
Defines functions .eps .firstBreakModCoppens .firstBreakThres .firstBreakMER

                function(x, method = c("coppens", "threshold",  "MER"), 
                         thr = NULL, w = NULL, ns = NULL, bet = NULL,
                         shorten = TRUE)

#----------------- FIRST-BREAK
#' Time of first wave break
#' Pick the time of the first wave break in each trace 
#' (trace-by-trace function).
#' The Modified Coppens's method (\code{coppens}) computes the energy ratio 
#' between a long term window (with increasing length) and a short-term leading 
#' window (fixed length).
#' Edge-preserving smoothing is then applied and the first wave break is 
#' assigned to the sample in which the derivative of the output is largest.
#' The modified energy ratio method (\code{MER}) computes the energy ratio between
#' a preceding and trailing windows of equal length. The energy ratio is
#' then multiplied by the absolute values of the trace and the output to the 
#' power of three is returned.
#' In the threshold method (\code{"threshold"}), the sample before the first 
#' sample that is larger than the threshold times the maximum absolute 
#' amplitude is picked. Then the time of the first wave break is linearly 
#' interpolated between these two samples.
#' @param x [\code{GPR class}] An object of the class \code{GPR}
#' @param method [\code{character(1)}] Method to be applied (either
#'              \code{coppens}, \code{threshold} or \code{MER}). 
#'              \code{"coppens"} corresponds to the modified Coppens method, 
#'              \code{"threshold"} to the threshold method, 
#'              and \code{"MER"} to the modified energy ratio method.
#' @param thr [\code{numeric(1)}] Threshold for the signal 
#'              amplitude (in \%) at which time zero is picked (only for the
#'              threshold method). 
#'              \code{thr} ranges between 0 (0\%) and 1 (100\%).
#' @param w [\code{numeric(1)}] Length of the short-term leading window in 
#'          unit of time (only for \code{method = "coppens"} or 
#'          \code{method = "MER"}). 
#'          Recommended value: about one period of the first-arrival 
#'          waveform.
#' @param ns [\code{numeric(1)}] Length of the edge preserving smoothing 
#'           window in unit of time (only for  \code{method = "coppens"}). 
#'           Recommended value: between one and two signal periods.
#'           When \code{ns = NULL} the value of \code{ns} is set to 
#'           \code{1.5 * w}.
#' @param bet [\code{numeric(1)}] Stabilisation constant (only for 
#'            \code{method = "coppens"}). Not critical. 
#'            When \code{bet = NULL} the value of \code{bet} is set to 
#'            20\% of the maximal signal amplitude.
#' @param shorten [\code{logical(1)}] If \code{TRUE}, each trace is shortened
#'                 by removing the samples that are \eqn{2 \times w} after the
#'                 maximum value (only for \code{method = "coppens"} or 
#'                 \code{method = "MER"}). You may set 
#'                 \code{shorten = FALSE} if the first wave break occurs 
#'                 after the maximum absolute amplitude time.
#' @return [\code{numeric(n)}] The time of the first wave break for every
#'         traces in unit of time (\code{n = ncol(x) =} number of traces).
#' @seealso \code{\link{firstBreakToTime0}} to convert time of first wave break
#'          into time-zero; 
#'          \code{\link{time0}} and \code{\link{setTime0}} to set time-zero;
#'          \code{\link{estimateTime0}} to estimate first wave break, convert
#'          it to time-zero and set time zero (all in one step);
#'          \code{\link{time0Cor}} to shift the traces such that they start
#'          at time-zero.
#' @references
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Modified Coppens method}{Sabbione J.I. and Velis D. (2010) 
#'        Automatic first-breaks picking: New strategies and algorithms. 
#'        Geophysics, 75(4): 67-76.}
#'   \item{Modified Energy Ratio (MER) method}{Han L., Wong J., and John C. 
#'        (2010) Time picking on noisy microseismograms. In: Proceedings of the
#'        GeoCanada 2010 Convention - Working with the Earth, Calgary, AB, 
#'        Canada, p. 4}
#' }
#' #' @examples 
#' data("frenkeLine00")
#' fb <- firstbreak(frenkeLine00, w = 10)
#' plot(seq_along(frenkeLine00), fb)
#' @name firstBreak
#' @rdname firstBreak
#' @export
          function(x, method = c("coppens","threshold",  "MER"), 
                   thr = NULL, w = NULL, ns = NULL, bet = NULL, shorten = TRUE){
            #method <- match.arg(method, c("coppens", "threshold", "MER"))
            method <- method[1]
            #------------------- check arguments
            msg <- checkArgInit()
            msg <- checkArg(method,  msg, "STRING_CHOICE", 
                            c("coppens", "threshold",  "MER"))
            msg <- checkArg(thr,     msg, "PERCENT1_NULL")
            msg <- checkArg(w,       msg, "NUMERIC1_SPOS_NULL", max(x@depth)/2)
            # msg <- checkArg(ns     , msg, "NUMERIC1_SPOS_NULL", round((nmax - 1) * x@dz))
            msg <- checkArg(ns,      msg, "NUMERIC1_SPOS_NULL", max(x@depth))
            msg <- checkArg(bet,     msg, "NUMERIC1_SPOS_NULL", Inf)
            msg <- checkArg(shorten, msg, "LOGICAL_LEN", 1)
            # # # shorten the file -> computation only up to the max value
            # nmax <- nrow(x)
            # tst <- min(apply(x@data, 2, which.max))
            # if(length(tst) > 0 ){
            #    nmax <- tst
            # }
            # if( (nmax + 2 * w ) < nrow(x) ){
            #    nmax <- nmax + 2 * w
            # }else{
            #    nmax <- nrow(x)
            # }
            if(method == "coppens"){
              if(is.null(w)) w <- abs(diff(range(x@depth)))/10
              w <- round(w / x@dz)
              if( (w %% 2) == 0 ) w <- w + 1
              # xs <- x@data[1:nmax, , drop = FALSE]^2
                ns <- round(1.5 * w)
                ns <- round(ns / x@dz)
              # ns <- if(is.null(ns)) round(1.5 * w) else ns
              # if(ns > nmax) ns <- nmax - 1
              if( (ns %% 2) == 0 )  ns <- ns + 1 
              # if(is.null(bet))      bet <- 0.2 * max(xs)
              # if(is.null(bet))      bet <- 0.2 * max(abs(x))
              # the vectorized version of "coppens" (though not really faster)
              #  fb <- .firstBreakModCoppens2(xs, w = w, ns = ns, bet = bet)
              # below: the not vectorised version of Coppens...
              # fb <- apply(x@data[1:nmax, , drop = FALSE], 2, .firstBreakModCoppens, w = w, ns = ns, 
              fb <- apply(x@data^2, 2, .firstBreakModCoppens, w = w, ns = ns, 
                          bet = bet, shorten = shorten)
              fb <- x@depth[fb] # fb * x@dz
            }else if(method == "threshold"){
              if(is.null(thr)) thr <- 0.1
              thres <- thr * max(x)
              fb <- apply(abs(x@data), 2, .firstBreakThres, thr = thres, 
            }else if(method == "MER"){
              if(is.null(w)) w <- abs(diff(range(x@depth)))/10
              w <- round(w / x@dz)
              # w <- round(w / x@dz)
              # fb <- .firstBreakMER(x@data[1:nmax, , drop = FALSE], w = w,
              fb <- apply(x@data^2, 2, .firstBreakMER, w = w, shorten = shorten)
              fb <- x@depth[fb]
              warning("First break could not be picked for some traces. \n",
                      "That's no luck, but good news is that you can try with another ",
                      "method.\n", "This is probably because your traces have a ",
                      "too low S/N ratio." )

