
Defines functions quiet verboseF getFunName addArg pasteArgs rmNaCol extractPattern .FKFilter taper inPoly repmat paddMatrix padmat shiftmat displacement dy_gkernel dx_gkernel gkernel .minCommon10 bits2volt byte2volt nextpower2 hammingWindow sincMod winSincKernel .fFilter1D rmsScaling scaleCol unscale .nScoreTrans .fHampel rollapplyHampel .runmmmMat .medianFilter1D .traceShiftMat firstBreakToTime0 depth0 depthToTime timeToDepth extrema wapplyMat2 wapplyMat wapplyRowC wapplyRow wapplyc wapply .doubleVector closestTr posLine .georef .unlist flattenlist .lengthList .which .whichMin .plotArrows .plotLine capFirstLetter perpPoints OBB selectBBox inBetAngle gprAngle scaleTo01 .saveTempFile .fExt .fNameWExt safeName safeFPath getFName linkCoordFid rmfid rmxyz addFid rmDuplicates readTopo readFID derivativeMtx3rd derivativeMtx2d robustSmooth setGenericVerif .onAttach

Documented in bits2volt byte2volt capFirstLetter closestTr depth0 depthToTime displacement dx_gkernel dy_gkernel firstBreakToTime0 getFName gkernel inPoly linkCoordFid padmat perpPoints posLine quiet readFID readTopo repmat robustSmooth shiftmat timeToDepth unscale verboseF wapply wapplyMat wapplyMat2 wapplyRow wapplyRowC

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage(paste0("Don't hesitate to contact me if you ",
                               "have any question:\n",

# check lockBinding  (bibliotheque/documents/R/manuel-S4)

#---------------- SETGENERIC ----------------#
# setGenericVerif <- function(x,y){
#   if(!isGeneric(x)){
#     setGeneric(x,y)
#   }else{
#     cat("setGeneric", x,"already exists!\n")
#   }
# }
setGenericVerif <- function(x,y){setGeneric(x,y)}


#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export

#' @importFrom magrittr %T>%
#' @export

#' @name trPlot
#' @rdname trPlot
#' @export
setGeneric("trPlot", function(x, ...)

#' @name setCoordref
#' @rdname setCoordref-methods
#' @exportMethod setCoordref
setGenericVerif("setCoordref", function(x) standardGeneric("setCoordref"))

#' @name intersections
#' @rdname intersections-methods
#' @exportMethod intersections
setGenericVerif("intersections", function(x) standardGeneric("intersections"))

#' @name filepath
#' @rdname filepath-methods
#' @exportMethod filepath
setGenericVerif("filepath", function(x) standardGeneric("filepath"))

#' @name filepath<-
#' @rdname filepath-methods
#' @exportMethod filepath<-
setGenericVerif("filepath<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("filepath<-"))

#' @name coords
#' @rdname coords-methods
#' @exportMethod coords
setGenericVerif("coords", function(x,i) standardGeneric("coords"))

#' @name coords<-
#' @rdname coords-methods
#' @exportMethod coords<-

#' @name coord
#' @rdname coord-methods
#' @exportMethod coord
setGenericVerif("coord", function(x, i, ...) standardGeneric("coord"))

#' @name coord<-
#' @rdname coord-methods
#' @exportMethod coord<-

#' @name ntraces
#' @rdname ntraces
#' @export
setGeneric("ntraces", function(x, i, ...) standardGeneric("ntraces"))

#' @name svDate
#' @rdname svDate
#' @export
setGenericVerif("svDate", function(x, i, ...) standardGeneric("svDate"))

#' @name svDate<-
#' @rdname svDate
#' @export

#' @name ann
#' @rdname ann
#' @export
setGenericVerif("ann", function(x) standardGeneric("ann"))

#' @name ann<-
#' @rdname ann
#' @export

#' @name depthunit
#' @rdname depthunit
#' @export
setGenericVerif("depthunit", function(x) standardGeneric("depthunit"))

#' @name depthunit<-
#' @rdname depthunit
#' @export

#' @name posunit
#' @rdname posunit
#' @export
setGenericVerif("posunit", function(x) standardGeneric("posunit"))

#' @name posunit<-
#' @rdname posunit
#' @export

#' @name crs
#' @rdname crs
#' @export
setGenericVerif("crs", function(x) standardGeneric("crs"))

#' @name crs<-
#' @rdname crs
#' @export

#' @name depth
#' @rdname depth
#' @export
setGenericVerif("depth", function(x) standardGeneric("depth"))

#' @name depth<-
#' @rdname depth
#' @export
setGenericVerif("depth<-", function(x,value) standardGeneric("depth<-"))

#' @name pos
#' @rdname pos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("pos", function(x) standardGeneric("pos"))

#' @name pos<-
#' @rdname pos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("pos<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("pos<-"))

#' @name time0
#' @rdname time0
#' @export
setGenericVerif("time0", function(x) standardGeneric("time0"))

#' @name time0<-
#' @rdname time0
#' @export
setGenericVerif("time0<-",function(x, value){standardGeneric("time0<-")})

#' @name setTime0
#' @rdname time0
#' @export
setGenericVerif("setTime0", function(x, t0, track = TRUE) standardGeneric("setTime0"))

#' Time of data collection for each trace
#' @name trTime
#' @rdname trTime
#' @export
setGenericVerif("trTime", function(x) standardGeneric("trTime"))

#' @name fid
#' @rdname fid
#' @export
setGenericVerif("fid", function(x) standardGeneric("fid"))

#' @name fid<-
#' @rdname fid
#' @export

#' @name values
#' @rdname values
#' @export
setGenericVerif("values", function(x) standardGeneric("values"))

#' @name values<-
#' @rdname values
#' @export
setGenericVerif("values<-", function(x,value) standardGeneric("values<-"))

#' @name processing
#' @rdname processing
#' @export
setGenericVerif("processing", function(x) standardGeneric("processing"))

#' @name proc
#' @rdname proc
#' @export
setGenericVerif("proc", function(x) standardGeneric("proc"))

#' @name proc<-
#' @rdname proc
#' @export

#' @name antsep
#' @rdname antsep
#' @export
setGenericVerif("antsep", function(x) standardGeneric("antsep"))

#' @name antsep<-
#' @rdname antsep
#' @export

#' @name antfreq
#' @rdname antfreq
#' @export
setGenericVerif("antfreq", function(x) standardGeneric("antfreq"))

#' @name antfreq<-
#' @rdname antfreq
#' @export

#' @name surveymode
#' @rdname surveymode
#' @export
setGenericVerif("surveymode", function(x) standardGeneric("surveymode"))

#' @name surveymode<-
#' @rdname surveymode
#' @export
                function(x, value){standardGeneric("surveymode<-")})    

#' @name isCMP
#' @rdname isCMP
#' @export
setGenericVerif("isCMP", function(x) standardGeneric("isCMP"))

#' @name isTimeUnit
#' @rdname isTimeUnit
#' @export
setGenericVerif("isTimeUnit", function(x) standardGeneric("isTimeUnit"))

#' @name isLengthUnit
#' @rdname isLengthUnit
#' @export
setGenericVerif("isLengthUnit", function(x) standardGeneric("isLengthUnit"))

#' @name description
#' @rdname description
#' @export
setGenericVerif("description", function(x) standardGeneric("description"))

#' @name description<-
#' @rdname description
#' @export
setGenericVerif("description<-", function(x, value) 

#' @name trProject
#' @rdname trProject
#' @export
setGenericVerif("trProject", function(x, CRSobj) standardGeneric("trProject"))

#' @name tpOBB2D
#' @rdname tpOBB2D
#' @export
setGenericVerif("tpOBB2D", function(x) standardGeneric("tpOBB2D"))

#' @name svAngle
#' @rdname svAngle
#' @export
setGenericVerif("svAngle", function(x) standardGeneric("svAngle"))

#' @name gethd
#' @rdname gethd
#' @export
setGenericVerif("gethd", function(x,hd=NULL) standardGeneric("gethd"))

setGenericVerif("plotAmpl", function(x, npad = 100, FUN = mean, add = FALSE, 
                                     all = FALSE,...) standardGeneric("plotAmpl"))

setGenericVerif("plotEnvelope", function(x, npad = 100, FUN = mean, add = FALSE, 
                                         all = FALSE,...) standardGeneric("plotEnvelope"))

#' @name trRmDuplicates
#' @rdname trRmDuplicates
#' @export
setGenericVerif("trRmDuplicates", function(x, tol = NULL, verbose = TRUE) 

#' @name interpPos
#' @rdname interpPos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("interpPos", function(x, topo, plot = FALSE, r = NULL, tol = NULL, 
                                      method = c("linear", "linear", "linear"), crs = NULL, ...) 

#' @name interpPosFromXYZ
#' @rdname interpPosFromXYZ
#' @export
setGenericVerif("interpPosFromXYZ", function(x, xyz, tol = NULL) 

setGeneric("interpPosArray", function(x, d, GPGGA = NULL, geojson = NULL, 
                   tol = NULL, backproject = FALSE)

# #' @name interpPosFromGPGGA
# #' @rdname interpPosFromGPGGA
# #' @export
# setGenericVerif("interpPosFromGPGGA", 
#           function(x, GPGGA, tol = NULL, backproject = TRUE)
#             standardGeneric("interpPosFromGPGGA"))

#' @name regInterpPos
#' @rdname regInterpPos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("regInterpPos", function(x, type = c("linear", "cosine"), 
                                         dx = NULL)  standardGeneric("regInterpPos"))

#' @name relTrPos
#' @rdname relTrPos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("relTrPos", function(x, last = FALSE) 

#' @name relTrPos3D
#' @rdname relTrPos
#' @export
setGenericVerif("relTrPos3D", function(x, last = FALSE) 

# #' @name readGPR
# #' @rdname readGPR
# #' @export
# setGenericVerif("readGPR", function(fPath, desc = "", ...) 
#   standardGeneric("readGPR")
# )

#' @name reverse
#' @rdname reverse
#' @export
setGenericVerif("reverse", function(x, id = NULL,  tol = 0.3) 

#' @name setGridCoord
#' @rdname setGridCoord-methods
#' @export

#' @name shiftEst
#' @rdname shiftEst
#' @export
setGenericVerif("shiftEst", function(x, y = NULL, 
                                     method=c("phase", "WSSD"), dxy = NULL, ...) 

setGenericVerif("timeCorOffset", function(x, t0 = NULL, track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("corAntElev", function(x, c0 = 0.3)

#' @name filter1D
#' @rdname filter1D
                         type = c("runmed", "runmean", "MAD", "Gaussian"), 
                         w = NULL,
                         track = TRUE) 

                         type = c("runmed", "runmean", "MAD", "Gaussian"), 
                         w = NULL, 
                         track = TRUE ) 

                function(x, type=c("power", "exp", "agc"),  ...) 

setGenericVerif("dcshift", function(x, u = NULL, FUN = mean, ..., track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("firstBreak", function(x, method = c("coppens",
                                                     "threshold",  "MER"), thr = 0.12, w = 11, ns = NULL, 
                                       bet = NULL)

