
#' Get best lag for two vectors based on cross-correlation
#' A small piece (b2) is matched to a much larger piece (b1). The lag gives the index location of the best match of b2 in b1.
#' This function is essentially just a wrapper for \code{my_ccf}, but adds a plot of the result for convenience.
#' @param b1 vector of striation marks (assuming equidistance between values)
#' @param b2 (smaller) vector of striation marks
#' @param negperc amount of lead that b2 can have compared to b1
#' @return list of lag and correlation achieved. The plot shows b2 on b1
get_lag <- function(b1, b2, negperc=10) {
  # dplccf <- function(x, y, lag.max = 50, neglag) {
  #   x <- as.vector(unlist(x))
  #   y <- as.vector(unlist(y))
  #   # assume x is the long vector, y is the short vector:
  #   nx <- length(x)
  #   ny <- length(y)
  #   stopifnot(nx >= ny) # we need a better error message here
  #   y <- c(y, rep(NA, nx-ny + neglag))
  #   x <- c(rep(NA, neglag), x)
  #   cors <- sapply(1:(lag.max+neglag), function(lag) {
  #     cor(x, lag(y,lag), use="pairwise.complete")
  #   })
  #   list(lag = which.max(cors)-neglag, ccf = max(cors), plot=plot(cors))
  # }

  neglag = negperc/100 * length(b2)
#  lag <- dplccf(b1, b2, lag.max = length(b1)-length(b2), neglag=neglag)
  cors <- my_ccf(b1, b2, min.overlap=length(b2)-neglag)
  lag <- list(lag = cors$lag[which.max(cors$ccf)], ccf = max(cors$ccf, na.rm=TRUE))
#  browser()
  df1 <- data.frame(x = seq(-neglag+1, length(b1), by = 1), y = c(rep(NA, neglag), b1))
  df2 <- data.frame(x = 1:length(b2) + lag$lag-1, by = 1, y = b2)
#df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:(length(b1)+neglag), y = c(rep(NA, neglag), b1))
#  df2 <- data.frame(x = 1:length(b2) + lag$lag-1+neglag, y = b2)
  plot <- df1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    geom_point(size = .5, colour = "steelblue") +
    geom_point(data = df2, size=.5, colour="orange", alpha=0.5)

  list(lag = lag$lag, 
       cor = lag$ccf,
       corplot = lag$plot,
       plot = plot)

#' Get R Statistic for Chumbley matching
#' See Chumbley et al (2010).
#' A small piece (b2) is matched to a much larger piece (b1). The lag gives the index location of the best match of b2 in b1.
#' @param b1 dataframe
#' @param b2 dataframe
#' @param window width of the window (in indices) to consider for matching
#' @return list of lag and correlation achieved. The plot shows b2 on b1.
#' @param b1.left left index of the matching window
get_lag_max_R <- function(b1, b2, window, b1.left) {
  dplccf <- function(x, y, lag.max = 50) {
    x <- as.vector(unlist(x))
    y <- as.vector(unlist(y))
    # assume x is the long vector, y is the short vector:
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)
    stopifnot(nx >= ny) # we need a better error message here
    y <- c(y, rep(NA, nx-ny))
    cors <- sapply(1:lag.max, function(lag) {
      cor(x, lag(y,lag), use="pairwise.complete")
    list(lag = which.max(cors), ccf = max(cors))
  # find the window of measurements around the b1.center
  left.idx <- b1.left #which.min(abs(b1$y-b1.left))
  b1.resid <- b1$resid[seq(left.idx, min(nrow(b1), left.idx+window))]
  lag <- dplccf(b2$resid, b1.resid, lag.max = nrow(b2)-window)
  data <- data.frame(x=1:length(b1.resid), 
  b1$idx <- 1:nrow(b1)
  b2$idx <- 1:nrow(b2)
  plot <- b1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = idx, y = resid)) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=left.idx, colour="grey50") +
    geom_point(size=.5, colour="steelblue") +
    geom_point(aes(x = idx-lag$lag+left.idx), data=b2 %>% filter(between(idx, left.idx, left.idx+window)), 
               size=.5, colour="orange", alpha=0.5)
  #  plot <- b2 %>% ggplot(aes(y=resid)) + 
  #    geom_vline(xintercept=left.idx, colour="grey50") +
  #    geom_point(aes(x=1:nrow(b2)), size=.5, colour="steelblue") +
  #    geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), data=data.frame(x = 1:length(b1.resid)+lag$lag, y=b1.resid), size=.5, colour="orange") 
  list(lag = lag$lag-left.idx, 
       cor = lag$ccf,
       plot = plot)

