
Defines functions print_regressions

Documented in print_regressions

#' Plot regressions for a specific gene-gene interaction
#' @param deggs_object an object of class `deggs` generated from
#' `generate_subnetworks`
#' @param gene_A character. Name of the first gene
#' @param gene_B character. Name of the second gene
#' @param legend_position position of the legend in the plot. It can be
#' specified by keyword or in any way which is accepted by `xy.coords` (defalut
#' "topright")
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis boxplot legend mtext par points polygon text
#' @return base graphics plot showing gene-gene robust regressions for each
#' subgroup. The p value of the interaction term of
#' gene A ~ gene B \* subgroup is reported on top.
#' @export
#' @seealso [`deggs-class`].
print_regressions <- function(deggs_object,
                              legend_position = "topright") {
  use_qvalues <- deggs_object@use_qvalues
  sig_var <- ifelse(use_qvalues, "q.value", "p.value")
  metadata <- deggs_object@metadata
  normalised_counts <- deggs_object@normalised_counts
  subgroups <- deggs_object@subgroups
  subgroup_variable <- deggs_object@subgroup_variable
  regression_method <- deggs_object@regression_method

  # integrity checks
  if (!is(deggs_object, "deggs")) {
    stop("deggs_object must be of class deggs")

  if (!gene_A %in% rownames(deggs_object@normalised_counts)) (
    stop("gene_A is not in rownames(normalised_counts)")
  if (!gene_B %in% rownames(deggs_object@normalised_counts)) (
    stop("gene_B is not in rownames(normalised_counts)")

  if (is.null(subgroups)) {
    subgroups <- levels(metadata[, subgroup_variable])

  subgroup_length <- length(subgroups)

  # prepare data frame
  df <- data.frame(t(normalised_counts[gene_A, ]),
    t(normalised_counts[gene_B, ]),
    metadata[, subgroup_variable],
    check.names = FALSE
  colnames(df)[3] <- subgroup_variable

  # compute gene-gene regression
  if (subgroup_length == 2) {
    if (regression_method == "lm") {
      lmfit <- stats::lm(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3])
      # i.e.: gene_A ~ gene_B * subgroup
      p_interaction <- stats::coef(summary(lmfit))[4, 4]
      fit <- lapply(subgroups, function(i) {
        x <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 1]
        y <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 2]
        if (length(x) > 0 || length(y) > 0) return(stats::lm(y ~ x))
    if (regression_method == "rlm") {
      robustfit <- MASS::rlm(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3])
      # i.e.: gene_A ~ gene_B * subgroup
      p_interaction <- sfsmisc::f.robftest(robustfit, var = 3)$p.value
      fit <- lapply(subgroups, function(i) {
        x <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 1]
        y <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 2]
        if (length(x) > 0 || length(y) > 0) return(MASS::rlm(y ~ x))
  if (subgroup_length >= 3) {
    # one-way ANOVA
    # i.e.: gene_A ~ gene_B * subgroup
    res_aov <- stats::aov(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3], data = df)
    p_interaction <- summary(res_aov)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][3]
    fit <- lapply(subgroups, function(i) {
      x <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 1]
      y <- df[df[, subgroup_variable] == i, 2]
      if (regression_method == "lm") {
        if (length(x) > 0 || length(y) > 0) return(stats::lm(y ~ x));
      if (regression_method == "rlm") {
        if (length(x) > 0 || length(y) > 0) return(MASS::rlm(y ~ x))

  # Plot
  prefix <- ifelse(use_qvalues, "Padj", "P")
  col <- viridis::viridis(n = subgroup_length)
  x_adj <- (max(df[, 1], na.rm = TRUE) - min(df[, 1], na.rm = TRUE)) * 0.05
  new_x <- seq(min(df[, 1], na.rm = TRUE) - x_adj,
    max(df[, 1], na.rm = TRUE) + x_adj,
    length.out = 100

  # prediction of the fitted model
  preds <- lapply(
    function(i) stats::predict(i,
      newdata = data.frame(x = new_x),
      interval = 'confidence'

  all_interactions <- do.call(rbind, deggs_object@subnetworks)
  Padj_interaction <- all_interactions[
    which(all_interactions$from == gene_A &
      all_interactions$to == gene_B),

  sig_interaction <- ifelse(deggs_object@use_qvalues,

  op <- par(mar = c(5.2, 6, 3.3, 5), xpd = TRUE)
  plot(df[, 1], df[, 2],
    type = 'n', bty = 'l', las = 1, cex.axis = 1.1,
    font.main = 1, cex.lab = 1.3, xlab = colnames(df)[1],
    ylab = colnames(df)[2]
  op <- par(xpd = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(subgroups)) {
    # plot confidence intervals
    polygon(c(rev(new_x), new_x), c(rev(preds[[i]][, 3]), preds[[i]][, 2]),
      col = adjustcolor(col[i], alpha.f = 0.15), border = NA