                         type = c("stat", "min-max", "95", "eq", "sum", "rms", 
                                  "mad", "invNormal"), 
                         track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("fFilter", function(x, f = 100, 
                                    type = c('low', 'high', 'bandpass', 'bandpass-reject'),
                                    L = 257, plotSpec = FALSE, track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("fkFilter", function(x, fk = NULL, L = c(5, 5), npad = 1, 
                                     track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("eigenFilter", function(x, eigenvalue = NA, center = TRUE, 
                                        scale = FALSE, track = TRUE) 

                function(x,  ts, 
                         method = c("pchip", "linear", "nearest", 
                                    "spline", "cubic", "none"), 
                         crop = TRUE, track = TRUE)

                function(x,  z, method = c("pchip", "linear", 
                                           "nearest", "spline", "cubic"), 
                         crop = TRUE, track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("traceAverage", function(x, w = NULL, FUN = mean, ..., 
                                         track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("traceStat", function(x, w = NULL, FUN = mean, ..., 
                                      track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("time0Cor",  function(x, t0 = NULL, 
                                      method = c("spline", "linear", "nearest", "pchip", "cubic", 
                                                 "none"), crop = TRUE, keep = 0, track = TRUE) 

setGenericVerif("rotatePhase", function(x, phi, track = TRUE) standardGeneric("rotatePhase"))

#' @name getGPR
#' @rdname getGPR
#' @export
setGenericVerif("getGPR", function(x,id) standardGeneric("getGPR"))

#' @name surveyIntersect
#' @rdname surveyIntersect
#' @export
setGenericVerif("surveyIntersect", function(x) 

#' @name writeSurvey
#' @rdname writeSurvey
#' @export
setGenericVerif("writeSurvey", function(x, fPath, overwrite=FALSE){ 

#' @name interpSlices
#' @rdname interpSlices
#' @export
setGenericVerif("interpSlices", function(x, dx = NULL, dy = NULL, dz = NULL, 
                                         h = 6, extend = c("chull", "bbox", "obbox", "buffer"),
                                         buffer = NULL, shp = NULL){ 

#' @name tpShift
#' @rdname tpShift
#' @export
setGenericVerif("tpShift", function(x, i, dx = 0, dy = 0){ 

#' Georeferencing
#' Perform on a set of x,y coordinates
#' (1) a translation by \code{-cloc}, then
#' (2) a rotation by \code{alpha} (radian), and (3)
#' a translation by \code{creg}. If \code{creg}
#' is \code{NULL}, then \code{creg} is set equal
#' to \code{cloc}.
#' @param x A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#'          to coordinates.
#' @param alpha A length-one numeric vector corresponding to 
#'              the rotation angle in radians. If \code{alpha = NULL},
#'              \code{alpha} is estimated from the pairs of points in
#'              the local reference system (\code{ploc}) and in the
#'              regional reference system (\code{preg}).
#' @param cloc A length-two numeric vector corresponding to the coordinate
#'             center of the local reference system
#' @param creg A length-two numeric vector corresponding to the coordinate
#'             center of the regional reference system. Setting 
#'             \code{creg = NULL} (default) is equivalent to apply a rotation
#'             of angle \code{alpha} and center \code{cloc}.
#' @param ploc A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#'             to coordinates in the local reference system.
#' @param preg A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#'             to coordinates in the regional reference system.
#' @param FUN If \code{alpha = NULL}, a function to estimate the rotation angle
#'            from the angles computed for each pairs of coordinates of
#'            \code{ploc}-\code{preg}.
#' @export
#' @name georef
#' @rdname georef
setGeneric("georef", function(x, alpha = NULL, cloc = NULL, creg = NULL,
                               ploc = NULL, preg = NULL, FUN = mean){ 


#' Robust smoothing
#' A wrapper for the functions \code{robfilter::hybrid.filte} and
#' \code{smooth.spline}
#' @param x       a numeric vector or (univariate) time series object.
#' @param spar    smoothing parameter, typically (but not necessarily) in (0,1].
#'                See \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}.
#' @param width	  an odd positive integer (>=3) defining the window width 
#'                used for fitting.
#'                See \code{\link[robfilter]{hybrid.filter}}.
#' @param method	a (vector of) character string(s) containing the method(s) 
#'                to be used for the estimation of the signal level. 
#'                Method choice: "MED", "RM", 
#'                "MEAN", FMH, "PFMH", "CFMH", "MH", "PRMH", "CRMH", "MMH", 
#'                "PRMMH", "CRMMH".
#'                See \code{\link[robfilter]{hybrid.filter}}.
#' @param extrapolate	a logical indicating whether the level estimations 
#'                    should be extrapolated to the edges of the time series.  
#'                    See \code{\link[robfilter]{hybrid.filter}}. 
#' @param  minNonNAs a positive integer defining the minimum number of 
#'                   non-missing observationswithin each window (half) 
#'                   which is required for a 'sensible' estimation.
#'                   See \code{\link[robfilter]{hybrid.filter}}.
#' @export            
robustSmooth <- function(x, spar = NULL, width,  method = "PRMMH", 
                         extrapolate = TRUE,
                         minNonNAs = 3){
  if (missing(width)) {
    stop("argument 'width' is missing with no default")
  xf <- robfilter::hybrid.filter(x, width = width, method = method, 
                                 extrapolate = extrapolate,
                                 minNonNAs = minNonNAs)
  if(sum(is.na(xf$level$PRMMH)) > 1){
    x_NA <- is.na(xf$level$PRMMH)
    xfok <- signal::interp1(which(!x_NA), xf$level$PRMMH[!x_NA], seq_along(x_NA), method = "pchip", 
            extrap = TRUE)
    xfok <- xf$level$PRMMH
  xfs <- smooth.spline(x = xfok,  spar = spar)$y

#setGenericVerif("adimproSmooth", function(x,hmax=2,...) standardGeneric("
# adimproSmooth"))

################## GPR PROCESSING ######################3

# # second derivative
derivativeMtx2d <- function(nr, nc){
  if(missing(nc)) nc <- nr
  D <- diag(x = 1, nrow = nr, ncol = nc) 
  D[ col(D) == row(D) +1  ] <- -2
  D[ col(D) == row(D) +2  ] <-  1

# third derivative
derivativeMtx3rd <- function(nr, nc){
  if(missing(nc)) nc <- nr
  D <- diag(x = 1, nrow = nr, ncol = nc) 
  D[ col(D) == row(D) +1  ] <- -3
  D[ col(D) == row(D) +2  ] <-  3
  D[ col(D) == row(D) +3  ] <- -1

##----------- helper functions -------------------##
# FID <- choose.files(caption = " txt files",filters = c("txt","*.txt"))
# output = list of data frame (one for each file from FID) 
#    with c("x","y","z","trace_number") structure
#' read fiducial marker files
#' read fiducial marker files
#' @export
readFID <- function(FID, sep = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
  myFid <- list() 
  for(i in seq_along(FID)){
    if(verbose) message("read ", FID[[i]], "...")
    pp <- verboseF( detectASCIIProp(FID[[i]]), verbose = verbose)
    A <- read.table(file             = FID[[i]], 
                    sep              = pp$sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                    header           = pp$header,
                    skip             = pp$skip)
    # A <- read.table(FID[[i]], sep=",", stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=TRUE)
    # colnames(A) <- toupper(colnames(A))
    # if(!all(c("E","N","Z","TRACE") %in% colnames(A))){
    #   stop("The headers should be \"E\",\"N\",\"Z\",\"TRACE\"!\n")
    # }
    # myFid[[i]] <- A[,c("E","N","Z","TRACE")]
    if(ncol(A) < 4){
      stop(FID[[i]], " must have 4 columns: x, y, z and trace number!")
    # else if(ncol(A) > 4 && verbose){
    #   warning(FID[[i]], " has ", ncol(A), ". I take only the 4 first columns.")
    # }
      colnames(A) <- toupper(colnames(A))
      if(all(c("E", "N", "Z", "TRACE") %in% colnames(A))){
        A <- A[, c("E", "N", "Z", "TRACE")]
      }else if(all(c("X", "Y", "Z", "TRACE") %in% colnames(A))){
        A <- A[, c("X", "Y", "Z", "TRACE")]
    colnames(A)[1:4] <- c("x", "y", "z", "tn")
    myFid[[i]] <- A[, 1:4]

#' read topo file
#' read topo file
#' @export
readTopo <- function(TOPO, sep = NULL, verbose = TRUE){
  myTopo <- list() 
  for(i in seq_along(TOPO)){
    if(verbose) message("read ", TOPO[[i]], "...")
    pp <- verboseF( detectASCIIProp(TOPO[[i]]), verbose = verbose)
    A <- read.table(file             = TOPO[[i]], 
                    sep              = pp$sep, 
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                    header           = pp$header,
                    skip             = pp$skip)
    if(ncol(A) < 3){
      stop(TOPO[[i]], " must have 3 columns: x, y and z!")
    }else if(ncol(A) > 3 && verbose){
      warning(TOPO[[i]], " has ", ncol(A), ". I take only the 3 first columns.")
    colnames(A)[1:3] <- c("x", "y", "z")
    myTopo[[i]] <- A[,1:3]

# If there are more recorded positions than fiducials
# remove duplicates from the recorded positions
# P = Position (topo)
# F = fiducials (from GPR data)
rmDuplicates <- function(xyz, fid, tol = 0.1){
  dn <- nrow(xyz) - nrow(fid)
  if(dn > 0){
    dd <- as.matrix(dist(xyz[, 1:2]))
    diag(dd) <- NA
    dd[upper.tri(dd)] <- NA
    ij <- which(dd <= min(sort(dd)[dn], tol, arr.ind = TRUE))
    # handle "duplicate"
    if(length(ij) > 0){
      A <- list()
      it <- 1
      for(k in 1:nrow(xyz)){
        ik <- apply(ij, 1, function(x, k0 = k) any(x %in% k0))
        if(sum(ik) > 0){
          A[[it]] <- unname(ij[ik,])
          ij <- ij[-ik,]
          it <- it + 1
        }else if( !(k %in% unlist(A, use.names = FALSE))){
          A[[it]] <- k
          it <- it + 1
      ##TODO ##FIXME
      if(length(A) != nrow(fid)) stop("case to be implemented!!")
      ##TODO ##FIXME
      nL <- sapply(A, length)
      B <- matrix(ncol = length(A), nrow = prod(nL))
      for(k in 1:length(A)){
        B[,k] <- rep(A[[k]], prod(nL[-k]))
      regres <- numeric(nrow(B))
      for(k in 1:nrow(B)){
        posTopo <- posLine(xyz[B[k,], 1:2])
        reg <- lm(fid$POSITION ~ posTopo)
        regres[k] <- summary(reg)$r.squared
      iOK <- which.max(regres)
      xyz <- xyz[B[iOK,], ]

