
context('Plot functions')

test_that('plot histogram'

  data_ls = f_clean_data(mtcars)

  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, add = 'median')
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, add = 'none')
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls)
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, y_axis = 'density')
  f_plot_hist('cyl', data_ls , group = 'gear' )
  f_plot_hist('cyl', data_ls , group = 'gear', y_axis = 'density' )
  f_plot_hist('cyl', data_ls, y_axis = 'density' )
  f_plot_hist('cyl', data_ls, y_axis = 'count' )
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, graph_type = 'line', group = 'cyl')
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, graph_type = 'bar', group = 'cyl')
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, graph_type = 'violin', group = 'cyl'
              , caption ='caption', title = 'title', subtitle = 'subtitle')

  # test very low number of observations
  data = mtcars[1:5,] %>%
    mutate( cyl = as.factor(cyl) )
  data_ls = f_clean_data_no_changes(data)
  f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, graph_type = 'violin', group = 'cyl'
              , caption ='caption', title = 'title', subtitle = 'subtitle')

  # test range feature
              , data_ls
              , auto_range = F
              , x_min = 0
              , x_max = 200
              , y_max = 5

  # test n_breaks


    f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, n_breaks = 100)
    f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, n_breaks = 10)

    f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, n_breaks = 100, group = 'cyl', graph_type = 'bar')
    f_plot_hist('disp', data_ls, n_breaks = 10, group = 'cyl', graph_type = 'bar')



test_that('plot time'

  data       = dplyr::sample_n( nycflights13::flights, 1000 )
  data$is_ua = ifelse( data$carrier == 'UA', 'UA', 'other')
  data$date  = data$year * 10000 + data$month * 100 + data$day
  data$date  = lubridate::as_date( data$date )
  data_ls    = f_clean_data( data, replace_neg_values_with_zero = F)

  expect_is( f_plot_time( 'arr_delay'
                          , 'month'
                          , data_ls
                          , group = 'is_ua'
                          , time_unit = 'month'
                          , time_variable_as_factor = T
                          ), 'ggplot' )

  expect_is( f_plot_time( 'arr_delay'
                          , 'month'
                          , data_ls
                          , time_unit = 'month'
                          , time_variable_as_factor = F
                          ), 'ggplot' )


test_that('color scale'

  expect_true( length( f_plot_col_vector74() ) == 74 )
  expect_true( length( f_plot_adjust_col_vector_length(100) ) == 100 )
  expect_true( length( f_plot_adjust_col_vector_length(20) ) == 20 )


test_that( 'f_plot_color_code_variables',{

  data_ls = f_clean_data(mtcars)

  col1 = f_plot_color_code_variables( data_ls )
  col2 = f_plot_color_code_variables( data_ls )

  expect_identical(col1, col2)



  file_name_template = 'taglist_2_html_template.Rmd'

  path_template = file.path( system.file(package = 'oetteR')
                             , 'templates'
                             , file_name_template)

  # if package is not installes only loaded all files from ./inst
  # will not yet have been moved to the parent installation directory
  if( ! file.exists(path_template) ){
    path_template = file.path( system.file(package = 'oetteR')
                               , 'inst'
                               , 'templates'
                               , file_name_template)

  # print(getwd())
  # print(path_template)

  expect_true( file.exists( path_template ) )

  # htmltools::taglist ----------------------------------------------
  #returns a htmltools::taglist with DT::datatables and plotly plots
  taglist = f_clean_data(mtcars) %>%
    f_boxcox() %>%
    f_pca() %>%

                    , type = "taglist"
                    , output_file =  'test_me'
                    , title = 'Plots'
                    , quiet = TRUE)


  # list( tabplot::tableplot ) ---------------------------------------

  form = as.formula('disp~cyl+mpg+hp')


    pipelearner::pipelearner(mtcars) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn() %>%
      dplyr::mutate( imp = map2(fit, train, f_model_importance)
              , tabplot = pmap( list( data = train
                                     , ranked_variables = imp
                                     , response_var = target
                                     , title = model
                             , f_model_importance_plot_tableplot
                             , limit = 5
      )  %>%
      .$tabplot %>%
      f_plot_obj_2_html( type = "tabplots"
                         , output_file =  'test_me'
                         , title = 'Plots'
                         , quiet = TRUE)



  data_ls = f_clean_data(mtcars)
  form = as.formula('disp~cyl+mpg+hp')
  variable_color_code = f_plot_color_code_variables(data_ls)


    pipelearner::pipelearner(data_ls$data) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn() %>%
      dplyr::mutate( imp = map2(fit, train, f_model_importance)
              , tabplot = pmap( list( m = fit
                                      , ranked_variables = imp
                                      , title = model
                                , f_model_plot_variable_dependency_regression
                                , formula = form
                                , data_ls = data_ls
                                , variable_color_code = variable_color_code
      )  %>%
      .$tabplot %>%
      f_plot_obj_2_html( type = "plots"
                         , output_file =  'test_me'
                         , title = 'Plots'
                         , quiet = TRUE
                         , fig.width = 30
                         , fig.height = 21)




  data_ls = f_clean_data(mtcars)
  form = as.formula('disp~cyl+mpg+hp+am+gear+drat+wt+vs+carb')
  variable_color_code = f_plot_color_code_variables(data_ls)


