
#' @title adds predictions to learned pipelearner dataframe
#' @param pl learned pipelearner dataframe
#' @param cols_id character vector naming id column
#' @param formula  Default: NULL
#' @param col_model character vector naming model column, Default: 'fit'
#' @param col_target character vector naming target column, Default: 'target'
#' @param data_test character vector naming test data column, Default: 'test'
#' @param data_train character vector naming train data column, Default: 'train'#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' form = as.formula( 'disp~cyl+mpg')
#' pl = mtcars %>%
#'   mutate(names = row.names(.)) %>%
#'   pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( gamlss::gamlss, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn() %>%
#'   f_predict_pl_regression( cols_id = 'names' )
#' @rdname f_predict_pl_regression
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{f_predict_regression_add_predictions}}
f_predict_pl_regression = function( pl
                                    , cols_id = NULL
                                    , formula = NULL
                                    , col_model = 'fit'
                                    , col_target = 'target'
                                    , data_test = 'test'
                                    , data_train = 'train'){

  sym_data_test = as.name(data_test)
  sym_data_train = as.name(data_train)
  sym_target = as.name(col_target)
  sym_model = as.name(col_model)

  if( ! is.null(formula) ){
    pl = pl %>%
      mutate( preds = pmap( list( data_test = !! sym_data_test
                                  , m = !! sym_model
                                  , col_target = !! sym_target
                                  , data_train = !! sym_data_train )
                            , f_predict_regression_add_predictions
                            , cols_id
                            , formula ) )


    if( ! 'formula' %in% names(pl) ){
      pl = pl %>%
        mutate( formula = map(params, 'formula') )

    sym_formula = as.name('formula')

    pl = pl %>%
      mutate( preds = pmap( list( data_test = !! sym_data_test
                                  , m = !! sym_model
                                  , col_target = !! sym_target
                                  , data_train = !! sym_data_train
                                  , formula = !! sym_formula )
                            , f_predict_regression_add_predictions
                            , cols_id



#' @title summarize prediction by f_predict_pl_regression()
#' @description use this function to get a quick summary of pipelearner
#'   dataframe with unnested predictions. Will group by title
#' @param pl pipelearner dataframe with nested predictions
#' @return dataframe with mape, mea, rtmse and median versions
#' @rdname f_predict_pl_regression_summarize
#' @seealso \code{\link{f_predict_pl_regression}}
#' @examples
#' form = as.formula( 'disp~cyl+mpg')
#' pl = mtcars %>%
#'   mutate(names = row.names(.)) %>%
#'   pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn() %>%
#'   f_predict_pl_regression( 'names' ) %>%
#'   unnest( preds , .drop = FALSE ) %>%
#'   mutate( title = model ) %>%
#'   f_predict_pl_regression_summarize()
#' pl
#' @export
f_predict_pl_regression_summarize = function( pl ){

  if( ! all( c('title'
               , 'target1'
               , 'resid'
               , 'resid_abs'
               , 'resid_squ'
               , 'ape'
  %in% names(pl) )
    stop('unnest predictions and add title first')

  pl = pl %>%
    group_by( title )  %>%
    summarize( mean_target  = mean(target1)
               , mean_pred  = mean(pred)
               , mae        = mean(resid_abs)
               , rtmse      = sqrt( mean(resid_squ) )
               , mape       = mean(ape)
               , med_target = median(target1)
               , med_pred   = median(pred)
               , med_ae     = median(resid_abs)
               , rt_med_mse = sqrt( median(resid_squ) )
               , med_ape    = median(ape)