# tt = x@time
# pos = x@pos
# xyz <- TOp
# fid <- fi
# fidx = x@fid
addFid <- function(xyz, fid, tt, pos, fidx){
  dn <- nrow(xyz) - nrow(fid)
  if(dn > 0){
    dtime  <- c(0, diff(tt))
    sel    <- pos %in% fid$POSITION
    idtime <- which(dtime > 1.5 * sd(dtime[!sel]) & !sel)
    dn <- nrow(xyz) - nrow(fid)
    if(length(idtime) > 0){
      # en fait il faudrait regarder au cas par cas pour chaque
      # coordonnee auquelle il manque un fiducial
      if(length(idtime) >= dn){ 
        posTopo <- posLine(xyz[, 1:2])
        vx <- combn(seq_along(idtime), dn)
        regres <- numeric(ncol(vx))
        for(k in seq_len(ncol(vx))){
          dxt <- sort(c(idtime[vx[,k]], which(sel)))
          reg <- lm( pos[dxt] ~ posTopo)
          regres[k] <- summary(reg)$r.squared
        iOK <- which.max(regres)
        dxt <- sort(c(idtime[vx[,iOK]], which(sel)))
        ffid <- fidx[dxt]
        ffid[1] <- "START"
        ffid[length(ffid)] <- "END"
        if(length(ffid) > 2){
          ffid[2:(length(ffid)-1)] <- paste0("FID", seq_len(length(ffid)-2))
        stop("TO BE IMPLEMENTED")
      fid <- data.frame(TRACE    = dxt, 
                        POSITION = pos[dxt], 
                        COMMENT  = ffid)
      com <- paste0("  find ", dn," new FIDs!")

rmxyz <- function(xyz, fid){
  dn <- nrow(xyz) - nrow(fid)
  if(dn > 0){
    vx <- combn(1:nrow(xyz), nrow(fid))
    regres <- numeric(ncol(vx))
    coeff <- numeric(ncol(vx))
    for(k in 1:ncol(vx)){
      posTopo <- posLine(xyz[vx[,k], 1:2])
      reg <- lm(fid$POSITION ~ posTopo)
      regres[k] <- summary(reg)$r.squared
      coeff[k] <- reg$coef[2]
    if(nrow(fid) == 2){
      iOK <- which.min(abs(coeff - 1))
      iOK <- which.max(regres)
    #com <- "   remove a coord!"
    xyz <- xyz[vx[,iOK],]

rmfid <- function(xyz, fid){
  dn <- nrow(xyz) - nrow(fid)
  if(dn < 0){
    # remove fiducials!!
    vx <- combn(1:nrow(fid), nrow(xyz))
    regres <- numeric(ncol(vx))
    coeff <- numeric(ncol(vx))
    posTopo <- posLine(xyz[, 1:2])
    for(k in 1:ncol(vx)){
      reg <- lm(fid$POSITION[vx[,k]] ~ posTopo)
      regres[k] <- summary(reg)$r.squared
      coeff[k] <- reg$coef[2]
    if(nrow(fid) == 2){
      iOK <- which.min(abs(coeff - 1))
      iOK <- which.max(regres)
    com <- "   remove a fiducial!"
    fid <- fid[vx[,iOK],]

#' Link coordinates to fiducial marker
#' To interpolate topo
#' @param y object of class GPSsurvey
#' @param xyz matrix of coordinates
#' @param pcode character vector (length(pcode) = nrow(xyz)) indicating which
#'              coordinates to which GPR data belongs
#' @param tol Tolerance to detect duplicates from topo data   
#' @export
linkCoordFid <- function(y, xyz, pcode, tol = 0.1 ){
  FIDs <- list()
  sn <- names(y)
  for(i in seq_along(y)){
    tp <- grep(sn[i], pcode)
    x <- y[[i]]
    fi <- exportFid(x)
    xyzp <- xyz[tp,]
    xyzp <- rmDuplicates(xyz = xyzp, fid = fi)
    fi <- addFid(xyz = xyzp, fid = fi, tt = x@time, pos = x@pos, fidx = x@fid)
    xyzp <- rmxyz(xyz = xyzp, fid = fi)
    fi <- rmfid(xyz = xyzp, fid = fi)
    if( nrow(fi) == nrow(xyzp)){
      fi$E <- xyzp[, "E" ]
      fi$N <- xyzp[, "N" ]
      fi$Z <- xyzp[, "Z" ]
      FIDs[[i]] <- fi
# # 1. too much coordinates  n(coord) > n(fid)
# #   a. remove duplicates
# #     i. n(coord) = n(fid) -> OK
# #     ii. too much coordinates  n(coord) > n(fid)
# #       > maybe a fiducial is missing
# #         find potential fiducials
# #         make all possible combination fiducials - coords
# #         * n(coord) = n(fid) -> OK
# #         * ii. too much coordinates  n(coord) > n(fid)
# #           - remove a fiducial
# fids <- linkCoordFid(y = SU, xyz = TO[, c("E", "N", "Z")], pcode = TO$PCODE)
# which(sapply(fids, is.null))

# for(i in seq_along(SU)){
# posTopo <- posLine(fids[[i]][, c("E", "N")])
# reg <- lm(fids[[i]]$POSITION ~ posTopo)
# plot(posTopo, fids[[i]]$POSITION, main = SU@names[i], asp = 1)
# abline(reg, col = "red")
# title(sub = summary(reg)$r.squared)
# Sys.sleep(0.5)
# if(max(reg$res) < 1.5 | summary(reg)$r.squared > 0.99){
# title("\n\nOK!")
# Sys.sleep(1.5)
# }else{
# message(SU@names[i])
# }
# }

##------------- FILENAME/FILEPATH/EXTENSION -------------------##

#' Filepath(s) with correct extension(s)
#' Returns the filepaths with the correct extension and check for 
#' upper and lower case extension (e.g., ".txt" or ".TXT")
#' @param fPath length-one character vector (e.g., "xline01.dt1")
#' @param ext   character vector of the extension required
#' @param throwError boolean. If TRUE, an error is thrown if the filepath
#'                   with one of the extension does not exist. If FALSE,
#'                   it returns NULL for the missing extension
#' @return A list whose keys correspond to \code{ext} and the values to 
#'         the filepaths:
#'         $hd  -> xline01.hd
#'         $dt1 -> xline01.dt1
#' @export  
getFName <- function(fPath, ext = c(".hd", ".dt1"), throwError = TRUE){
  fp <- file.path(dirname(fPath), .fNameWExt(fPath))
  ext <- tolower(ext)
  Ext <- toupper(ext)
  mfile <- list()
  for(i in seq_along(ext)){
    if(file.exists(f1 <- paste0(fp, Ext[i]))){
      mfile[[gsub("^[.]",  "", ext[i])]] <- f1
    }else if(file.exists(f2 <- paste0(fp, ext[i]))){
      mfile[[gsub("^[.]",  "", ext[i])]] <- f2
        stop("Files '", f1, "' and '", f2, "' do not exist!\n",
             "Check the filepath!")
        mfile[[gsub("^[.]",  "", ext[i])]] <- NULL

# NAME: safe file path
# test if the file already exists
# if yes, add a suffix to the filepath
safeFPath <- function(fPath = NULL){
  dirName   <- dirname(fPath)
  fName <- .fNameWExt(fPath)
  ext <- .fExt(fPath)
  if(dirName == '.'){
    fPath <- fName
    fPath <- paste0(dirName, '/' , fName)
  fPath_orgi <- fPath
  k <- 0
  while(file.exists(paste0(fPath, ".", ext)) || 
        file.exists( paste0(fPath, ".HD"))){
    fPath <- paste0(fPath_orgi, "_", k)
    k <- k + 1
  newfPath <- paste0(fPath, ".", ext)

safeName <- function(x, y){
  xold <- x
  k <- 1
  while(any(x == y)){
    x <- paste0(xold, "_", k)
    k <- k + 1

#' Trim string
#' returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace
#' @export
trimStr <- function (x, useBytes = FALSE) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x, useBytes = useBytes)

# return filename without extension
#' @export
.fNameWExt <- function(x){
  sub(pattern = "(.*)\\..*$", replacement = "\\1", basename(x))
  # unlist(lapply(strsplit(basename(x),"[.]"), head , 1 ), use.names = FALSE)

# return the file extension.

#' @export
.fExt <- function(x){
  #   cat("with caution... because split \'.\' may not be so good\n")
  unlist(lapply(strsplit(basename(x),"[.]"), tail , 1 ), use.names = FALSE)

.saveTempFile <- function(x){
  tmpf <- tempfile(x@name)
  writeGPR(x, type = "rds", overwrite = FALSE, fPath = tmpf)
  return(paste0(tmpf, ".rds"))

#' @export
scaleTo01 <- function(x){
  xmat <- as.matrix(x)
  xmat_s <- (xmat - min(xmat, na.rm = TRUE))/diff(range(xmat, na.rm = TRUE))

# Compute the orientation angle of GPR profile
# TODO: compute all the angles (maybe not a good idea...)
gprAngle <- function(x){
  #dEN <- x@coord[1:(length(x) - 1),1:2] - x@coord[2:length(x),1:2]
  # return(atan2(dEN[1,2], dEN[1,1]))
  dEN <- x@coord[1,1:2] - tail(x@coord[,1:2],1)
  return(atan2(dEN[2], dEN[1]))

# is angle b between aref - 1/2*atol and aref + 1/2*atol?

#' @export
inBetAngle <- function(aref, b, atol = pi/10){
  dot <- cos(b)*cos(aref) + sin(b) * sin(aref)
  return(acos(dot) <= atol)

# select a box on plot(mySurvey) and return list(xlim,ylim)
# that can be used in plot3D:
#   plot(mySurvey,asp=1)
#   bbox <- selectBBox()
#   plot3D(mySurvey, addTopo=TRUE,clip=30, xlim=bbox$xlim,
# ylim=bbox$ylim, add=FALSE)

selectBBox <- function(border="red",lwd=2,...){
  bbox <- locator(type="p",n=2)
  LIM <- sapply(bbox, range)
  rect(LIM[1,"x"], LIM[1,"y"], LIM[2,"x"], LIM[2,"y"], border=border)
  return(list("xlim"=LIM[,"x"], "ylim" =LIM[,"y"]))

# source "whuber" from stackexchange.com
# https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/22895/finding-minimum-area-rectangle-for-given-points/181883#181883
# Oriented Bounding Box
OBB <- function(p) {
  # Analyze the convex hull edges     
  a <- chull(p)                                   # Indexes of extremal points
  a <- c(a, a[1])                                 # Close the loop
  e <- p[a[-1],] - p[a[-length(a)], ]             # Edge directions
  norms <- sqrt(rowSums(e^2))                     # Edge lengths
  v <- e / norms                                  # Unit edge directions
  w <- cbind(-v[,2], v[,1])                       # Normal directions to the edges
  # Find the MBR
  vertices <- p[a, ]                              # Convex hull vertices
  x <- apply(vertices %*% t(v), 2, range)         # Extremes along edges
  y <- apply(vertices %*% t(w), 2, range)         # Extremes normal to edges
  areas <- (y[1,]-y[2,])*(x[1,]-x[2,])            # Areas
  k <- which.min(areas)                           # Index of the best edge (smallest area)
  # Form a rectangle from the extremes of the best edge
  cbind(x[c(1,2,2,1,1),k], y[c(1,1,2,2,1),k]) %*% rbind(v[k,], w[k,])

