Man pages for emanuelhuber/RGPR
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data visualisation, processing and delineation

ACFAuto-correlation function
adjustGammaGamma correction of the amplitude
amplAmplitude (deprecated)
analyticSignalAnalytic signal (complex trace)
annAnnotations of the GPR data
antfreqAntenna frequency in MHz
antsepAntenna separation
Arith-methodsBasic arithmetical functions
as.sfCoerce object to an sf POINT object
as.spatialLinesCoerce object to an object of the class SpatialLines
as.spatialPointsCoerce object to an object of the class SpatialPoints
bits2voltBytes to volt conversion Convert bytes to volt values
byte2voltBytes to volt conversion Convert bytes to volt values
capFirstLetterCapitalize the first letter in a word string in R
clippedValuesReturn the clipped values of the GPR signal
closestTrClosest trace
CMPAnalysis-methodsVelocity Analysis of CMP Gather
CMPhyperbolasReturns hyperbolas associated with Vrms velociies
colFromPalReturn color from palette
colSumsForm Row and Column Sums and Means
Compare-methodsComparison operations
conv1DTrace convolution (1D)
conv2D2D onvolution
convertTimeToDepthTime to depth conversion
convmtxReturns the convolution matrix Returns the convolution...
convolutionLinear convolution based on FFT
convolution2DTwo-dimensional convolution
convUnitUtility function for unit conversion
coord-methodsCoordinates of the GPR data
coordrefCoordref of the GPR data
coords-methodsReturn coordinates
corAntElevCorrect for the elevation of antenna above the ground
cropCrop GPR data
crsCoordinate reference system (CRS) of the GPR data
dcshiftDirect-Current shift removal
declipDeclip the GPR signal
deconvolveDeconvolution with known wavelet
deconvolveSparseSparse deconvolution
delineationDelineate structure on GPR data
depthDepth/time of the GPR data
depth0Depth zero
depthToTimeDepth to time conversion
depthunitDepth unit of the GPR data
descriptionDescription of the GPR data
detectASCIIPropGet properties of ASCII file to read it with 'read.table'
dewowTrace dewowing
displacementDisplacement to align two matrix
distTensorsDistance between structure tensors
eigenDecomp2x2SymMatrixEigendecomposition of 2x2 matrices
eigenFilterEigenimage filter
envelopeAmplitude envelope
estimateTime0Estimate and set time-zero
exportCoordExport the trace coordinates.
exportCubeToXYZCExport data cube to xyzc-data format
exportFidExport fiducial markers
exportPDFExport a PDF showing the GPR profile.
exportPNG-GPR-methodExport GPR data as PNG file
exportProcExport the process steps.
fFilterFrequency filter
FFT1D-GPR-methodFast Fourier Transform applied to the traces (1D)
fidFiducial markers of the GPR data
filepath-methodsFilepath of the GPR data
filter1DOne dimensional filters
filter2DTwo-dimensional filters
firstBreakTime of first wave break
firstBreakToTime0Convert first wave break time to time-zero
fkFilterFrequency-wavenumber filter
frenkeCMPGround-penetrating radar data: CMP.
frenkeLine00Ground-penetrating radar data: common-offset survey
frenkeTopo00Trace coordinates of 'frenkeLine00'.
freqFromStringExtract frequency from string
gainGain compensation
gainAGCAutomatic Gain Control (AGC) gain
gainEnvGain compensation based on envelop
gainSECSpreading and Exponential Compensation (SEC) gain
getDepthGet depth model
getFNameFilepath(s) with correct extension(s)
getGPRExtract GPR object from GPRsurvey object
gethdReturn data header
getUTMzoneGet UTM zone from lattidue and longitude
getVelGet velocity model
getVel2Get velocity model
ggplotGPRGG-plot of GPR data
GPR-classClass GPR
GPRcoercionCoercion to matrix
GPRcube-classClass GPRcube
GPRcube-coercionCoercion to matrix
GPRcube-subsetextract parts of GPRsurvey
GPRset-classClass GPRset
GPRset-subsetextract parts of GPRset
GPRslice-classClass GPRslice
GPR-subsetextract parts of GPR
GPRsurveyCreate an object of the class GPRsurvey
GPRsurveyEmptyCreate empty GPR object
GPRsurvey-subsetextract parts of GPRsurvey
GPRsurvey-subsubsetextract a GPR object from a GPRsurvey object
hyperbolaFitFit hyperbola to data points
hyperbolaPlotPlot a hyperbola
hyperbolaSimSimulate hyperbola
hyperbolicTWTHyperbolic two-way travel time
inPolyReturn points that are within a polygon
inspectInspect GPR data plot
instAmplInstantaneous amplitude
instPhaseInstantaneous phase
int32touint32Fix a 32 bit unsigned integer that has been read as signed
interp2DDelineations2D interpolation of the delineations and surface topography
interpolateTimeToDepthTime-to-depth conversion based on depth information
interpPosInterpolate trace positions from measurement (e.g., GPS).
interpPosFromGeoJSONInterpolate GPR coordinates from geoJSON data
interpPosFromGPGGAInterpolate GPR coordinates from GPS data (GPGGA string) data
interpPosFromXYZInterpolate GPR coordinates from xyz coordinates
interpSlicesInterpolate horizontal slices
interpTraceInterpolate (vertically) trace at regular interval or given...
intersections-methodsReturn intersection from GPRsurvey
isCMPReturn TRUE if surveymode is CMP
isDepthTimeIs the z-dimension time?
