
#' Calculate a single EOT
#' @description
#' EotCycle() calculates a single EOT and is controlled by the main eot() function
#' @param pred a ratser stack used as predictor
#' @param resp a RasterStack used as response. If \code{resp} is \code{NULL},
#' \code{pred} is used as \code{resp}
#' @param resp.eq.pred logical. Whether predictor and response stack are the same
#' @param n the number of EOT modes to calculate
#' @param standardised logical. If \code{FALSE} the calculated r-squared values 
#' will be multiplied by the variance
#' @param orig.var original variance of the response domain
#' @param write.out logical. If \code{TRUE} results will be written to disk 
#' using \code{path.out}
#' @param path.out the file path for writing results if \code{write.out} is \code{TRUE}.
#' Defaults to current working directory
#' @param names.out optional prefix to be used for naming of results if 
#' \code{write.out} is \code{TRUE}
#' @param type the type of the link function. Defaults to \code{'rsq'} as in original
#' proposed method from \cite{Dool2000}. If set to \code{'ioa'} index of agreement is
#' used instead
#' @param print.console logical. If \code{TRUE} some details about the 
#' calculation process will be output to the console
#' @param ... not used at the moment
#' @export EotCycle
EotCycle <- function(pred, 
                     resp.eq.pred = F,
                     n = 1,
                     ...) {
    ### Identification of the most explanatory pred pixel
  # Extract pixel entries from RasterStack objects
  pred.vals <- getValues(pred)
  resp.vals <- getValues(resp)
  type <- type[1]
  # Calculate and summarize R-squared per pred pixel
  if (print.console) {
    cat("\nCalculating linear model ...", "\n")
  type <- type[1]
  if (type == "rsq") {
    x <- predRsquaredSum(pred_vals = pred.vals, resp_vals = resp.vals, 
                         standardised = standardised)
  } else {
    x <- iodaSumC(pred_vals = pred.vals, resp_vals = resp.vals)
  # Identify pred pixel with highest sum of r.squared
  if (print.console) {
    cat("Locating ", n, ". EOT ...", "\n", sep = "")
  maxxy.all <- which(x == max(x, na.rm = TRUE))
  maxxy <- maxxy.all[1]

  if (length(maxxy.all) != 1) {
    if (print.console) {
      cat("WARNING:", "\n",
        USING ONLY THE FIRST!\n\n")

  if (print.console) {
    cat("Location:", xyFromCell(pred, maxxy), "\n", sep = " ")
  ### Regression of most explanatory pred pixel with resp pixels
  ## Fit lm
  # lm(resp.vals[i, ] ~ pred.vals[maxxy, ]) with T statistics
  resp.lm.param.t <- respLmParam(pred.vals, resp.vals, maxxy - 1) # C++ starts at 0!
  # Calculate p value from T statistics
  resp.lm.param.p <- lapply(resp.lm.param.t, function(i) {
    tmp <- i
    tmp[[5]] <- 2 * pt(-abs(tmp[[5]]), df = tmp[[6]])
  ## Rasterize lm parameters
  # RasterLayer template for R-squared, slope and p value
  rst.resp.template <- raster(nrows = nrow(resp), ncols = ncol(resp), 
                         xmn = xmin(resp), xmx = xmax(resp), 
                         ymn = ymin(resp), ymx = ymax(resp))
  rst.resp.r <- rst.resp.rsq <- rst.resp.intercept <- 
    rst.resp.slp <- rst.resp.p <- rst.resp.template

