# a variety of functions that all deal with sampling from the big lists of
# quantities that were simulated by, for example, simulate_and_calc_Q
# these functions are where the actual Monte Carlo and Importance Sampling
# takes place.
# non-exported helper function to format printing of mixing proportions of relationships
# If R is just a single name it just prints that name. If it is a named vector of
# proportions, it prints them as they are
# @param R the relationship.
# @param colchars What characters should go between then relationships in the formatting
# @examples
# format_mixed_r(c(U=.9997, FS=.0001, PO=.00001, HS=.0002))
format_mixed_r <- function(R, colchars = ",") {
if (length(R) == 1) {
if (is.null(names(R))) stop("argument R must be a named vector if it has length > 1 in format_mixed_r")
paste(paste(names(R), R, sep = "="), collapse = colchars)
## This is the importance sampling workhorse function...
# Q is for Qvals, nu is the relationship in the numerator of lambda,
# de is the relationship in the denominator of lambda which always be
# U in the current context, tr is the true
# relationship, which will typically be taken to be "U" in these
# contexts, and pstar is the relationship of the importance sampling
# distribution, which in this context will almost always by nu.
# FNRs are the false negative rates you want to investigate.
# In some cases you might want to specify the Lambda_Star cutoffs
# instead of the FNRs. You can do that, too---just specify those
# lambda_star values as a vector and they will be added to the
# lambda_star values used by the FNRs.
imp_samp <- function(Q, nu, de, tr, pstar, FNRs, lambda_stars = NULL, Q_for_FNRs) {
# get the importance weights and the corresponding lambdas when
# the sample is from pstar
iw <- tibble(lambda = Q[[pstar]][[nu]] - Q[[pstar]][[de]],
impwt = exp(Q[[pstar]][[tr]] - Q[[pstar]][[pstar]])) %>%
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(lambda)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(FPR = cumsum(impwt))
# and now we gotta get the lambdas for the true correct relationship
trues <- Q_for_FNRs[[nu]][[nu]] - Q_for_FNRs[[nu]][[de]]
# get the lambda values those correspond to
cutoffs <- quantile(trues, probs = FNRs)
if (!is.null(lambda_stars)) { # here we need to add stuff on there
fnrs2 <- colMeans(outer(trues, lambda_stars, "<")) # this gets the false negative rates corresponding to the lambda_stars
# then add those values into FNRs and cutoffs
FNRs <- c(FNRs, fnrs2)
cutoffs <- c(cutoffs, lambda_stars)
# then get the FPRs for each of those
fpr <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) {
tmp <- iw$impwt
tmp[iw$lambda < x] <- 0.0
mean(tmp) # mean here is summing them up and then dividing by length
}) %>% unlist() %>% unname()
# also get the estimated standard error of the estimate
se <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) {
tmp <- iw$impwt
tmp[iw$lambda < x] <- 0.0 # set the weights less than lambda-star to zero
sd(tmp) / sqrt(length(tmp)) # this is the standard error of the mean
}) %>% unlist() %>% unname()
# and also get the number of non-zero importance weights
nnz <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) {
sum(iw$lambda >= x)
}) %>% unlist() %>% unname()
tibble(FNR = FNRs, FPR = fpr, se = se, num_nonzero_wts = nnz, Lambda_star = cutoffs) %>%
dplyr::arrange(FNR, Lambda_star)
# this is a quick function to compute the false positive rates using
# vanilla monte carlo. In this case, lambdas are computed as numerator
# over denominator, and the true sampling dsn is tr.
vanilla <- function(Q, nu, de, tr, FNRs, lambda_stars = NULL) {
true <- Q[[tr]][[nu]] - Q[[tr]][[de]] # this is the distribution of Logls under the true relationship
nume <- Q[[nu]][[nu]] - Q[[nu]][[de]] # this is the distribution of Logls under the relationship of the numerator
# get the lambda values those correspond to
cutoffs <- quantile(nume, probs = FNRs)
if (!is.null(lambda_stars)) { # here we need to add stuff on there
fnrs2 <- colMeans(outer(nume, lambda_stars, "<")) # this gets the false negative rates corresponding to the lambda_stars
# then add those values into FNRs and cutoffs
FNRs <- c(FNRs, fnrs2)
cutoffs <- c(cutoffs, lambda_stars)
# then get the FPRs corresponding to each of those
tmp <- lapply(cutoffs, function(x) {
mean(true > x)
}) %>%
unlist() %>%
tibble(FNR = FNRs, FPR = tmp, Lambda_star = cutoffs) %>%
#' sample Q values to get and analyze a sample of Lambdas with simple (non-mixture) hypotheses
#' Once you have gotten an object of class Qij from \code{\link{simulate_Qij}} you can pass that
#' to this function along with instructions on what quantities to compute.
#' This version assumes that the denominator of Lambda and the true relationship can be specified as a
#' a simple, single
#' relationship (typically, and by default, "U"), rather than a mixture of
#' possible relationships. Code for the latter has not yet been implemented.
#' The output is a long format data frame.
#' @param Q the Qij object that is the output of simulate_Qij.