#' @title plot model performance
#' @description add predictions to modelling dataframe and unnest, create a title column and a bins column
#' @param data dataframe with the columns title, bins, resid_abs, resid_squ, ape
#' @return taglist \describe{
#'   \item{[1]}{Headline summary Plots }
#'   \item{[2]}{Residuals Pointplot}
#'   \item{[3]}{Residuals Boxplot}
#'   \item{[4]}{APE Pointplot}
#'   \item{[5]}{APE Boxplot}
#'   \item{[6]}{MAPE, MSE, MAE, Binning }
#'   \item{[7]}{Headline Performance Measures Summary}
#'   \item{[8]}{Summary MAPE, MSE, MAE with SE }
#'   \item{[9]}{Summary MAPE, MSE, MAE with CI95 }
#'   \item{[10]}{Headline Summary Tables}
#'   \item{[11]}{Summary Table}
#'   \item{[12]}{Table Binning}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'form = as.formula( 'displacement~cylinders+mpg')
#'ISLR::Auto %>%
#'  pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
#'  pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
#'  pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
#'  pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
#'  pipelearner::learn() %>%
#'  f_predict_pl_regression( 'name' ) %>%
#'  unnest(preds) %>%
#'  mutate( bins = cut(target1, breaks = 3 , dig.lab = 4)
#'          , title = paste(models.id, cv_pairs.id, train_p, target, model) ) %>%
#'  f_predict_plot_model_performance_regression() %>%
#'  f_plot_obj_2_html(type = 'taglist', 'test_me', title = 'Model Performance')
#' file.remove('test_me.html')
#' }
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[htmltools]{tagList}}
#'  \code{\link[plotly]{ggplotly}}
#'  \code{\link[DT]{datatable}}
#'  \code{\link{f_predict_pl_regression} }
#' @rdname f_predict_plot_model_performance_regression
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmltools tagList
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @importFrom DT datatable
f_predict_plot_model_performance_regression = function(data){

  if( ! all( c('title'
               , 'bins'
               , 'resid'
               , 'resid_abs'
               , 'resid_squ'
               , 'ape'
  %in% names(data) )
    stop('unnest predictions and add bins and title first')

  nrows = data %>%
    group_by( as.character(title) ) %>%
    count() %>%

  nrows = ceiling( nrows/2 )

  taglist = htmltools::tagList()

  # Residuals-------------------------------------------------------------------------

  p = f_plot_pretty_points(data
                           , 'target1'
                           , 'resid'
                           , col_facet = 'title'
                           , y_title = 'Residuals'
                           , x_title = 'Target Variable'
                           , ncol = 2
                           , size = 2) +
    geom_hline( yintercept = 0, size = 1, alpha = 0.5)

  p = plotly::ggplotly(p,  height = nrows * 200 , dynamicTicks = TRUE
                       , tooltip = c('x','y') )

  taglist[[1]] = f_html_padding(htmltools::h2('Summary Plots'), pad_before = 3)

  taglist[[2]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'Residuals Scatterplot' )

  p = ggplot( data, aes(bins, resid)) +
    geom_boxplot( aes(fill=title)
                  , show.legend = F ) +
    facet_wrap(~title, ncol = 2 ) +
    geom_hline( yintercept = 0, size = 1, alpha = 0.5) +
    theme( axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)
           , legend.position = 'none')+
    scale_fill_manual( values =  f_plot_col_vector74() ) +
    labs(y = 'Residuals', x = 'Target Variable')

  p = plotly::ggplotly(p,  height = nrows * 200 )
  taglist[[3]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'Residuals Boxplot')

  # APE-------------------------------------------------------------------------

  p = f_plot_pretty_points(data
                           , 'target1'
                           , 'ape'
                           , col_facet = 'title'
                           , y_title = 'APE of Predictions'
                           , x_title = 'Target Variable'
                           , ncol = 2
                           , size = 2) +
    coord_cartesian( ylim = c(500,0) )

  p = plotly::ggplotly(p,  height = nrows * 200)
  taglist[[4]] =  f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'APE Scatterplot')

  p = ggplot( data, aes(bins, ape)) +
    geom_boxplot( aes(fill=title) ) +
    facet_wrap(~title, ncol = 2 )+
    theme( axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)
           , legend.position = 'none') +
    scale_fill_manual(values = f_plot_col_vector74()) +
    labs(y = 'APE of Predictions', x = 'Target Variable') +
    coord_cartesian( ylim = c(200,0) )

  p = plotly::ggplotly(p,  height = nrows * 200, tooltip = c('x','y') )
  taglist[[5]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'APE Boxplot')