isLengthUnitReturn TRUE if the data are a function of length
isTimeUnitReturn TRUE if the data are a function of time
kernelsGaussian 2d-kernel
linesAdd a GPR trace on a plot
linkCoordFidLink coordinates to fiducial marker
llToUTMlongitude, latitude to UTM
localExtrema-GPR-methodLocal extrema
Math-methodsBasic mathematical functions
nameName of the GPR data
NMONormal Move-Out
NMOCor-methodsNormal Move-Out correction
NMOcorrectNormal Move-Out correction
NMOstackAppla Normal Move-Out (NMO) correction and stack the traces
NMOstrechingNormal Move-Out streching
ntracesNumber of traces
optPhaseRotationOptimum Phase Rotation
padmatpad a matrix
palColReturn color from palette
palGPRPlot single colour palette
papplyApply processing to GPRsurvey object
pathLengthPath length
pathRelPosRelative position on a path
perpPointsPoints perdicular to a polyline
phaseRotationPhase rotation shift the phase of signal by phi (in radian)
plotPlot a GPR cube
plot2PDFExport a PDF showing the GPR profile.
plot2PNGExport a PNG showing the GPR profile.
plot3DRGLThree-dimensional plot of the GPR data with Open-GL
plotAmplDEPRECATED - Plot the trace amplitude
plotEnvelopeDEPRECATED - Plot the trace plotEnvelope
plotFastFaster plot
plotlyInteractive plot of GPR objects with plotly.js
plotTensorPlot structure tensor on GPR data
plotTensor0Plot structure tensor on GPR data
plotVelPlot Velocities
pointsAdd a GPR trace points on a plot
posPosition of the GPR traces
posLineRelative position on a multiline
posunitPosition unit of the GPR data
print.GPRcubePrint GPRcube
procProcessing steps applied to the data
processingDEPRECATED - Processing steps applied to the data
quietSuppressing output from cat() or print()
readDZXRead GSSI's .dzx file
readFIDread fiducial marker files
readGPRRead a GPR data file
readGPSRead .GPS files (Sensors and Software)
readSEG2Read SEG-2
readSGYRead SEG-Y file
readToporead topo file
readUSRadarRead US Radar files
readVOLRead *.vol data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regInterpPosTrace interpolation at regularly spaced positions
relTrPosRelative trace position on the GPR profile.
repmatRepeat matrix
resReturn resolution
reverseReverse the trace position.
rgCorrectGammaGamma correction of the amplitude
RGPR-packageRGPR: A package for processing and visualising...
rmBackgroundRemove background
rmBackgroundMatrixBackground matrix substraction See Rashed and Harbi (2014)...
robustSmoothRobust smoothing
rotatePhasePhase rotation
setCoordref-methodsDefine a local reference coordinate
setGridCoord-methodsSet grid coordinates the trace position.
setLayerVelocitiesPlot the delineation on a 2D plot
setVelSet velocities
shiftEstShift estimation between two GPR profiles.
shiftmatshift a matrix by n and m shift a matrix by n and m
showPrint GPR
show-GPRcube-methodShow some information on the GPRcube object
simWaveletSimulates a GPR wavelet
spBufferBuffer the GPR lines
spConvexHullConvex hull of GPR data
specReturn the amplitude spectrum of the GPR object.
spec1D-GPR-methodFrequency spectrum the traces (1D)
spec2D-GPR-methodFrequency spectrum the traces (1D)
spExtractFromRasterExtract elevation from raster data
spInterpToRasterInterpolate trace elevation to raster
spOBBOriented bounding box
STFT-GPR-methodShort-time Fourier Transform (STFT)
strTensorStructure tensor field of GPR data
strucTensorstructure tensor for matrices
Summary-methodsBasic summary functions
surveyIntersectCompute the survey intersections
surveymodeSurvey mode of the GPR data
svAngleAngle of the GPR survey
svDateSurvey date
time0'time-zero' of every traces
time0CorTime zero correction
timeCorOffsetConstant-offset correction (time) of the GPR data
timeToDepthtime to depth conversion
tpOBB2DOriented bounding box (2D)
tpShiftShift trace positions of one GPR data
traceAverageTrace average (DEPRECATED, use 'traceStat' instead)
traceScalingTrace scaling
traceShiftShift trace vertically
traceStatTrace statistics
trAmplCorGain compensation
trClipClip the amplitude
trimStrTrim string
trPlotPlot all the traces in one 1D plot
trProjectTrace projection
trRmDuplicatesRemove traces with duplicated trace positions
trTimeTime of data collection for each trace
trTime-GPR-method#' Velocity model of the GPR data #' #' @name vel #' @rdname...
unwrapPhase-GPR-methodUnwrap signal phase
upsampleUp-sample the GPR data (1D and 2D sinc-interpolation)
UTMToEPSGEPGS code from UTM zone
UTMTollUTM to latitude-longitude
valuesValues of the GPR data
velSet and get velocity
velDixComputes Dix velocities
velInterpInterpolate velocity model
velPickPick velocity interactively
velSmoothSmooth velocity model
velSpectrumVelocity spectrum (CMP Analysis)
verboseFSuppressing output from cat(), warnings & messages
wapplywapply: A faster (but less functional) "rollapply" for vector...
wapplyMatwindowing with centered window
wapplyMat2windowing with not centered window
wapplyRowWapply on the row of a matrix (windowed)
wapplyRowCWapply on the row of a matrix (windowed + CENTERED)
wavGPRSimulate GPR wavelet
wavHatSimulate Hat wave
writeGPRWrite GPR data
writeSurveyWrite GPRsurvey object
xposReturn x-positions
yposReturn y-positions
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on Feb. 20, 2025, 6:13 a.m.