#' Points perdicular to a polyline
#' Compute oriented transects along a polyline (one transect per points)
#' @param xy matrix n row, 2 column (x and y positions)
#' @param d numeric vector of length m defining the distance of the transect from the
#'          polyline points. If length m > 1 several transects are returned.
#' @return a list with elements x and y of dimension (n, m).
#' @export
perpPoints <- function(xy, d){
  xy2 <- xy[c(1,1:nrow(xy), nrow(xy)),]
  xlat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(xy), ncol = length(d))
  ylat <- matrix(nrow = nrow(xy), ncol = length(d))
  for(i in 2:(nrow(xy2) - 1)){
    if( xy2[i - 1, 2] == xy2[i + 1, 2]){
      xlat[i-1, ] <- xy2[i, 1]
      ylat[i-1, ] <- xy2[i, 2] + d
    }else if(xy2[i - 1, 1] == xy2[i + 1, 1] ){
      xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] + d
      ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2]
      #get the slope of the line
      m <- ((xy2[i - 1, 2] - xy2[i + 1, 2])/(xy2[i - 1, 1] - xy2[i + 1, 1]))
      #get the negative reciprocal, 
      n_m <- -1/m
      sng <- sign(xy2[i + 1, 1] - xy2[i - 1, 1])
      DD <- d / sqrt( n_m^2 + 1)
      if( m < 0){
        DD <- -DD
      if(sng > 0){
        xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] +  DD
        ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2] + n_m * DD
        xlat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 1] - DD
        ylat[i-1, ] = xy2[i, 2] - n_m * DD
  return(list(x = xlat, y = ylat))

#' Capitalize the first letter in a word string in R
#' @param x [character(1)] A character string
#' @return The character string with first letter capitalised
capFirstLetter <- function(x){
  paste(toupper(substring(x, 1,1)), substring(x, 2), sep = "")

# .fidpos <- function(xyz,fid){
#   return(xyz[trimStr(fid)!="",,drop=FALSE])
# }

.plotLine <- function(xyz,...){

.plotArrows <- function(xyz, ...){
  arrows(xyz[nrow(xyz)-1,1], xyz[nrow(xyz)-1,2], xyz[nrow(xyz),1], 
         xyz[nrow(xyz),2], ...)

.whichMin <- function(x,y){

.which <- function(x,y){

.lengthList <- function(x){
    # print(typeof(x))

# flatte a nested list
#' @export
flattenlist <- function(x){  
  morelists <- sapply(x, function(xprime) class(xprime)[1] == "list")
    out <- lapply(seq_along(morelists), .unlist, x = x, z = morelists)
    out <- unlist(out, recursive = FALSE)

.unlist <- function(i, x, z){
    names(x[[i]]) <- rep(names(x[i]), length(x[[i]]))
    # print(names(x[i]))

#-- not exported!
# Georeferencing
# Perform on a set of x,y coordinates
# (1) a translation by \code{-cloc}, then
# (2) a rotation by \code{alpha} (radian), and (3)
# a translation by \code{creg}. If \code{creg}
# is \code{NULL}, then \code{creg} is set equal
# to \code{cloc}.
# @param x A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#          to coordinates.
# @param alpha A length-one numeric vector corresponding to 
#              the rotation angle in radians. If \code{alpha = NULL},
#              \code{alpha} is estimated from the pairs of points in
#              the local reference system (\code{ploc}) and in the
#              regional reference system (\code{preg}).
# @param cloc A length-two numeric vector corresponding to the coordinate
#             center of the local reference system
# @param creg A length-two numeric vector corresponding to the coordinate
#             center of the regional reference system. Setting 
#             \code{creg = NULL} (default) is equivalent to apply a rotation
#             of angle \code{alpha} and center \code{cloc}.
# @param ploc A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#            to coordinates in the local reference system.
# @param preg A matrix with the first two columns corresponding
#             to coordinates in the regional reference system.
# @param FUN If \code{alpha = NULL}, a function to estimate the rotation angle
#            from the angles computed for each pairs of coordinates of
#            \code{ploc}-\code{preg}.
.georef <- function(x, alpha = NULL, cloc = c(0,0), creg = NULL,
                    ploc = NULL, preg = NULL, FUN = mean){
  x0 <- as.matrix(unname(x[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]))
    # cloc <- as.double(cloc)
    # creg <- as.double(creg)
    # ploc <- as.matrix(ploc)
    # preg <- as.matrix(preg)
    if(is.null(dim(ploc))) dim(ploc) <- c(1, length(ploc))
    if(is.null(dim(preg))) dim(preg) <- c(1, length(preg))
    # print(ploc)
    alphaloc <- atan2(ploc[,1] - cloc[1], ploc[,2] - cloc[2])
    alphareg <- atan2(preg[,1] - creg[1], preg[,2] - creg[2])
    alpha <- alphareg - alphaloc
    #message(paste0("rotation angles: ", 
    #               paste0(round(alpha,4), collapse = ", "), "."))
    alpha <- FUN(alpha)
  ROT <- matrix(c( cos(alpha), sin(alpha),
                   -sin(alpha), cos(alpha)), nrow=2, ncol=2)
  TRL <-  matrix(as.double(cloc[1:2]), nrow = nrow(x0), 
                 ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
    TRL2 <- TRL
    TRL2 <-  matrix(creg[1:2], nrow = nrow(x0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  x[,1:2] <- (x0 - TRL) %*% ROT + TRL2

#' Relative position on a multiline
#' Relative position on a multiline
#' @export
posLine <- function(x, last = FALSE){
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  xCumDist <- c(0, cumsum(sqrt(rowSums(diff(x)^2))))
    return(tail(xCumDist, 1))

#' Closest trace
#' Return the indice of the closest trace to the point \code{y}
#' @param x Object of the class GPR.
#' @param y Length-two numeric vector of the (x, y)-coordinates.
#' @return Indice (integer) of the closest trace.
#' @export
closestTr <- function(x, y){
  ymat <- matrix(as.numeric(y[1:2]), 
                 nrow = length(x),
                 ncol = 2,
                 byrow = TRUE)
  which.min(rowSums((ymat - x@coord[,1:2])^2))

.doubleVector <- function(v,n=2L){
  if(n > 1){
    m <- length(v)
    dxpos <- rep( diff(v)/n,n-1)
    vv <- v[-m] + rep(seq(1,n-1),each=m-1)*dxpos
    xvalues  <- sort(c(v,vv ,v[m] + cumsum(rep(dxpos[length(dxpos)],n-1))))
    xvalues <- xvalues[1:(length(xvalues))]

#' wapply: A faster (but less functional) "rollapply" for vector setups

#' April 23, 2013.
#' By A.N. Spiess, senior scientist at the Department of Andrology at the 
#' University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf.
#' This is what turned out (wapply for "window apply").
#' @export
wapply <- function(x=NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- length(x)
  SEQ1 <- seq(1, lenX - width + 1, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x) x:(x + width - 1))
  OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) FUN(x[a], ...))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)

#' @export
wapplyc <- function(x=NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- length(x)
  SEQ1 <- seq(-(width-1)/2 + 1, lenX -(width-1)/2, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x){ xnew <- x:(x + width - 1)
  xnew <- xnew[xnew > 0]
  xnew <- xnew[xnew <= lenX]})
  OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) FUN(x[a], ...))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)

#' Wapply on the row of a matrix (windowed)
#' mod by MANU.
#' @export
wapplyRow <- function(x = NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- nrow(x)
  SEQ1 <- seq(1, lenX - width + 1, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x) x:(x + width - 1))
  OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) FUN(x[a,,drop=FALSE], ...))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)

#' Wapply on the row of a matrix (windowed + CENTERED)
#' mod by MANU.
#' @export
wapplyRowC <- function(x = NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- nrow(x)
  SEQ1 <- seq(-(width-1)/2 + 1, lenX -(width-1)/2, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x){ xnew <- x:(x + width - 1)
  xnew <- xnew[xnew > 0]
  xnew <- xnew[xnew <= lenX]})
  OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) FUN(x[a,,drop=FALSE], ...))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)

#' windowing with centered window
#' based on wapply and modified by Manu.
#' centered moving window.
#' return a matrix of the same dimension than x.
#' some border effect at a distance < width/2 at the first and last col/row
#' @export
wapplyMat <- function(x = NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, 
                      MARGIN = 1, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  width <- ifelse(width %% 2 == 0, width + 1, width)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- ifelse(MARGIN == 1, ncol(x), nrow(x))
  SEQ1 <- seq(-(width-1)/2 + 1, lenX -(width-1)/2, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x){ xnew <- x:(x + width - 1)
  xnew <- xnew[xnew > 0]
  xnew <- xnew[xnew <= lenX]})
  if(MARGIN == 1){
    OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) apply(x[, a, drop = FALSE], MARGIN, FUN, ...))
  }else if( MARGIN == 2) {
    OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) apply(x[a,, drop = FALSE], MARGIN, FUN, ...))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)
  if(MARGIN == 2){

#' windowing with not centered window
#' based on wapply and modified by Manu.
#' not centered moving window! start first row/column and 
#' stop when the extremity of the windwo reach the last row/column.
#' return a matrix of with smaller dimension than x (margin - 2*width)
#' @export
wapplyMat2 <- function(x = NULL, width = NULL, by = NULL, FUN = NULL, 
                       MARGIN = 1, ...){
  FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
  if (is.null(by)) by <- width
  lenX <- ifelse(MARGIN == 1, ncol(x), nrow(x))
  SEQ1 <- seq(1, lenX - width + 1, by = by)
  SEQ2 <- lapply(SEQ1, function(x) x:(x + width - 1))
  if(MARGIN == 1){
    OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) apply(x[, a, drop = FALSE], MARGIN, FUN))
  }else if( MARGIN == 2) {
    OUT <- lapply(SEQ2, function(a) apply(x[a,, drop = FALSE], MARGIN, FUN))
  OUT <- base::simplify2array(OUT, higher = TRUE)
  if(MARGIN == 2){
# xyToLine <- function(x){
#   sp::Line(x[,1:2])
# }
# LineToLines <- function(i,pp, myNames){
#   sp::Lines(pp[i],myNames[i])
# }

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6836409/finding-local-maxima-and-minima
extrema <- function(x, type=c("max","min")){
  type <- match.arg(type, c("max", "min"))
  if( type == "min" ){
    x <- -x
  y <- diff(c(-.Machine$integer.max, x)) > 0L
  y <- cumsum(rle(y)$lengths)
  y <- y[seq.int(1L, length(y), 2L)]
  if (x[[1]] == x[[2]]) {
    y <- y[-1]

#--- see trTime in "ClassGPR.R"
#  @export                  
# trRecTime <- function(x, origin = "1970-01-01"){
#   return(as.POSIXct(x@time, origin = origin))
# }

#' time to depth conversion
#' time to depth conversion
#' @export                  
timeToDepth <- function(tt, time_0, v = 0.1, antsep = 1){
  # t0 <- time_0 - antsep/c0
  if(length(v) == 1){
    y <- v^2 * (tt - time_0)^2 - antsep^2
    test <- (y >= 0) & ((tt - time_0) >= 0)
  }else if(length(v) == length(tt)){
    y <- cumsum( c(0, diff(tt)) * v )^2  - antsep^2
    test <- (y >= 0)
  y[!test] <- NA
  y[test] <- sqrt(y[test])/2
  # sqrt(v^2*(tt - t0)- antsep^2)/2

#' Depth to time conversion
#' Depth to time conversion
#' @export
depthToTime <- function(z, time_0, v = 0.1, antsep = 1, c0 = 0.299){
  t0 <- time_0 - antsep/c0
  sqrt((4*z^2 + antsep^2)/(v^2)) + t0

