#' Group all the functions
#' @note downloads data from the Quarterly Census for Employment and Wages
#' program, for desired years, splitting data by the aggregation level codes
#' and exporting them into separate files sorted by year and aggregation level
#' @note: we intend to have a single file for each aggregation level, but it is
#' more convenient to merge the individual files using an external command line
#' tool like cat
#' Other code: loads data.table with option to write it for a given cut
#' @param data_cut see vignette for a list of the cut
#' @param year_start start year for which we want data
#' @param year_end end year for which we want data
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @param frequency download the quarterly files or the yearly files (default is quarterly)
#' @param path_data where do we store the data
#' @param subdir do we create a random dir
#' @param download if empty do download the file from the BLS website, if not use a local version with download as path
#' @param url_wayback allows to specify the path in internet wayback machine that kept some of the archive
#' @param write save it somewhere
#' @param verbose useful for looking all the downloads link (debugging mode)
#' @return data.table aggregate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dt <- get_qcew_cut(data_cut = 10, year_start = 1990, year_end =1993,
#' path_data = "~/Downloads/", write = T)
#' }
#' @export
get_qcew_cut <- function(
data_cut = 10,
year_start = 1990,
year_end = 2015,
industry = "naics",
frequency = "quarter",
path_data = "~/Downloads/tmp_data/",
subdir = T,
download = "",
url_wayback = "",
write = F,
verbose = F
# For side-stepping checks in R
agglvl_code <- old_industry_code <- industry_code <- sic <- NULL
# Start of function
dt_res <- data.table()
if (subdir==T){
subdir <- random::randomStrings(n=1, len=5, digits=TRUE, upperalpha=TRUE,
loweralpha=TRUE, unique=TRUE, check=TRUE) # generate a random subdirectory to download the data
message(paste0("# -----------------------------------------------------\n",
"# Creating temporary directory for all the downloads: '", path_data, subdir, "' "),
dir.create(paste0(path_data, subdir))
} else if (subdir!=FALSE) { # if the subdir is a string of character
dir.create(paste0(path_data, subdir))
} else {
subdir <- ""
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(industry == "naics"){
if ( prod(data_cut <= 20 | data_cut >= 30) ){ # make sure all the elements are of the same type
for (year_iter in seq(year_start, year_end)) {
message(paste0("\n# Processing data for year ", toString(year_iter)," and ",
industry, " industry type."))
# If we do not download the file ... and read it directly from the BLS website
if (download == ""){
message("# Download in progress ... ")
# read the file directly from the remote url
file_name <- download_qcew_data(target_year = year_iter,
industry = industry, frequency = frequency,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback,
download = F, verbose = verbose)
# read the zip file directly
df <- fread.zip.url(url=file_name, path_download=paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"))
} else {
message("# Read file locally ... ")
system( paste0("tar -xvzf ", "'", download, "/",
year_iter, "_qtrly_singlefile.zip' ", "-C ", path_data, subdir ) )
df <- fread(paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", paste0(year_iter, ".q1-q4.singlefile.csv")) )
#, colClasses = c(disclosure_code = "character") )
dt_split <- df[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
vec_tmp <- dt_split$disclosure_code # only character
dt_split <- dt_split[, colnames(dt_split)[2:ncol(dt_split)] := lapply(.SD, as.numeric),
.SDcols = 2:ncol(dt_split) ]
dt_split$disclosure_code <- vec_tmp
# this clean up is not necessary to keep disclosure codes intact
# cleaning up
# unlink(paste0(path_data, subdir), recursive = T)
if (download == ""){
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
} else {
system(paste0("rm ", path_data, subdir, "/*.csv"))
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SIZE DATA: downloading only quarter version for now (ignore frequency)
} else if ( prod(data_cut >= 20 & data_cut < 30) ){
for (year in seq(year_start, year_end)) {
message(paste0("Processing data for year ", toString(year)," and ",
industry, " industry type. Size subdivision"))
file_name <- download_qcew_size_data(target_year = year,
industry = industry,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback)
df <- fread( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_split <- df[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
dt_split <- dt_split[, colnames(dt_split)[2:ncol(dt_split)] := lapply(.SD, as.numeric),
.SDcols = 2:ncol(dt_split) ]
# setnames(dt_split, c("qtrly_estabs_count", "lq_qtrly_estabs_count"),
# c("qtrly_estabs", "lq_qtrly_estabs") )
# cleaning up
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
# one of which is just not allowed
} else {
stop("Cannot download data from Single File and Size dataset Jointly")
} # end of flow for DOWNLOADING NAICS
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(industry == "sic"){
# do not allow both size and non-size at the same time:
if (prod(data_cut %in% c(7,8,9,10,11,12,24,25)) +
prod(data_cut %in% setdiff(seq(1,30),c(7,8,9,10,11,12,24,25))) == 2){
stop("Cannot download both size and Non-size files for SIC QCEW:\n",
" Please do split your query")
# no size cuts since files are separated
if ( prod( !(data_cut %in% c(7,8,9,10,11,12,24,25)) ) ){ # no size
data_cut <- # pad with zeroes and transform data_cut vector into string
function(x) paste0(stringr::str_sub("0", 0, 2-stringr::str_length(x)), x))
# Download the data in iteration
for (year_iter in seq(year_start, year_end)) {
message(paste0("# Processing data for year ", toString(year_iter)," and ", industry, " industry type."))
