fwer_classical)])
fwer_classical_dist <- zoo::na.locf(fwer_classical_dist)
if (length(fwer_classical_dist) != length(ret1$Dist_FWER)) {
fwer_classical_dist <- c(rep(0, length(ret1$Dist_FWER) - length(fwer_classical_dist)), fwer_classical_dist)
disj_power_classical <- ret1$Dist_Disj_Power
disj_power_classical[!any_H1] <- NA
disj_power_classical_dist <- disj_power_classical
disj_power_classical_dist[!is.na(disj_power_classical)] <- dplyr::cummean(disj_power_classical_dist[!is.na(disj_power_classical)])
disj_power_classical_dist <- zoo::na.locf(disj_power_classical_dist)
if (length(disj_power_classical_dist) != length(ret1$Dist_FWER)) {
disj_power_classical_dist <- c(rep(0, length(ret1$Dist_FWER) - length(disj_power_classical_dist)), disj_power_classical_dist)
d1 <- dplyr::tibble(
FWER_BA = dplyr::cummean(ret1$Dist_FWER),
Disj_Power_BA = dplyr::cummean(ret1$Dist_Disj_Power),
FWER_CD = fwer_classical_dist,
Disj_Power_CD = disj_power_classical_dist,
FDR = ret1$Dist_FDR,
PTP = ret1$Dist_PTP,
PTT1ER = ret1$Dist_PTT1ER
) %>%
key = "Error_Rate", value = "Prob",
FWER_CD, FWER_BA, FDR, Disj_Power_CD, Disj_Power_BA, PTP, PTT1ER,
factor_key = TRUE
) %>%
Simulation = rep(1:iter, 7)
sim_plot <-
ggplot2::ggplot(d1, ggplot2::aes(x = Simulation, y = Prob, color = Error_Rate)) +
ggplot2::geom_line() +
sim_plot$x$layout$annotations[[1]]$text <- ""
##### Save as Excel and RData #####
if (save) {
# If results should be saved, save to Excel and slightly recode ret1 to be a matrix
# If path is supplied, results will be saved in folder with program name at this path; if folder with program names does not exist, create one
# If path is not supplied, go to current WD, create folder "temp" and proceed analogously
# Get the above results (which are a list) and convert to 1xk vector for better display in excel file
ret2 <- t(as.matrix(ret1))
# Create return object which includes a sheet (==list element) with all the design parameters,
# the program OCs and all the program simulations results
arguments_full2 <- unlist(arguments_full)
arguments_full2[which(sapply(arguments_full2, function(x) is.function(x)))] <-
as.character(arguments_full2[which(sapply(arguments_full2, function(x) is.function(x)))])
ret <- list(t(arguments_full2), ret2)
# Additionall check whether Unix (Mac, Linux) or not to account for minor differences
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
if (is.null(path)) {
path0 <- getwd()
ifelse(!dir.exists(file.path(path0, "tempsim/")), dir.create(file.path(path0, "temp/")), FALSE)
path <- file.path(path0, "tempsim/")
file.savepath <- paste0(path, filename, ".xlsx")
# Write to xlsx
openxlsx::write.xlsx(ret, file = file.savepath)
# Save as RData
file.savepath.rdata <- paste0(path, filename, ".RData")
results <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1), trial_results)
save(results, file = file.savepath.rdata)
} else {
if (is.null(path)) {
path0 <- getwd()
ifelse(!dir.exists(file.path(path0, "tempsim")), dir.create(file.path(path0, "tempsim")), FALSE)
path <- file.path(path0, "tempsim")
file.savepath <- paste0(path, "/", filename, ".xlsx")
# Write to xlsx
openxlsx::write.xlsx(ret, file = file.savepath)
# Save as RData
file.savepath.rdata <- paste0(path, "/", filename, ".RData")
results <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1), trial_results)
save(results, file = file.savepath.rdata)
##### Return Values #####
# If result should be also returned as a list, do so
if (ret_list) {
if (plot_ocs) {
ret <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1), list(sim_plot))
} else {
ret <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1))
# if also individual trial data should be returned, add that to list
if (ret_trials) {
if (plot_ocs) {
ret <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1), trial_results, list(sim_plot))
} else {
ret <- c(list(arguments_full), list(ret1), trial_results)
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