  # RasterBrick template for residuals
  brck.resp.resids <- brick(nrows = nrow(resp), ncols = ncol(resp), 
                            xmn = xmin(resp), xmx = xmax(resp), 
                            ymn = ymin(resp), ymx = ymax(resp), 
                            nl = nlayers(resp))
  # R
  rst.resp.r[] <- sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 1)
  # R-squared
  rst.resp.rsq[] <- sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 1) ^ 2
  # Intercept
  rst.resp.intercept[] <- sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 2)
  # Slope
  rst.resp.slp[] <- sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 3)
  # P value
  rst.resp.p[] <- sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 5)
  # Residuals
  brck.resp.resids[] <- matrix(sapply(resp.lm.param.p, "[[", 4), 
                               ncol = nlayers(pred), byrow = TRUE)
  # EOT over time
  eot.ts <- raster::extract(pred, maxxy)
  ### Regression of most explanatory pred pixel with pred pixels
  # Following code is only executed when pred and resp are not equal
  #if (!resp.eq.pred) {
    ## Fit lm
    # lm(pred.vals[i, ] ~ pred.vals[maxxy, ]) with T statistics
    pred.lm.param.t <- respLmParam(pred.vals, pred.vals, maxxy - 1) # C++ starts at 0!
    # Calculate p value from T statistics
    pred.lm.param.p <- lapply(pred.lm.param.t, function(i) {
      tmp <- i
      tmp[[5]] <- 2 * pt(-abs(tmp[[5]]), df = tmp[[6]])
    ## Rasterize lm parameters
    # RasterLayer template for R-squared, slope and p value
    rst.pred.template <- raster(nrows = nrow(pred), ncols = ncol(pred), 
                                xmn = xmin(pred), xmx = xmax(pred), 
                                ymn = ymin(pred), ymx = ymax(pred))
    rst.pred.r <- rst.pred.rsq <- rst.pred.rsq.sums <- rst.pred.intercept <- 
      rst.pred.slp <- rst.pred.p <- rst.pred.template
    # RasterBrick template for residuals
    brck.pred.resids <- brick(nrows = nrow(pred), ncols = ncol(pred), 
                              xmn = xmin(pred), xmx = xmax(pred), 
                              ymn = ymin(pred), ymx = ymax(pred), 
                              nl = nlayers(pred))
    # R
    rst.pred.r[] <- sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 1)
    # R-squared
    rst.pred.rsq[] <- sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 1) ^ 2
    # R-squared sums
    rst.pred.rsq.sums[] <- x
    # Intercept
    rst.pred.intercept[] <- sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 2)
    # Slope
    rst.pred.slp[] <- sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 3)
    # P value
    rst.pred.p[] <- sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 5)
    # Residuals
    brck.pred.resids[] <- matrix(sapply(pred.lm.param.p, "[[", 4), 
                                 ncol = nlayers(pred), byrow = TRUE)
    #expl.var <- x[maxxy] / orig.var
  if (!standardised) {
    t <- mean(apply(getValues(brck.resp.resids), 1, var, na.rm = TRUE), 
              na.rm = TRUE)
    s <- mean(apply(getValues(brck.resp.resids), 2, var, na.rm = TRUE), 
              na.rm = TRUE)
    resid.var <- t + s
  } else {
    resid.var <- var(as.vector(getValues(brck.resp.resids)), na.rm = TRUE)
  expl.var <- (orig.var - resid.var) / orig.var
  if (print.console) {
    cat("Cum. expl. variance (%):", expl.var * 100, "\n", sep = " ")
  xy <- xyFromCell(pred, maxxy)
  location.df <- as.data.frame(cbind(xy, paste("EOT", 
                                               sprintf("%02.f", n), 
                                               sep = "_"),
                                     if (length(maxxy.all) != 1) 
                                       "ambiguous" else "ok"),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(location.df) <- c("x", "y", "EOT", "cum_expl_var", "comment")
  mode(location.df$x) <- "numeric"
  mode(location.df$y) <- "numeric"
  mode(location.df$cum_expl_var) <- "numeric"
    ### Output
    # Output returned by function
    out <- list(eot.series = eot.ts,
                max.xy = maxxy,
                exp.var = expl.var,
                loc.eot = location.df,
                r.predictor = rst.pred.r,
                rsq.predictor = rst.pred.rsq,
                rsq.sums.predictor = rst.pred.rsq.sums,
                int.predictor = rst.pred.intercept, 
                slp.predictor = rst.pred.slp,
                p.predictor = rst.pred.p,
                resid.predictor = brck.pred.resids,
                r.response = rst.resp.r,
                rsq.response = rst.resp.rsq,
                int.response = rst.resp.intercept, 
                slp.response = rst.resp.slp,
                p.response = rst.resp.p,
                resid.response = brck.resp.resids)
    # Output storage (optional)
    if (write.out) {
      out.name <- lapply(c("pred_r", "pred_rsq", "pred_rsq_sums", 
                           "pred_int", "pred_slp", "pred_p", "pred_resids", 
                           "resp_r", "resp_rsq", "resp_int", "resp_slp", 
                           "resp_p", "resp_resids"), 
                         function(i) {
                           paste(names.out, "eot", sprintf("%02.f", n), 
                                 i, sep = "_")
      df.name <- paste(names.out, "eot_locations.csv", sep = "_")
      write.table(location.df, col.names = FALSE,
                  paste(path.out, df.name, sep = "/"), 
                  row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = ",")
      a <- b <- NULL
      foreach(a = c(rst.pred.r, rst.pred.rsq, rst.pred.rsq.sums, 
                    rst.pred.intercept, rst.pred.slp, rst.pred.p, 
                    brck.pred.resids, rst.resp.r, rst.resp.rsq, 
                    rst.resp.intercept, rst.resp.slp, rst.resp.p, 
              b = unlist(out.name)) %do% { 
                writeRaster(a, paste(path.out, b, sep = "/"), 
                            format = "raster", overwrite = TRUE, ...)
      rm(list = c("eot.ts",
  # Return output

environmentalinformatics-marburg/Reot documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:50 a.m.