if (year_iter < 1984){ # OLD DOWNLOAD
if (verbose == T){ message("# Download ...") }
file_name <- download_qcew_sic_data(target_year = year_iter, frequency = frequency,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback, verbose = verbose)
# pre 1984: file names are not aggregated in one file: loop over them
if (verbose == T){ message("# Reading all files in dir ...")}
colvec_sic_pre = c("character", "integer64", "character", "character", "integer64", "character",
"character", "character",
"integer64", "character", "character", "character", "character",
"integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64",
"integer64", "character")
# "area_fips", "own_code", "industry_code", "agglvl_code", "size_code", "year"
# "qtr", "disclosure_code",
# "area_title", "own_title", "industry_title", "agglvl_title", "size_title",
# "qtrly_estabs_count", "month1_emplvl", "month2_emplvl", "month3_emplvl", "total_qtrly_wages", "taxable_qtrly_wages",
# "qtrly_contributions" "avg_wkly_wage"
read_sic_pre <- function(x){
fread(paste0(path_data, subdir, x),
select = c(seq(1,8), seq(14,21)),
dt_split <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(file_name, read_sic_pre)) # faster than loop
if (verbose == T){ message("# Processing all files in dir ...")}
dt_split <- dt_split[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
dt_split[, old_industry_code := industry_code ]
dt_split[, industry_code := gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", stringr::str_sub(old_industry_code, 6, -1) ) ]
dt_split[, sic := as.numeric(industry_code) ]
# cleaning up
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
} # end of pre-1984 conditioning
if (year_iter >= 1984){
if (verbose == T){ message("# Download ...") }
file_name <- download_qcew_sic_data(target_year = year_iter, frequency = frequency,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback, verbose = verbose)
if (verbose == T){ message("# Reading file ...")}
col_vec_sic_post = c("character", "integer64", "character", "character", "integer64", "character",
"character", "character", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64",
"integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "character")
# c("area_fips", "own_code", "industry_code", "agglvl_code", "size_code", "year"
# "qtr", "disclosure_code", "qtrly_estabs_count", "month1_emplvl", "month2_emplvl", "month3_emplvl",
# "total_qtrly_wages", "taxable_qtrly_wages", "qtrly_contributions", "avg_wkly_wage")
dt_split <- fread(paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name),
colClasses = col_vec_sic_post)
if (verbose == T){ message("# Processing file ...")}
dt_split <- dt_split[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
dt_split[, old_industry_code := industry_code ]
dt_split[, industry_code := gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", stringr::str_sub(old_industry_code, 6, -1) ) ]
dt_split[, sic := as.numeric(industry_code) ]
# cleaning up and aggregate
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
} # End of post 1984
} # End of loop over the years from 1984 to year_end
} # End of non-size download
# SIZE DATA: no frequency here either
} else if ( prod(data_cut %in% c(7,8,9,10,11,12,24,25)) ){
# constant useful for after
colvec_size = c("character", "integer64", "character", "character", "integer64", "integer64",
"character", "character", "character", "character", "character",
"character", "character", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64",
"integer64", "integer64", "integer64", "integer64")
for (i_cut in 1:length(data_cut)){ # pad with zeroes
if (data_cut[i_cut] < 10){ data_cut[i_cut] <- paste0("0", data_cut[i_cut]) }
for (year in seq(year_start, year_end)) {
message(paste0("# Processing data for year ", toString(year)," and ",
industry, " industry type. Size subdivision"))
if (year_iter < 1984){ # OLD DOWNLOAD
file_name <- download_qcew_sic_data(target_year = year_iter, frequency = frequency,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback, verbose = verbose)
# pre 1984: file names are not aggregated in one file: loop over them
df <- data.table()
for (file_iter in file_name){
dt_tmp <- fread(paste0(path_data, subdir, file_iter),
colClasses = colvec_size, select = c(seq(1,8), seq(14,21)) )
df <- rbind(df, dt_tmp)
dt_split <- df[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
dt_split[, old_industry_code := industry_code ]
dt_split[, industry_code := gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", stringr::str_sub(old_industry_code, 6, -1) ) ]