  # Bins-------------------------------------------------------------------------

  data_sum1 = data %>%
    group_by( title, bins )  %>%
    rename( MAPE = ape, MAE = resid_abs, MSE = resid_squ) %>%
    gather( key = 'measure', value = 'value', MAE, MAPE, MSE) %>%
    group_by( title, bins, measure) %>%
    summarize( me = mean(value)
               , ci95 = qnorm(0.95, mean = mean(value), sd = sd(value) )
               , sem = sd(value) / sqrt( n() )
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate( seq = as.integer(bins) )

  p = ggplot(data_sum1, aes( x = seq, y = me, color = title) ) +
    geom_pointrange( aes( ymin = me - sem, ymax = me + sem)  ) +
    geom_line() +
    facet_wrap(~measure, scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
    scale_x_continuous( breaks = c(1:length( levels(data_sum1$bins) ) )
                        , labels = levels(data_sum1$bins) ) +
    # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)
    #       , legend.position = 'bottom') +
    labs( y = 'mean + SEM', x = 'Target Variable', color = '') +
    scale_color_manual(values = f_plot_col_vector74() )

  p = plotly::ggplotly( p, height = 600 )
  taglist[[6]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'Performance Measures Binning')

  # Summary Plots-------------------------------------------------------------------------

  data_sum2 = data %>%
    group_by( title )  %>%
    rename( MAPE = ape, MAE = resid_abs, MSE = resid_squ) %>%
    gather( key = 'measure', value = 'value', MAE, MAPE, MSE) %>%
    group_by( title, measure) %>%
    summarize( me = mean(value)
               , ci95 = qnorm(0.95, mean = mean(value), sd = sd(value) )
               , sem = sd(value) / sqrt( n() )

  p = ggplot(data_sum2, aes( x = title, y = me, color = title) ) +
    geom_pointrange( aes( ymin = me - sem, ymax = me + sem)  ) +
    facet_wrap(~measure, scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()
          , axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
          , legend.position = 'bottom') +
    labs( y = 'mean + SEM', x = '', color = '') +
    scale_color_manual(values = f_plot_col_vector74() )

  taglist[[7]] = f_html_padding(htmltools::h3('Performance Measures Summary'), pad_before = 3)

  p = plotly::ggplotly( p, height = 600 )
  taglist[[8]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'SEM')

  p = ggplot(data_sum2, aes( x = title, y = me, color = title) ) +
    geom_pointrange( aes( ymin = me - ci95, ymax = me + ci95)  ) +
    facet_wrap(~measure, scales = 'free', ncol = 1) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()
          , axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
          , legend.position = 'bottom') +
    labs( y = 'mean + CI95', x = '', color = '') +
    scale_color_manual(values = f_plot_col_vector74() )

  p = plotly::ggplotly(p, height = 600)
  taglist[[9]] = f_html_padding(p, pad_before = 3, title = 'CI95')

  # Summary Tables-------------------------------------------------------------------------

  taglist[[10]] = f_html_padding(htmltools::h2('Summary Tables'), pad_before = 3)

  t = f_datatable_universal(data_sum2, round_other_nums = 2)
  taglist[[11]] = f_html_padding(t, pad_before = 3, title = 'Performance Measures Summary')

  t = f_datatable_universal( data_sum1, round_other_nums = 2 )
  taglist[[12]] = f_html_padding(t, pad_before = 3, title = 'Performance Measures Binning')



#' @title adds predictions, residuals, abolute residuals, squared residuals and
#'   absolute percent error to a dataframe.
#' @description absolute percent error = (abs(resid/pred)*100 )
#' @param data_test dataframe containing data to be used as the basis for prediction.
#'   Can also be a modelR resample object
#' @param m regression model
#' @param col_target character vector naming target/response variable
#' @param cols_id character vector naming id columns, if specified non_id
#'   columns will be dropped from dataframe, in order to be more memory
#'   efficient.
#' @param formula Default NULL
#' @param data_train dataframe with trainig data, Default: 'NULL'
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to HDtweedie and glmnet predict functions
#' @return dataframe
#' @return dataframe
#' @examples
#' df = mtcars %>%
#' mutate(names = row.names(.))
#' m = rpart::rpart(disp~., df)
#' pred = f_predict_regression_add_predictions(df, m, 'disp', 'names')
#' pred
#' @details works with HDtweedie, randomForest, rpart, e1071::svm, glmnet, gamlss, caret
#' @rdname f_predict_regression_add_predictions
#' @export
#' @importFrom modelr add_predictions add_residuals
f_predict_regression_add_predictions = function(data_test
                                                , m
                                                , col_target = NULL
                                                , data_train = NULL
                                                , cols_id = NULL
                                                , formula = NULL
                                                , ...){

