ACF | Auto-correlation function |
adjustGamma | Gamma correction of the amplitude |
ampl | Amplitude (deprecated) |
analyticSignal | Analytic signal (complex trace) |
ann | Annotations of the GPR data |
antfreq | Antenna frequency in MHz |
antsep | Antenna separation |
Arith-methods | Basic arithmetical functions |
as.sf | Coerce object to an sf POINT object |
as.spatialLines | Coerce object to an object of the class SpatialLines |
as.spatialPoints | Coerce object to an object of the class SpatialPoints |
bits2volt | Bytes to volt conversion Convert bytes to volt values |
byte2volt | Bytes to volt conversion Convert bytes to volt values |
capFirstLetter | Capitalize the first letter in a word string in R |
clippedValues | Return the clipped values of the GPR signal |
closestTr | Closest trace |
CMPAnalysis-methods | Velocity Analysis of CMP Gather |
CMPhyperbolas | Returns hyperbolas associated with Vrms velociies |
colFromPal | Return color from palette |
colSums | Form Row and Column Sums and Means |
Compare-methods | Comparison operations |
conv1D | Trace convolution (1D) |
conv2D | 2D onvolution |
convertTimeToDepth | Time to depth conversion |
convmtx | Returns the convolution matrix Returns the convolution... |
convolution | Linear convolution based on FFT |
convolution2D | Two-dimensional convolution |
convUnit | Utility function for unit conversion |
coord-methods | Coordinates of the GPR data |
coordref | Coordref of the GPR data |
coords-methods | Return coordinates |
corAntElev | Correct for the elevation of antenna above the ground |
crop | Crop GPR data |
crs | Coordinate reference system (CRS) of the GPR data |
dcshift | Direct-Current shift removal |
declip | Declip the GPR signal |
deconv | Deconvolution |
deconvolve | Deconvolution with known wavelet |
deconvolveSparse | Sparse deconvolution |
delineation | Delineate structure on GPR data |
depth | Depth/time of the GPR data |
depth0 | Depth zero |
depthToTime | Depth to time conversion |
depthunit | Depth unit of the GPR data |
description | Description of the GPR data |
detectASCIIProp | Get properties of ASCII file to read it with 'read.table' |
dewow | Trace dewowing |
displacement | Displacement to align two matrix |
distTensors | Distance between structure tensors |
eigenDecomp2x2SymMatrix | Eigendecomposition of 2x2 matrices |
eigenFilter | Eigenimage filter |
eigenimages | Eigenimage |
envelope | Amplitude envelope |
estimateTime0 | Estimate and set time-zero |
exportCoord | Export the trace coordinates. |
exportCubeToXYZC | Export data cube to xyzc-data format |
exportFid | Export fiducial markers |
exportPDF | Export a PDF showing the GPR profile. |
exportPNG-GPR-method | Export GPR data as PNG file |
exportProc | Export the process steps. |
fFilter | Frequency filter |
FFT1D-GPR-method | Fast Fourier Transform applied to the traces (1D) |
fid | Fiducial markers of the GPR data |
filepath-methods | Filepath of the GPR data |
filter1D | One dimensional filters |
filter2D | Two-dimensional filters |
firstBreak | Time of first wave break |
firstBreakToTime0 | Convert first wave break time to time-zero |
fkFilter | Frequency-wavenumber filter |
frenkeCMP | Ground-penetrating radar data: CMP. |
frenkeLine00 | Ground-penetrating radar data: common-offset survey |
frenkeTopo00 | Trace coordinates of 'frenkeLine00'. |
freqFromString | Extract frequency from string |
gain | Gain compensation |
gainAGC | Automatic Gain Control (AGC) gain |
gainEnv | Gain compensation based on envelop |
gainSEC | Spreading and Exponential Compensation (SEC) gain |
georef | Georeferencing |
getDepth | Get depth model |
getFName | Filepath(s) with correct extension(s) |
getGPR | Extract GPR object from GPRsurvey object |
gethd | Return data header |
getUTMzone | Get UTM zone from lattidue and longitude |