dt_split[ is.na(as.numeric(industry_code)), sic := NA ]
dt_split[ !is.na(as.numeric(industry_code)), sic := as.numeric(industry_code) ]
## dt_split <- dt_split[, colnames(dt_split)[2:ncol(dt_split)] := lapply(.SD, as.numeric),
## .SDcols = 2:ncol(dt_split) ]
# cleaning up
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
if (year_iter >= 1984){
file_name <- download_qcew_size_data(target_year = year, industry,
path_data = paste0(path_data, subdir, "/"),
url_wayback = url_wayback)
df <- fread( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name),
colClasses = colvec_size, select = c(seq(1,8), seq(14,21)) )
dt_split <- df[ agglvl_code %in% data_cut ]
dt_split[, old_industry_code := industry_code ]
dt_split[, industry_code := gsub("[[:alpha:]]", "", str_sub(old_industry_code, 6, -1) ) ]
dt_split[ is.na(as.numeric(industry_code)), sic := NA ]
dt_split[ !is.na(as.numeric(industry_code)), sic := as.numeric(industry_code) ]
# cleaning up
file.remove( paste0(path_data, subdir, "/", file_name) )
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_split, fill = T)
} # end of loop over the years
} # end of loop for size split data
# cleaning up
unlink(paste0(path_data, subdir), recursive = T) # erase the temp subdirectory
if (write == T){
data.table::fwrite( dt_res, row.names = F, paste0(path_data, "qcew_", data_cut, ".csv") )
return( dt_res )
} # end of get_qcew_cut
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Tidying the dataset for regression use (or merge)
#' @param dt input dataset from get_qcew_cut
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @param frequency download either quarterly, monthly or all data
#' @note returns a data.table file that is formatted according to tidy standard
#' typically this will be year x sub_year (quarter or month) x size x own_code x industry
#' the file can be aggregated as such
#' I do not download all the information (some location quotients and taxes are forgotten)
#' @return data.table dt_tidy
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dt_tidy <- tidy_qcew(data_cut = 10,
#' year_start = 1990, year_end =1993,
#' path_data = "~/Downloads/", write = T)
#' }
#' @export
tidy_qcew <- function(
frequency = "all",
industry = "naics"
# side step checks in R
qtr <- avg_wkly_wage <- qtrly_estabs <- lq_qtrly_estabs <- disclosure_code <- qtrly_estabs_count <- NULL
industry_code <- month1_emplvl <- month2_emplvl <- month3_emplvl <- area_fips <- NULL
own_code <- size_code <- agglvl_code <- emplvl <- total_qtrly_wages <- taxable_qtrly_wages <- qtrly_contributions <- NULL
# official function starts here
if (frequency %in% c("month", "all")){
dt_month <- dt[, .(year, quarter = as.numeric(qtr), industry_code,
month1_emplvl, month2_emplvl, month3_emplvl,
area_fips, own_code, size_code, agglvl_code) ]
dt_month <- data.table::melt(dt_month,
id.vars=c("year", "quarter", "industry_code", "area_fips", "own_code", "size_code", "agglvl_code"),
measure.vars = c("month1_emplvl", "month2_emplvl", "month3_emplvl"),
variable.name = c("month"), value.name = "emplvl")
# slower tidyr::gather(month, emplvl, month1_emplvl:month3_emplvl) %>% data.table
dt_month[, month := (quarter-1)*3 + as.numeric(substr(month, 6, 6)) ]
setorder(dt_month, agglvl_code, industry_code, year, month)
if (frequency == "month"){
dt_tidy <- dt_month
if (frequency %in% c("quarter", "all")){
if (industry == "naics"){
dt_quarter <- dt[, list(year, quarter = as.numeric(qtr), industry_code,
total_qtrly_wages, taxable_qtrly_wages, qtrly_contributions,
avg_wkly_wage, qtrly_estabs, lq_qtrly_estabs, disclosure_code,
area_fips, own_code, size_code, agglvl_code) ]
} else if (industry == "sic"){
dt_quarter <- dt[, .(year, quarter = as.numeric(qtr), industry_code,
total_qtrly_wages, taxable_qtrly_wages, qtrly_contributions,
avg_wkly_wage, qtrly_estabs = qtrly_estabs_count,
area_fips, own_code, size_code, agglvl_code) ]
setorder(dt_quarter, agglvl_code, industry_code, year, quarter)
if (frequency == "quarter"){
setorder(dt_quarter, own_code, area_fips, agglvl_code, industry_code, size_code, year)
dt_tidy <- dt_quarter
if (frequency == "all"){
dt_tidy <- merge(dt_month, dt_quarter, all.x = T,
by = c("year", "quarter", "industry_code", "own_code", "area_fips", "size_code", "agglvl_code") )
setorder(dt_tidy, own_code, area_fips, agglvl_code, industry_code, size_code, year, month)
return( dt_tidy )
} # END OF tidy_qcew
#' Tidying the dataset for regression use (or merge): operate year by year to keep memory to manageable levels.