  data_test = as.tibble(data_test)
  data_train = as.tibble(data_train)

  if( inherits(m, what = 'HDtweedie') |
      inherits(m, what = 'glmnet') |
      inherits(m, what = 'cv.HDtweedie') |
      inherits(m, what = 'cv.glmnet')

    if( is.null(formula) ){
      stop('need formula to make predictions for glmnet/HDtweedie model')

    x = select( data_test, f_manip_get_variables_from_formula(formula) ) %>%

    if( inherits(m, what = 'HDtweedie') ){
        pred = HDtweedie::predict.HDtweedie( m, newx = x, ... )
    if( inherits(m, what = 'cv.HDtweedie') ){
      pred = HDtweedie:::predict.cv.HDtweedie( m, newx = x, ... )

    if( inherits(m, what = 'glmnet') ){
      pred = glmnet:::predict.glmnet( m, newx = x, type = 'response', ... )
    if( inherits(m, what = 'cv.glmnet') ){
      pred = glmnet:::predict.cv.glmnet( m, newx = x, type = 'response', ... )

    df = data_test %>%
      mutate( pred = pred )

  } else if (inherits(m, what = 'gamlss') ) {
    if( is_empty(data_train) ){
      stop('need training dataframe to make predictions for gamlss model')
      pred = gamlss:::predict.gamlss(m, data = data_train, newdata = data_test )
      df = data_test %>%
        mutate( pred = pred )

  }else if( inherits(m, what = 'train') ){

    pred = caret::predict.train(m, newdata = data_test )
    df = data_test %>%
      mutate( pred = pred )


  df = data_test %>%

  # add residuals if target column in test data or residuals added by modelr

  if( ! is.null(col_target) )  {
    df = df %>%
      mutate( resid = pred - !! as.name(col_target)
              , target = !!as.name(col_target) ) %>%
      select( one_of( c( cols_id, 'target', 'pred', 'resid') ) ) %>%
      mutate( resid_abs   = abs(resid)
                , resid_squ = resid^2
                , ape       = abs(resid/pred) * 100
                , ape       = ifelse( is.na(ape), 0, ape )



#' @title Plot distribution of model predictions vs observed
#' @description takes a dataframe with predictions and a title column and
#'   returns a list with one violin and one histogram plot to compare
#'   distributions.
#' @param data dataframE
#' @param col_title character vector denoting title column, Default: 'title'
#' @param col_pred character vector denoting column with predictions, Default:
#'   'preds'
#' @param col_obs character vecor denoting column with observed values, Default:
#'   'target1'
#' @param bins number of bins used for histograms, Default: 60
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the facet_wrap function of the
#'   histogramss
#' @return list with two plots
#' @examples
#'   form = as.formula( 'displacement~cylinders+mpg')
#'   df = ISLR::Auto %>%
#'     pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
#'     pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
#'     pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
#'     pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
#'     pipelearner::learn() %>%
#'     f_predict_pl_regression( 'name' ) %>%
#'     unnest(preds)
#'   f_predict_plot_regression_distribution(df
#'                                          , col_title = 'model'
#'                                          , col_pred = 'pred'
#'                                          , col_obs = 'target1')
#' @seealso \code{\link[rlang]{UQ}} \code{\link[RColorBrewer]{brewer.pal}}
#' @rdname f_predict_plot_regression_distribution
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang UQ
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
f_predict_plot_regression_distribution = function( data
                                                  , col_title = 'title'
                                                  , col_pred = 'pred'
                                                  , col_obs = 'target1'
                                                  , bins = 60
                                                  , ... ){

  if( ! all( c( col_title, col_pred, col_obs) %in% names(data) ) ){
    stop('col_title, col_pred or col_obs not found')

  dist_pred = data %>%
    select( one_of( col_title, col_pred ) )

  titles = unique( dist_pred[[col_title]] )