#' Depth zero 
#' Depth zero 
#' @export
depth0 <- function(time_0, v=0.1, antsep=1, c0 = 0.299){
  time_0 - antsep/c0 + antsep/v

#' Convert first wave break time to time-zero
#' Account for the delay time between time of wave emission and time of first
#' wave break recording due to the antenna separation (offset).
#' @rdname firstBreakToTime0
#' @export
firstBreakToTime0 <- function(fb, x, c0 = 0.299){
  if(length(x@antsep) == 0 || (!is.numeric(x@antsep))){
    stop("You must first define the antenna separation",
         "with `antsep(x)<-...`!")
  fb - x@antsep/c0

# # shift the topography of the GPR profile (to display its topography)
# .topoShift <- function(x, topo, z){
#   zShift <- (max(topo) - topo)
#   # in fact >> old_t = x@depth
#   # old_t <- seq(0, length.out = nrow(x), by = dz)
#   old_t <- z
#   xShifted <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x) + floor(max(zShift)/dz), ncol = ncol(x))
#   n <- 1:(nrow(x)-2)
#   for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
#     # compute new t-vector for each trace
#     new_t <- old_t + zShift[i]
#     xit <- seq(ceiling(new_t[1]/dz), ceiling(new_t[nrow(x)-2]/dz))
#     # interpolate
#     # FIX ME! does not work well (not nice interpolation)
#     xShifted[xit + 1, i] = signal::interp1(new_t, x[,i], xi = xit * dz, 
#                                            method = "spline", extrap = TRUE)  
#   }
#   return(xShifted)
# }

# FIXME > vectorise that!
.traceShiftMat <- function(A, ts = 0, tt = NULL, dz = 0.4, method = "linear"){
  nShift <- floor(ts/dz)
  if(max(nShift) < 0){
    n_plus <- 0
    n_plus <- max(nShift)
  Anew <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(A) + n_plus, ncol = ncol(A))
  v0 <- 1:nrow(A)
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(A))) {
    relts <- nShift[i] * dz - ts[i]
    vShift <- v0 + nShift[i]
    tst <- vShift > 0
    if (method == "none") {
      Anew[vShift[tst], i] <- A[tst, i]
    else {
      Anew[vShift[tst], i] <- signal::interp1(tt, A[, i], tt + 
                                                relts, method = method, extrap = TRUE)[tst]

#========== SPATIAL FILTER =========#

.medianFilter1D <- function(a,w){
  b <- a  # <- matrix(0, 364,364)
  for(i in (w+1):(length(a)-w-1)){
    xm <- a[i+(-w:w)]
    b[i] <- xm[order(xm)[w+1]]

# run med mean mad
.runmmmMat <- function(x, w, type = c("runmed", "runmean", "runmad", "hampel")){
  type <- match.arg(type, c("runmed", "runmean", "runmad", "hampel"))
  if( (w %% 2) == 0 )  w <- w + 1 
  xdata <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x) + 2*w , ncol = ncol(x) )
  xdata[1:nrow(x) + w, ] <- x
  if(type == "runmed"){
    xdata <- apply(xdata, 2, stats::runmed, k = w)
  }else if(type == "runmean"){
    runmean <- function(x, k = 5){stats::filter(x, rep(1 / k, k), sides = 2)}
    xdata <- apply(xdata, 2, runmean, k = w)
  else if(type == "hampel"){
    xdata <- apply(xdata, 2, rollapplyHampel, w ,  .fHampel)
  # x <- x - xdata[1:nrow(x) + w, ]
  return(xdata[1:nrow(x) + w, ])

rollapplyHampel <- function(x, w, FUN){
  k <- trunc((w - 1)/ 2)
  locs <- (k + 1):(length(x) - k)
  num <- vapply(
    function(i) FUN(x[(i - k):(i + k)], x[i]),
  x[locs] <- num
.fHampel <- function(x, y){
  x0 <- median(x)
  S0 <- 1.4826 * median(abs(x - x0))
  if(abs(y - x0) > 3 * S0) return(x0)
  # y[test] <- x0[test]

# histogram transformation to normal distributed data with same mean and sd
# https://msu.edu/~ashton/temp/nscore.R
.nScoreTrans <- function(x, inverse = FALSE, tbl = NULL){
      stop("tbl must be provided")
    min_x <- min(tbl[,1])
    max_x <- max(tbl[,1])
    min_sc <- min(x)
    max_sc <- max(x)
    x1 <- c(min_x, tbl[,1], max_x)
    nsc <- c(min_sc, tbl[,2], max_sc)
    back.xf <- approxfun(nsc,x1) # Develop the back transform function
    val <- back.xf(x)
    #     fx <- ecdf(x)
    #     x1 <- head(knots(fx), -1)
    #     xCDF <- fx(x1)
    #     y <- qnorm(xCDF, mean(x), sd = sd(x))
      x1 <- tbl[,1]
      y  <- tbl[,2]
      x1 <- sort(x)
      y <- sort(qqnorm(x, plot.it = FALSE)$x)
      tbl <- data.frame(x = x1, nscore = y)
    y_n <- approx(x1, y, xout = x, rule = 2)$y
    y_n <- y_n * sd(x) + mean(x)
    #return(list(x = y_n, table = tbl))

# x = output of scale(...)
# y = object to back-transform, same dimension as x
# check:
# x <- scale(x0, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# x0 <- unscale(x, x)

#' Unscale
#' Back-transform/unscale from \code{scale}
#' @export
unscale <- function(x, y){
  xCenter <- attr(x, 'scaled:center')
  xScale <- attr(x, 'scaled:scale')
  if(is.null(xCenter)) xCenter <- rep(0, ncol(x))
  if(is.null(xScale))  xScale <- rep(1, ncol(x))
  ynew <- scale(y, center = -xCenter/xScale, scale = 1/xScale)
  attr(ynew,'scaled:center') <- NULL
  attr(ynew,'scaled:scale') <- NULL

#======== CLIP/GAMMA/NORMALIZE ================#

#.rms <- function(num) sqrt(sum(num^2)/length(num))

scaleCol <- function(A, type = c("stat", "min-max", "95",
                                 "eq", "sum", "rms", "mad", "invNormal")){
  A <-  as.matrix(A)
  test <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(type))
  if(!is.na(test) && test >0 && test < 100){
    A_q95 <- apply(A, 2, quantile, test/100, na.rm = TRUE)
    A_q05 <- apply(A, 2, quantile, 1 - test/100, na.rm = TRUE)
    Ascl <- scale(A, center = FALSE, scale = A_q95 - A_q05)
    # matrix(A_q95 - A_q05, nrow = nrow(A), ncol = ncol(A), byrow=TRUE)
    #A <- A/Ascl
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if( type == "invNormal"){
      Ascl <- apply( A, 2, .nScoreTrans)
    }else if(type == "stat"){
      # A <- scale(A, center=.colMeans(A, nrow(A), ncol(A)), 
      #            scale = apply(A, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
      Ascl <- scale(A)
    }else if(type == "sum"){
      Ascl <- scale(A, center=FALSE, scale = colSums(abs(A)))
    }else if(type == "eq"){
      # equalize line such each trace has same value for 
      # sqrt(\int  (A(t))^2 dt)
      Aamp <- matrix(apply((A)^2,2,sum), nrow = nrow(A), 
                     ncol = ncol(A), byrow=TRUE)
      Ascl <- A*sqrt(Aamp)/sum(sqrt(Aamp))
    }else if(type == "rms"){
      Ascl <- scale(A, center = FALSE)
      # Ascl <- matrix(apply(A ,2, .rms), nrow = nrow(A), 
      #                ncol = ncol(A), byrow=TRUE)
    }else if(type == "min-max"){  # min-max
      Ascl <- scale(A, center = FALSE, 
                    scale = apply(A, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE) - 
                      apply(A, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE))
    }else if(type == "mad"){  # mad
      Ascl <- scale(A, center = apply(A, 2, median), 
                    scale = apply(A, 2, mad))
  # FIXME: why did I write these 3 commented lines below?
  # test <- (!is.na(Ascl[1,] ) & abs(Ascl[1,]) > .Machine$double.eps^0.75) 
  # A[,test] <- Ascl[,test]
  # A[, !test] <- 0test <- (!is.na(Ascl[1,] ) & abs(Ascl[1,]) > .Machine$double.eps^0.75) 
  tst <- is.na(Ascl)
  A[!tst] <- Ascl[!tst]
  A[test] <- 0

rmsScaling <- function(...){
  stop("Deprecated! Use instead 'traceScaling(x,type=\"rms\")'\n")

#======== SPECTRAL FUNCTIONS ================#

# @param [matrix]/[vector]   A     (each column represent a trace / a trace)
# @param [double]       dT     (sampling time in nanoseconde)  

# @return power spectrum (frequency, power, phase)
# -------------------------------------------

.fFilter1D <- function(A, f = c(100), type = c('low', 'high', 'bandpass',
                       L = 257, dT = 0.8, plotSpec = FALSE, fac = 1000000){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  # A <- as.matrix(A)
  nr <- nrow(A)      # signal length
  # samping interval GPR = 0.8 ns
  Ts    <- dT*(10^(-9))     # [s] Sample time
  Fs    <- 1/Ts             # [Hz] Sampling frequency
  # cut-off frequency/ies fc in (MHz)
  f <- sort(f) * 10^6    # cut-off frequency in Hz
  # FIXME > write a function setFFilter(f, type=..., Fs)
  if(type == "low" || type == "high"){
    # Design the filter using the window method:
    if(length(f) > 1) {
      BW <- (f[2] - f[1])/Fs          # filter bandwidth
      fc <- f[1] + (f[2] - f[1])/2    # cut frequency
      L <- round(4 / BW)
      if(L %% 2 == 0){
        L <- L + 1  
    }else if(length(f) == 1){
      fc <- f[1]
    h <- winSincKernel(L, fc/Fs, type)
  }else if(grepl("bandpass", type)){
    if(length(f)==2 ) {
      if(L %% 2 == 0){
        L <- L + 1
      h1 <- winSincKernel(L, f[1]/Fs, "low")
      h2 <- winSincKernel(L, f[2]/Fs, "high")
    }else if(length(f) == 4 ){
      BW <- (f[2] - f[1])/Fs
      fc <- f[1] + (f[2] - f[1])/2
      L <- round(4 / BW)
      if(L %% 2 == 0){
        L <- L + 1
      h1 <- winSincKernel(L, fc/Fs, "low")
      BW <- (f[4] - f[3])/Fs
      fc <- f[3] + (f[4] - f[3])/2
      L <- round(4 / BW)
      if(L %% 2 == 0){
        L <- L + 1
      h2 <- winSincKernel(L, fc/Fs, "high")
    L = max(length(h1), length(h2))
    if(length(h2) < L ){
      h2 = c(rep(0, (L-length(h2))/2), 
             rep(0, (L-length(h2))/2))
    if(length(h1) < L ){
      h1 = c(rep(0, (L-length(h1))/2),
    if(type == "bandpass"){
    # change the band-reject filter kernel into a band-pass 
      h = -h1 - h2
      h = h1 + h2
    h[(L+1)/2] = h[(L+1)/2] + 1
  # L <- length(h)
  # Choose the next power of 2 greater than L+nr-1 
  Nfft = 2^(ceiling(log2(L + nr - 1)))
  # Zero pad the signal and impulse response:
  h_long = c( h, rep(0, Nfft - L) )
  A = rbind(A , matrix(0, nrow = Nfft - nr, ncol = ncol(A)) )
  fft_A = stats::mvfft(A)    # signal
  fft_h = stats::fft(h_long)        # filter
  # Now we perform cyclic convolution in the time domain using 
  # pointwise multiplication in the frequency domain:
  Y = fft_A * fft_h
  pow_A = Mod(fft_A)
  pow_h = Mod(fft_h)
  pow_y = Mod(Y)
  # si matrix -> moyenne sur les colonnes
    pow_A = apply(pow_A, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
    pow_y = apply(pow_y, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
  # select only first half of vectors
  pow_A = pow_A[1:(Nfft/2+1)] 
  pow_y = pow_y[1:(Nfft/2+1)] 
  pow_h = pow_h[1:(Nfft/2+1)] 
  fre = Fs*(0:(Nfft/2))/Nfft/fac  #[MHz]
  if(plotSpec == TRUE){
    op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
    # plot the power spectrum
    m = seq(0,900,by=50)
    #par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(5, 4, 4, 6) + 0.1 )
    par( mar=c(0, 4, 0.3, 2) + 0.1, oma=c(3,2,1,2) )
    plot(fre, pow_A, type="l",
    lines(fre,pow_y, type="l",col="blue",lwd=2)
    plot(fre, pow_h, type = "l", col = "red", yaxt = "n", ylab = "")
    legend("topright", c("input signal", "filter", "filtered signal"),
           col = c("black", "red", "blue"), lwd = c(2, 1, 2), bg = "white")
    abline(v = f/1000000, col = "grey", lty = 2)
  a = (L-1)/2
  y = stats::mvfft(Y, inverse = TRUE)
  y = y[a:(a+nr-1), ,drop = FALSE]/nrow(y)