#' @param dt input dataset from get_qcew_cut
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @param frequency download either quarterly, monthly or all data
#' @param verbose do we print the years to see how fast we are going
#' @note returns a data.table file that is formatted according to tidy standard
#' typically this will be year x sub_year (quarter or month) x size x own_code x industry
#' the file can be aggregated as such
#' I do not download all the information (some location quotients and taxes are forgotten)
#' @return data.table dt_res
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dt_tidy <- tidy_qcew_year(dt, frequency = "all", industry = "naics")
#' }
#' @export
tidy_qcew_year <- function(
frequency = "all",
industry = "naics",
verbose = TRUE
year_list <- unique(dt[["year"]])
dt_res <- data.table()
for (i_year in 1:length(year_list) ){
sub_year <- year_list[i_year]
if (verbose == TRUE){
message("Processing year ... ", sub_year)
dt_tmp <- dt[ year == sub_year ]
dt_tmp <- tidy_qcew(dt_tmp,
frequency = frequency, industry = industry)
dt_res <- rbind(dt_res, dt_tmp)
return( dt_res )
} # end of tidy_qcew_year
#' Export the downloaded table into a csv file.
#' @param year filename for .csv file. Note that you need to pass in the
#' correct year here, since the function has no idea of what the actual year
#' corresponding to this data is
#' @param named_df data frame with name
#' @param path_data where does the download happen: default current directory
#' @note generates the appropriate directory if it does not already exist.
#' @note our data does not have any headers; this simplifies the process of
#' joining all the csv files with cat or similar command line tools so that we
#' have a single file across all aggregation level codes.
#' @return NIL. Exports csv file "./singlefile/$agglvl_code/$year.csv"
export_named_df = function(
path_data = "./",
agglvl_code = names(named_df)[1]
message(paste0("Processing aggregation level code ", agglvl_code))
destination_folder = file.path(paste0(path_data, "singlefile/", agglvl_code))
if (!file.exists(destination_folder)){
dir.create(destination_folder, recursive=TRUE)
destination_file = file.path(destination_folder, paste0(toString(year), ".csv"))
data.frame(named_df) %>%
utils::write.table(file = destination_file, append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE , sep=",")
#' Export a dataset we are directly reading.
#' @param path_data where does the download happen: default current directory
#' @param target_year year for which we want to export the data
#' @note assumes that file is at "./$target_year.q1_q4.singlefile.csv". This is the expected
#' path and file name when the csv file is extracted from the zip file with no renaming.
#' @return NIL. Exports the data using the helper function export_named_df.
export_all_data = function (
path_data = "./"
df <- fread(paste0(path_data,
toString(target_year), ".q1-q4.singlefile.csv"))
df_split <- split(df, df$agglvl_code)
for (i in seq(length(df_split))){
export_named_df(path_data, target_year, df_split[i])
#' Master code: for selected years, download and export the data.