    grids = pipelearner::pipelearner(data_ls$data) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn() %>%
      dplyr::mutate( imp = map2(fit, train, f_model_importance)
                     , range_var = map_chr(imp, function(x) head(x,1)$row_names )
                     , grid = pmap( list( m = fit
                                         , title = model
                                         , variables = imp
                                         , range_variable = range_var
                                         , data = test
                                 , f_model_plot_var_dep_over_spec_var_range
                                 , formula = form
                                 , data_ls = data_ls
                                 , variable_color_code = variable_color_code
                                 , log_y = F
                                 , limit = 12
      )  %>%


  f_plot_obj_2_html( grids
                     ,  type = "grids"
                     , output_file =  'test_me'
                     , title = 'Grids'
                     , quiet = TRUE
                     , height = 30 )



  form = as.formula( 'displacement~cylinders+mpg')


    df = ISLR::Auto %>%
      mutate( name = paste( name, row_number() ) ) %>%
      pipelearner::pipelearner() %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( rpart::rpart, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( randomForest::randomForest, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn_models( e1071::svm, form ) %>%
      pipelearner::learn() %>%
      f_predict_pl_regression( 'name' ) %>%
      unnest(preds) %>%
      mutate( bins = cut(target1, breaks = 3 , dig.lab = 4)
              , title = model )


  dist = f_predict_plot_regression_distribution(df
                                         , col_title = 'title'
                                         , col_pred = 'pred'
                                         , col_obs = 'target1')

  alluvial = f_predict_plot_regression_alluvials(df
                                      , col_id = 'name'
                                      , col_title = 'title'
                                      , col_pred = 'pred'
                                      , col_obs = 'target1')

  taglist = f_predict_plot_model_performance_regression(df)

  f_plot_obj_2_html( taglist
                     , type = 'model_performance'
                     , output_file = 'test_me'
                     , quiet = TRUE
                     , dist = dist
                     , alluvial = alluvial
                     , render_points_as_png = TRUE )

  f_plot_obj_2_html( taglist
                     , type = 'model_performance'
                     , output_file = 'test_me'
                     , quiet = TRUE
                     #, dist = dist
                     #, alluvial = alluvial
                     , render_points_as_png = FALSE )



test_that( 'plot_profit_lines'

  data = tibble( time     = c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
                , revenue = - time^2 + time * 12
                , cost    = revenue * 0.4 * -1

  print( f_plot_profit_lines( data, 'revenue', 'cost', 'time') )
  print( f_plot_profit_lines( data, 'revenue', 'cost', 'time', now = 5) )


test_that( 'pretty points'

    df = ggplot2::diamonds %>%
    col_x = 'carat'
    col_y = 'price'
    col_facet = 'cut'
    title = 'diamonds'

    f_plot_pretty_points(df, col_x, col_y, col_facet, title = title)

    df$carat = 1
    df$price = 2

    f_plot_pretty_points(df, col_x, col_y, col_facet, title = title)

    f_plot_pretty_points(df, col_x, col_y, col_facet = NULL, title = title)


test_that('test f_plot_colvector'

  plot_rgb = function(col){

    hex = tibble( hex = col ) %>%
      mutate( RGB = map(hex, col2rgb)
              , RGB = map(RGB, t)
              , RGB = map(RGB, as_tibble)
              ) %>%
      # arrange(hex) %>%
      mutate( hex = forcats::as_factor(hex) )

    col = hex %>%
      unnest( RGB ) %>%
      gather( key = 'RGB', value = 'value', - hex )

    ggplot( col, aes(hex, value, group = RGB, fill = hex) ) +
    geom_col( position = 'dodge', color = 'white') +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_fill_manual( values = levels( hex$hex) )

  plot_rgb_sum = function(col){

    col = unique(col)

    hex = tibble( hex = col ) %>%
      mutate( RGB = map(hex, col2rgb)
              , RGB = map(RGB, t)
              , RGB = map(RGB, as_tibble)
      ) %>%
      mutate( hex = forcats::as_factor(hex) )

    col = hex %>%
      unnest( RGB ) %>%
      gather( key = 'RGB', value = 'value', - hex ) %>%
      group_by( hex ) %>%
      summarise( sum = sum(value) ) %>%
      mutate( hex = forcats::fct_reorder(hex, sum))

    ggplot( col, aes(hex, sum, fill = hex) ) +
      geom_col(  color = 'white') +
      coord_flip() +
      scale_fill_manual( values = levels( col$hex) )

  p = plot_rgb( col = f_plot_col_vector74() )
  p = plot_rgb_sum( f_plot_col_vector74() )

  p = plot_rgb( f_plot_col_vector74( reds = F) )
  p = plot_rgb( f_plot_col_vector74( greys = F) )
  p = plot_rgb( f_plot_col_vector74( blues = F) )
  p = plot_rgb( f_plot_col_vector74( greens = F) )
  p = plot_rgb( f_plot_col_vector74( faint = F) )



  f_plot_generate_comparison_pairs( mtcars, 'disp', 'cyl' )

  f_plot_generate_comparison_pairs( mtcars[1:3,], 'disp', 'cyl' )

erblast/oetteR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:11 p.m.