# functions for simulating genotypes and calculating the Q_{ij}'s and the Lambdas
#' compute all-locus genotype pair probs for pairs simulated given specified relationships
#' Once the Y_l and Y_l_true matrices have been inserted into the list of locus computations, then
#' it is time to simulate multilocus genotype pairs under a variety of relationships,
#' and then compute the log probability of them assuming various relationships.
#' @param YL the list that holds the Y_l and Y_l_true matrices
#' @param reps number of pairs to simulate for each relationship in froms. This recycles
#' to be the same length as froms, but you can specify different numbers of reps for each
#' of the relationships.
#' @param froms a vector of names of the relationship IDs to simulate from. If this is NULL then
#' the function will just simulate from all the values that have had Y_l_true matrices computed for them
#' in the first component of YL. Genotype values get simulated from the Y_l_true values
#' @param tos a vector of names of the relationship IDs to calculate the genotype log probs of the simulated
#' genotypes from. Genotype log probs are calculated using the Y_l matrices. If this is NULL then
#' the function will just compute probs for all the relationships that have had Y_l matrices computed for them
#' in YL.
#' @param df A data frame of the original long markers.
#' @param pedigrees A list in the format of \code{\link{pedigrees}} that includes the pedigrees at least for
#' each relationship in \code{froms}. If this is non-null, then the simulation will be done of the markers
#' as physically linked using MENDEL. If it is NULL, then the pedigrees are ignored and the simulation
#' is done assuming that the markers are all unlinked.
#' @param miss_mask_mat A logical matrix with length(YL) columns and reps rows. The (r,c)-th is TRUE if
#' the c-th locus should be considered missing in the r-th simulated sample. This type of specification
#' lets the user simulate either a specific pattern of missingness, if desired, or to simulate patterns of
#' missing data given missing data rates, etc. (Need to make another function to do that.)
#' @param rando_miss_wts weights to be given to different loci that influence whether they
#' will be one of the rando_miss_n missing loci in any iteration. These will be recycled
#' (or truncated) to have length equal to the number of loci, and they will be normalized
#' to sum to one as appropriate (so you can provide
#' them in unnormalized form.) The idea of this is to be able to use observed rates of
#' missingness amongst loci to mask some loci as missing. Given as a comma-delimited
#' string in column "rando_miss_wts" in the output.
#' @param rando_miss_n a single number less than the number of loci. Each iteration,
#' rando_miss_n loci will be considered missing, according to the rando_miss_wts. This
#' let's you get a sense for how well you will do, on average, with a certain number of
#' missing loci.
#' @param forceLinkagePO Logical. If TRUE, the genotypes for the parent-offspring
#' relationship are simulated with linkage even though it doesn't make a difference
#' so long as the markers themselves are not in LD in the population. This is primarily
#' useful for testing.
#' @export
#' @return This returns a list with components that are the relationships that were simulated
#' from. Inside each of those components is a list with components referring to the relationships
#' that had genotype log probabilities calculated (the "tos"). The contents of each is a vector
#' of length reps which are the log probability of the multilocus genotypes of that each of reps
#' simulated pairs.
#' @examples
#' example(insert_Y_l_matrices, package = "CKMRsim")
#' mh_sacQ_example <- simulate_and_calc_Q(
#' mh_yl_example,
#' 10^4,
#' froms = c("U", "PO"),
#' tos = c("U", "PO")
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' # and we could plot the distribution of those if we wanted to
#' m <- mh_sacQ_example
#' D <- data.frame(U = m$U$PO - m$U$U, PO = m$PO$PO - m$PO$U)
#' DD <- tidyr::gather(D, Relat, logL)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(DD, aes(x = logL, fill = Relat)) + geom_density(alpha = 0.6)
#' }
simulate_and_calc_Q <- function(YL, reps = 10^4,
froms = NULL,
tos = NULL,
df = NULL,
pedigrees = NULL,
forceLinkagePO = FALSE,
miss_mask_mat = NULL,
rando_miss_wts = NULL,
rando_miss_n = 0
) {
if(is.null(froms)) {
froms <- names(YL[[1]]$Y_l_true)
if(is.null(tos)) {
tos <- names(YL[[1]]$Y_l)
if(!is.null(pedigrees)) {
misspeds <- base::setdiff(froms, names(pedigrees)) %>% # note: drop U and MZ because those get done via unlinked always anyway...