winSincKernel <- function(L, f, type = c("low", "high")){
  type <- match.arg(type)  
  # if L is even (because L - filter length - must be odd)
  x = (-(L-1)/2):((L-1)/2)
  # low-pass
  h = hammingWindow(L) * sincMod(x, 2 * pi * f)  # h is our filter
  h = h/sum(h)
  # high-pass
  if(type == "high"){
    h = -h
    h[(L+1)/2] = h[(L+1)/2] + 1

sincMod <- function(x, ff){
  r = length(x)
  n0 = which(x == 0)
  v = rep(0,r)
  ww <- c(1:(n0 - 1), (n0 + 1):r)
  #x = x[c(1:(n0-1),(n0+1):r)]
  v[ww] = sin(ff*x[ww])/(x[ww])
  v[n0] = ff
hammingWindow <- function(L){
  N = L-1
  n <- 0:N
  return(0.54 - 0.46*cos(2*pi*n/N))

# Choose the next power of 2 greater than L+M-1 
# Nfft = 2^(ceiling(log2(L+M-1)))  # -1)))    # or 2^nextpow2(L+M-1)
nextpower2 <- function(x){

# -------------------------------------------
# ------------addProfile3D--------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# @name  addProfile3D (plot/add a 2D profile in rgl)
# @description read one or several DT1 file and plot/add 
# the 2D profiles in a rgl plot

# # @date 14.10.2013 15:15
# # @auteur Emanuel Huber
# require(rgl)
# # @require function load_install_package()
# source('load_install_package.R')
# cat('> Function(s) loaded: "load_install_package.R" ')
# # @require function normalizeGPR
# source('GPR_normalize.R')
# source('GPR_readDT1.R')
# source('GPR_gain.R')
# cat('"GPR_normalize.R"')
# cat('"GPR_readDT1.R" \n')
# cat('"GPR_gain.R" \n')

# @param [list]   LINE       (list containing several fPath of the DT1 file)
# @param [c(1)]   col=NULL   (palette of color)  
# @param [boolean]   plotNew=FALSE  (if true, open a new rgl window)
# @return void
# -------------------------------------------

# plot/add a 2D profile in rgl

# addProfile3D <- function(LINES, col=palGPR(n=101),plotNew=FALSE, normalize=TRU
# E, v=1, zlim=NULL, AGC=FALSE, sig=10){
# if(plotNew){
# # rgl.open()
# open3d()
# }
# for(i in seq_along(LINES)){
# #------------- READ DATA ------------------#
# lineName2   <- strsplit(LINES,split="[.]")
# lineName   <- lineName2[[i]][1]
# fileNameHD   <- paste(lineName,".HD",sep="")
# fileNameDT1 <- paste(lineName,".DT1",sep="")
# cat(basename(lineName),"\n")
# GPR <- readDT1(LINES[[i]])
# #------------- read data ------------------#

# myGPRdZ <- as.numeric(as.character(GPR$hd[7,2]))/as.numeric(as.character(
# GPR$hd[5,2]))
# HD <- GPR$dt1hd

# A <- GPR$data
# A[is.na(A)] <- 0
# if(!is.null(zlim)){
# sel <- seq(1, zlim/myGPRdZ/v,by=myGPRdZ)
# A <- A[sel,]
# }
# if(normalize){
# A <- normalizeGPR(A)
# }
# if(AGC){
# A <- apply(A,2,gain,sig=sig)
# }
# # example with GPR profile A 
# nr = nrow(A)
# nc = ncol(A)
# X <- matrix(HD$recx, ncol=nc, nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE)
# Y <- matrix(HD$recy, ncol=nc, nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE)
# Z <-  matrix(HD$topo, ncol=nc, nrow=nr, byrow=TRUE) - 
# matrix(myGPRdZ*v*(0:(
# nr-1)), ncol=nc, nrow=nr, byrow=FALSE)
# if(all(HD$topo==0)){
# warning("No topography \n")
# }
# if(all(HD$recx==0)){
# warning("No x-coordinates \n")
# }
# if(all(HD$recy==0)){
# warning("No y-coordinates \n")
# }
# A = (A-min(A))/(max(A)-min(A))
# Alim <- range(A)
# Alen <- Alim[2] - Alim[1] + 1

# # if(is.null(col))     col <- tim.colors(101)  # height color lookup table

# colA <- col[ (A)*100+1 ] # assign colors to heights for each point 
# rgl.surface(X, Y, Z, color=colA, back="fill", smooth = TRUE, lit=FALSE, 
# lwd=0) 
# # surface3d(X, Y, Z, color=colA, back="fill", smooth = FALSE, lit=FALSE, 
# lwd=0) 
# }
# }

#' Bytes to volt conversion
#' Convert bytes to volt values
#' @param Vmax length-one numeric vector: maximal nominal analog input voltage. 
#'             If \code{Vmax = NULL} it returns \code{1} (no bytes to volt 
#'             transformation)
#' @param Vmin length-one numeric vector: minimal nominal analog input voltage. 
#'             If missing, then \code{Vmin = -Vmax}.
#' @param nBytes Length-one numeric vector: number of bytes
#' @export
byte2volt <- function( Vmax = 50, Vmin = 50, nBytes = 16) {
    if( missing(Vmin) ){
      Vmin <- -Vmax
    return( abs(Vmax - Vmin) / ( 2^nBytes ) )

#' Bytes to volt conversion
#' Convert bytes to volt values
#' @param Vmax length-one numeric vector: maximal nominal analog input voltage. 
#'             If \code{Vmax = NULL} it returns \code{1} (no bytes to volt 
#'             transformation)
#' @param Vmin length-one numeric vector: minimal nominal analog input voltage. 
#'             If missing, then \code{Vmin = -Vmax}.
#' @param nbits Length-one numeric vector: number of bits
#' @export
bits2volt <- function( Vmax = 50, Vmin = 50, nbits = 16) {
  if(is.null(Vmax) || isFALSE(Vmax)){
    if( missing(Vmin) ){
      Vmin <- -Vmax
    return( abs(Vmax - Vmin) / ( 2^nbits ) )

#------- PRIVAT FUNCTION --------#

.minCommon10 <- function(xmin,xmax){
  xmin <- as.numeric(xmin)
  xmax <- as.numeric(xmax)
  D <- xmax-xmin
  n <- nchar(D)
  if( as.numeric(substr(xmin,nchar(xmin)-n+1,nchar(xmin))) + D < 10^(n)){

#================= LOCAL ORIENTATION ====================#

# -------------------------------------------
# ------------localOrientation--------------------------
# -------------------------------------------
# @name  localOrientation (Compute the local orientation)
# @description Compute the local orientation based on the tensor of the
# gradient field and on SVD decomposition.

# @date 04.09.2012 12:45
# @auteur Emanuel Huber

# @require source("convolution2D.R") -> tim.colors + image.plot
# source('convolution2D.R')
# cat('> Function(s) loaded: "convolution2D.R" \n')

# @return void
# -------------------------------------------

#   image2DN(x@data)
#    X = matrix(v_y,nrow=length(v_x),ncol=length(v_y),byrow=TRUE)
#   Y = matrix(v_x,nrow=length(v_x),ncol=length(v_y),byrow=FALSE)
#   for(i in seq_along(v_x)){
#     for(j in seq_along(v_y)){
#       E <- ellipse(saxes = c(l1[i,j], l2[i,j])/max(m,n)/5, 
#                    loc   = c(X[i,j]/m, 1-Y[i,j]/n), 
#                    theta = -angle[i,j], n=10)
#       lines(E, lwd=0.5)
#     }
#   }
#   for(i in seq_along(v_x)){
#     for(j in seq_along(v_y)){
#       E <- ellipse(saxes = c(l1[i,j], l2[i,j])/max(l1,l2)*len1, 
#                    loc   = c(X[i,j], Y[i,j]), 
#                    theta = -angle[i,j], n=10)
#       lines(E, lwd=0.5)
#     }
#   }


# n = nrow
# m = mrow
#' Gaussian 2d-kernel
# sigma = sd
#' @name gkernel
#' @rdname kernels
#' @export
gkernel <- function(n, m, sd=1){
  n <- ifelse(n %% 2 == 0, n + 1, n)
  m <- ifelse(m %% 2 == 0, m + 1, m)
  siz <- (n - 1)/2;
  y <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m)
  siz <- (m - 1)/2;
  x <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
  g <- exp(-(x^2+y^2)/(2*sd^2))
  sumg <- sum(g)
  if(sumg != 0){
    return( g/sumg )
    return( g )

#' Gaussian x-derivative kernel (edge detector)
#' @name dx_gkernel
#' @rdname kernels
#' @export
dx_gkernel <- function(n, m, sd=1){
  n <- ifelse(n %% 2 == 0, n + 1, n)
  m <- ifelse(m %% 2 == 0, m + 1, m)
  siz <- (n - 1)/2;
  y <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m)
  siz <- (m - 1)/2;
  x <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
  g <- x*exp(-(x^2+y^2)/(2*sd^2))

#' Gaussian y-derivative kernel (edge detector)
#' @name dy_gkernel
#' @rdname kernels
#' @export
dy_gkernel <- function(n, m, sd=1){
  n <- ifelse(n %% 2 == 0, n + 1, n)
  m <- ifelse(m %% 2 == 0, m + 1, m)
  siz <- (n - 1)/2;
  y <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m)
  siz <- (m - 1)/2;
  x <- matrix(-siz:siz, nrow = n, ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
  g <- y*exp(-(x^2+y^2)/(2*sd^2))