#' Get correlation between two signatures
#' @param b1 dataframe
#' @param b2 dataframe
#' @param window width of the window (in indices) to consider for matching
#' @param b1.left left index location of the matching window
#' @param lag integer lag for the second window
#' @export
get_cor <- function(b1, b2, window, b1.left, lag) {
  # find the window of measurements around the b1.center
  left.idx <- b1.left #which.min(abs(b1$y-b1.left))
  indices <- seq(left.idx, min(nrow(b1), left.idx+window))
  idx <- which((indices + lag > 0) & (indices + lag <= nrow(b1)))
  if (length(idx) == 0) return(NA)
  indices <- indices[idx]
  b1.resid <- b1$resid[indices]
  b2.resid <- b2$resid[indices+lag]

  b1$window <- FALSE
  b1$window[indices] <- TRUE
  b1 %>% ggplot(aes( x = y,  y = resid)) + 
    geom_point(aes( colour=window), size = .5) + scale_colour_manual(values=c("steelblue", "orange")) + 
    geom_point(size = .5, data =b2, colour="black")  + 
               data=data.frame(x=b2$y[indices+lag], y = b2.resid), 
  data = data.frame(x = indices,
                    y1 = b1.resid,
                    y2 = b2.resid)
  plot <- data %>% ggplot(aes(x=indices)) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept=left.idx, colour="grey50") +
    geom_point(aes(y=y1), size=.5, colour="steelblue") +
    geom_point(aes(y=y2), size=.5, colour="orange") 
  cor(b1.resid, b2.resid, use="pairwise.complete")  

#' Chumbley test score
#' @param b1 dataframe
#' @param b2 dataframe
#' @param window width of the window (in indices) to consider for matching
#' @param reps number of replicates to use in the evaluation
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(br411)
#' b1 <- get_crosscut(x = 250, bullet=br411)
#' b2 <- get_crosscut(x = 150, bullet = br411)
#' b3 <- get_crosscut(x = 10, bullet=br411)
#' b1.gr <- b1 %>% get_grooves(smoothfactor=30)
#' b2.gr <- b2 %>% get_grooves()
#' b3.gr <- b3 %>% get_grooves()
#' # check that the grooves are actually found:
#' b1.gr$plot
#' b2.gr$plot
#' # get signatures
#' b1 <- fit_loess(b1, b1.gr)$data
#' b2 <- fit_loess(b2, b2.gr)$data
#' b3 <- fit_loess(b3, b3.gr)$data
#' # matched correlations
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 800, lag = match$lag)
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 1000, lag = match$lag)
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 1200, lag = match$lag)
#' # random correlations
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 800, lag = 100)
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 1000, lag = -300)
#' get_cor(b1, b2, window = 100, b1.left = 1200, lag = -500)
#' chumbley(b1, b2, window=150, reps=5)
#' match13 <- get_lag_max_R(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 450)
#' # matched correlations
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 800, lag = match13$lag)
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 1000, lag = match13$lag)
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 1200, lag = match13$lag)
#' # random correlations
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 800, lag = 100)
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 1000, lag = 300)
#' get_cor(b1, b3, window = 100, b1.left = 1200, lag = 500)
#' chumbley(b1, b3, window=100, reps=5)
chumbley <- function(b1, b2, window, reps = 3) {
  # get reps+1 many non-overlapping intervals of length window in the first scan
  nx <-  nrow(b1)
  if (nx/window < reps+1) stop("Can't find enough non-overlapping intervals. Reduce window size or number of repetitions.")
  parts <- round(seq.int(from = 1, to=nx, length.out=reps+2))
  parts_diff <- diff(parts)
  parts <- parts[-(reps+2)]
  lefts <- parts+sapply(parts_diff, function(x) sample(1:(x-window), 1))
  # identify one of the intervals as the special one
  align_by <- sample(reps+1, 1)
  # find the best match
  match <- get_lag_max_R(b1, b2, window = window, b1.left = lefts[align_by])