#' @param path_data where do we store the data
#' @param year_start start year for which we want data
#' @param year_end end year for which we want data
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @return NIL. Gets data for all years in range, splits the data, and then
#' exports it into the appropriate files
#' @export
get_files_master = function (
path_data = "~/Downloads/",
year_start = 1990,
year_end = 2013,
industry = "naics"
for (year in seq(year_start, year_end)) {
message(paste0("Processing data for year ", toString(year)))
download_qcew_data(target_year = year, path_data = path_data)
# splitting the data
export_all_data(target_year = year, path_data = path_data)
# cleaning up
file.remove( paste0(path_data, year, ".q1-q4.singlefile.csv" ) )
file.remove( paste0(path_data, year, "_qtrly_singlefile.zip" ) )
#' Download QCEW dataset from directly from the BLS website
#' @param target_year year for which we want to download the data
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @param path_data where does the download happen: default current directory + tmp
#' @param frequency download the quarterly files or the yearly files (default is quarterly)
#' @param url_wayback allows to specify the path in internet wayback machine that kept some of the archive
#' @param unzip_dir unzip the file
#' @param download default is TRUE, FALSE only returns the url
#' @param verbose how does the function output intermediate stages
#' @return file complete path. Downloads the file to the current directory and unzips it.
download_qcew_data = function(
industry = "naics",
path_data = "./",
frequency = "quarter",
url_wayback = "",
unzip_dir = T,
download = T,
verbose = F
if (frequency %in% c("quarter", "Q")){
freq_string = "qtrly"
} else if (frequency %in% c("year", "Y")){
freq_string = "annual"
} else {
stop(paste0("Wrong frequency input .... ", frequency))
url_prefix <- "https://data.bls.gov/cew/data/files/"
if (url_wayback != ""){
url_prefix = url_wayback
url_prefix <- paste0("https://web.archive.org/web/20141101135821/", "http://www.bls.gov/cew/data/files/")
# note that this pulls from the old server www.bls.gov instead of data.bls.gov
# 2011/csv/2011_qtrly_singlefile.zip"
if (industry == "naics"){
zip_file_name = paste0(toString(target_year), "_",
freq_string, "_singlefile.zip")
dir_name = paste0(url_prefix, toString(target_year), "/csv/")
} else if (industry == "sic"){
zip_file_name = paste0("sic_", toString(target_year), "_",
freq_string, "_singlefile.zip")
dir_name = paste0(url_prefix, toString(target_year), "/sic/csv/")
if (verbose == T){
message(paste0("# Downloading from url ... ", url_prefix, "\n",
"# File ... ", zip_file_name))
url = paste0(dir_name, zip_file_name)
# return file or the url:
if (download == F){
} else if (download == T){
paste0(path_data, zip_file_name) ) # download file to path_data
if (unzip_dir == T){
unzip(paste0(path_data, zip_file_name), exdir = path_data) # extract the file in path_data
# output is list of files in directory
read_list <- list.files( paste0(path_data) )
read_list <- read_list[grep("\\.csv$", read_list)]
} # end of download_qcew_data
#' Download QCEW dataset from directly from the BLS website for SIC Industries
#' @param target_year year for which we want to download the data
#' @param path_data where does the download happen: default current directory + tmp
#' @param frequency download the quarterly files or the yearly files (default is quarterly)
#' @param url_wayback allows to specify the path in internet wayback machine that kept some of the archive
#' @param unzip_dir unzip the file
#' @param download default is TRUE, FALSE only returns the url
#' @param verbose how does the function output intermediate stages
#' @return file complete path. Downloads the file to the current directory and unzips it.
download_qcew_sic_data = function(
path_data = "./",
frequency = "quarter",
url_wayback = "",
unzip_dir = T,
download = T,
verbose = F
if (frequency %in% c("quarter", "Q")){
freq_string = "qtrly"
} else if (frequency %in% c("year", "Y")){
freq_string = "annual"
} else {
stop(paste0("Wrong frequency input .... ", frequency))
url_prefix <- "https://data.bls.gov/cew/data/files/"
if (url_wayback != ""){
url_prefix = url_wayback
url_prefix <- paste0("https://web.archive.org/web/20141101135821/", "http://www.bls.gov/cew/data/files/")
# note that this pulls from the old server www.bls.gov instead of data.bls.gov
# 2011/csv/2011_qtrly_singlefile.zip"
if (target_year >= 1984){
zip_file_name = paste0("sic_", toString(target_year), "_",
freq_string, "_singlefile.zip")
dir_name = paste0(url_prefix, toString(target_year), "/sic/csv/")
} else if (target_year < 1984){
zip_file_name = paste0("sic_", toString(target_year), "_",
freq_string, "_by_industry.zip")
dir_name = paste0(url_prefix, toString(target_year), "/sic/csv/")
if (verbose == T){
message(paste0("# Downloading from url ... ", url_prefix, "\n",
"# File ... ", zip_file_name))
url_target = paste0(dir_name, zip_file_name)
# return file or the url:
if (download == F){
} else if (download == T){
paste0(path_data, zip_file_name) ) # download file to path_data
if (unzip_dir == T){
unzip(paste0(path_data, zip_file_name), exdir = path_data) # extract the file in path_data
# output is list of files in directory: if directory is clean
if (target_year >= 1984){
read_list <- list.files( paste0(path_data) )
} else if (target_year < 1984){
if (freq_string == "qtrly"){
read_list <- list.files( paste0(path_data, "sic.", target_year, ".q1-q4.by_industry/") )
} else if (freq_string == "annual"){
read_list <- list.files( paste0(path_data, "sic.", target_year, ".annual.by_industry/") )
read_list <- purrr::map_chr(read_list, ~ paste0("/sic.", target_year, ".q1-q4.by_industry/", .))