  dist_obs = data %>%
    filter( rlang::UQ( as.name(col_title) ) == "randomForest" ) %>%
    select( one_of( col_title, col_obs ) ) %>%
    mutate( !! as.name(col_pred) := !! as.name(col_obs)
            , !! as.name(col_title) := 'observed' ) %>%
    select( one_of( col_title, col_pred ) )


    dist = dist_pred %>%
      bind_rows( dist_obs ) %>%
      mutate( !! as.name(col_title) := as.factor( !! as.name(col_title) ) )


  col_vec =  f_plot_adjust_col_vector_length( n = length(titles) + 1
                                             ,  c( RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8,name = 'Dark2')
                                                , f_plot_col_vector74() ) )

  p_box = ggplot( dist, aes_string( col_title, col_pred, fill = col_title ) ) +
    geom_violin() +
    geom_boxplot( alpha = 0.4, fill = 'white', size = 1 )   +
    coord_flip() +
    theme( legend.position = 'none') +
    scale_fill_manual( values = col_vec ) +
    labs( y = '', x = '')

  p_hist = ggplot( dist, aes_string( col_pred, fill = col_title ) ) +
    geom_histogram( bins = bins ) +
    facet_wrap( as.formula( paste( '~', col_title) ) , scales = 'free', ...)  +
    scale_fill_manual( values = col_vec ) +
    scale_color_manual( values = col_vec ) +
    theme( legend.position = 'none') +
    labs( x = '' ) +
    geom_rug( aes_string(color = col_title ) )

  return( list(p_box = p_box, p_hist = p_hist) )


#' @title plot residuals of different models as aaluvials
#' @description Residuals will be  binned using boxplotstats with the
#'   modification, that the median will be set to zero. If quantile boundaries
#'   do not fall into sensible ranges they will be replaced by the standard
#'   error (SE). For example if we have the following boxplotstats -2, 1, 3, 5,
#'   8 with an SE of 0.5 we will modify the boundaries as following. -2, -0.5,
#'   0, 3, 5 . The reason is that we want to be able to follow observations with
#'   positive or negative residuals through the alluvial plot in order to judge
#'   emerging patterns. The models will be sorted by MSE and the alluvial plot
#'   will be flipped with the model with the lowest MSE on top.
#' @param data dataframe
#' @param col_id character vecotr dentoing id column
#' @param col_title character vector denoting model title column, Default:
#'   'title'
#' @param col_pred character vector denoting prediciont column, Default: 'pred'
#' @param col_obs character vector denoting column with observed values,
#'   Default: 'target1'
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to f_plot_alluvial_1v1
#' @return plot
#' @examples
#'   form = as.formula( 'displacement~cylinders+mpg')
#' df = ISLR::Auto %>%
#'   mutate( name = paste( name, row_number() ) ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
#'   pipelearner::learn() %>%
#'   f_predict_pl_regression( 'name' ) %>%
#'   unnest(preds)
#' f_predict_plot_regression_alluvials(df
#'                                     , col_id = 'name'
#'                                     , col_title = 'model'
#'                                     , col_pred = 'pred'
#'                                     , col_obs = 'target1')
#' @seealso \code{\link[RColorBrewer]{brewer.pal}}
#' @rdname f_predict_plot_regression_alluvials
#' @export
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
f_predict_plot_regression_alluvials = function( data
                                                , col_id
                                                , col_title = 'title'
                                                , col_pred = 'pred'
                                                , col_obs = 'target1'
                                                , ... ){

  data$resid = data[[ col_pred ]] - data[[ col_obs ]]

  order_models = data %>%
    group_by( !! as.name( col_title) ) %>%
    summarise( rMSE = mean(resid^2) )  %>%
    arrange( desc(rMSE) ) %>%
    .[[ col_title ]]

  SEM = sd( data$resid )/ sqrt( nrow(data) )

  avg = mean(data$resid)

  med = median(data$resid)

  stats = boxplot.stats(data$resid)$stats

  #set median to zero

  stats[3] = 0

  #adjust other stat boundaries to new median

  if( stats[2] >= 0 ) stats[2] = 0 - SEM
  if( stats[1] >= stats[2] ) stats[1] = stats[2] - SEM

  if( stats[4] <= 0 ) stats[4] = 0 + SEM
  if( stats[5] <= stats[4] ) stats[5] = stats[4] + SEM

  min_val = ifelse( stats[[1]] <= min(data$resid) - 1, stats[[1]], min(data$resid) - 1 )
  max_val = ifelse( stats[[5]] >= max(data$resid) + 1, stats[[5]], max(data$resid) + 1 )

  breaks = c( min_val, stats, max_val )
  breaks = unique( breaks )

  data$bin = cut( data$resid, breaks = breaks )