getVel | Get velocity model |
getVel2 | Get velocity model |
ggplotGPR | GG-plot of GPR data |
GPR-class | Class GPR |
GPRcoercion | Coercion to matrix |
GPRcube-class | Class GPRcube |
GPRcube-coercion | Coercion to matrix |
GPRcube-subset | extract parts of GPRsurvey |
GPRset-class | Class GPRset |
GPRset-subset | extract parts of GPRset |
GPRslice-class | Class GPRslice |
GPR-subset | extract parts of GPR |
GPRsurvey | Create an object of the class GPRsurvey |
GPRsurveyEmpty | Create empty GPR object |
GPRsurvey-subset | extract parts of GPRsurvey |
GPRsurvey-subsubset | extract a GPR object from a GPRsurvey object |
hyperbolaFit | Fit hyperbola to data points |
hyperbolaPlot | Plot a hyperbola |
hyperbolaSim | Simulate hyperbola |
hyperbolicTWT | Hyperbolic two-way travel time |
inPoly | Return points that are within a polygon |
inspect | Inspect GPR data plot |
instAmpl | Instantaneous amplitude |
instPhase | Instantaneous phase |
int32touint32 | Fix a 32 bit unsigned integer that has been read as signed |
interp2DDelineations | 2D interpolation of the delineations and surface topography |
interpolateTimeToDepth | Time-to-depth conversion based on depth information |
interpPos | Interpolate trace positions from measurement (e.g., GPS). |
interpPosFromGeoJSON | Interpolate GPR coordinates from geoJSON data |
interpPosFromGPGGA | Interpolate GPR coordinates from GPS data (GPGGA string) data |
interpPosFromXYZ | Interpolate GPR coordinates from xyz coordinates |
interpSlices | Interpolate horizontal slices |
interpTrace | Interpolate (vertically) trace at regular interval or given... |
intersections-methods | Return intersection from GPRsurvey |
isCMP | Return TRUE if surveymode is CMP |
isDepthTime | Is the z-dimension time? |
isLengthUnit | Return TRUE if the data are a function of length |
isTimeUnit | Return TRUE if the data are a function of time |
kernels | Gaussian 2d-kernel |
lines | Add a GPR trace on a plot |
linkCoordFid | Link coordinates to fiducial marker |
llToUTM | longitude, latitude to UTM |
localExtrema-GPR-method | Local extrema |
Math-methods | Basic mathematical functions |
migrate | Deprecated |
name | Name of the GPR data |
NMO | Normal Move-Out |
NMOCor-methods | Normal Move-Out correction |
NMOcorrect | Normal Move-Out correction |
NMOstack | Appla Normal Move-Out (NMO) correction and stack the traces |
NMOstreching | Normal Move-Out streching |
ntraces | Number of traces |
optPhaseRotation | Optimum Phase Rotation |
padmat | pad a matrix |
palCol | Return color from palette |
palGPR | Plot single colour palette |
papply | Apply processing to GPRsurvey object |
pathLength | Path length |
pathRelPos | Relative position on a path |
perpPoints | Points perdicular to a polyline |
phaseRotation | Phase rotation shift the phase of signal by phi (in radian) |
plot | Plot a GPR cube |
plot2PDF | Export a PDF showing the GPR profile. |
plot2PNG | Export a PNG showing the GPR profile. |
plot3DRGL | Three-dimensional plot of the GPR data with Open-GL |
plotAmpl | DEPRECATED - Plot the trace amplitude |
plotEnvelope | DEPRECATED - Plot the trace plotEnvelope |
plotFast | Faster plot |
plotly | Interactive plot of GPR objects with plotly.js |
plotTensor | Plot structure tensor on GPR data |
plotTensor0 | Plot structure tensor on GPR data |
plotVel | Plot Velocities |
points | Add a GPR trace points on a plot |
pos | Position of the GPR traces |
posLine | Relative position on a multiline |
posunit | Position unit of the GPR data |
print.GPRcube | Print GPRcube |
proc | Processing steps applied to the data |
processing | DEPRECATED - Processing steps applied to the data |
quiet | Suppressing output from cat() or print() |
readDZX | Read GSSI's .dzx file |
readFID | read fiducial marker files |
readGPR | Read a GPR data file |
readGPS | Read .GPS files (Sensors and Software) |