read_list <- read_list[grep("\\.csv$", read_list)]
} # end of download_qcew_sic_data
#' Download QCEW dataset (size files 1st quarter) directly from the BLS website
#' @param target_year year for which we want to download the data
#' @param path_data where does the download happen: default current directory
#' @param industry download naics or sic data
#' @param url_wayback allows to specify the path in internet wayback machine that kept some of the archive
#' @param unzip_dir default is True, False is useful if you are just downloading the data
#' @return read_list String with names of downloaded files
#' @note Downloads the file to the current directory and unzips it.
download_qcew_size_data = function(
industry = "naics",
path_data = "./",
url_wayback = "",
unzip_dir = T
url_prefix <- "https://data.bls.gov/cew/data/files/"
if (url_wayback != ""){
url_wayback <- (gsub("[^\\d]+", "", url_wayback, perl=TRUE)) # extract the date from the wayback call (so we can also just input a date)
url_wayback <- paste0("https://web.archive.org/web/", url_wayback, "/")
url_prefix <- paste0(url_wayback, "http://www.bls.gov/cew/data/files/")
if (industry == "naics"){
zip_file_name = paste0(toString(target_year), "_q1_by_size.zip")
url = paste0(
paste0(path_data, zip_file_name) ) # download file to path_data
if (unzip_dir == T){
unzip(paste0(path_data, zip_file_name), exdir = path_data) # extract the file in path_data
} else if (industry == "sic"){
if (target_year < 1997 | target_year > 2000){
warning("No size files for sic outside of 1997-2000 period.")
zip_file_name = paste0("sic_", toString(target_year), "_q1_by_size.zip")
# http://www.bls.gov/cew/data/files/2000/sic/csv/sic_2000_q1_by_size.zip
url <- paste0(
paste0(path_data, zip_file_name))
if (unzip_dir == T){
unzip(paste0(path_data, zip_file_name), exdir = path_data) # extract the file in path_data
# output is list of files in directory
read_list <- list.files( paste0(path_data) )
read_list <- read_list[grep("\\.csv$", read_list)]
} # end of download_qcew_size_data
#' Other code: read zipped url
#' @note This code is directly copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/24586478
#' @param url see vignette for a list of the cut
#' @param filename for multiple files in the archive
#' @param FUN default to fread from data.table but you could use anything
#' @param ... arguments passed to the function call (typically fread)
#' @return data.table of the remote file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dt <- fread.zip.url(https://data.bls.gov/cew/data/files/2000/csv/2000_qtrly_singlefile.zip)
#' }
fread.zip.url <-
filename = NULL,
FUN = fread,
path_download = NULL,
...) {
if ( (is.null(path_download)) ){
zipfile <- tempfile()
zipdir <- tempfile()
} else if ( !dir.exists(path_download) ) {
stop("writing path does not exists: please change path_data variable")
} else {
zipfile <- tempfile(tmpdir=path_download)
zipdir <- tempfile(tmpdir=path_download)
download.file(url = url, destfile = zipfile, quiet = TRUE)
unzip(zipfile, exdir = zipdir) # files="" so extract all
files <- list.files(zipdir)
if (is.null(filename)) {
if (length(files) == 1) {
filename <- files
} else {
stop("multiple files in zip, but no filename specified: ", paste(files, collapse = ", "))
} else { # filename specified
stopifnot(length(filename) ==1)
stopifnot(filename %in% files)
file <- paste(zipdir, files[1], sep="/")
do.call(FUN, args = c(list(file.path(zipdir, filename)), list(...)))
} # end of fread.zip.url
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