  # cut will always return 6 levels even if some of them are empty

  level_names = c('<<<', '<<', '< 0', '> 0', '>>', '>>>')

  levels(data$bin) = level_names

  #check annotation if outlier levels are missing

  col_vec =  RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 6,name = 'Dark2')


    p = f_plot_alluvial_1v1( data
                         , col_x = col_title
                         , col_y = 'bin'
                         , col_id = col_id
                         , col_vector_flow = col_vec
                         , fill_by = 'last_variable'
                         , order_levels_x = order_models
                         , ...  )  +
      theme( axis.text.x = element_text( angle = 0) ) +



#' @title calculate raw prediction intervalls
#' @description uses an empirical approach to calculate prediction intervalls
#'   for each predicted vs. observed value pair. The calculated raw prediction
#'   intervalls represent a quite flexible fit which can be used to build a less
#'   felxible model of the intervalls.
#' @param df a dataframe containing predictions and obsvervation pairs
#' @param pred_col character vector denoting column with predictions
#' @param obs_col character vector denoting column with observed values
#' @param intervall double, denoting intervall decision boundary Default: 0.95
#' @param n_neighbours integer, denoting the number of neighbouring values to be
#'   considered for the intervall calculation, Default: 500
#' @param rm_outliers logical, remove outlier based on boxstats definition,
#'   Default: T
#' @param bootstrap logical, if TRUE intervall decision boundary will be
#'   calculated by bootstrapping the population of neighbouring values, if FALSE
#'   a normal distribution will be assumed and decision boundary will be
#'   calculated based on the mean, Default: F
#' @param steps logical, if TRUE predictions will be binned instead of
#'   considering the neighbouhood of each point, Default: T
#' @param verbose logical
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' m = lm(price ~ carat + depth, ggplot2::diamonds)
#' df = tibble( obs = ggplot2::diamonds$price
#'            , pred = predict(m, newdata = ggplot2::diamonds) ) %>%
#'    f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.975) %>%
#'    f_prediction_intervall_raw( 'pred','obs', intervall = 0.025)
#' df
#' ggplot2::ggplot(df) +
#'   geom_point( aes( x = pred, y = obs), data = dplyr::sample_n(df, 500)
#'               , alpha = 0.5 ) +
#'   geom_line( aes(x = pred, y = pred_PI2.5_raw ), size = 1, color = 'darkgreen' ) +
#'   geom_line( aes(x = pred, y = pred_PI97.5_raw ), size = 1, color = 'darkgreen'  ) +
#'   geom_line( aes(x = pred, y = pred_mean_raw ), size = 1, color = 'tomato'  )
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[plyr]{arrange}}
#' @rdname f_prediction_intervall
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @importFrom Hmisc cut2
#' @importFrom boot boot
f_prediction_intervall_raw = function( df, pred_col, obs_col, intervall = 0.95, n_neighbours = 500,
                                   rm_outliers = T, bootstrap = F, steps = T, verbose = T ){

  # this function uses an experimental approach to calculate prediction intervalls by mapping
  # predicted and observed values.

  # IF steps = T the predicted values are devided into evenly sized segments, the segment size
  # is given by n_neigbours

  # IF steps = F the neighbourhood for each point is calculated, neigbourhood size is given by
  # n_neigbours

  # If bootstrap = F it is assumed that observed values are normally distributed around the
  # predicted values. By determining mean and SD the Densityfunction is used to determine the
  # upper boundaries of the intervall