base::setdiff(c("U", "MZ"))
if(forceLinkagePO == FALSE) {
misspeds <- base::setdiff(misspeds, "PO") # Don't require PO in the pedigree list of we aren't forcing it to use Mendel for it
if(length(misspeds) > 0) stop("Error! Asking for linked simulation from = ",
paste(froms, collapse = ", "),",
but only providing pedigrees for ",
paste(names(pedigrees), collapse = ", ") )
if(is.null(miss_mask_mat)) { # if it is null, seed it with all FALSE
miss_mask_mat = matrix(FALSE, nrow = reps, ncol = length(YL))
} else { # otherwise, check it to make sure it is the right dimension, etc
if(nrow(miss_mask_mat) != reps || ncol(miss_mask_mat) != length(YL)) {
stop("miss_mask_mat should have reps rows and num_loci columns, but it has ", nrow(miss_mask_mat), " and ", ncol(miss_mask_mat))
if(rando_miss_n > 0) stop("rando_miss_n must be zero if rando_miss_mask is nonNULL.")
# deal with rando_miss stuff
stopifnot(length(rando_miss_n) == 1)
stopifnot(rando_miss_n < length(YL))
if(rando_miss_n > 0) { # if this is the case, we have to deal with rando_miss_wts
if(is.null(rando_miss_wts)) stop("If rando_miss_m > 0, you MUST supply a valid rando_miss_wts vector.")
miss_wts <- rep(rando_miss_wts, length.out = length(YL))
miss_wts <- miss_wts / sum(miss_wts)
# now, this makes a vector of indices to turn to true in miss_mask_mat
miss_idx <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(miss_mask_mat), function(x) {
(sample.int(length(miss_wts), size = rando_miss_n, prob = miss_wts) - 1) * nrow(miss_mask_mat) + x
miss_mask_mat[miss_idx] <- TRUE
# deal with recycling the reps as necessary
reps <- rep(reps, length.out = length(froms))
names(reps) <- froms
# name these so that if we lapply over them, we get the names in the result
names(froms) <- froms
names(tos) <- tos
# produce text for message that will tell us if the simulation is being done as linked or not.
if(!is.null(pedigrees)) {
linktext <- "linked"
} else {
linktext <- "unlinked"
# cycle over the relationships to simulate from
lapply(froms, function(r) {
# then simulate the indexes of the genotype pairs that are simulated at each locus
if(is.null(pedigrees) || r == "U" || r == "MZ" || (r == "PO" && forceLinkagePO == FALSE) ) {
message("Simulating ", linktext, " markers from Y_l_true matrices for relationship: ", r)
gp <- lapply(YL, function(y) { # this is cycling over loci
sample.int(n = length(y$Y_l_true[[r]]), size = reps[r], replace = TRUE, prob = y$Y_l_true[[r]])
} else {
message("Simulating ", linktext, " markers with MENDEL for relationship: ", r)
gp <- sample_linked_genotype_pairs(df = df, ped = pedigrees[[r]], C = YL, num = reps[r])
# now with those in hand we cycle over the tos relationships and compute the log probs
# for them and then cbind them and rowSum them...
lapply(tos, function(t) {
tmp_mat <- sapply(names(YL), function(y) {
log(YL[[y]]$Y_l[[t]])[gp[[y]]] # right about here is where I think I can add randomly missing loci, etc.
tmp_mat[miss_mask_mat] <- 0.0 # this is where we zero things out if the loci are simulated as missing
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