#----------------------- FIRST WAVE BREAK -------------------------------------#

# Modified Energy ratio method
.firstBreakMER <- function(x, w, shorten = TRUE){
  if(shorten == TRUE){
    nmax <- which.max(x)
    if( (nmax + w + 2 * w ) < length(x) ){
      nmax <- nmax + 2 * w
      nmax <- length(x)
    x <- x[1:nmax]
  E <- wapply(x, width = w, by = 1, FUN = sum)
  v1 <- 1:(length(x) - 2*(w-1))
  v2 <- v1 + (w-1)
  E1 <- E[v1]
  E2 <- E[v2]
  ER <- (E2/E1)^3
  MER <- ER * x[v1 + w - 1]^1.5
  fb <- which.max(MER) + (w - 1)
# .firstBreakMER <- function(x, w){
#   E <- wapplyMat2(x, width = w, by = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(x^2), 
#                   MARGIN = 2)
#   v1 <- 1:(nrow(x) - 2*(w-1))
#   v2 <- v1 + (w-1)
#   E1 <- E[v1,]
#   E2 <- E[v2,]
#   ER <- E2/E1
#   MER <- (ER * abs( x[v1 + w - 1,]) )^3
#   fb <- apply(MER, 2, function(x) which.max(x)) + (w - 1)
#   return(fb)
# }
# Threshold method for first breack picking
.firstBreakThres <- function(x, thr = 0.12, tt){
  #   first_breacks <- rep(NA, ncol(x))
  #   thres <- thr * max(x)
  #   for(j in seq_len(ncol(x))){
  if( max(x) > thr){
    fb <- which(x > thr)
    if(length(fb) > 0){
      i <- fb[1]
      if(i > 1){
        w <- (x[i] - thr) / (x[i] - x[i-1])
        return( w * tt[i-1] + (1- w) * tt[i] )
    } else{
  } else{
    return(  tt[which.max(x)])
  #   }
  #   return(first_breacks)