    # plot regression lines
    abline(fit[[i]], col = col[i], lwd = 1.5)
    # plot dots 
    cols <- col[df[df[, subgroup_variable] == subgroups[i], 3]]
    pch <- c(16:(16 + subgroup_length - 1))[df[df[, subgroup_variable] ==
                                                 subgroups[i], 3]]
    row <- points(df[df[, subgroup_variable] == subgroups[i], 1], # x coordinates from gene_A 
      df[df[, subgroup_variable] == subgroups[i], 2], # y coordinates from gene_B 
      cex = 1.5,
      pch = pch, col = adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f = 0.7)
      .(prefix)["interaction"] * "=",
      .(format(sig_interaction, digits = 2))
    cex = 1.2, side = 3, adj = 0.04
    x = legend_position, legend = subgroups,
    col = col, lty = 1,
    bty = "o", box.lty = 0,
    cex = 0.8

#' Boxplots of expression levels of single nodes (genes) per subgroups
#' This function is used only by `View_interactive_subnetwork`
#' @param gene gene name  (must be contained in `rownames(normalised_counts)`)
#' @param deggs_object  an object of class `deggs` generated from
#' `generate_subnetworks`
#' @return the gene boxplot
node_boxplot <- function(gene,
                         deggs_object) {
  metadata <- deggs_object@metadata
  normalised_counts <- deggs_object@normalised_counts
  subgroup_variable <- deggs_object@subgroup_variable
  x <- metadata[, subgroup_variable]
  y <- as.numeric(normalised_counts[gene, ])
  col <- viridis::viridis(n = nlevels(metadata[, subgroup_variable]))
  cols <- col[metadata[, subgroup_variable]]

  op <- par(bty = 'l', mar = c(5.2, 6, 3.3, 5))
  boxplot(y ~ x,
    outline = FALSE, whisklty = 1, medlwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.1,
    col = NA, cex.lab = 1.3, ylab = gene, las = 2, boxwex = .5,
    ylim = range(y), xaxt = 'n', xlab = ''
  points(jitter(as.numeric(x), amount = 0.15), y,
    pch = 20,
    col = adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f = 0.7), cex = 2
  boxplot(y ~ x,
    add = TRUE, col = NA, outline = FALSE, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n',
    whisklty = 1, medlwd = 2, las = 2, xlab = '', boxwex = .5
  xtick <- levels(x)
  axis(1, 1:length(xtick), labels = FALSE)
    x = 1:length(xtick), y = par()$usr[3] - 0.04 * (par()$usr[4] - par()$usr[3]),
    labels = xtick, srt = 30, adj = 1, xpd = NA, cex = 1.2

#' Interactive shiny app to visualise subnetworks
#' Explore subnetworks and interactively select regression and box plots
#' @param deggs_object an object of class `deggs` generated from
#' `generate_subnetworks`
#' @param host local IP address, to be used only to run the function in
#' non-blocking mode (see vignette)
#' @param port TCP port, to be used only to run the function in
#' non-blocking mode (see vignette)
#' @import igraph
#' @import knitr
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return a shiny interface showing networks with selectable nodes and links
#' @export
View_interactive_subnetwork <- function(deggs_object, host = NULL, port = NULL) {
  use_qvalues <- deggs_object@use_qvalues
  sig_var <- ifelse(use_qvalues, "q.value", "p.value")

  ################# server ########################
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    outVar = shiny::reactive({
      if (is.data.frame(deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]])) (
      ) else (
        data.frame("from" = NA, "to" = NA, "p.value" = 1, "q.value" = 1)
    nodes_selection <- shiny::reactiveValues(current_node = NULL)

    # Set up reactive table
    edges <- shiny::reactive({
      if (is.data.frame(deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]])) {
        edges <- deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]]
        edges <- edges[edges[, sig_var] < input$slider, ]
        edges$id <- rownames(edges)

        if (use_qvalues) {
          edges$`q value` <- formatC(edges$q.value, format = "e", digits = 3)
          edges <- edges[order(edges$q.value), ]
        } else {
          edges$`p value` <- formatC(edges$p.value, format = "e", digits = 3)
          edges <- edges[order(edges$p.value), ]

        if (length(input$current_edges_selection) == 0) (
            options = list(
              lengthChange = FALSE, scrollX = TRUE,
              columnDefs = list(list(
                visible = FALSE,
                targets = c(3:4)
            rownames = TRUE
        ) else (
            edges %>%
              dplyr::filter(.data$id %in% input$current_edges_selection),
            options = list(
              lengthChange = FALSE, scrollX = TRUE,
              columnDefs = list(list(
                visible = FALSE,
                targets = c(3:4)
            rownames = TRUE