readSEG2 | Read SEG-2 |
readSGY | Read SEG-Y file |
readTopo | read topo file |
readUSRadar | Read US Radar files |
readVOL | Read *.vol data |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
regInterpPos | Trace interpolation at regularly spaced positions |
relTrPos | Relative trace position on the GPR profile. |
repmat | Repeat matrix |
res | Return resolution |
reverse | Reverse the trace position. |
rgCorrectGamma | Gamma correction of the amplitude |
RGPR-package | RGPR: A package for processing and visualising... |
rmBackground | Remove background |
rmBackgroundMatrix | Background matrix substraction See Rashed and Harbi (2014)... |
robustSmooth | Robust smoothing |
rotatePhase | Phase rotation |
setCoordref-methods | Define a local reference coordinate |
setGridCoord-methods | Set grid coordinates the trace position. |
setLayerVelocities | Plot the delineation on a 2D plot |
setVel | Set velocities |
shiftEst | Shift estimation between two GPR profiles. |
shiftmat | shift a matrix by n and m shift a matrix by n and m |
show | Print GPR |
show-GPRcube-method | Show some information on the GPRcube object |
simWavelet | Simulates a GPR wavelet |
spBuffer | Buffer the GPR lines |
spConvexHull | Convex hull of GPR data |
spec | Return the amplitude spectrum of the GPR object. |
spec1D-GPR-method | Frequency spectrum the traces (1D) |
spec2D-GPR-method | Frequency spectrum the traces (1D) |
spExtractFromRaster | Extract elevation from raster data |
spInterpToRaster | Interpolate trace elevation to raster |
spOBB | Oriented bounding box |
STFT-GPR-method | Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) |
strTensor | Structure tensor field of GPR data |
strucTensor | structure tensor for matrices |
Summary-methods | Basic summary functions |
surveyIntersect | Compute the survey intersections |
surveymode | Survey mode of the GPR data |
svAngle | Angle of the GPR survey |
svDate | Survey date |
time0 | 'time-zero' of every traces |
time0Cor | Time zero correction |
timeCorOffset | Constant-offset correction (time) of the GPR data |
timeToDepth | time to depth conversion |
tpOBB2D | Oriented bounding box (2D) |
tpShift | Shift trace positions of one GPR data |
traceAverage | Trace average (DEPRECATED, use 'traceStat' instead) |
traceScaling | Trace scaling |
traceShift | Shift trace vertically |
traceStat | Trace statistics |
trAmplCor | Gain compensation |
trClip | Clip the amplitude |
trimStr | Trim string |
trPlot | Plot all the traces in one 1D plot |
trProject | Trace projection |
trRmDuplicates | Remove traces with duplicated trace positions |
trTime | Time of data collection for each trace |
trTime-GPR-method | #' Velocity model of the GPR data #' #' @name vel #' @rdname... |
unscale | Unscale |
unwrapPhase-GPR-method | Unwrap signal phase |
upsample | Up-sample the GPR data (1D and 2D sinc-interpolation) |
UTMToEPSG | EPGS code from UTM zone |
UTMToll | UTM to latitude-longitude |
values | Values of the GPR data |
vel | Set and get velocity |
velDix | Computes Dix velocities |
velInterp | Interpolate velocity model |
velPick | Pick velocity interactively |
velSmooth | Smooth velocity model |
velSpectrum | Velocity spectrum (CMP Analysis) |
verboseF | Suppressing output from cat(), warnings & messages |
wapply | wapply: A faster (but less functional) "rollapply" for vector... |
wapplyMat | windowing with centered window |
wapplyMat2 | windowing with not centered window |
wapplyRow | Wapply on the row of a matrix (windowed) |
wapplyRowC | Wapply on the row of a matrix (windowed + CENTERED) |
wavGPR | Simulate GPR wavelet |
wavHat | Simulate Hat wave |
writeGPR | Write GPR data |
writeSurvey | Write GPRsurvey object |
xpos | Return x-positions |
ypos | Return y-positions |
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