# vectorized version
# Jaun I. Sabbione and Danilo Velis (2010). Automatic first-breaks picking: 
# New strategies and algorithms. Geophysics, 75 (4): v67-v76
# -> modified Coppens's Method
# w = length leading window: about one period of the first-arrival waveform
# ns = length eps (edge preserving smoothing) window: good results with ns 
# between one and two signal periods
#        -> default values ns= 1.5*w
# bet = stabilisation constant, not critical, set to 0.2*max(amplitude) 
# .firstBreakModCoppens2 <- function(x, w = 11, ns = NULL, bet = 0.2){
#   if(is.null(ns)){
#     ns <- 1.5 * w
#   }
#   E1all <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol= ncol(x))
#   E1all[1:(nrow(E1all) - w +1),] <- wapplyMat2(x, width = w, by = 1, 
#                                                FUN = sum, MARGIN=2)
#   E2all <- apply(x, 2, cumsum)
#   Erall <- E1all/(E2all + bet)
#   xmeanall <- wapplyMat(Erall, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = mean, MARGIN=2)
#   xsdall <- wapplyMat(Erall, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = sd, MARGIN=2)
#   xtestall <- wapplyMat2(xsdall, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = which.min, MARGIN=2)
#   xtestall <- xtestall + seq_len(nrow(xtestall))
#   meantstall <- matrix(xmeanall[xtestall],nrow=nrow(xtestall), 
#                        ncol=ncol(xmeanall), byrow=FALSE)
#   meantstall2 <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(x), ncol= ncol(x))
#   meantstall2[seq_len(nrow(meantstall)) + (ns-1)/2,] <- meantstall
#   fb <- apply(meantstall2, 2, function(x) which.max(abs(diff(x))))
#   return(fb)
# }

# not so vectorized version
# Jaun I. Sabbione and Danilo Velis (2010). Automatic first-breaks picking: 
# New strategies and algorithms. Geophysics, 75 (4): v67-v76
# -> modified Coppens's Method
# w = length leading window: about one period of the first-arrival waveform
# ns = length eps (edge preserving smoothing) window: good results with ns 
# between one and two signal periods
#        -> default values ns= 1.5*w
# bet = stabilisation constant, not critical, set to 0.2*max(amplitude) 
# x is already squared
.firstBreakModCoppens <- function(x, w = 11, ns = NULL, bet = NULL, shorten = TRUE){
  # if(is.null(ns)){
  #   ns <- 1.5 * w
  # }
  if(is.null(bet)) bet <- 0.2 * sqrt(max(x))
  if(shorten == TRUE){
    nmax <- min(which.max(x) +  2*w, length(x))
    # if( (nmax + 2*w ) < length(x) ){
    #   nmax <- nmax + 2*w
    # }else{
    #   nmax <- length(x)
    # }
    ns <- min(nmax-1, ns)
    # if(ns > nmax){
    #   ns <- nmax - 1
    if( (ns %% 2) == 0 ) ns <- ns + 1 
    # }
    x <- x[1:nmax]
  # x <- x^2
  E1 <- c(wapply(x, width = w, by = 1, FUN = sum), rep(0, 2 * floor(w/2)))
  E2 <- cumsum(x)
  Er <- E1/(E2 + bet)
  Er_fil <- .eps(Er, ns = ns)
  fb <- which.max(abs(diff(Er_fil)))

# edge preserving smoothing
# luo et al. (2002): Edge preserving smoothing and applications: 
# The Leading edge, 21: 136-158
.eps <- function(x, ns){
  xmean <-  c(rep(0, floor(ns/2)), 
              wapply(x, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = mean),
              rep(0, floor(ns/2)))
  xsd <- c(rep(0, floor(ns/2)), 
           wapply(x, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = sd),
           rep(0, floor(ns/2)))
  xtest <- wapply(xsd, width = ns, by = 1, FUN = which.min) + 
    (0):(length(xmean)- 2*floor(ns/2)-1)
  return(c(rep(0, floor(ns/2)), xmean[xtest], rep(0, floor(ns/2))))
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.