#' Displacement to align two matrix
#' Displacement to align two matrix
#' @export
displacement <- function(x, y, method=c("phase", "WSSD"), dxy = NULL){
  nm <- c(max(nrow(x), nrow(y)), max(ncol(x), ncol(y)))
  #--- weighted sum of squared differences
  if(method == "WSSD"){
    nmx <- dim(x)
    nmy <- (dim(x) + 2*nm - dim(y))/2
    x0 <- paddMatrix(x, nm[1], nm[2], zero=TRUE)
    y0 <- paddMatrix(y, nmy[1], nmy[2], zero=TRUE)
    # weights (zero outside the image range)
    wx <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
    wx <- paddMatrix(wx, nm[1], nm[2], zero = TRUE)
    wy <- matrix(1,nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y))
    wy <- paddMatrix(wy, nmy[1], nmy[2], zero = TRUE)
    WX <- fft(wx)
    WY <- fft(wy)
    X  <- fft(wx * x0)
    Y  <- fft(wy * y0)
    X2  <- fft(wx * x0^2)
    Y2  <- fft(wy * y0^2)
    WSSD <- Mod(fft(WX * Conj(Y2) + X2 * Conj(WY) - 2 * X * Conj(Y), 
                    inverse = TRUE))
    WSSD <- WSSD[1:nm[1] , 1:nm[2]]
    d <- which(WSSD == max(WSSD), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,]
    #--- phase correlation
  }else if(method == "phase"){
    #     n <- min(nrow(x), nrow(y))
    #     m <- min(ncol(x), ncol(y))
    #     X <- fft(x[1:n, 1:m])
    #     Y <- fft(y[1:n, 1:m])
    x0 <- padmat(x, n = nm[1], m = nm[2])
    y0 <- padmat(y, n = nm[1], m = nm[2])
    X <- fft(x0)
    Y <- fft(y0)
    R <- Mod(fft( X * Conj(Y) / (Mod(X*Y)), inverse = TRUE))
    #     R <- R[1:nm[1] , 1:nm[2]]
      R <- R[c(1:(dxy[1] + 1), (nm[1] - dxy[1]+1):nm[1]), 
             c(1:(dxy[2] + 1), (nm[2] - dxy[2]+1):nm[2]), drop = FALSE]
      nm <- 2*dxy
    d <- which(R == max(R), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,] - 1
    if(d[1] > nm[1]/2) d[1] <- d[1] - nm[1]
    if(d[2] > nm[2]/2) d[2] <- d[2] - nm[2]

#' shift a matrix by n and m
#' shift a matrix by n and m
#' @export
shiftmat <- function(x, n, m){
  xs <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x))
  vx0 <- 1:nrow(xs) + n
  vx0 <- vx0[vx0 > 1 & vx0 <= nrow(xs)]
  vx1 <- vx0 - n
  vy0 <- 1:ncol(xs) + m
  vy0 <- vy0[vy0 > 1 & vy0 <= ncol(xs)]
  vy1 <- vy0 - m
  xs[vx0, vy0] <- x[vx1, vy1]

#' pad a matrix
#' pad a matrix
#' @export
padmat <- function(x, n, m, what = 0){
  x0 <- matrix(what, ncol=m, nrow=n)
  x0[1:nrow(x),1:ncol(x)] <- x

# pads the edges of an image to minimize edge effects 
# %during convolutions and Fourier transforms. 
# %Inputs %I - image to pad 
# %p - size of padding around image 
# %Output %Ipad - padded image 
# SOURCE: http://matlabgeeks.com/tips-tutorials/how-to-blur-an-image-with-a-
# fourier-transform-in-matlab-part-i/
# service@matlabgeeks.com i
paddMatrix <- function(I, p1, p2 = NULL, zero = FALSE){
    p2 <- p1
  nI <- nrow(I)
  mI <- ncol(I)
  Ipad <- matrix(0, nrow = nI + 2*p1, ncol = mI + 2*p2)
  # middle
  Ipad[(p1+1):(p1+nI),(p2+1):(p2+mI)] <- I
  # top and bottom
  if(zero == FALSE){
    Ipad[1:p1,(p2+1):(p2+mI)] <- repmat(I[1,,drop=FALSE], p1, 1)
    Ipad[(p1+nI+1):(nI+2*p1), (p2+1):(p2+mI)] <- repmat(I[nI,,drop=FALSE], 
                                                        p1, 1)
  if(p2 > 0 && zero == FALSE){
    # left and right
    Ipad[(p1+1):(p1+nI), 1:p2] <- repmat(I[,1,drop=FALSE], 1, p2)
    Ipad[(p1+1):(p1+nI), (p2+mI+1):(mI + 2*p2)] <- 
      repmat(I[,mI, drop=FALSE],1,p2)
    # corner
    Ipad[1:p1, 1:p2] <- I[1,1]
    Ipad[(p1+nI+1):(nI+2*p1), (p2+mI+1):(mI+2*p2)] <- I[nI,mI]
    Ipad[1:p1,(p2+mI+1):(mI + 2*p2)] <- I[1,mI]
    Ipad[(p1+nI+1):(nI+2*p1), 1:p2] <- I[nI,1]

#' Repeat matrix
#' Repeat a matrix row-wise n times and column-wise m times.
#' Source
#' A replication of MatLab repmat function!
#' version 0.4, Copyright (C) 2001 Robin Hankin
#' http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/R-and-octave.txt
#' @name repmat
#' @rdname repmat
#' @export
repmat <- function(A,n,m) {

# version vectoriel!!!!
#' Return points that are within a polygon
#' Return points that are within a polygon
#' @export
inPoly <- function(x, y, vertx, verty){
  inPo <- rep(0L, length(x))
  nvert <- length(vertx)
  for(i in 1:nvert){
    j <- ifelse(i==1, nvert,i-1)
    myTest <- ((verty[i] > y) != (verty[j]>y)) &
      (x < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (y-verty[i]) / 
         (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i])
    inPo[myTest] <- !inPo[myTest]

# a between 0 and 0.5 (only for cosine taper (cos))
#' @export
taper <- function(n, type = c("hamming", "hanning", "triang", "bartlett", "blackman", "boxcar", "cos"), half = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, a = 0.1){
  type <- match.arg(type,  c("hamming", "hanning", "triang", "bartlett", "blackman", "boxcar", "cos"))
  n0 <- n
  if(isTRUE(half)) n <- 2 * n + 1
  if(type == "cos"){
    if(a < 0 || a > 0.5) stop("'a' must be > 0 and <= 0.5")
    tp <- numeric(n)
    tp[] <- 1
    vn <- seq_len(n) - 1
    n1 <- n - 1
    sel1 <- vn/n <= a
    sel2 <- (1 - a) <= vn/n1
    tp[sel1] <- 0.5 * (1 - cospi(vn[sel1]/n1/a))
    tp[sel2] <- 0.5 * (1 - cospi((1 - vn[sel2]/n1)/a))
    tp <- do.call(get(type, asNamespace("signal")), list(n = n))
      tp <- tp[(n/2 + 1):n]
      tp <- tp[1:(n/2)]

.FKFilter <- function(A, fk, L = c(5, 5), npad=1){
  nr <- nrow(A)  # time  
  nc <- ncol(A)  # x  
  #============== PLOT F-K SPECTRUM ===============#
  # padding (try also 2*(2^nextpow2(nc))
  nk <- npad*(nextpower2(nc))
  nf <- npad*(nextpower2(nr))
  A1 <- matrix(0,nrow=nf,ncol=nk)
  A1[1:nr,1:nc] <- A
  # function to center the spectrum!! (no need of fttshift!)
  #centres spectrum: Gonzalez & Wintz (1977) Digital Image Processing p.53
  # A1  <- A1 * (-1)^(row(A1) + col(A1))
  A1_fft <- stats::fft(A1)
  # plotGPR(Mod(A1_fft)^0.05)
  # plotGPR(Re(fft(A1_fft,inv=TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc])
  # plotGPR(A)
  #============== FILTER F-K SPECTRUM ===============#
  myFlong <- matrix(0,nrow=nf,ncol=nk)
  myFlong[1:(nf/2),1:(nk/2)] <- fk[(nf/2):1,(nk/2):1]
  # myFlong  <- myFlong * (-1)^(row(myFlong) + col(myFlong))
  myFlong[(nf/2+1):(nf),(nk/2 + 1):nk] <- fk[1:(nf/2),1:(nk/2)]
  myFlong[1:(nf/2),(nk/2 + 1):nk] <- fk[(nf/2):1,(nk):(nk/2 + 1)]
  # myFlong[(nf/2+1):(nf),1:(nk/2)] <- fk[1:(nf/2),(nk/2 + 1):(nk)]
  myFlong[(nf/2+1):(nf),1:(nk/2)] <- fk[1:(nf/2),(nk/2 + 1):nk]
  # plotGPR(myFlong)
  # hamming window
  if(length(L)==1) L <- c(L,L)
    ham2D <- hammingWindow(L[1])%*%t(hammingWindow(L[2]))
    ham2Dlong <- matrix(0,nrow=nf,ncol=nk)
    ham2Dlong[1:L[1],1:L[2]] <- ham2D
    # plotGPR(ham2Dlong)
    FF <-  Re(stats::fft(stats::fft(myFlong) * stats::fft(ham2Dlong),inv=TRUE))
    FF <- myFlong
  FF <- FF/sum(FF)
  # plotGPR(Re(fft(fft(myFlong) * fft(ham2Dlong),inv=TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc])
  A_back <- Re(stats::fft(A1_fft * FF,inv=TRUE))[1:nr,1:nc]
  # plotGPR(A_back)
  # plotGPR(A_back)
  # scaling


# used in function readGPS()
#' @export
extractPattern <- function(x, pat, shift1 = 0, shift2 = 0){
  # pat_tr <- "(\\#[0-9]+)"
  matches <- regexpr(pat, x, perl=TRUE)
  first <- attr(matches, "capture.start") + shift1
  last <- first + attr(matches, "capture.length") + shift2
  return(mapply(substring, x, first, last, USE.NAMES = FALSE))

rmNaCol <- function(x){
  # remove NA columns
  rmCol <- which(apply(x, 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) > 0)
  if(length(rmCol) > 0)    x <- x[, - rmCol]