#' @param nu the name of the relationship that is in the \strong{nu}merator
#' of the likelihood ratio (Lambda) whose distribution you wish to learn about.
#' It is a string, for example "FS", or "PO", or "U". The Q values for that
#' relationship must be included in parameter Q. If this is a vector, then
#' all different values are used in combination with all the values of
#' \code{de}, \code{tr}, and, possibly, \code{pstar}. Corresponds to column "numerator" in the output
#' @param de the relationship that appears in the \strong{de}nominator of Lambda.
#' By default it is "U". Corresponds to column "denominator" in the output. If it
#' is a vector, then all values are done iteratively in combination with other values as
#' described for \code{nu}.
#' @param tr the true relationship of the pairs. Default is "U". (i.e. you are going to
#' get samples of Lambda under their distribution when the true relationship is tr).
#' Operates over all values if a vector. Corresponds to column "true_relat" in the
#' output.
#' @param method the Monte Carlo method to use. Either "IS" for importance sampling,
#' "vanilla" for vanilla Monte Carlo---regular Monte Carlo without importance sampling---or
#' or "both". The method that was used for any row of the output is reported in the
#' column "mc_method".
#' @param pstar the relationship used for the importance sampling distribution.
#' If set as NA and importance sampling (method == "IS" or "both") is used, then
#' the value of \code{nu} is used as need be. If not NA, then this can be a vector
#' of relationships. Each value will be used in all combinations of pstar, nu, de, and tr.
#' This is reported in column "pstar" in the output. For the vanilla method this is
#' actually set to the be denominator for each lambda.
#' @param FNRs the false negative rates at which to evaluate the false positive rates.
#' These are reported in column "fnr" in the output. These should all be between
#' 0 and 1. By default fnr is c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001).
#' @param lambda_stars Additional values of lambda to consider as cutoffs. The corresponding
#' false negative rates will be computed for each of these and will be presented in the output.
#' @param Q_for_fnrs The Qij struct to use to compute the Lambda values corresponding to the
#' given FNRs. This is used primarily for the situation where you are importance sampling with
#' truth = Unrelated and doing physically linked markers.
#' @return A long format data frame. It will have a column of \code{tot_loci} that gives the total
#' number of loci.
#' @export
mc_sample_simple <- function(Q,
de = "U",
tr = "U",
method = c("IS", "vanilla", "both")[1],
pstar = NA,
FNRs = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01),
lambda_stars = NULL,
Q_for_fnrs = NULL
) {
#### here test that everything is OK and catch input errors ####
# stopifnot(length(nu) == 1, length(de) == 1, length(tr) == 1, length(pstar) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(nu) == TRUE,
is.character(de) == TRUE,
is.character(tr) == TRUE,
is.na(pstar) || is.character(pstar) == TRUE)
tr_lack <- setdiff(c(tr, pstar[!is.na(pstar)]), names(Q))
if (length(tr_lack) > 0) stop("Asking for relationships in tr or pstar that are not available in Q: ",
paste(tr_lack, collapse = ", "))
nu_lack <- setdiff(c(nu, de), unique(unlist(lapply(Q, names))))
if (length(nu_lack) > 0) stop("Asking for relationships in nu or de that are not available in Q: ",
paste(nu_lack, collapse = ", "))
stopifnot(all(FNRs > 0 & FNRs < 1) == TRUE)
stopifnot(length(method) == 1, method %in% c("IS", "vanilla", "both"))
if (attributes(Q)$simtype == "linked" && method %in% c("IS", "both")) {
stop("Error! Sorry, you cannot do importance sampling with Q coming from a simulation of linked variables.
Importance sampling for linked markers can be done when the true relationship is Unrelated by setting
Q to be unlinked while Q_for_fnrs is the corresponding linked version of the Qs.")
# deal with Q_for_FNRs
if (is.null(Q_for_fnrs)) {
Q_for_fnrs <- Q
SingleQ <- TRUE
} else {
SingleQ <- FALSE
#### cycle over different relationships and do the calculations ####
lapply(nu, function(nu_) {
lapply(de, function(de_) {
lapply(tr, function(tr_) {
is <- NULL # setting these to default NULL for easy row-binding later if they didn't get set
van <- NULL
if (method == "IS" || method == "both") {
if (is.na(pstar)) { # just taking care of defaulting pstar to nu_ if pstar is NA
pstar_tmp <- nu_
} else {
pstar_tmp <- pstar
is <- lapply(pstar_tmp, function(pstar_) {
tmp <- imp_samp(Q = Q, nu = nu_, de = de_, tr = tr_, pstar_, FNRs, lambda_stars, Q_for_fnrs)
tmp$pstar <- pstar_
}) %>%
is$mc_method = "IS"
if (method == "vanilla" || method == "both") {
van <- vanilla(Q = Q, nu = nu_, de = de_, tr = tr_, FNRs, lambda_stars)
van$pstar = NA
van$mc_method = "vanilla"
ret <- dplyr::bind_rows(is, van)
ret$numerator = nu_
ret$denominator = de_
ret$true_relat = tr_
}) %>%
}) %>%
}) %>%
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