  # matched correlations
  cor_matched <- sapply(lefts[-align_by], function(left) 
    get_cor(b1, b2, window = window, b1.left = left, lag = match$lag))
  addons <- lapply(lefts[-align_by], function(left) {
    xs <-  1:window + left 
    geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), 
               data=data.frame(x = xs-match$lag, 
                               y=b2$resid[xs]), colour = "red", size = .2)
  match$plot <- match$plot + addons
  # random correlations
  random_lags <- sample(1:(nx-window), size=reps, replace=FALSE) - lefts[align_by]
  indices <- lefts[align_by] -1 + 1:window
  cor_random <- sapply(random_lags, function(lag) 
    cor(b1$resid[indices], b2$resid[indices+lag], use="pairwise.complete"))  
  #  get_cor(b1, b2, window = window, b1.left = lefts[align_by], lag = lag))
  list(alignment = list(window = c(lefts[align_by], lefts[align_by]+ window), lag=match$lag, cor=match$cor, plot=match$plot),
       test=wilcox.test(cor_matched, cor_random, alternative="greater"), cor_matched, cor_random)

#' Compute a Chumbley test score
#' @param b1 vector of equi-distant toolmark values
#' @param b2 vector of equi-distant toolmark values
#' @param window width of the window (in indices) to consider for matching
#' @param reps number of replicates to use in the evaluation
#' @export
#' @references
#' Chumbley, L. S., Morris, M. D., Kreiser, M. J., Fisher, C., Craft, J., Genalo, L. J., Davis, S., Faden, D. and Kidd, J. (2010), Validation of Tool Mark Comparisons Obtained Using a Quantitative, Comparative, Statistical Algorithm. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 55: 953–961. \url{doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01424.x}
#' @examples 
#' data(br411)
#' b1 <- get_crosscut(x = 250, bullet=br411)
#' b2 <- get_crosscut(x = 150, bullet = br411)
#' b3 <- get_crosscut(x = 10, bullet=br411)
#' b1.gr <- b1 %>% get_grooves(smoothfactor=30)
#' b2.gr <- b2 %>% get_grooves()
#' b3.gr <- b3 %>% get_grooves()
#' # check that the grooves are actually found:
#' b1.gr$plot
#' b2.gr$plot
#' # get signatures
#' b1 <- fit_loess(b1, b1.gr)$data
#' b2 <- fit_loess(b2, b2.gr)$data
#' b3 <- fit_loess(b3, b3.gr)$data
#' get_chumbley(b1$resid, b2$resid, window=150, reps=5)
#' get_chumbley(b1$resid, b2$resid, window=150, reps=5)
#' get_chumbley(b1$resid, b2$resid, window=50, reps=12)
get_chumbley <- function(y1, y2, window, reps = 3) {
  # get reps+1 many non-overlapping intervals of length window in the first scan
  n1 <-  length(y1)
  if (n1/window < reps+1) stop("Can't find enough non-overlapping intervals. Reduce window size or number of repetitions.")
  parts <- round(seq.int(from = 1, to=n1, length.out=reps+2))
  parts_diff <- diff(parts)
  parts <- parts[-(reps+2)]
  lefts <- parts+sapply(parts_diff, function(x) sample(1:(x-window), 1))
  # identify one of the intervals as the special one
  align_by <- sample(reps+1, 1)
  # find the best match
  match_indices <- lefts[align_by] + 0:(window-1)
  match <- get_lag(y1, y2[match_indices], negperc=20)
  match$lag <- match$lag - lefts[align_by] 

  if (match$lag > 0) yy2 <- lag(y2, match$lag) else yy2 <- lead(y2, -match$lag)
  # matched correlations
  cor_matched <- sapply(lefts[-align_by], function(left) {
    indices <- left+0:(window-1)
    cor(y1[indices], yy2[indices], use="pairwise")
  addons <- lapply(lefts[-align_by], function(left) {
    indices <-  0:(window-1) + left 
    geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), 
               data=data.frame(x = indices, 
                               y=yy2[indices]), colour = "red", size = .2)
  match$plot <- match$plot + addons

  # random correlations
  random_lefts <- sample(1:(length(y2)-window), size=reps, replace=FALSE)
  indices <- 1:window 
  yy1 <- lead(y1, lefts[align_by])
  cor_random <- sapply(random_lefts, function(lag) {
    yy3 <- lead(y2, lag)
    cor(yy1[indices], yy3[indices], use="pairwise.complete")
  #  get_cor(b1, b2, window = window, b1.left = lefts[align_by], lag = lag))
  list(alignment = list(window = c(lefts[align_by], lefts[align_by]+ window), 
                        lag=match$lag, cor=match$cor, plot=match$plot),
       test=wilcox.test(cor_matched, cor_random, alternative="greater"), 
       matched_correlation = cor_matched, 
       random_correlation = cor_random)
erichare/bulletr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:26 a.m.