  # IF bootstrap = T, the bootstrap method is used to determine prediction intervalls

  # The bootstrap method is very computationally demanding and only really works efficiently
  # if segments are used. It is however non parametric and therefore more acurate. The assupmtion of
  # a normal distribuion is not true for the extremity of the curves and results in values below zero

  df = df %>%
    dplyr::arrange( !! as.name(pred_col) )

  def_get_intervall_boundaries = function( intervall ){

    intervall_lwr = (1-intervall) /2
    intervall_upr = 1 - (1-intervall) /2

    return(c( intervall_lwr, intervall_upr) )

  def_bootstrap = function(x, ix, intervall){

    boot_sample = x[ix]

    pi = quantile(boot_sample, probs = intervall)

    pi = c(pi, mean = mean(boot_sample) )

    return( pi )


  if (steps == T){

    df$steps = Hmisc::cut2(df[[pred_col]], m = n_neighbours)

    iterate = 1: length( levels(df$steps) )

    iterate = 1:nrow(df)

  for (i in iterate) {

    if (steps == T){

      sample = df[df$steps == levels(df$steps)[i], ][[obs_col]]



      if (i < n_neighbours/2 ){
        low = 1
        up = n_neighbours

      } else if ( i > (nrow(df)-n_neighbours/2) ) {
        low = nrow(df) - n_neighbours
        up = nrow(df)

      }else {
        low = i - n_neighbours/2
        up = i + n_neighbours/2

      pred = df[i, pred_col]

      sample = df[low:up,][[obs_col]]

    #bootstrap variant under development ----------------------------------------------------

    # the bootstrap variant does not assume any distribution it simulates a great number
    # of populations and simply returns the mean of the intervalls of all those populations
    # the disadvantage is that it is much slower than the normal distributian variant

    # no advantage could be gained so far using the parallel processing option of the boot()
    # function. apparently the calculations done in the statistic function are too short to
    # gain an advantage. The Performance cost of coordinating the calculations nullify the
    # performance gain. One would have to use the parallel package directly and devide the
    # calculations into larger chunks

    if(bootstrap == T){

      # all tested variants of parallel processing drastically slow down the bootstrap process
      # including a nested version aiming to devide the bootstrap samples to 4 different process
      # each performing 250 bootstrap sample draws
      # parallel processing on windows has to use the snow option, multicore is only supported by linux

      returns = boot::boot(data = sample, statistic = def_bootstrap
                     , R = 1000 #, parallel = 'snow', ncpus = 4
                     , intervall = intervall

      pi = colMeans( returns$t )
      names(pi) = c(intervall, 'mean')

    # if(bootstrap == T){
    #   run1 = function(...) {
    #   boot(data = sample, statistic = def_bootstrap_out
    #                  , R = 500
    #                  , intervall_lwr = intervall_lwr
    #                  , intervall_upr = intervall_upr)
    #   }
    #   ncpus = detectCores()
    #   returns = do.call( c, mclapply(seq_len(ncpus), run1))
    #   pi_lwr = mean( returns$t[,1] )
    #   pi_upr = mean( returns$t[,2] )
    # }

    #normal distribution variant----------------------------------------------------

    # none bootstrap variant assumes normal distribution of observed values sampled
    # from neighbouring values around the predicted value and calculates intervall using
    # the normal distirbution density function


      if (rm_outliers == T){
        boxstat = boxplot.stats(sample)
        sample = sample[ !sample %in% boxstat$out ]

      me = mean( sample )
      s  = sd( sample )

      pi = qnorm(intervall, mean = me, sd = s)
      names(pi) = intervall

      pi = c(pi, mean = me )

    if( steps == T ){

      for (ix in 1:length(pi) ){

        col_name = paste0('pred_PI', as.numeric( names(pi[ix]) ) *100, '_raw' )

        df[ df$steps == levels(df$steps)[i], col_name ] = pi[ix]

      if( verbose ){
        print( paste (pred_col ,' ',(i/ length(levels(df$steps)) *100), '%') )



      for (ix in 1:length(pi) ){

        col_name = paste0('pred_PI', as.numeric( names(pi[ix]) ) *100, '_raw' )

        df[ i , col_name ] = pi[ix]
      if( verbose ){
        print( paste (pred_col ,' ',(i/nrow(df)*100), '%') )



  if( ! 'pred_mean_raw' %in% names(df) ){
    df = dplyr::rename( df, pred_mean_raw = pred_PINA_raw)
    df = dplyr::select( df, - pred_PINA_raw )

  return( df )
erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.