    # Network
    output$network <- visNetwork::renderVisNetwork({
      if (is.data.frame(deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]])) {
        edges <- deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]]
        edges$id <- rownames(edges)

        # Set up tooltip
        prefix <- ifelse(use_qvalues == TRUE, "Padj=", "P=")
        edges$title <- paste0(
          formatC(edges[, sig_var], format = "e", digits = 2)

        # Set up edges width
        # normalise p value between 0 and 1
        edges$width <- edges[, sig_var] - min(edges[, sig_var]) /
          (max(edges[, sig_var]) - min(edges[, sig_var]))
        # invert values (and multiply by 4 to increase width)
        edges$width <- (1 - edges$width) * 4

        # Set up edges color
        edges$color <- ifelse(edges[, sig_var] < 0.05, "royalblue", "gray")

        # Slider
        edges <- edges[edges[, sig_var] < input$slider, ]

        nodes <- data.frame(
          "id" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to)),
          "label" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to)),
          "title" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to))

        visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
          visNetwork::visIgraphLayout(physics = TRUE, smooth = TRUE, type = "full") %>%
            color = list("border" = 'white'),
            font = list("size" = 16)
          ) %>%
            arrows = "to",
            color = list("inherit" = FALSE)
          ) %>%
          visNetwork::visLayout(randomSeed = 12) %>% # to have always the same network
            useGroups = FALSE,
            position = 'right',
            addEdges = data.frame(
              color = c("gray", "royalblue"),
              label = c("not significant", "significant"),
              font.align = "top",
              font.size = 9
            stepY = 50, width = 0.15,
            zoom = FALSE
          ) %>%
          visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE) %>%
          visNetwork::visInteraction(hover = TRUE, tooltipDelay = 20) %>%
          visNetwork::visEvents(select = "function(data) {
                Shiny.onInputChange('current_nodes_selection', data.nodes);
                Shiny.onInputChange('current_edges_selection', data.edges);
      } else {
        nodes <- data.frame()
        edges <- data.frame()
        network.title = "No specific gene-gene interaction for this subgroup"
        visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges, main = network.title)

    # Table
    output$tbl <- DT::renderDT({

    # Plot
    output$edge_or_node_plot <- shiny::renderPlot({
      edges <- deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]]
      # try(
      if (is.null(input$current_nodes_selection) &
        length(input$current_edges_selection) == 1) {
          gene_A = edges[input$current_edges_selection, "from"],
          gene_B = edges[input$current_edges_selection, "to"],
          deggs_object = deggs_object
      } else {
        shiny::req(input$current_nodes_selection != "")
          deggs_object = deggs_object
      # ,silent = TRUE)

    # Highligh the searched node in the network
      if (is.data.frame(deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]])) {
        if (input$searchButton > 0) {
            edges <- deggs_object@subnetworks[[input$subgroup]]
            nodes <- data.frame(
              "id" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to)),
              "label" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to)),
              "title" = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to))

            nodes_selection$current_node <- nodes[grep(input$searchText, nodes$label,
              ignore.case = TRUE
            ), "id"]
            visNetwork::visNetworkProxy("network") %>%
              visNetwork::visSelectNodes(id = nodes_selection$current_node)

        inputId = "slider",
        max = max(round(outVar()[, sig_var], digits = 3))

  ################# UI ########################
  ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
    shiny::titlePanel("DEGGs subnetworks"),
        width = 4, # this will leave more space for the network

        # dropdown menu for subgroup
          inputId = "subgroup", label = "Subgroup",
          choices = levels(deggs_object@metadata[, deggs_object@subgroup_variable]),
          selected = levels(deggs_object@metadata[, deggs_object@subgroup_variable])[1]

        # Slider
          label = ifelse(use_qvalues, "q values", "p values"),
          min = 0.01,
          max = 10, # fake, it will be updated by updateSliderInput
          value = 0.05, step = 0.01

        # Table
        shiny::tags$div(DT::DTOutput('tbl'), style = "font-size: 75%"),

        # Searchbox
          textId = "searchText",
          buttonId = "searchButton",
          label = "Search node..."

        # Plots
          height = "700px", width = "800px"
    shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML("$(function() {
              $('#searchText').keypress(function(e) {
              if (e.which == 13) {
  shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options = list(host = host, port = port))
elisabettasciacca/DEGGs documentation built on April 27, 2024, 12:51 a.m.