
#' @title QTL Confidence Interval with Resample Model Averaging
#' For experimental cross data on n individuals, one makes n draws, with replacement,
#' from the observed individuals to form a new data set in which some individuals are
#' omitted and some appear multiple times. An estimate of QTL location is calculated
#' with these new data, and the process is repeated many times. A ∼95% confidence
#' interval for the location of the QTL is obtained as the interval containing 95%
#' of the estimated locations from the bootstrap replicates. Visscher et al. (1996)
#'@param Window, determines the evaluation window around each peak (Mb)
#' Arguments:
#' @export

HS.assoc.bootstrap = function(perms, chr, pheno, pheno.col, probs, K, addcovar,
                 markers, snp.file, outdir = "~/Desktop/", peakMB, window = 8000000,
                 tx = "", sanger.dir = "~/Desktop/R/QTL/WD/HS.sanger.files/")
                begin <- Sys.time()
                file.prefix = paste0("Bootstrap.", tx, ".", pheno.col, "(Chr", chr, ")")
                plot.title = paste("Bootstrap ", tx, " ", pheno.col, " ", "(Chr ", chr, "):", sep = "")
                print(paste(plot.title, Sys.time()))

                load(file = paste0(sanger.dir, "probs", chr, ".Rdata"))

                samples = intersect(rownames(pheno), rownames(probs))
                samples = intersect(samples, rownames(addcovar))
                samples = intersect(samples, rownames(K[[1]]))
                stopifnot(length(samples) > 0)

                pheno = pheno[samples,,drop = FALSE]
                addcovar = addcovar[samples,,drop = FALSE]
                probs = probs[samples,,,drop = FALSE]

                #samples2 = markers$SNP_ID[which(markers$Chr == chr & markers$Mb_NCBI38 > (peakMB - 4000000) & markers$Mb_NCBI38 < (peakMB + 4000000))]
                samples2 = markers$SNP_ID[which(markers$Chr == chr)]
                probs = probs[,,samples2, drop = FALSE]

                K = K[[chr]][samples,samples,drop = FALSE]



                permutations = matrix(1, nrow = perms, ncol = 5, dimnames = list(1:perms, c("LOD", "min", "max", "average", "#Markers")))
                sanger.dir = sanger.dir
                rm(samples, samples2)
                for(p in 1:perms) {
                        LODtime = Sys.time()

                        repeat {
                                phenoperm = data.frame(pheno[sample(nrow(pheno), replace = TRUE), ],
                                                       check.names = FALSE, check.rows = FALSE)

                                ### FROM DG ###

                                samples = sub("\\.[0-9]$", "", rownames(phenoperm))
                                probsperm = probs[samples,,]
                                rownames(probsperm) = make.unique(rownames(probsperm))

                                Kperm = K
                                Kperm = K[samples,samples,drop = FALSE]
                                rownames(Kperm) = make.unique(rownames(Kperm))

                                ### Move the model into the loop LOGISTIC REGRESSION MODEL ###

                                Kperm = Kperm[samples, samples]
                                chrs = chr
                                data = vector("list", length(chrs))
                                names(data) = chrs

                                rng = which(markers[,2] == chrs)
                                data = list(probsperm = probsperm, Kperm = Kperm,
                                            markers = markers[rng,])

                                result = vector("list", length(data))
                                names(result) = names(data)
                                rm(probsperm, Kperm)

                                ### WORK HORSE ###
                                ### ONLY RETURN POS WITHIN 8 MB WINDOW AROUND PEAK ###

                                result = GRSDbinom.permsfast(data, pheno = phenoperm, pheno.col, addcovar, tx, sanger.dir)

                                #result = GRSDpoisson(data, pheno = phenoperm, pheno.col, addcovar, tx, sanger.dir)
                                top = max(-log10(result$pv))
                                MAX.LOD = result$POS[which(-log10(result$pv) == top)]
                                MegaBase = (min(MAX.LOD) + max(MAX.LOD))/2000000

                                print(paste((round(MegaBase, digits = 2)), "Mb: LOD", round(top, digits = 2)))

                                if (MAX.LOD > (peakMB - (window/2)) & MAX.LOD < (peakMB + (window/2))) break


                        print(paste0("Accepted locus: ", MegaBase, " Mb"))

                        # Save the locus.
                        permutations[p,] = c(top, min(MAX.LOD), max(MAX.LOD), ((min(MAX.LOD) + max(MAX.LOD))/2), length(MAX.LOD))
                        print(paste(round(difftime(Sys.time(), LODtime, units = 'mins'), digits = 2),


                print(paste(round(difftime(Sys.time(), begin, units = 'hours'), digits = 2),
                            "hours elapsed during analysis"))

                quant = quantile(permutations[,4], c(0.025,0.975))
                print(paste("95% Confidence Interval for QTL:", min(quant), "-", max(quant)))
                print(paste("Interval =", (round((((max(quant) - min(quant))/1000000)), digits = 2)), "Mb"))


} #HS.assoc.bootstrap
elijahedmondson/HZE documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3 a.m.