# readVOL <- function(fPath){
#   if( inherits(fPath, "connection") ){
#     x <- fPath
#   }else if(is.character(fPath)){
#     fName <- getFName(fPath, ext = c(".vol"))
#     x <- file(fName$vol , "rb")
#   }
#   hd <- c()
#   #================================ HEADER ======================================#
#   # The header consists of at least 60 bytes of binary data. 
#   # Each field in the header is a 32 bit (4 byte) word in 
#   # network byte order (“big endian”), making a total of 
#   # at least 15 header words. This implies that the byte order has to be swapped 
#   # to read the values on an Intel-based PC.
#   # 0 Magic token. This is always 192837465 (decimal)
#   hd$magic_token <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 1 Header size in bytes, including the magic token and size fields
#   hd$header_size <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 2 The size of the 3d matrix size in the z dimension
#   hd$z_dim <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 3 The size of the 3d matrix size in the y dimension
#   hd$y_dim <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 4 The size of the 3d matrix size in the x dimension
#   hd$x_dim <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 5 Bits per sample. This should always be 64 for radar data
#   hd$bits <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # reserved bits
#   seek(x, where = 40, origin = "start")
#   # 10 Major file format version
#   hd$major_vers <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 11 Minor file format version
#   hd$minor_vers <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # 12 File format revision number
#   hd$rev <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#   # These two words define the file offset and size of a block of XML data 
#   # in 8 bit ASCII that define further metadata for the volume file.
#   seek(x, where = 60, origin = "start")
#   if(hd$header_size >= 68){
#     # 15 XML data file offset
#     hd$xml_fo <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#     # 16 XML data size
#     hd$xml_size <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "big")
#     seek(x, where = hd$xml_fo, origin = "start")
#     hd$XML <- readBin(x, what = "character", n = 1, size = 1, endian = "big")
#     data <- XML::xmlParse(hd$XML)
#     els <- XML::getNodeSet(data, "//MetadataDictionary/entry[@name]")
#     if(length(els) > 0){
#       metaD <- sapply(els, function(el) XML::xmlGetAttr(el, "value"))
#       names(metaD) <- sapply(els, function(el) XML::xmlGetAttr(el, "name"))
#       hd$meta_cst <- metaD
#     }
#     els2 <- XML::getNodeSet(data, "//meta-data[@DataDomainType]")
#     if(length(els2) > 0){
#       metaD2 <- XML::xmlAttrs(els2[[1]])
#       if(length(metaD2) > 0 && !is.null(metaD2)){
#         if(!is.null(metaD2["DeltaValueZ"])){
#           hd$dz   <- as.numeric(metaD2["DeltaValueZ"])
#         }
#         if(!is.null(metaD2["MinValueZ"])){
#           hd$zmin <- as.numeric(metaD2["MinValueZ"])
#         }
#         if(!is.null(metaD2["MaxValueZ"])){
#           hd$zmax <- as.numeric(metaD2["MaxValueZ"])
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   #================================ Binary Data =================================#
#   seek(x, where = hd$header_size , origin = "start")
#   XYZ_dim <- c(hd$x_dim, hd$y_dim, hd$z_dim)
#   test <- which(XYZ_dim == 1)
#   if(length(test) > 0){
#     hd$dim <- "2D"
#     XYZ_dim <- XYZ_dim[-test]
#     XYZ <- array(dim = XYZ_dim)
#     for(i in 1:XYZ_dim[1]){
#       for(j in 1:XYZ_dim[2]){
#         XYZ[i,j] <-  readBin(x, what = "numeric", size = 4, endian = "big")
#       }
#     }
#   }else{
#     hd$dim <- "3D"
#     XYZ <- array(dim = XYZ_dim)
#     for(k in seq_len(hd$z_dim)){
#       for(i in seq_len(hd$x_dim)){
#         for(j in seq_len(hd$y_dim)){
#           XYZ[i,j,k] <- readBin(x, what = "numeric", size = 8, endian = "big")
#           realPart <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = hd$bits/8/2, endian = "big")
#           imagPart <- readBin(x, what = "integer", size = hd$bits/8/2, endian = "big")
#           XYZ[i,j,k] <- complex(real = realPart,
#                                 imaginary = imagPart)
#         }
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   if( !inherits(fPath, "connection") ){
#     close(x)
#   }
#   return(list(hd = hd, data = XYZ))
# }

# # Data is stored in 16 bits as raw data. The only parameters that affect the 
# # recorded data directly are Tsweep and Read.  The other parameters affect the 
# # display and may be varied during or after completion of the survey 
# # (see sections 5.3 and 6.3).  
# # The data is stored under the run name as RUNNAME.dat. The run details are 
# # stored in the file RUNNAME.hdr.  The stored data format is 2 bytes per point 
# # with LSB byte followed by MSB byte. There are 256 points (512 bytes) 
# # followed by 1 byte of marker (ASCII).
# # In addition to the data and header files, GPS files (.gps) and gps number 
# # files (.gpt) are generated, irrespective of whether or not a GPS is used.  
# # If a GPS is not used, the .gps and .gpt files will be 0kB in size.
# # The HDR file is an ASCII file (can be read using notepad) that contains the 
# # radar parameters and notes about the run.
# readUtsi <- function(dsn, dsn2 = NULL){
#   if( inherits(dsn, "connection") ){
#     if(!inherits(dsn2, "connection")){
#       stop("Please add an additional connection to 'readGPR()' for ",
#            "the header file '*.hdr'")
#     }
#   }else if(is.character(dsn) && is.null(dsn2)){
#     fName <- getFName(dsn, ext = c(".hdr", ".dat"))
#     # open dt1 file
#     dsn  <- file(fName$dat , "rb")
#     dsn2 <- file(fName$hdr , "rb")
#   }else{
#     if(!file.exists(dsn)){
#       stop("File ", dsn, " does not exist!")
#     }
#     if(!file.exists(dsn2)){
#       stop("File ", dsn2, " does not exist!")
#     }
#     dsn_save <- c(dsn, dsn2)
#     dsn  <- file(dsn_save[grepl("(\\.dat)$", dsn_save)], "rb")
#     dsn2 <- dsn_save[grepl("(\\.hdr)$", dsn_save)]
#   }
#   hd <- readUtsiHDR(dsn2) 
#   z <- readUtsiDat(dsn, splPerScan = hd$splPerScan, bits = hd$bits)
#   z[["hd"]] <- hd
#   close(dsn)
#   close(dsn2)
#   return(z)
# }
# readUtsiHDR <- function(con){
#   hd <- c()
#   seek(con, where = 0, origin = "start")
#   #------------------ Utsi header *.hdr -----------------------------------------#
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "raw", n = 2, size = 1)
#   hd$magic_number <- sf::rawToHex(u)
#   if(hd$magic_number != "0f20"){
#     message("Magic number in '", 
#             summary.connection(con)$description, 
#             "' is '",
#             hd$magic_number,
#             "' instead of '0f20'")
#   }
#   u <- readLines(con, n = 1)
#   u <- strsplit(u, split = ", ")[[1]]
#   hd$software_version <- u[1]
#   hd$software_date <- u[2]
#   # scan(con, what = "character", n = 1, skipNul = TRUE)
#   # u <- readLines(con, n = 1, skipNul = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$date <- as.Date(u[1], "%d\\%m\\%y")
#   invisible(readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   u <- strsplit(gsub("\005", "", u), " ")[[1]]
#   hd$time <- u[1]
#   hd$site_text <- u[2]
#   invisible(readBin(con, what = "character", n = 5))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$time_sweep <- as.numeric(gsub("\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$depth_scaling <- as.numeric(gsub("\0016|\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$encoder_div_selection <- as.numeric(gsub("\004|\005|\n|\002", "", u))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$antsep <- as.numeric(trimStr(gsub("\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u)))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$unused_zero <- as.numeric(gsub("\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$splPerScan <- as.numeric(gsub("\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u))
#   invisible(readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1))
#   u <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1)
#   hd$bits <- as.numeric(gsub("\002|\005|\n|\004", "", u))
#   return(hd)
# }
# readUtsiDat <- function(con, splPerScan = 512, bits = 16){
#   con_len <- .flen(con)
#   # seek(con, where = 0, "start")
#   # xraw <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = con_len, size = 2, endian = "little")
#   # close(con)
#   nr <- splPerScan
#   # nc <- length(xraw)/(nr+1+nr)
#   nc <- con_len/(nr*bits/8 + 1)
#   xdata <- matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
#   mrkr <- character(nc)
#   seek(con, where = 0, "start")
#   for(i in seq_len(nc)){
#     xdata[,i] <- readBin(con, what = "integer", n = nr, size = bits/8, endian = "little")
#     mrkr[i] <- readBin(con, what = "character", n = 1, size = 1)
#   }
#   return(list(data = xdata, fid = mrkr))
# }


# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50561768/r-get-argument-names-from-function-call
# Using the same formalArgs suggested by @Akrun 
# (and also in the almost duplicate Get the argument names of an R function):
#   getArgNames <- function(value) formalArgs(deparse(substitute(value)[[1]]))
# substitute(value) quotes the input, to prevent immediate evaluation, [[1]] 
# retrieves the function from the parsed input, deparse turns it into character 
# (since formalArgs can take the function name as character).
# getArgNames(testFun())
# #[1] "x" "z"

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17256834/getting-the-arguments-of-a-parent-
# function-in-r-with-names
# Ryan Grannell
# website   twitter.com/RyanGrannell
# location   Galway, Ireland
#' @export
getArgs <- function (returnCharacter = TRUE, addArgs = NULL) {
  # print(sys.nframe())
  # 50 -> 1 error with devtools::test() and opencpu
  # 100 -> works with devtools::test() and does not work with opencpu
  if(sys.nframe() >= 2){
    arg <- as.list(match.call(definition = sys.function( -1 ),
                              call = sys.call(-1),
                              expand.dots = TRUE )
    narg <- length(arg)
      if(narg  >= 3){
        eval_arg <- tryCatch(sapply(arg[3:narg], eval, simplify = FALSE),
                             error = function(cond){return(NULL)})
          argChar <- paste0(arg[[1]],"//", 
                                  mapply(pasteArgs, eval_arg, arg[3:narg]), 
                                  #sapply(eval_arg, pasteArgs, arg[3:narg]), 
                                  sep = "=", collapse = "+"))
        argChar <- paste0(arg[[1]],"//")
        argChar <- addArg(argChar, addArgs)
    message("getargs rerror, frame = ", sys.nframe())

pasteArgs <- function(eval_arg, arg){
  arg <- deparse((arg))
  # print(deparse(eval_arg))
  # print(class(eval_arg))
  if(class(eval_arg) == "function" || class(eval_arg) == "standardGeneric"){
  }else if(is.list(eval_arg)){
    return( paste0(names(eval_arg), "<-", (eval_arg), collapse = "," ) )
  }else if(is.matrix(eval_arg)){
    # if eval_arg == "1:10", returns "1:10" instead of "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
  }else if(is.null(eval_arg)){
  }else if(all(grepl(pattern = '^([[:digit:]]+):([[:digit:]]+)$', arg))){
    return( paste0(eval_arg, collapse = ",") )

addArg <- function(proc, arg){
  proc_add <- paste(names(arg), sapply(pasteArgs, arg, arg),
                    sep = "=", collapse = "+")
  if(substr(proc, nchar(proc), nchar(proc)) == "//"){
    proc <- paste(proc, proc_add, sep = "")
    proc <- paste(proc, "+", proc_add, sep = "")

# return a character vector containing the name of the FUN function
getFunName <- function(FUN){
  if(class(FUN) == "function"){
    funName <- "FUN"
    #  if(isGeneric("FUN")){
    funName0 <- selectMethod(FUN, "numeric")
    funName <-funName0@generic[1]

#' Suppressing output from cat(), warnings & messages
#' @export
verboseF <- function(g, verbose = TRUE){

#' Suppressing output from cat() or print()
#' This function suppresses the output from cat() or print() in a function. 
#' It was proposed by Hadley Wickham 
#' https://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Suppressing-output-e-g-from-cat-td859876.html
#' @export
quiet <- function(x) {
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.